Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 55 Zhuge Shuang

Chapter 55 Zhuge Shuang

On the eighth day of the first month of November, Jinyang snowed heavily and collapsed several houses attached to Guo.Li Kan did not provide relief on the grounds that the government treasury was empty.

It was also on this day that the envoys of the imperial court arrived in Jinyang, and sent an edict to set up a camp in the northeast of Daibei, and re-assign the ownership and command of the Hedong armies.Among them, Tai Puqing Li Zhuo served as the envoy for the camp in the northeast of the north, and all the soldiers and horses were recruited for the envoy, which is commonly known as the capital.

In addition, the north camp has also been fine-tuned. Li Kan will leave the town and enter the court, and the Shiling town general Kang Chuangui will represent Hedong Jiedu, and the north camp will recruit envoys.

Ruzhou Defense Shi Zhuge Shuang led some left-behind sergeants in Dongdu to aid Hedong, and served as deputy envoys to the north, and divided Kang Chuangui's power.The commander of Zhaoyi, Gao Xun, led [-] of Shangdang's divisions to Jinyang, under the control of Zhuge Shuang.

A large number of Henan sergeants entered Hedong one after another. If you count the officers and soldiers from the towns of Henan who went south to the Jianghuai and returned to Gao Pian, the huge Central Plains troops were drawn to seven, seven or eight. Once Huang Chao broke in, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Li Kan's ending was good.In the process of waiting for death and courting death, the court helped him get rid of it, and it was a blessing to be an official in the court.

Shao Shude specially ran to see Li Kan today, but he didn't look very sentimental. There may be regrets, but luckily there should be.

If the situation is like this, if he doesn't leave again, Hedong Jiangmen dares to let Li Keyong kill him to the north gate of Jinyang, will he still have to take that step?Zhang and Guo led the army to the north, fearing that they had not yet reached Wucheng Station, and they encouraged the sergeants to kill them back.

"Li Shuai, it's a long time to come to Japan, and there is still a period of meeting in the future." Shao Shude personally helped Li Kan to mount the horse and walked for a while holding the reins.Li Kan's grudge towards Shao was nothing at this moment. He was a loser in Hedong, and Shao Shude was also a passer-by. After all, the two of them would not be able to possess this rich mountain and river.

"It's been more than half a year since I arrived in the town, and I entered the dynasty today. I don't want to be alone with Shude." Li Kan sighed, looked back at the majestic Jinyang Three Cities, and said in a low voice, "Shude still needs to fight in Hedong, Li Kan. If there is a certain word, Shude will listen to it if he wants to, and forget it if he doesn't want to."

"Li Shuai, please speak."

"Zhuge Shuang from Ruzhou arrives in Jinyang soon, Shude may wish to meet him. Kang Chuangui is greedy for money and cruel and bloodthirsty. When Li Mou leaves, he will definitely fight endlessly with Zhang Kai and Guo Fei. Shude ignores it and sees Zhuge. It's cool. He is recruiting deputy envoys, and he is suspicious of Kang Chuangui. It can be an expedient measure to rely on him." Li Kan said, "Xia Sui and Li Yuanli also need to take time to pay homage. If Shude wants to run Suizhou well, he can't get around it. He. The words stop here, Shude should think about it."

"What the elder taught, the most reasonable words, Shao thank you." Shao Shude said sincerely.

"General Feng, when Shao enters the capital the next day, I will definitely have a drink with you." Shao Shude faced Feng Yin again and smiled.

Feng Yin also returned to Beijing with Li Kan. Hearing the words at this moment, he also smiled and said, "I'm waiting, but I'm not happy to miss the appointment."

"Definitely!" Shao Shude and Feng Yin gave each other a high-five oath. At the end, he said softly: "If the capital is in danger in the future, we must find a place to escape as soon as possible. If there is any discord, come directly to Suizhou, you and I have known each other. Ding protects Feng's family from top to bottom."

Feng Yin was stunned when he heard the words, but nodded solemnly.

After sending Li Kan away, Shao Shude returned to Jinyang.The He Mansion is now empty, except for a few temporary servants who guard the gate, there is no one or anything.This house, I am not happy to enjoy it, but it is not bad to use it as a personal favor.Is Zhuge Shuang?Let's see what kind of person you are.

The whole of November passed quickly.As Li Kan said, as soon as he left, the internal contradictions of Hedong Jiangmen broke out. Zhang Kai, Guo Fei, Kang Chuangui, Zhang Yanqiu, Yi Zhao and others fought openly and secretly. Wei Zai strange also.

However, Tielin was driven out of the original camp and went to Yangqu County in Kinki to be stationed, but this is a trivial matter.

In December, Kang Chuangui tortured and looted wealthy households in Jinyang, looting money.Among them, those involved in the relatives of Zhang Kai and Guo Fei were killed.

Zhang Kai and Guo Fei could not have imagined that Kang Chuangui would be so disrespectful and secretly conspired against him. Unexpectedly, Kang Chuangui personally led troops to besiege him, Zhang Kai died in the mansion, and Guo Fei died on the road when fleeing to the military camp.Jinyang sergeant took the opportunity to create chaos and plundered the three cities.

In January, the court changed to Yuan Guangming, which was the first year of Guangming.In the same month, the Datong rebels raided southward, went deep into Xinzhou, and once reached the northern border of Taiyuan Prefecture.

At that time, Tie Lin, who was stationed in Yangqu County, had already mobilized the entire army, ready to defend against the enemy.Kang Chuangui sent coach Zhang Yanqiu to lead his army north to meet the enemy, and went to Sanjiao Village, where the sergeants shouted.Zhang Yanqiu's good words to appease him were fruitless, and he was carried back to Jinyang.Kang Chuangui ordered the city gates to be closed. Unexpectedly, a sergeant opened the Ximing Gate, and the chaotic army poured in and killed Kang Chuangui.

The supervisor Zhou Congfu hid in the private house and was found by the sergeant. Zhang Yanqiu went to comfort him personally and came forward with him to appease the troops.

"What a great show!" After learning about Jinyang's situation, Shao Shude patted the table and laughed almost to tears.Li Kan is in the capital, and if he hears it, he'll probably have to laugh.When he was there, the generals of Hedong were able to maintain a delicate balance, but as soon as he left, you yourself would fight first.

Hedong rat generation, nothing to worry about!
Tielindu's life is not so difficult now.The head of Jinyang City changed to the Great King's Flag, but it was the general who died.

Li Shao actually became a genuine supply and demand agent. He has an old relationship with Shao Shude, so naturally he will not be short of supplies.Zhang Yanqiu became the Marquis of Hedong Mabudu, and Shao Shude had a good relationship with him, and there was no need to get stuck in Tielindu.If it weren't for the wrong situation now, Shao Shude would have wanted to go to Zhang Yanqiu for two drinks.

Things in Hedong have changed so much that people are stunned.

On the 8000th, [-] people from Luoyang came to Jinyang.After thinking about it for a while, Shao Shude dressed neatly, and then brought a hundred soldiers into the city to pay respects to Zhuge Shuang.

"The ten generals of the Iron Forest, Shao Shude, have seen Marshal Zhuge." The deputy commander is also handsome. Shao Shude is very respectful, and does not despise Zhuge Shuang, who is from Pang Xun's old division, and he is the first to come to see him, which makes Zhuge Shuang in a good mood. Very good.

"General Shao Shi is more polite." Zhuge Shuang stood up to help himself, and said warmly: "I heard from the commander on the road that General Shao Shi is very brave, and Tie Lin can fight well and kill Cheng Huaixin on behalf of the Northern Formation. Compare, you can compare all the generals in Hedong."

As soon as Zhuge Shuang said this, Shao Shude understood that he was someone who could cooperate.Your team is a sergeant from Luoyang in the Eastern Capital, and my team is a soldier from Xia Sui Town. If the two sides do not form a group to keep warm, they will be bullied to death by Hedong people.

"When the commander arrived in Hedong, he must have no place to live yet?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's enough for this commander to live in the barracks, why do you need to live in a house?"

"The camp is rough and inconvenient. If the commander doesn't dislike it, Shao has a house in the city, and the general can just go and live there. There are still some servants, and Shao will send people to recruit them, and the general will be available tonight. Rest there."

"Alright, Shude has a heart." After pondering for a moment, Zhuge Shuang finally nodded and said with a smile: "It's okay to be a servant. This commander has hands and feet, so he doesn't work hard to serve. How can you be so particular about going out on an expedition? Woolen cloth."

"If the generals in Hedong had the demeanor of a great commander, the situation wouldn't be as bad as it is today." Shao Shude said in awe.

"Haha, Shude doesn't have to flatter me anymore. After traveling thousands of miles from Dongdu, this commander also came here with the thought of making a contribution to the imperial court. Li Guochang and his son will definitely kill me." Of course, Zhuge Shuang knew that Shao Shude was touting him, but this was really comforting, not to mention that he was the first person to come to see him when he even gave him a house.

"Shude knows why this generation of northern chaos has not been pacified?" After finishing his polite words, he began to get to the point.

"Young commander, there is no other reason, Hedong soldiers don't need to be killed." Shao Shude said bluntly: "If the commander wants to do something, he must not rely on the Hedong Army. Daibei also has a division of the Zhongwu Army and the Yicheng Army. Hearing that the Zhaoyi Army is approaching, the ambition of the commander is placed on these guest troops."

"The guest army is willing to die?" Zhuge Shuang was a little unconvinced.

"You have to clean up your army first." Shao Shude replied.

Zhuge Shuang stroked his beard and understood: "With the help of virtue, great things can be accomplished."

"The commander is older than the army, so he is naturally confident, and the last general is just checking for leaks and filling the gaps."

"Haha, you touted me again." Zhuge Shuang slapped Shao Shude on the shoulder and scolded with a smile.

Shao Shude stole a glance, but saw Zhuge Shuang smiling, obviously very happy.

In February, Gao Xun led his army to Jinyang.However, the large army of Li Yuanli, the commander of the Xia Sui Festival, had just left Xiazhou and had not yet crossed the Yellow River.As for Li Zhuo, Taipuqing, one of the two envoys in the world, he has just left the capital and has not yet arrived in Hedong.

Yes, the recruiters from the northeast camp have not arrived, and there are no recruiters from the north camp for the time being.Isn't Zhuge Shuang's final say on this huge Hedong ground for the time being?Who made people come early, and Zhang Yanqiu didn't fight with him?
Therefore, Zhuge Shuang ordered the expulsion of the families of generals Zhang Kai, Guo Fei, Kang Chuangui, etc., and put their wealth into the treasury, and rewarded the headquarters, Zhongwu, Yiwu, Zhaoyi, Xia Sui (Tielindu) and other guest troops and horses. , the morale of the troops was boosted, and everyone was brave.It is really ironic that the money that Kang Chuangui obtained by looting wealthy households in Jinyang actually fell into the hands of the [-] soldiers of the guest army.

In March, the imperial court issued an imperial edict, with the servants under the door and the minister of Tongping Zhang as Zheng Congqi, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong.

This is a real prime minister, not a nominal prime minister who was temporarily added after Jiedu of Hedong, which shows the importance of the court.However, Zheng Congzhen did not hold the title of envoy, and Zhuge Shuang was still in charge of the camp in the north for the time being. Shao Shude's vote was right.

(End of this chapter)

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