Chapter 56
In April of the first year of Guangming, Prime Minister Zheng Congqi went to Hedong, and all the generals went out to greet him.

Zheng Congqi paid a visit to the prime minister the year before last. He was born in the Zheng family of Xingyang. He is more than sixty years old this year, but he looks energetic and has an extraordinary bearing.As soon as he arrived in Jinyang, he personally pardoned Zhang Yanqiu's crimes, saying that the rebellion was "not his original intention" and "quite strategic".

Dozens of sergeants who led the chaos were of course beheaded on the execution ground, and Zhang Yanqiu personally supervised the execution.The rest of the generals, with good words to appease, ordered them to rectify their troops and continue to serve the court.

Shao Shude was far away in Yangqu, and his military rank was low. Of course, it was not his turn to meet Zheng Congli.Zheng Xun didn't even notice such a small role as him, and the prime minister's whole energy was devoted to the formation of the shogunate.

In the past, the Hedong shogunate officials only kept some of the low-level ones, and all the high-level ones were replaced.Among them, Chang'an made Wang Tiao as the deputy envoy of Jiedu, Li Wo, the former servant of the Ministry of Rites, was the secretary in charge of Jiedu, Liu Chonggui, the former member of the Ministry of War, and Xiuzhuan of the Shiguan, Liu Chonggui, the judge of Zhidu, and Zhao Chongwei, the former member of the Ministry of Justice and the Shiguanxiu. Observe the judge, advance soldier Liu Chonglu as the push officer, and so on.

It can be said that in the shogunate of Zheng Congzhen, the officials who were on the table were basically jinshi, and there were also many high-ranking officials of the court, and there were many celebrities.

Zhang Yanqiu won the trust of Zheng Congji, and this man also repaid his gratitude. He strictly controlled the army. He found signs of chaos and was immediately strangled to death. He also promoted a large number of unsatisfactory generals on the edge of Hedong, which made Zheng Congji's position quite stable.

On the [-]th of the fourth month, Zheng Congjia went to the north to recruit for the post of envoys, and ordered to review the troops.Shao Shude was ordered to use the four thousand sons of Tielin to arrive at Jinyang within two days.

On the 25th, the Zhongwu Army, Yiwu Army, Zhaoyi Army, Xia Sui Army (Tielindu) and most of the Jinyang Hedong Army lined up outside the city, with a total strength of more than [-] troops.Zheng Congxuan watched from the top of the city, and also felt his heart swaying and agitated.

After the review was over, all the troops were rewarded, and there was a thunderous cheer.Before leaving, Shao Shude met Zhang Yanqiu.

"Tielin's troops have been cleaned up, and their morale is high. It is an army that can be fought. In the future, Zheng Shuai's apprenticeship may be of great use." After listening to it, I felt lost, and I felt that I was no longer the coach Zhang who was willing to teach him the knowledge of battle formations.

"All the soldiers gathered, Li Ni's father and son were destroyed, but it was just a snap of the fingers. But the court has orders, and Tielin has to go through fire and water, and there is nothing he can't do." Shao Shude replied in a satisfactory manner. Shao did not dare or forget the grace of teaching."

Zhang Yanqiu was also a little moved when he heard the words. After a long time, he sighed and said: "The right and wrong of the past are all over. I heard that Shude will be far away in Suizhou, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to meet each other in the future. Let's cherish each of them."

When Shao Shude heard his words and deeds, he thanked him, turned his horse, and prepared to return to Yangqu.Judging from Zheng Congzhen's appearance, the day of his apprenticeship is not far away.Originally, he thought that he would wait until the taxation came up before sending troops, but now it seems that the court can't wait.

"Shude." Zhang Yanqiu stopped Shao Shude, who was about to leave, and after hesitating for a long time, Fang said: "Last year, during the Northern War, a certain soldier from Tielin fought bravely. There is a little dissonance. Anyway, a certain person recommended a person named Zhu Shuzong, who is Kang Chuan Guizong Primary and Secondary School. He was very young, but his father and ancestors were all Jinyang Army dental schools. When he was young, he studied military books and was proficient in riding and archery. Strategies. I don’t care if I don’t change things, I will be implicated in the Jinyang Rebellion. I will send him to Shude’s army in two days. Shude may wish to test and compare.

"Thank you, General Zhang!" Shao Shude dismounted and bowed sincerely.

Even Zhang Yanqiu felt that "there is a great strategy", so this Zhu Shuzong must have real skills.The family has a dental school for generations. This military education tradition is incomparable to him, and it is this kind of talent that Tielin is inferior to.Fortunately, he was with the wrong person, and was implicated in Kang Chuangui's affair, and he was in trouble. Otherwise, how could he look at Tielindu?

Moreover, after this village, most of the shop will not be there.When Li Keyong entered Jinyang, this kind of unwilling young talent was the target of his vigorous promotion to suppress the old man in Hedong.Abducting him at this time is also considered to weaken Li Keyong's talent team. Why not do it?

After returning to Yangqu camp, within two days, Zhu Shuzong came.This man was not yet 20 years old, but he was tall and burly. When he met Shao Shude and other generals, he was unafraid.Not to mention anything else, this courage is not bad.

"Zhu Shuzong has seen General Shao."

"Zhu Jun academy is a burly student, and I don't know what kind of skills he is good at." Because it was recommended by Zhang Yanqiu and received a lot of praise, Shao Shude, who is eager for talents, "interviewed" himself. The core layer of Tielindu.

"Good at riding and shooting, good at spear and lance, good at knife and axe." Zhu Shuzong replied.

Good guy, co-author is still an all-rounder!Shao Shude wanted to laugh at the young man's self-esteem, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he nodded and said, "What are the skills of the enemy?"

"Choose soldiers, choose fronts, choose energy, teach formation, use chariots, use cavalry, predict enemy generals, predict terrain, observe enemy situation..."

"Okay!" Shao Shude patted his thigh and shouted.It shouldn't be bragging to say that in front of so many people.It may be limited by experience and not very proficient, but a basic and complete military education should be no problem.It doesn't matter if you talk about soldiers on paper, Tie Lindu really lacks this kind of practical knowledge on paper these days. Everyone is an old man with rich experience in battle formations. With the guidance of knowledge on paper, it is not difficult to learn and comprehend.

"Zhu Military Academy, I will test you one more time. If you can answer it, I will allow you to join the army as lieutenant general of Tielindu and Suizhou Lu Shi." Shao Shude sat upright and said solemnly.

Zhu Shuzong was only the leader of the team under Kang Chuangui's account. He was very excited to get the post of lieutenant, and replied, "Please compare the generals."

"Sun Tzu said: 'As for the method of using the army, the general will be ordered by the emperor, the army will gather together, make peace and leave, and it will not be difficult to fight in the military.' Just a few words, the more the better.”

"If there is no looting before, and the food does not support the moon, it is not suitable to go deep."

"Good, go on."

"Any case of severe cold or severe heat, even if one sees great benefits, it is not appropriate to attack."

"Those thieves who retreat without a reason should not advance."

"Whenever soldiers go to the tent of thieves, or encounter a big city or a stronghold in the middle, they must go down, or prepare them, and then pass."

"Whenever encountering an enemy, I will follow the straight path and set the thief in a detour, making them exhausted and winning."

"Those who haven't tested their feelings, even if they are weak, don't attack them."

"Any thieves who are half-hidden and half-seeing, as if frightened but in chaos, must have a plan and don't attack them."

"Any band of thieves who come violently and plunder my seedlings, cattle and sheep, don't attack them sharply, and stick to their own strength. When they go away at dusk, they will be exhausted by heavy raiding, and their hearts will also be afraid. I'll attack it."

"Whenever a small formation meets a large formation, it will be unfavorable and long-lasting, and the hostility will light me, so I will not be afraid to fight. I should take advantage of the advantage to advance quickly. The enemy's troops are large, and they are not consistent. The sound of golden drums is not heard, and the colors of flags are not matched. See, the left does not hear the right, the right does not hear the left, the front does not hear the rear, and the rear does not hear the front. In this way, if I attack it with a small number of forces, I will definitely win. Or the enemy's camp has not yet been established, the formation has not been assembled, and the fortress has been prepared. If it is not completed, and the laws are not implemented, all of them can be attacked quickly.”


If it wasn't for Shao Shude raising his hand to stop it, Zhu Shuzong might be able to carry it all afternoon.Shao Shude's eyes lit up, this is a talent!What he said in the book of war, he recited every day, and couldn't put it down, but he always felt that it was too lofty. To be realistic, he needed a very rich life experience to slowly understand it.

But what Zhu Shuzong learned was the countermeasures and combat principles that were in line with the actual situation of the battle. This should be a summary of the experience of a family of generals, not secrets.Their children have learned military works such as "The Art of War of Sun Tzu", "The Art of War of Sun Bin", "Wei Liao Zi" since childhood, but the secret traditions accumulated by the family from generation to generation are also diligent in learning.Even if the understanding was not deep enough at that time, but after a long time in command of the army and many times of practice, you will gradually understand it, and even improve it, and then pass it on to future generations.

"Old Li, show the "New Book of Shude" to Vice-General Zhu. Don't be afraid of shame, it's all the experience we have summed up. The words are simple and realistic. Even if there are mistakes or omissions, Vice-General Zhu can correct me." Shao Shude's mood Very good, the three words "Lieutenant General Zhu" were shouted.

Li Yanling took out a manuscript from the box, handed it to Zhu Shuzong, and said, "This is a military book that we can only read on the top of the Tielindu team. Since Lieutenant General Zhu is his own person, of course he can read it. Please correct me."

Zhu Shuzong was a little surprised when he heard the words. After taking it, he glanced at it roughly and said, "It's a little superficial, but it's all insight."

You are so rude!Shao Shude smiled and said, "The last question. The imperial court has given the prefect of Suizhou to this general. Would Zhu Jun Academy be willing to go to Suizhou with someone?"

"There is nowhere else to go, so Zhu will go to Suizhou with the general to fight for riches." Zhu Shuzong returned the military book and replied.

"Okay!" Shao Shude stood up, stroked Zhu Shuzong's shoulder, and said, "Shao must be a general. Lao Li, all the armies have to kill the sheep tonight, to congratulate you on this matter. Zhu Shuzong, I will give you the right to go to the army. The post of lieutenant general, in charge of personal soldiers, scouts, patrolling, and commanding cavalry, will take office today."

"General thank you for your kindness." After all, it was a young man who was touched by Shao Shude's grand treatment.Compared with the difficult situation recently, his voice was a little choked up.

"Congratulations to the ten generals, congratulations to Lieutenant General Zhu. Just as General Li met Emperor Gao - ah, my old Li has not read a few books and can't speak, forgive me, haha! In short, the ten generals are a great talent, Tielin The weather is getting more and more prosperous, and my old Li is happy."

"Lieutenant Zhu is a young and talented young man, excellent in riding and archery, and his ability to fight against ten thousand people is also amazing. Ren must ask him for advice in the future."

"Lieutenant General Zhu predicts the enemy in future battles, so I will rush to kill Lao Lu, so happy!"

Seeing that Shao Shude had recognized this person, several "examiners" stepped forward to congratulate him, and they were happy for a while.General Shao has already said that Tielin is not his own business, but everyone's "career". If Tielin is good, everyone can be better, that's all.

 I wrote about Liang before. I read a historical paper from a university in Southwest China, saying that he was born in 864, and Baidu Encyclopedia said that he was born in 870. I don’t know which one to believe. To avoid controversy, change someone.

(End of this chapter)

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