Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 649 Unprecedented

Chapter 649 Unprecedented
After the soldiers cooked the tea, Li Zhong brought it out himself.

The Chu family and the Xie family brought several plates of melons and fruits.

Song Le grimaced and snorted.

Shao Shude laughed, and pulled Mrs. Xie into his arms.

An angry look appeared on Song Le's face.Good guy, how dare you be so outrageous in front of him? !
Shao Shude grabbed Xie Shi's hand, pointed to the sleeve, and said, "Wool woven cloth is too hot to wear in summer, but it's good to wear in winter."

Xie's face was flushed, and Chu's complexion was complicated.

Song Le's face paled, and after looking at it, he said: "In the past in Lingxia, there were Qiang people who sold woolen cloth. They bought a few horses. The price was very cheap, and no one cared about them."

"Is it comfortable to wear?" Shao Shude turned to Xie's face and asked.

"Given by the king, naturally..."

"to be frank!"

"Not very comfortable."

"What you said is not bad. The wool cloth is indeed bad, but it can be improved." Shao Shude let go of Mr. Xie, and continued: "Heyang is exempt from tax this year, and when the two taxes are levied next year, if the people pay wool, they can get it at a discount. .”

For wool or woolen cloth, Shao Shude has made up his mind to make this industry bigger and stronger.

Because this can combine the existing materials in the hands of the people to increase their income.Cotton and sericulture all require additional planting, but sheep do not, as they are part of the three-crop rotation system.

The most ideal situation is that in the rural areas in the cold north, every household spins wool and weaves wool; question.

The great increase in grain, meat and milk production, and the ensuing revitalization of the rural handicraft industry, is the starting point of all dreams.

With the right system and atmosphere, society will evolve by itself, and you don't need to be an inventor at all.

And this is the most solid, because it is to start from the foundation, not to overthrow the growth and build a castle on the beach.

"If the commander-in-chief can set an example and take the lead in wearing a sweater, maybe it is indeed a way." Song Le said.

"Wool is also divided into grades." Shao Shude said: "Go, you can see it from the outside, so why not go and have a look."

"That's good." Song Le is a man of action, and he is very concerned about these things that can increase the income of the people.

There is a sheepfold outside Jinxianguan, with a total of less than a hundred sheep.

Liu Jingxuan hurried over, and when he heard that King Xia wanted to watch the sheep, he immediately ordered someone to lead one out.

"Please look, sir." Shao Shude pointed to the sheep's chest and abdomen, and said, "The wool of these two places is the worst, inferior. The lanugo hair on the neck and back is superior; the hair on the tail and legs is inferior. If you use The best wool can be used for weaving, and it won’t be too uncomfortable to wear. The second-grade wool can also be used for spinning and making carpets, and the lower-grade wool can only be used to make brushes.”

In fact, second- and lower-grade wool can also be made into sweaters if it is worsted again.

In order to resist the cold in winter, sheep will grow a layer of fine down, both goats and sheep.But the other parts of the goat have thick and hard hair, which is not easy to spin, so the fluff is particularly obvious, so it is called cashmere.The overall wool of sheep is relatively soft, and it is difficult to distinguish it from fluff, so it is collectively called wool, which does not mean that sheep do not have cashmere.

Inferior and inferior wool worsted spinning is to pick out the soft and fine fluff, which can be used to make sweaters.

The other hairs are really of little value.Some rough ones are useless except for making brushes.

"Unexpectedly, the commander-in-chief has such a deep research on wool." Song Le said shamelessly.

I thought the commander was fooling around in Jinxian Temple, but I didn't expect that he was doing something serious. This is really a mistake to blame the commander.

"Haha." Shao Shude smiled smugly, and said, "Sir, come here again to have a look."

After that, he walked into the next room.

"This thing is called a combing machine." Shao Shude said, pointing to a bench-like wooden machine with a comb.

The wool processing procedure is generally divided into four steps: washing, beating, carding, shooting, and combing. At this time, the Western Regions, the Middle East, and Europe were relatively mature and had corresponding machines.

Don't be embarrassed, Datang's technology is not focused on wool, because there is no need for this, so these machines are all learned from the barbarians in the Western Regions.

In fact, until later generations, most of the unearthed ancient woolen textile cultural relics in my country were concentrated in Xinjiang, Qinghai, and northern Shaanxi, where ethnic minorities live together.The technology and machines for professional processing of wool are relatively scarce and relatively backward in the Central Plains.

There is no other way, and we can only use it for doctrine, and spend a lot of money to buy technology from the Western Regions.

However, Shao Shude suspects that the technology in the Western Regions is not the most advanced, and he is still trying to introduce wool spinning technology and machines from Arabia and Eastern Rome.

As for Lingxia's original technology for processing camel hair, to be honest, it is too backward. It is completely processed by hand, and the efficiency is very low.

"I'm not too satisfied with the carding machine." Shao Shude said, "It's best to find a way to improve it."

Yes, although the wool processing machines of the city-states in the Western Regions are better than manual processing, they are not much better.Shao Shude felt that at least it should be changed to a pedal type to improve efficiency.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much about this. If Heyang really produces a large amount of wool, there will be demand for it, and machines will naturally be born.

When cotton gradually became popular in the Song Dynasty, machines for processing cotton gradually appeared. If there is demand, there will be a market, and there will be inventions. You don't need to worry at all.At most, in order to speed up the progress, you can offer a high reward, but you really don't need to be an inventor, let alone Shao Shude doesn't understand.

"Maybe we can offer rewards in various states and counties, there will always be skilled craftsmen who are willing to try." Song Le suggested.

"Sir, I want to get together." Shao Shude said with a smile.

Jiang's and Lu's two daughters are grooming.

They evenly spread the clumps of wool fibers, stripping them from one comb to the next, and drop the fluffed wool fibers into spongy sheets.The machine is very large, and it can comb a large piece of wool at a time, which is indeed much better than manual carding.

In fact, Shao Shude has seen even more outrageous things.The herdsmen in the Yinshan and Fan tribes even searched for fine fluff under the thick wool, and then plucked the wool by hand. Often they could only collect more than one cent of fluff a day.Too far behind!
"Your Majesty, if you want to get a good job, you have to go to Chang'an to find a way." Liu Jingxuan said softly from the side: "The young mansion is in charge of all kinds of craftsmanship, there is a weaving and dyeing department, and there are many craftsmen."

The Shaofu has several departments under its jurisdiction, such as the Palm Metallurgy Department, the Weaving and Dyeing Department, and the Zhuqian Supervisor, etc., "for the emperor's utensils, empress costumes, suburban temple jade, and hundreds of officials' ritual objects."

To put it simply, it is to make various utensils for use by the court.

At the same time, it is also a training and assessment institution, such as: "The work of fine engraving is taught for four years; the work of car road musical instruments is three years; the work of ordinary knives is two years..."

After teaching, there will be an exam, and the "professional title" will be assigned to the craftsman.

The inheritance of this institution has not been broken. With the help of local craftsmen who have been on duty in Beijing over the years, it has even become more prosperous, "teaching authors to pass on family skills", and cultivating Qiaoer wave after wave.

Liu Jingxuan's suggestion is really good.

"Liu Yuanjian's strategy is very good." Shao Shude glanced at him approvingly, and said, "I'll write to Han Gongjian now."

Liu Jingxuan smiled like a flower, he was praised by King Xia, he has a bright future.

Song Le also praised a few words casually, and Liu Jingxuan laughed even more. This may be the future prime minister, it's amazing.

"Mister, it's not enough to have a machine without wool. I have to worry about the Heyang matter." Shao Shude saluted and said.

"It's just a life of hard work." Song Le sighed: "For the sake of the common people, so what if you work hard."

Shao Shude naturally thanked him repeatedly.

Engaging in wool spinning is closely related to the current agricultural production in Heyang.Such a large-scale wool textile industry is unprecedented in ancient Chinese history, which may profoundly change the appearance of the entire north.

The Song Dynasty promoted and popularized cotton at the expense of grain production.However, under the three-crop rotation system, the grain output only decreased slightly, and the meat and milk output increased greatly. The wool was produced out of thin air, and it did not occupy the fields. This is much better than the development of cotton textiles.

Shao Shude is confident that the standard of living of the people under his rule will surpass that of any feudal dynasty, even Ming and Qing dynasties with relatively mature technology.

Song Le left in a hurry that afternoon, even forgetting the original intention of coming here.

Shao Shude went to the machine room to carefully consider the carding machine, but he really didn't have the talent to invent and improve, so he was at a loss.

I ate dinner with Lu Shi and Jiang Shi. The staple food is goat milk porridge, with medicinal materials added, which is actually the "milk and rehmannia glutinosa porridge" in Bai Juyi's poems—well, it is said that it has "nourishing yin and stomach, nourishing kidney and essence" The effect.

Jiang vomited in the afternoon. After questioning, he had it several times recently. It might be morning sickness.

Shao Shude was overjoyed, this little girl was bought as a spoil in early May, and after calculating the time, she should have been conceived in June.

It is heard that Jiang Congxu fled to Guangling with hundreds of people and took refuge in Yang Xingmi.Alas, why are you running away? If your sister gave birth to an heir for me, would you still be able to kill you?

Immediately, Liu Jingxuan was called, Jiang Shi didn't have to work, and had a good rest, and Lu Shi didn't have to work, and took care of Jiang Shi.

At the age of 38, he has only six sons, and he is unwilling to accept adopted sons. After all, it is still too few.

Read the military newspaper in the study at night.

Jiang Shi is innocent and innocent, and is quite happy to not have to work. She is also a young girl with scarlet fantasies about the future, and she thinks it would be nice to be the woman of King Xia who shakes the world.Lu Shi didn't know what to think of, and kept sobbing in a low voice.

Shao Shude didn't bother to ask, he could tell that this woman had actually accepted her fate.

The wives and daughters of generals in the late Tang Dynasty, in his impression only two were more staunch.

One was Yang Chongben's wife, who was humiliated by Zhu Quanzhong, and she wrote to her husband, but the fate was unclear.

One was Zhu Yanshou's wife. After Zhu Yanshou was killed, she knew her fate very well.

The rest—er, that's what Zhu Yanshou's wife, Wang Shi, said. They are usually taken home by the enemy, "disgraced by the enemy", and then have children for the enemy.

Cao thief's highlight era!
He read the military newspaper in another place, and lay down comfortably on the bed, with his left hand holding Lu Shi who was like suet and white jade in his arms, and his right hand holding the letter.

This one is about Yang Xingmi sending Yan Keqiu and Jiang Congxu to Bianzhou to buy silk.Of course, this is only on the surface, there must be other things, Shao Shude thinks with his toes and knows what they are planning.

"What do you think Yang Xingmi is planning?" Shao Shude squeezed his left hand and asked.

Lushi hid for a while and didn't speak.

"Huh?" Shao Shude emphasized his tone: "In the future, you will have children for me. If I am defeated, what will happen to you?"

As if being hit by an arrow, Mrs. Lu stood still, and said after a long time: "Jiang...Jiang Congxu's father, Jiang Yanwen, has an old relationship with Jiang Xuanhui, so he must go and fix it."

"It's about the same as I guessed." Shao Shude smiled, and squeezed again as a reward.

Jiang Xuanhui is Zhu Quanzhong's closest staff member. Although his position is not high, his rise is very fast.Yang Xingmi repaired it through this line, and it should have an effect.

He thought of Xiao Fu again.

If the situation is like this, Xiao Fu seems to be shaken.

This is normal, as long as Shao Shude didn't make any stupid moves, or died suddenly, Zhu Quanzhong's defeat was predictable.He was born in the Xiao family of Nanliang Fang. Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun have a high status here. If they really voted, there would be no one to help them speak, so he also had the motive to surrender.

Still need to work harder!Let the civil and military officials of the Xuanwu Army, including Xiao Fu, see the general trend more clearly.

"It's time to go to Heyang." Shao Shude whispered.

Turning around to see, Jiang Shi had already fallen asleep, how big is this little girl's heart?

Mrs. Lu also "fallen asleep", pretending.

The big rough hands quickly rubbed up and down, and since they have "slept", they can naturally do whatever they want.

(End of this chapter)

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