Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 650 The Foundation

Chapter 650 The Foundation
There are more than 1100 households with less than [-] mu.

There are more than 5700 households with [-] to [-] mu.

There are more than 2000 households in [-] to [-] mu.

Shao Shude put down the yellow book of household registration in Wangwu County.Not long after the new compilation, the data should still be accurate.

Moreover, his Kansai military and political group is on the rise, and the officials are relatively hardworking, so the data is more credible.

If there is peace for a hundred years, even if the system is more perfect and sophisticated than it is now, the statistics of household registration and field data will probably not be credible.

There is silence outside the window, and the moon hangs high.

The moonlight covered the earth, and the flowers in the courtyard became more and more beautiful.Inhale and sniff lightly, there is still a faint fragrance.

It was three quarters of Yin time, Shao Shude didn't feel sleepy, grabbed the saber on the wall, and practiced swordsmanship in the courtyard.

He is good at using horizontal swords, mo swords, long spears, infantry bows, and riding bows. He has only practiced swords for a few years, so he is not very proficient.

Zhang Xiong was known as "Zhang Shenjian" in Huainan because of his outstanding swordsmanship and his bravery in battle.Shao Shude felt that it was impossible for him to have the title of "Shao Shenjian" in his life, but it would not hurt to practice more.

After Shao Shude left the study, Mrs. Xie got up from the bed and put on her clothes carefully.

He trotted all the way back to the yard where he lived, opened the door carefully, and quietly entered his room.

Just as Mrs. Chu was about to go out, she saw her daughter-in-law running back in disheveled clothes, quietly hiding in the darkness, so as not to embarrass Mrs. Xie.

The kitchen had already lit a fire, Chu Shi and Su Shi began to prepare breakfast.

A low-ranking middle-ranking officer stood beside him, and he was the food supervisor.

There is another female official who heard that she was born in the palace and was a foodie. "Whoever eats, taste first."

What a big show!The Chu family did not come from a small family, knowing that this must have exceeded the limit, how could a prince with a different surname have such pomp?But no one cares.

Su Shi is preparing donkey-hide gelatin powder and beeswax.

Mrs. Chu took a sneak peek at her niece and daughter-in-law. Everyone tacitly didn't ask about some things, and pretended nothing happened until they couldn't hide it anymore, just like Mrs. Jiang.

When the breakfast was almost done, voices came from the courtyard.

"Commander, there are still too many livestock and not enough. The people of Heyang look forward to livestock like the sun and the moon."

"Hasn't there been a lot of livestock matters? Well, I know it's not enough. Last month, an order was sent to Heishui City, and the Shaqi tribes paid tribute to 30 miscellaneous livestock. Later, they will rush to Lingzhou first, fatten them up and drive them away." Go to Xiazhou and get fat again. I will definitely come before the end of the year, don’t worry.”

The conversation stopped for a while, and the footsteps gradually approached.

"Commander, if the more than [-] people in Heyang want to be prosperous and have some savings to supply the army, it is best not to provoke Li Keyong and Luo Hongxin this year and next."

"For Luo Hongxin, the main thing is to win over for now. Li Keyong, he is still on his way to Youzhou, so he might not be able to trouble me."

"Heyang has been stable for a year, and there is a slight improvement. Please move on. There are more than [-] households. These are the foundations of the king, so we should go and see them."

"I forced them to come here, don't you hate me? Some Qianghu people are still captives."

"The Qiang and Hu people used to be servants of chieftains, but now they are granted the land. They are so grateful that it's too late. How can they blame the king? The people in Guanzhong are poor and have no place to stand. They really didn't want to leave their hometowns before, but after they settled down, they got the land. A happy, a little unhappy, long forgotten."

This is "really fragrant"!

I will give you the land and the relief rations, so that you can survive the most difficult first two years of land reclamation, and only start to collect taxes in the third year.Even renting livestock, so many benefits, it is common to sing praises.

"Forget it. I will meet my people in a few days."

In fact, the counties in Shaozhou are mainly of the Qiang species, and they are very grateful to Shao Shude.Breaking away from the society of slavery, becoming registered civilians, and owning their own property, although they were all obtained by fighting in battle, most people in the world can only fight endlessly without getting land. That's enough to make them thank Dade.

In a word, the mass base is very good, and they all support Shao Shengren.Even ambitious people can't pull people together, so they can only run away in desperation.

The visitor sat down at the stone table in the courtyard.

Mrs. Chu received a signal from Shangshi and brought the breakfast over.

Sitting there were the king of Xia and the governor of the palace, Shi Chencheng, and the two chatted happily.According to what Chen Changshi meant, it should be to persuade King Xia to go to Heyang.

Heyang!Chu's mood is very complicated.She had just set up a new home there, but Xia Jun called. Xie Bin and Su Junqing were both white-eyed wolves, and they surrendered the city to put themselves in such a situation.

"One more thing, Your Majesty, please send more people. Xiuwu County needs a lot of people to open mines and make bricks." Chen Cheng said again: "Building a city to resist the enemy, if there are bricks and stones, it will be as solid as gold."

"Aren't you Song Situ's lobbyist? Everything mentioned today is inseparable from Heyang." Shao Shude smiled, but he still agreed, saying: "After Ximen Zhongsui became an official, a large number of people were imprisoned or exiled. I will bring them all over and send them to Heyang."

The downfall of Ximen Chongsui certainly did not stop at him alone.This kind of behemoth is deeply rooted, and Han Quanhui's strategy is to buy some, marginalize some, and severely crack down on some.

Those who are attacked are generally charged with crimes. Among them are eunuchs from aristocratic families, children from aristocratic families, generals of the Shence Army, and even palace officials.


After breakfast, Shao Shude went to Wangwu County.

On the seventh day of August, the Tielin Army arrived somewhere in the outskirts of Wangwu County with the left and right hatchbacks escorting the brigade of vehicles.

"Madam." Shao Shude led Zhe Fangai by the hand and got out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard." Wang Hao's face was calm, and there was no sign of happiness or anger.

"Father." Several sons also followed.

Dalang Shao Siwu and Erlang Shao Chengjie are in front. They are the oldest, 12 and 11 years old respectively.

Sanlang Shao Mianren is the son of Dafeng, who is eight years old this year, and Shilang Shao Guancheng's biological mother is Zhuge, who is seven years old, and they also came here.

Behind them is a large group of servants, guards, and officials of the royal family.

Shao Shu held Zhe Fangai's hand, and said with a soft smile: "This scene, does it have the feeling of the Second Sage visiting Shaozhou? The painter should make a painting."

"Don't talk nonsense, Your Majesty." Zhe Fangai grasped Shao Shude's hand tightly, and said, "The world is uncertain, so it must not be like this. Husband has been a little bit full of ambition these days. The concubine is not a jealous person, but only thinking about my husband's great cause. .”

Shao Shude was startled when he heard the words.Thinking about it carefully, since he went south to the states along the Huaihe River, set up Huaixi Town, and the Flying Dragon Army broke into Henan again, and after the Xuanwu Army was disgraced, he was indeed a little complacent. He felt that Zhu Quanzhong was nothing more than that, and sooner or later he would enter Bianliang Kill this thief.

Even last night, after venting on Xie Shi, he still proudly recalled Genghis Khan's famous saying: "The greatest joy in life is to defeat the enemy, chase the enemy, and seize all his possessions. His horse, his wife and daughter."

These words are too damn domineering!It may be very inconsistent with the three views of scholars in the Song Dynasty and later, but for the warriors walking all over the ground at this time, it really touched their hearts. This is the highest achievement of conquest, and the sense of spiritual satisfaction is very strong.

There is no way, since the Northern Dynasties, Hu Feng has been so strong.

"What Madam said is true." Shao Shu tightened Wang Hao's hand, stepped forward, and said: "This world has to be fought step by step, we must not slack off, and we must not underestimate the heroes of the world."

Of course, that's what I said, but Jinxian Temple will still go often...

Wangwu County has been developing for several years, and the rural scenery is refreshing.

The fields are patchwork, and the golden wheat has begun to be harvested.

The winemaking workshops that Shao Shude regards as a sign of rural economic recovery have appeared, and the wine flags are flying in the wind, which is gratifying to watch.

Some woods have been felled, a legacy of previous wars.

The farmers transformed it and turned it into farmland.There are still low bushes between the fields, which look very neat and luxuriant.There is no doubt that this is the so-called "hedge" repaired by farmers to distinguish the farmland and pasture of two adjacent households.

Some cattle pens were built nearby by the hedge, and the beef cattle wandered among them, chewing slowly.

There are peasant women milking the milk, and the children are running around, carrying a bucket of milk home from time to time.

Someone was threshing in the field, and the plump wheat grains gradually fell off with the sound of beating.After a while, the barrel was full of wheat grains.

On the wheat field in the distance, someone was threshing the grain with a flail-style thresher.

Shao Shude watched with relish.He used this kind of threshing stick before traveling to help thresh rapeseed at home. It looks like a time-traveling: a classic farm tool that has been used for more than 1000 years.

In some fields where the harvest was early, some people have already started planting winter wheat.

These fields have just finished harvesting soybeans. According to the principle of planting rotation, winter wheat will be replanted this autumn and harvested in May of the following year.

Some people are also planting turnips, which can still grow in winter. After harvesting, they can directly plant spring wheat in spring.

"Ma'am, look how I'm doing?" The high-quality male syndrome broke out, and Shao Shude held Zhe Fangai's hand and stood by the ditch beside the field.

When farmers from far and near saw a large group of people coming, they all knelt down.

"Husband has great talent and general plan." Zhe Fangai smiled lightly, and said, "Husband's world is also governed very well."

"This is our world." Shao Shude laughed.

In the legacy of the Northern Dynasties, men go out to fight, housewives run the house, and control the general direction of the territory's internal affairs.

Sometimes, the emperor and the empress also listened to the government together, and they were called the two saints.

These customs will gradually disappear in the future. After the great prosperity of Neo-Confucianism and the strengthening of imperial power, not only the prime minister became the emperor's laborer, but no longer a state shareholder, the queen also lost her power and became a mascot.

Zhe Fangai tightly held Shao Shude's hand, her eyes were full of smiles.She rarely interferes with the affairs of the palace, although she has this power.

Her natal family is already so strong, if she makes any further moves, her husband will inevitably be suspicious, and it's not worth it.

What she does most now is to carry out wife diplomacy, help her husband to win people's hearts, and at the same time serve as the link between Shao and Zhe to maintain the relationship.

The only thing she cares about is her son.

Shao Shude is also very aware of this.So he didn't want to touch the heir, even if someone whispered in his ear.He was worried that if he moved, the princess would turn black.

Chen Cheng was half a step behind and introduced the counties of Shaozhou to Shao Chengjie.

"Your Majesty, please see that the people in Wang's house have returned to their hearts." Chen Cheng said: "Shao, Meng, and Huai prefectures are the places that support the king the most besides Guanbei."

Shao Chengjie nodded pretending to be old-fashioned: "This is also due to Chen Changshi's credit."

Chen Cheng was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "I dare not take credit."

Suddenly there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers ahead, Shao Chengjie and Chen Cheng looked at the same time, but saw a group of shepherds approaching, all prostrating to the ground: "Greetings, Supreme Khan, Ke Dun."

These Uighurs!Chen Cheng was dumbfounded.

But it's not a bad thing, the basic disk is indeed right.

It is really not easy for the generals these days to have a basic set that all people will support.

The three prefectures of Shao, Meng and Huai are the barriers to the north of Luoyang.With this basic disk in the way, it is impossible for the enemy in the north to break through easily.

In a few more years, the foundation will be planted so deep that no one can break it.

(End of this chapter)

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