Chapter 733
The capture of Albus accelerated the end of the battle.If it is more accurate to say, let this one-sided massacre end earlier.

The rapid advance of the One Thousand Gold Sword soldiers had already caused huge damage to the old, weak and disabled enemies in the dark.If there were no follow-up reinforcements, they would be able to slowly defeat the enemy army. To completely capture and slaughter this camp, it would just take more time and run away more enemies.

However, the timely follow-up of 3000 members of the Black Knife Army dealt another heavy blow to the enemy, coupled with the capture of Great Khan Abs, they quickly lost their fighting spirit and completely collapsed.

The influence of the nobles on the grasslands is much higher than the status of the nobles in the Central Plains.

A slave is a slave, and a lowly species is a lowly species. Do you still want to compare bloodlines with the King Khan's family?For many years, Shao Shude has been looking for the descendants of Tubo Zanpu, but he has never been successful, which is the reason.

Immediately after the battle was over, it was time to count the results.It is roughly estimated that more than [-] levels have been beheaded, and more than [-] miscellaneous animals have been captured, most of which are food prepared by the Tatars.

"Report victory to the king immediately!" Xia Sanmu waved his hand and ordered.

Next, he will use the captured luggage, goods, and the results of the Khan to shake the will of the Tatars and cause them to collapse, and then cooperate with the iron cavalry and silver spears to attack together.

This trip, whether it is the other part of the Tatars in the west or the White Tatars in the Yinshan Mountains, there will be a lot of bleeding.The powerful forces on the prairie have been slashed again.

The news reached Woyang Palace on the third day.

"I could have foreseen the defeat of the Tatars, but it was a bit of a surprise to capture Albus." Shao Shude clapped the case and laughed, "It's strange, didn't Li Keyong inform the Yinshan Tatars? Greedy, how many more days will you stay?"

Mrs. Pei came over with a bunch of files, and searched them together with several female historians, picked out a few files, and put them on Shao Shude's desk.

It's all about the grassland news, the source is the caravan doing business, and it belongs to second-hand or even third-, fourth-, and fifth-hand news.In addition, there are some news about people who escaped, but these people are low-level, have limited knowledge, and their thinking is relatively confused, so they can only be used as a reference.

"The timeliness of the news is very poor." Shao Shude looked at the year recorded on it, a little speechless.

In recent years, more and more Silk Road merchants have taken the southern route, while the number of merchants who have taken the northern route has decreased day by day, and there are still some detours.Then, the possibility of war in the western half of the Mobei grassland is quite high.This is also normal. Under the background of the great migration of Tatars, things like land grabs happen frequently, and it is not normal not to fight.

The Shuofang shogunate did not care about news about the Mobei Grassland.However, considering that the Tatars have continued to plunder southward in the past two years, and the Zhuanglang, Hun and Zangcai tribes have suffered greatly, now we need to be concerned.

The Great Migration of Tartars was a historical event that lasted for a hundred years.They were doomed to this end when they were defeated in the battle with the Khitans.

Shao Shude also noticed that there are really more people in the eastern half of the grassland than in the western half.These westward Tatars are actually resources and should not be wasted.The Khitans were also staring at these defeated generals, making no secret of their desire to annex them.And the mutual annexation between grassland tribes is much easier than your Central Plains regime's annexation, so don't be careless.

The development momentum of Yeluyi looks very good.Now he is only Yi Lijin of the Diela tribe (the head of the tribal military), and maybe in a few years he will be the Yili Jin of the entire Eight-Party Alliance, so he can use a lot of troops.

The Tatars who migrated westward may be targeted by him.Some of the Xiren, Khitan, and Heiche Shiwei clans who moved westward earlier will also be targeted by him.After defeating these forces that are easier to annex, either attack Bohai, a country with a population of more than 100 million but is approaching the end of the dynasty, or go south to Youzhou and Daibei. In short, the frequency and intensity of Khitan's activities will vary A big boost.

"Now it seems that the Gaochang Uighurs have been fighting eastward to recover the lost land of their ancestors for at least three or four years." Shao Shude said: "This is the important reason why the Tatars fled in all directions and people kept going south to plunder. On the grassland Weather changes are also a big factor, with more snow in winter."

"Your Majesty, the Gaochang Uighurs have risen..." Chen Cheng said.

"It's just a flash in the pan." Shao Shude said lightly.

Chen Cheng was a little surprised, how did the king make such a judgment?According to the information that has been obtained, the territory of Gaochang Uighurs is steadily expanding, and the number of troops that can be drawn is increasing day by day, and the momentum is gradually becoming stronger. How do you think it is a signal of the rise of grassland power?
Shao Shude didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say: "The Uighurs in Gaochang are constantly fighting among themselves, and the Pugu family has made great achievements and stole Khan's position, which must have aroused dissatisfaction among many people. The situation is dormant for the time being, how do you know that civil strife will not break out in the future?"

It suddenly occurred to Shao Shude that the descendants of the Uyghur royal family, the Luoge family, were from a branch in Ganzhou. Although they were massacred by Zhou Yiyan, they did not fail to survive.There are still dozens of men and women, and now most of them are in Anyi, and there is one person with them, who is the cuckoo mother raised by the Pei family.

But this is all for the future, he has no intention of fighting the Gaochang Uighur for the time being.Consolidating the grasslands in the north and expanding its influence is the right way.

"Let's go, I'm going to Nuozhenshui to have a look." Shao Shude got up and stretched out his hands, Pei Shi and Du Shi stepped forward together, ready to change Shao Shude's clothes.

Chen Cheng resigned.

After going out of the hall, it was noon, the sun was extremely dim, and the surrounding fields were cold and windy.

Civil and military officials are busy with paperwork, concubines in the harem laugh at Yan Yan, princes and princesses fight and play--well, Chen Cheng misunderstood, King Xia has not yet proclaimed himself emperor.

However, he really looks like the emperor and sage since the Northern Dynasties!
He is still living in the palace now, if he visits the grassland and sets up a golden tent on the grassland in the future, the picture will be really...


It was snowing heavily again at the Jiyuquan.

Yang Yue sat in the hall, warming up by the fire while waiting for news.

He has been in a state of excitement these days.

Since thousands of Tatars surrendered that day, people have come to surrender one after another in the past few days. The total number has reached 4000, mainly strong and strong, but there are also old and weak women and children.

After interrogation, it was learned that the Tatars who moved westward did encounter counterattacks from the Uighurs.

Originally, the Uighurs moved westward, leaving the Mobei and Monan grasslands, and everyone was very happy.Being bullied by Khitan miserably, some Tatar tribes fled north, some went south, and most moved west, just to fill the empty grassland left by the Uighurs.

But why are you back again?This is very sudden!

I am not strong, who is to blame?Be bullied wherever you go.In the east they were attacked by the Khitans, and in the west they were attacked by the Uighurs.Tatars, shameless, disunified, blame no one.

"General Yang, Murong Qianhu and Zhang Qianhu are here." Zhuang Langshen, the inspector of Jiyuquan, walked in and reported like a subordinate.

Yang Yue frowned when she heard the official title of "Qianhu".

King Xia's servants and tribunes are not in the regular army, but they have the equipment and equipment of the regular army, and they train very frequently.

However, Yang Yue looked down upon the complex sources of these ingredients, which were full of private soldiers from Dangxiang, Uighur, Tuyuhun, Tubo and other tribes.

For low-level warfare, strict discipline, sufficient military pay, excellent equipment, and qualified training are enough. Anyone can do this.But if you want to transform into a strong army, you have to do something that others cannot do.

In the old days in Fanyang, Anlushan Town, he recruited Shiwei and Tongluofan soldiers, trained them in the Chinese way, and equipped them with equipment and armor, which were better than the same equipment and armor sent by Henan and Guanzhong inland troops.

But the Han soldiers who have been in the frontier fortress all the year round, because they have seen blood and experience in frequent battles, they are not afraid of these foreigners.

With regard to courage and experience, Yang Yue doubted that these so-called guards did not have the military equipment.

"Greetings to Yang Junshi." Murong Fu and Zhang Huaiding saluted together, their attitudes were neither cold nor hot, just right.

Yang Yue is a veteran with outstanding achievements, so they should be respectful in their attitude.

But their bodyguards are the king's private part, so it is not appropriate to have much contact with outsiders, so they have to keep a certain distance.

How to grasp the degree is also a science.

"Your Majesty sent the two of you here, what are your orders?" Yang Yue got up and bowed back, asking.

"Your Majesty said that it is 3000 miles from Jiyuquan to Uighur Yazhang. It may not be safe to attack at such a distance. If Yang Jun insists, Your Majesty will not stop him, and ordered the two of us to lead [-] guards Eight hundred riders from Yinanzhi listened to General Yang's order and went out together." Murong Fu said: "Your Majesty has repeatedly told you to carefully weigh the envoys of Jun Yang, there is no need to take this risk."

From Da'an County in Fengzhou (the city of West Surrender) to the north, pass through Gaoque and leave the fortress, and go northwest to Jiyuquan for three hundred miles.And one thousand and five hundred miles northwest from Jiyuquan, it is the place where the Uighur Yazhang was once located, which is roughly the Orkhon River Basin and the eastern section of Hangai Mountain in later generations.

And three thousand miles northwest of Uighur Yazhang is Miaogas, which is roughly in the northern border of Tangnu Ulianghai or Siberia.

It would take 75 days for the Miaogas to go back to the King’s Court of the Ughurs for a distance of [-] miles. If they marched normally, they would need to walk about [-] miles a day.

If you only send elite soldiers, carry the necessary transfer horses and water, and make a long-distance raid, it will not take so long, but it is an adventure.

"I've weighed it up, and I'll give it a go." Yang Yue said, "With the vengeful Tatars leading the way, what else can I say? The Uyghurs' lair is still in Xizhou. How many people can they put in Heichengzi? It's soldiers. Some are missing. There are several places to touch, and there are not enough people along the way."

"There won't be more people." Murong Fu shook his head and said, "Your Majesty thinks it's pointless to fight Uighurs."

Yang Yue snorted coldly.

"Your Majesty wants to take over the pastures, cattle and sheep, and Dingkou of the Yinshan Tatars and the other tribes of the White Tatars, and expand their power outward. In the future, most of the Baidaochuan Qibi tribe and Shannan Geshu tribe will move north or east. Mu La Shanzangcai Wang's family is also hard to say, maybe they will move." Yang Yue smiled and said: "You are too small! You are so timid, like a woman, I will give the king the whole life."

Murong Fu and Zhang Huaiding looked at each other speechlessly.

"You send people back immediately, and tell the king, I don't want anything else, just give me the few thousand horses from Xu Hao from the Tielin Army." Yang Yue said again.

He didn't mention the iron cavalry, silver spears, golden knives, and black armies, because quite a few of them had already gone straight to the Tatar's tooth tent in Yinshan Mountain and raided their old dens.

(End of this chapter)

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