Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 734 Conception

Chapter 734 Conception (addition for the leader Kui Yuan)
"See Your Majesty!" Inside the Nuozhen Water Branch, the soldiers bowed down and shouted.

Shao Shude walked in the snow with a calm face.

There was a new snowfall, and the blood was buried under it, and the traces of the battle were no longer visible.But looking at the thousands of captives kneeling on the ground far away, you can still calculate the outcome of this battle - beheading more than 17 people, capturing more than [-] people from the Yinshan Tatar Yuyue Absi, and [-] miscellaneous animals Ten thousand.

After the news came out, the Tatars who were active in the Yinshan area collapsed directly.More than [-] people surrendered, and the rest collapsed, with many casualties in the pursuit.Considering the bad weather, it's really hard to say how many people will be able to escape.

Actually, so what if you escaped back?The three armies of Jindao, Heizhu, and Leopard Cavalry have dispatched more than [-] cavalry, plus [-] cavalry from the Yinshan Fan tribe. They have already taken the captive guides and headed straight to the Yinshan Tatar tooth tent, intending to wipe out all the people who stayed behind in their hometown.

This is what war on the grassland looks like.The marching speed is fast, the battle rhythm is fast, the victory and defeat are divided, you die or I die, the loser loses everything and becomes a slave——Zarayier, who lived in the Onan River Basin in history, rose to power and became a slave. The Mongolian tribes were conquered and the Mongols became their slaves, but Haidu Khan led the army and defeated the Zarayier people in a battle. Zarayier immediately became a Mongolian slave, and his status was instantly reversed. It's just that simple.

The leaders of the five tribes of Yinshan also rushed over, and they were shocked to see the descendants of the Tatars kneeling all over the ground.

"Ge Shuque!" Shao Shude shouted.

Shannan inspection officer Ge Shuque trotted forward and almost fell down because the snow was slippery, but no one laughed at him.In front of Supreme Khan, what right do you have to neglect?

"The end will be here." 44-year-old Ge Shuque responded loudly.

"Would you like to move somewhere?" Shao Shude asked.

The Geshu tribe is currently grazing in the west and south of Jiuyuan (prefecture), Yongfeng, and Da'an counties in Fengzhou, and in the north of Helan Mountain.The upper strata of the tribe are Turkic people, and the middle and lower strata are mostly Dangxiang and other miscellaneous beards-this is actually nothing on the grasslands, and you can't figure out your blood at all.

The strength of the Ministry is not very good. It has only grown to more than 3 people so far. When all the people are recruited, it can only pull out [-] people at its limit.Now most of them have been sent out and are on their way back.

"A lot of people have surrendered from Jiyuquan. I'll give you [-]. Those who surrender here, I'll give you [-] as well. They will be merged into your tribe, and they will graze in Nuozhenshui from now on. How about it?" Shao Shude asked.

This is not a negotiation, but an order.Ge Shu was very clear, so he immediately replied: "I will follow the orders of the Supreme Khan."

The Henan land of Fengzhou and Shengzhou has the Yellow River and its tributaries, which are suitable for animal husbandry and farming.Now it seems that Da Khan doesn't want them to stay there to graze, and change to Nuozhenshui area.

As for the fact that most of the 6000 newcomers are strong and strong, it is not a big problem.The five divisions of Yinshan were often drawn out to fight, and the loss of personnel was not small, so it happened to be replenished and strengthened.

These Tatars also spoke Turkic, which was easy to digest, and Geshu was not dissatisfied.

Among the five tribes of Yinshan, there are two Turkic-speaking tribes, Qibi and Hunbu.But to be honest, these "fake Uyghurs" who were born in Tiele, like the real Uyghurs, are very hostile to Turks, and they can't urinate in a pot.

Because many people in the Qibi tribe have served as officials of the Tang Dynasty, and Qibizhang has also served as the Jiedu envoy of the Zhenwu Army, so their strength is relatively strong. At present, there are 7 to [-] people. Obviously, they have annexed many Dangxiang and Tuyuhun tribes .Economically, half-grazing and half-cultivating are no longer pure nomads.

The strength of the Hun tribe is relatively weak. When it was first established, it was less than [-]. Now it has absorbed a lot of Uighurs and Tuyuhun, but it is only worth [-]. It is still the weakest branch.

The Zangcai Department and the Zhuanglang Department are all members of the Dangxiang. Thanks to the "grand cause" of the Dangxiang people moving eastward and northward all the way, there are so many Dangxiang herdsmen in the Yinshan area. , Hexi Dangxiang, etc., are almost the largest ethnic groups nearby.

It is also because of this that after ten years, the strength of the Mulashan Wang family and the Jiyuquanzhuang Lang family has grown by leaps and bounds, and they have continuously annexed small tribes, with a population of [-] and a population of [-]. They are second to none among the five tribes. .

Shao Shude wanted to expand to the north of Yinshan Mountain, obviously he wanted to move some tribes out of Shannan. Geshu tribe and Qibi tribe were the two tribes he planned to move.

Brother Shubu made arrangements for them to leave as soon as they left, and Nuozhenshui was not a bad place, so they didn't object.

But what about the Kebibe?It's a little difficult.

The promotion of the three-crop crop rotation system will inevitably affect nomadic tribes.No one is a real fool. They don’t learn the higher-yield agricultural model and continue to play low-yield nomadic farming.In other words, it was Shao Shude who allowed these tribes to feed a larger population that could not be supported under the traditional model, and it was troublesome to move now.

"Who else wants to move?" Shao Shude looked at the leaders of the ministries with a smile, but no one agreed, but a few bitter chiefs from Shaqi tried to ask if they could change places.

Shao Shude laughed out loud. Some people want to leave and some don't. It's normal.

After some soothing words, Shao Shude said: "I want to restore Liangcheng County in the Later Wei Dynasty, set up Canzhou, govern Shanwu, Canhe, Woyang, and Xuanhong counties, and govern Liangcheng."

This actually includes the two counties of Liangcheng and Shanwu in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The former governs Canhe and Xuanhong counties, and is located in Liangcheng to the north of Daihai. This is a separately built state city within the territory of Canhe County.The latter governs Woyang and Shanwu counties, and Shanwu County is located in the area of ​​Youyu County today.The pastures of the subordinate department of Woyang Palace are also in Canzhou.

During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the number of households in these two counties was very small, and the combined number was less than [-]. However, there were many powerful slaves and herdsmen. After all, it was the main road of communication between the two capitals in the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty. There will probably not be any in this life. what changes.

"To the east of Canzhou, the former towns of Fuming and Rouxuan in the Later Wei Dynasty were also set up as a prefecture, called Rouzhou, leading Rouxuan County (now Jining). During the Later Han Dynasty, the Northern Huns moved westward, and Xianbei moved here. , more than [-] Hun tribes returned. Tan Shihuai set up tooth tents nearby, laying the foundation of Xianbei. This place is very good."

As soon as Shao Shude said this, everyone thought to themselves.

There are tens of thousands of people in Woyang Palace in Shenzhou, and most of them have to resettle thousands of registered households, and they will not give it to others.

What about Johor?The grassland to the north of Rouzhou is the pasture of the Yinshan Tatars. If they are defeated and annexed this time, combined with the question of whether anyone is willing to move the place just now, then a tribe will definitely be resettled here.

This pasture is actually pretty good!

There are mountains and valleys with lush vegetation and many rivers, allowing small-scale farming.The range of the grassland is even greater, and it has the potential to raise a large tribe.

The only risk is probably whether Li Keyong will be annoyed.After all, the Yinshan Tatars have an inexplicable relationship with their Shatuo Zhuxie clan. Maybe they sent troops in a fit of anger?At that time, the war will continue, so don't even think about farming and animal husbandry with peace of mind.

But still worth the effort!

For a while, everyone had their own thoughts, but they didn't dare to speak rashly.

Shao Shude sneered secretly.Just blowing the wind today, there is still a series of work to be done.For the land in Johor State, he is interested in the Qibi tribe.There are many children of the Qibi clan in the left wing of the Flying Dragon Army. He can allow Qibizhang to transfer hundreds of veterans from the army to leave the army, organize his own tribe to graze in Rouzhou, and occupy the pastures of the Yinshan Tatars.

Whoever was dissatisfied, who dared to babble, asked him if he was afraid of the threat of "50 riders" overwhelming Mount Tai.

"How about I set up Rouzhou?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

"Big Khan Shengming!" What else can everyone say?Can only flatter.


On the prairie to the north of Jozhou, which still exists on paper, a large group of knights suddenly attacked and killed them.

The guide who was held up by the sharp knife burst into tears and couldn't bear to look directly.

Qingqi from the Yinshan tribe rushed to them first, and they kept waving iron bones, short swords, and spears.The Yinshan Tatars who were fleeing had no intention of fighting, but they still separated some people to fight.

The commander of the leopard cavalry, Wang Chong, ordered all the troops to put on their horses. The two thousand armored cavalry circled around for a while, accelerated, and rushed straight into the formation of more than 3000 Tatar light cavalry from the flanks, cutting it into two sections at once.

At the same time, Ding Wei, the deputy envoy of the Heilong Army, led 2000 riders around the old and weak Tatar women and children who were fleeing in carts and carts.

The thieves were in a panic, but with the courage to defend the tribe, they still fought hard.

Under the protection of five hundred cavalry led by Fu Yanchao, Shao Siwu rushed forward cautiously.

Shao Siwu is very sure that a father loves his children, but he will never spoil them.In today's world, excessive doting is tantamount to letting children die.Born into this family, he has no right to be weak, otherwise he will be looked down upon by others, he will have no honor at all, it is no different from eating and waiting to die.

"All the martial arts I have learned since elementary school were taught by a master. I practice them all the time and never give up. I am no worse than anyone else." Shao Siwu took out a well-stringed riding bow and aimed it at one person.

The man's face was hideous, with blood all over his head and face, and he didn't know who it was.He had already found Shao Siwu who was being tightly protected, he roared angrily, greeted more than ten companions, and rushed over without hesitation.

The weather was surprisingly cold, but Shao Siwu's riding bow was still warm, so he hesitated a little.I am still young, and my bow strength is not very strong, what if I can't shoot the thief?

Thinking of this section, he slightly adjusted his target, held his breath and concentrated, and shot out with one arrow.

"Xilulu!" The horse neighed in pain, and the Tatar knight fell directly off the horse, unable to get up for a long time.

The sergeants cheered loudly and shot arrows again and again, and the thieves who rushed over gradually fell off their horses.These former soldiers of the Shao family had incredible skills, killing people was like walking in a courtyard, Shao Siwu felt a little ashamed when he saw it.

Fu Yanchao shouted loudly, rushed forward, and stabbed the Tatar cavalry who was facing him to death with one spear, then bent down and grabbed the enemy cavalry who fell from the horse just now, and ran back to the formation.

"He fell to his death!" Fu Yanchao was surprised, and then his face was full of joy, and he said with a smile: "Congratulations to the prince for killing a thief!"

"The prince is mighty, he has already beheaded one level!" The soldiers shouted one after another.

When the fighting soldiers heard this, their morale was greatly boosted, and their movements became more powerful.

If they were caught running away, these Tatars are finished!
(End of this chapter)

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