Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 738 The second achievement

Chapter 738 The Second Achievement

At the beginning of November, Shao Shude had lived in Toyosu for quite some time.

He didn't go to Zhoucheng or Tiandejun with better conditions, but lived in the old house in Xicheng.

Because Zhao Yu was already pregnant, Shao Shude specially instructed not to walk too fast on the road, but to go west slowly.In addition, the children's studies must not be left behind, and they must study every day.

Zhao Yu's pregnancy was actually inevitable.Ever since revisiting the old dream in Suizhou and talking, every time they love each other to the end, the two always hug each other tightly and never separate again.

Some are pregnant and others are lost.Mrs. Wei Chen gave birth to a son three months ago, but before she could name her son, she received news a few days ago that she died.

He didn't see the child before the birth, Shao Shude was depressed, but he was more concerned about Chen's condition.In the past few days, I have been writing letters, digging my stomach, and using the cover of learning long and short sentences from Wei Zhuang, I wrote a lot of affectionate Song Ci to Chen.

Mrs. Chen is a mature, wise, and calm Yujie. With her talent and learning, of course she knows how much Shao Shude is. These long and short sentences must have been contributed by the shameless literati around King Xia.But it's fine to make her happy, Shao Shude has a thick skin, it doesn't matter.

In a bad mood, Shao Dashuai didn't even bother to take care of the ten or so female relatives of the Abus family sent by his subordinates.Among them is a pair of twin girls, with high noses and deep eyes, blue eyes, they are really lovely, let's put them away first.They are all their own female slaves, and they will come and serve them when they want to play in the future.

"If you want to control the grassland, the three prefectures of Feng, Sheng, and Ling must have some appearance." Walking in the snow-covered fields, Shao Shude said to Zhao Guangfeng, who had just returned from Chang'an to report on his work: "Since the Qin Dynasty, there have been continuous Immigrants are real. But it is not easy for these people to settle down."

"The ancestor, Duke Zhengyuan, was farming in the west city. He said that there are frequent mountain torrents in Langshan, and that the sand and stones are rolling down year after year. Sooner or later, the river will change its course." Shao Shude said: "If it changes its course, it will be a disaster."

The Yinshan Mountains are divided into Langshan Mountain, Chaona Mountain (Wula Mountain) and Daqing Mountain from west to east.

"Zhengyuan Gongguo has great wisdom." Zhao Guangfeng said sincerely.

A farmer who works in the countryside can see the diversion of the Yellow River from the flash floods that brought mud and rocks down, and he can indeed praise his great wisdom.

"There is actually a gap between Helan Mountain and Yin Mountain, which is in the west of Yongfeng County." Shao Shude said again: "Westerly winds often blow here, and over the years, the sand from the moraine is blown over, squeezing the river channel and causing the river bed to rise. .”

"But in the long run, it's not a bad thing." Shao Shude smiled.

He read an article in later generations, which said that due to geological activities, the Yinshan Mountains have been rising, and the Hetao Plain has continued to sink, and then because of the continuous uplift of the Yellow River, it was finally blocked during the Qing Dynasty. The river diverted to the south instead of going north. It is the Wujia River at the southern foot of Yinshan Mountain.

This is actually not a bad thing.

It is precisely because of the uplift of the Yellow River that the Houtao Plain can make full use of the water source of the Yellow River and build artesian canals for irrigation. In the Qing Dynasty, the Houtao Plain has been greatly developed, and it can be called the pearl of the plug. Wuliangsuhai also appeared at that time, turbulent The floodwaters had nowhere to go, so a large lake was formed. At this time, it was still a grassland wetland with rich water and grass, and the horse breeding place of Yongqingzha.

"Fengzhou now has more than 19200 households and more than 10 people, which is quite a lot. In the past dynasties, the people who could reach this number were the large-scale immigrants in the Qin and Han Dynasties. More than one million dendrobium grains, beans, meat and milk are produced every year. It's hard to estimate, I will gain a lot." Shao Shude said: "With these people here, I can continue to use troops in Qinan and Qibei."

In fact, the development of Fengzhou took a lot of effort, because the current course of the Yellow River is still relatively low, and artesian canals cannot be excavated in every place, so a large number of water trucks were built.At the beginning, I wanted to use the method of commercial operation to let a certain department of the Duzuo Institute, which made the water truck, become independent, earn its own expenses, use profits to improve equipment, and continue to iterate.But later it was found that it was useless, and the common people were unwilling to buy water for irrigation.

There is no other way but to resort to extortion and restraint. In fact, there is a kind of exorbitant taxation, which is recognized by the common people.

This is outrageous.Things that are obviously beneficial to both parties cannot be done through a purely commercial model, and must be enforced by administrative means.At present, the counties in Fengzhou collect this fee on their behalf, and then transfer it to the Dafeng Farm Tools Co., Ltd., which operates independently.It is conceivable that how much this fee was collected and how much was transferred, there were a lot of troubles in the middle, and the loss was huge, which was actually not conducive to business operations.

But nonetheless, there are positives.

After the difficult times, due to the chaotic current situation, merchants in Daozhou all over the world generally organized guilds and associations to keep warm, and guilds became popular, which promoted the development of commerce to a certain extent, and gradually prospered in the Song Dynasty.

The existence of the Dafeng Agricultural Tools Club at least broke the relatively conservative social form.After seeing a lot and knowing enough, sooner or later the common people will accept this new thing of purchasing agricultural irrigation services, because it is indeed beneficial to both parties.Then gradually spread to other aspects, and the commercial atmosphere of the whole society will be further enhanced.

Development must conform to objective laws, establish a sustainable and stable operation model, and give birth to a soil that can nourish new technologies and new things. Both the supply side and the demand side must be ubiquitous. This is the most important thing.

"My lord, Qin and Han immigrated to Shibian hundreds of years ago, with a population of hundreds of thousands, and the scale is huge. These Han people were either killed or captured by the Hu people and became new Hu people. How to maintain the stability of Guanbei, This is the most important thing." Zhao Guangfeng said: "It's time for the Anbei Protectorate to restore the area under its jurisdiction when the country was in its prime."

The Han area is governed by the Han law, and the grassland is governed by the law of the grassland. It has nothing to do with other things, only related to the mode of production and cultural habits.

As for ethnicity and bloodlines, they are not important.

The subjugated people of Koguryo were forcibly moved to Huainan, and tens of thousands of Turkic and Zhaowu nine-surnamed people went to Henan and Guanzhong.After the Anshi Rebellion, Li Zhengji's group of Han, Xi, Khitan, and Goryeo went to Shandong again.The South is also continuing to compile households, and the population of many states and counties has increased significantly.

As long as they adopt the production methods of the Han, immerse themselves in the culture of the Han, and set up households with the same people, they will basically integrate into the Han society and become "new Han people". Who would know that their ancestors used to be Qiang, Hu , savage, savage?

Similarly, when the Han people went to the grasslands, they became Hu people over time.The Tibetanized Helong Han people are the best example, as are the Han people who were taken captive by the barbarians in the grasslands.Different geographical environments and climates determine different production methods and shape different national characters and cultures. You cannot force a method.

"Step by step. This time, the Heichengzi area will be included first." Shao Shude said.

The news of Yang Yue's surprise attack on the Uighur Yazhang and his victory has been sent back.

More than 60 people were beheaded, and more than [-] people were captured, including more than [-] cattle, sheep and offal.Most of the captives were Tatars.It can also be seen from this that the Gaochang Uighurs' reconquest of the Qakun River Basin will sooner or later be a dream.They really didn't have much energy to look east, so that after the conquest, they could only stay with a few troops to garrison, and the main population of the area was still the Tatars who migrated from the west.

Once the Uighurs show signs of decline, the Tatars will definitely have dissatisfaction.What's more, there are still Tatar tribes who continue to move westward at this time. You can know what will happen in the future if you think about it with your toes.

"How does Your Majesty plan to take care of the Uighur tooth tent?" Zhao Guangfeng asked again.

"The old way is that the ministries will form an alliance, and the time can be counted. Yang Yue came to report that there are still a lot of Tatars in the Kunkun River Basin, so select a few officials and divide the pastures." Shao Shude said: "That is to say, the prison."

Needless to say, due to the long distance between Qibei and Fan tribes, the effect of confinement is definitely not as good as that of Qinan, which is under the nose, let alone Hetao Weicai, which is surrounded on all sides.

But—let's take care of it first.Taking advantage of the prestige in this meeting, he can suppress those people and tighten the system step by step.

Moreover, this system must be a three-pronged approach of military, politics, and economy, otherwise it may be unsafe.

The current system of the Protectorate is still too careless, and the management is not effective.The reason why the tribes haven't rebelled yet is because the Supreme Khan's old name was "Shao Papi", who once killed the heads of the Guanbei Fan tribe. How many years have passed?It's not time to rebel.

But people have short-term worries without long-term considerations. Shao Shude worried that after his death, some ambitious people would think that the opportunity had come and brazenly rebel.

There are several major achievements in life. The first thing is to change the production and living mode of farmers in the north. He has already done half of it, and the trend is basically stable, and it is difficult to reverse it. The second thing is to spend a lot of energy to control the grassland. The Central Plains' major crisis has been weakened, harmless, and even annexed.

The military battle is only the simplest part, and the remaining political battles will test the capabilities of the Kansai military and political group even more.

He recalled the methods used by the Manchu Qing to control Mongolia and the Western Regions, but he couldn't remember the details clearly, but he only knew that the Manchu Qing also adapted to local conditions.The means of controlling Mongolia are completely different from the means of controlling the Western Regions. The four things of garrisoning troops, sending officials, collecting taxes, and conscription have been done for more than two hundred years, which is really awesome.

I feel that the Manchus are the best at playing, and the desert Mongolia and the Western Regions Huihui make them foolish to play.You have to think about it carefully, what tricks and tricks did the Man Qing use?

"Since we want to meet all the tribes, Your Majesty has to go to the grassland." Zhao Guangfeng said.

"I definitely want to go. But I have to go back to Lingzhou first, visit the counties, and go to Hexi Town after the new year." Shao Shude said.

This is what it should mean.As the core asset of Guanbei, if the money and food base in the eight counties of Lingzhou did not show their faces, wouldn't that be for nothing?What's more, I have lived there for many years, and I miss the love of Helan Mountain.

"Your Majesty wants to go back to Huya Yazhang via Juyanhai?" Zhao Guangfeng was a little surprised.

"Take a look at the moraine along the way." Shao Shude said affirmatively.

Sand moraine is the Alxa Grassland of the later generations. Heishuicheng horse farm was built, and it was also a site that was acquired after several years of fighting. .

How can you feel at ease if you don’t walk all the time, you’ve come all the time?

(End of this chapter)

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