Chapter 739 Policy (adding updates to the leader Li Renjun)
The Geshu Department has already begun preparations for "moving the town".

The main obstacle is the weather.After all, with the addition of the newly recruited Tatar captives, nearly [-] people, braving the severe cold and snow on their way, Shao Shude was not so unkind.

The large tracts of land they left after they left were temporarily brought back to the government, and they will be rewarded and sold as appropriate in the future.

There are also some tribal shepherds near Xicheng.After living for many years, I also met a lot of people in the local area. Saying goodbye, paying back the money, collecting the debt, in short, a bunch of things.

Among the fine snowflakes, Shao Shude also left the old house in the west city surrounded by his own soldiers.

Almost all the elders in the county came out to see each other along the street.

King Xia is good. Every time he returns to his hometown, he rewards many people, making foreigners envious.Even those who did not receive the reward, they still bragged with the foreign merchants, and they were honored.

At the end of the post road, a beautiful woman of about [-] people ignored the eyes of outsiders, and chased after her for a long time, waving the sword in her hand and a bright red cloak, and remained silent for a long time.By the end, I was almost crying.

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded.

Shao Shude rode his horse back, stopped in front of the woman, and said with a gentle smile, "Guangqi said goodbye every two years, and it's been ten years since we saw each other. How has Xiu Niang been?"

There are already fine wrinkles on the woman's face, which shows the hardships of life in these years.

She turned her head away, and said: "Thanks to Your Majesty, life in Fengzhou can still go on."

"Have you received the brocade that was given to you?"

"Why didn't Your Majesty send it in person?"

Li Zhong and Ye Li Kecheng followed behind Shao Shude, they looked at each other in blank dismay, this country woman is really courageous.In these years, which woman didn't laugh and try her best to please the king when she saw the king?
"It's not very convenient." Shao Shude said with a smile: "When I was the team leader at the ferry, I saved some hard-earned money, which was only enough to give you some miscellaneous silks for your brother and sister. Now that you have money, I will give you Qinghe famous products."

"Have you eaten the cake?" Xiuniang turned her head and asked.

"Eat it, it still tastes like the old West City. Why didn't you find out that you have such a skill back then."

"Aren't you afraid of me being poisoned?" Xiu Niang asked after her mood improved.

Li Zhong and Ye Like became numb, the content of the conversation between these two people was really weird.

"I don't trust others, how can I not trust you?" Shao Shude laughed loudly.

After all, he asked someone to fetch a set of newly knitted sweaters, handed them to the embroiderer, and said, "Go back, it's snowing heavily."

The embroidered lady looked at the sweater in her hand happily, with a smile on her face, like a pear blossom in bloom.

"When I see you, I think of the past years, and my only remaining conscience, and Xiu Niang should encourage you." Shao Shude said: "If anyone dares to bully you, just take my sword and go to the state government office, the governor Don’t dare to ignore it. After I find out, I will definitely punish his family.”

"It really is a fierce martial artist." Xiu Niang was startled, and quickly said: "Your Majesty, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Shao Shude laughed again.Talking to this "little girl" is sincere and very relaxing.

"I have already sent people to Kuozhou to find your husband, and I have pardoned his crime of escape, don't worry."

Xiu Niang nodded thoughtfully and thanked her.

The brigade continued to march, leaving a place for horses above the post road.


Hurrying all the way, I finally arrived in Huaiyuan New City in mid-November.

Shao Shude directly lived in his own house in Helan Mountain.

The courtyard was empty, except for the servants who stayed behind, there was no one else.

When the servants of the palace, Wang Shi, Cao Shi, Kang Shi and others saw Shao Shude, they almost burst into tears.

When the king became interested, he directly pressed them against the edge of the bath, on the pillars, and on the railing to pamper them, and he was so heartless when he left that he almost forgot about them.

Shao Shude even felt that some maids were unfamiliar, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he had served him once or twice, and he was a little embarrassed.

Considering that there are many vacancies for palace officials and female historians around me, I will bring them with me in the future. They are all women from the Yinshan tribes and the Zhe family, so there is no problem with their reliability.

Living in the house until the end of the month, Li Zhong came to report: Yang Yue had arrived at Jiyuquan with the first batch of prisoners.

In fact, the news reached Lingxia before the prisoners.

The king of Xia hadn't returned to Lingxia for several years, and he won a big victory as soon as he came back, and it was a big victory against the Tatars and Uighurs in Yinshan.With two more such victories, the lives of the people of Lingxia will be more stable.

During the Dezong and Xianzong dynasties, the tense situation in the Yinshan area can be vividly seen, and the threat of the Hu people's invasion from the south has always been a lingering shadow.

There was a lot of discussion outside, King Xia's prestige continued to rise, and inside the palace, Zhao Guangfeng offered a few policy suggestions that he had just thought of while Chen Cheng was away.

"Zhao Sima can speak freely, and he can say as many as he thinks of, and he can gradually improve it later." Shao Shude poured him a bowl of tea himself, and said with a smile.

His meaning is very clear, what comes to mind and what to say, it doesn't matter whether it is a system or not, it can be gradually improved in the future.

"Your Majesty, the first thing to do is to find a way to reduce the population of the grasslands. Regarding this matter, I have thought of a few tricks." Zhao Guangfeng said: "One is to recruit its warriors into the yamen army and consume its population; When building Buddhist temples, monks are not allowed to marry wives and have children, but they are exempted from taxes and servitude; third, it is strictly forbidden for Lingxia or other prefectures and counties to go to the grasslands to cultivate and settle down; fourth, if there are merchants or travelers going north to the grasslands, they are not allowed to bring their female relatives without permission. ..."

After saying this, he spoke in detail again.

The war reduced the population of young and strong men in the grasslands, and it can indeed restrain the growth of the grassland population, and the effect is remarkable.

Zhao Guangfeng believes that the idea of ​​building Buddhist temples can be lenient on the grasslands, and monks can not be taxed or serve.After seeing a large number of casualties in the expedition, there are always people who are willing to become monks, but Buddhist temples must be strictly managed, and monks are strictly prohibited from marrying wives and having children.At the same time, the Duhufu can give some rewards to Buddhist temples from time to time, and the upper echelons use various means to improve the status of monks and attract more men to become monks.

On the grassland, there are actually quite a few places suitable for farming.Shao Shude still remembers that when the later Manchu Qing conquered Galdan, they were still fishing in Khobduo and producing grain and meat.It is also a good way to prohibit the people in the interior from going to the grasslands to seek a living and let the grassland population flow out in one direction.

The fourth article is similar to the third article, do not increase the population of the grassland.Zhao Guangfeng also specially suggested that if a businessman marries a wife and has children in the grassland, as soon as he is discovered, the whole family should be escorted back to their original place immediately, and they should not go there again.

"But they can run." Shao Shude pointed out the weaknesses of these policies.

To the north of the grassland, if there is no Tsarist Russia to block the escape of the tribe, the effect will be greatly reduced.But he also had to admit that even so, it was effective.

Of course, there is also a hidden worry, that is, the tribe under his rule may be raised and abolished.The world is vast, and the herdsmen from other places might kill them and conquer these tribes when they saw that they were easy to bully.

But still that sentence, even so, is effective.If that happens, the Central Plains court must send troops to help these tribes fight against foreign invaders.I was afraid that the future generations would be unworthy. Under the persuasion of officials, I was afraid of spending money, so I easily abandoned these tribes and let them fall into the arms of the enemy.

Overall, the policy still has flaws, and there is still room for fine-tuning.

"Secondly, we must understand the grassland." Zhao Guangfeng said: "I see that the king runs various schools in prefectures and counties, and he is willing to spend money. Why not set up Tatar studies, Turkic studies, Uighur studies, and Tubo studies in addition to classics and medicine?" And so on, find people to teach, and widely train students who are familiar with grassland affairs. If you want to deal with them, you must first understand them, so that you can prescribe the right medicine without causing too much backlash."

"This is good." Shao Shude praised.

Throughout the dynasties, few people were willing to do this kind of thing. It may be due to lack of talents, or it may be out of arrogance.

When the grassland tribes came to fight, the entire imperial court could not find a few professionals who were familiar with the enemy's inside information.Isn't it funny that people's eyes are so dark that they don't even know the leader's name, which tribe he is from, who he has a good relationship with, and who is his sworn enemy?
How to formulate targeted policies without knowing others?How to use diplomatic means to divide and disintegrate, and unite vertically and horizontally?Don't talk about wooing other people's enemies, unknowingly engaged in a show operation, and offended people without knowing it, making the joint confrontation with the enemy become empty talk.

Arrogance is bad, and there will be a price to pay!
The talents cultivated can be used to collect and analyze data in the Lifan Academy, and can also be used as judges, tribal supervisors, intelligence personnel, diplomats, etc. In short, we must do everything possible to attach importance to the grassland and invest in Certain resources.

"Thirdly, divide the tribes into distant and close ones, and prevent them from being twisted into a single rope. To the close tribes, show favor, you can marry, and you can give more rewards. Let the close tribes monitor the tribes that are not close enough, and let them guard against each other. Mutual suspicion."

"Fourth, we must firmly grasp the upper class of each tribe. The grassland is a headman system. If you catch the headman, you will be stable. Let the headman be hereditary and ensure the wealth of their families from generation to generation, so that when the army is recruited, there will be no call."

"Fifth, when merchants go to the grassland to trade, they need to issue permits, and there are regulations on the routes they travel. Part of the income from trading can be distributed to the chieftains, so that they can have money to spend while inheriting their power, reducing dissatisfaction."

"Sixth, divide the pastures, and don't cross the boundaries to graze without permission. If any tribe's herdsman crosses the boundary, their leader will be punished. They must not annex or fight each other without permission. Once such signs appear, resolutely send troops to attack and destroy their tribes. New Get a leader."

"Seventh, regular alliances to enhance the prestige of the Central Plains emperor, it is best to come once every two years."

"Eighth, there are talented and outstanding people in the grasslands, and they can go to the Central Plains to serve as officials and generals, and they are treated equally. Regularly recruit the children of the leaders to study classics and martial arts, and arrange a good place."

"Ninth, where the grasslands are suitable for reclamation, build cities, garrison troops, and send officials as a deterrent. You can also ask all ministries to form a joint army and go south to the Central Plains for garrison. In short, transfer the Han army to the north to garrison the grassland, and transfer the grassland army to the south to garrison the Han area. "

"Tenth, Your Majesty can add palaces and set up new slave departments in some important places with abundant water and grass."

Zhao Guangfeng said a lot in one breath, and Shao Shude listened quietly.

The policies are very good and should have some effect.But loopholes always exist, that is, when the tribe is unbearable but unable to resist, they can run away.Although this is not easy, after all, it has to pass through the pastoral areas of other tribes, so it is easy to be discovered and lead to encirclement and suppression, but there is a hidden danger after all.

In addition, the invasion of nomadic tribes outside the domain is also a problem that has to be faced squarely.

In short, there must be an effect, but it should not be as great as it was in the Qing dynasty.

"Improve it first." Shao Shude said: "We will still need them. Some policies can be implemented immediately, while others can't. After the world is unified, we can gradually promote it."

Some policies, when he thinks about them carefully, are still problematic.If we follow Zhao Guangfeng's suggestion, the grassland will be locked forever. They will not be able to go south, and the Han people will not be able to go north. They maintain a fragile balance with each other, and I feel that there is a great hidden danger.

He is now cultivating rye and oat seeds that are suitable for the local climate. He has a new farming method that combines agriculture and animal husbandry, and has a policy to promote wool products. Can he implement a better way by controlling the areas that can be cultivated on the grassland? What about domination?
Theoretically, this is possible, but we should also see the huge risks involved.But then again, is there no risk in doing anything in this world?It is impossible to come up with a perfect solution.

Even in later generations, various policies were slowly adjusted.After decades, it is even very different from the beginning.Things develop in motion, so we must look at problems from a developmental perspective.

He can only explore step by step. In short, he will spend his whole life working hard in this direction.

(End of this chapter)

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