Chapter 799 Divide
On the second day of May in the fourth year of Qianning, the situation in Chen Xu became increasingly tense.

In the direction of Caishui, Zhu Quanzhong personally led the Changzhi, Feisheng, Xiongwei, Konghe, and Tabai armies all the way to the north, resisting the harassment of more than [-] cavalry from the Dingnan Army, the speed was very fast, and when they camped in the evening , it is less than a hundred miles away from Fugou.

The casualties of the harassing Dingnan army were relatively large.It can be expected that Zhu's army will speed up in the next few days.

This battlefield, Shao Shude called it the Caishui battlefield, is dominated by harassment and delay.At present, he has ordered the rest of the Dingnan Army to go south as soon as possible to join the main force and increase the delay and harassment of the main force of the Zhu army.

Bianzhou direction, basically gave up.Only more than [-] guards and soldiers were left to monitor and collect food to maintain a sense of existence.

In addition to escorting food and supplies, the Tiande Army and the Shunyi Army who are on their way will also send a part to the east to monitor Zhu Zhen's troops.

Zhu Zhen's Caozhou Legion was indeed a great threat. First of all, there were more than [-] veterans who were good at fighting, and second, they had a strong appeal in nearby areas and could get responses from local states and counties.A few days ago when he sent an envoy to Huazhou, several counties in Xiaxia had rebelled. If it weren't for this person's strange behavior, the siege of Bianzhou might have been lifted.

In the direction of Yancheng, Ding Hui's evacuation may be a bit difficult.

Pang Shigu retreated, Yingshui was his friend and could stop the pursuers.Dante will retreat, and he has to find a way to cross the Yingshui, no matter whether he goes north or east, he can't get around.

Moreover, Zhe Zongben and Ding Hui have been old enemies for many years, and they almost always look at Ding Hui with one eye open when they sleep, staring very closely.Except for those who were used as rangers, most of the tribes were sent by him to attack the camps and cities of the Youguo Army.Of course, the Weisheng army will not be idle, the offensive and defensive battles between the two sides are very fierce, with mutual casualties, and the entanglement is much more intense than that of Li Tangbin and Pang Shigu.

Yesterday, nearly 2 people from the Tianzhu army and the Tutuan peasants went south and set up camp on the side of Yancheng. They joined the Weisheng army in the southeast and northwest, pinching the Youguo army tightly and preventing them from retreating.

Bianzhou, Caishui, and Yancheng, these are the three secondary battlefields.

Of course, secondary does not mean that it is not important, nor does it mean that there are not many enemies to be held back, but the priority of elimination is not high.

Xuzhou has always been the main battlefield.No, on the first day of May, Shao Shude even left the arena in person, and led the iron cavalry to the southeast, galloping to the southeast of Xuzhou.

On the second day of May, more than 3000 members of the Zhongwu Army and more than [-] people from Changshe Xiangyong arrived, and set up a stronghold with more than [-] members of the Feilong Army.

In a day and a half, under various obstacles, the Long Sword Army has advanced forty miles, only twenty miles away from Xuzhou City.

Shao Shude was a little surprised by the path chosen by the Long Sword Army.

According to the news received yesterday, the Long Sword Army first went north, moved closer to Pang Shigu's troops, and then advanced together.But in fact, they turned on the Xu-Caiyi Road in the middle of the night and took a shortcut to Xuzhou.

After the rangers detected the situation, the Flying Dragon Army, which was originally defending against the Youguo Army in the direction of Yancheng, immediately adjusted its combat mission and set up camp on the spot.The Zhongwu Army also received an order, and brothers Zhao Lu and Zhao Yan urgently led their troops south to intercept the Changjian Army.

So far, Liang Jun on the battlefield has been divided into several large pieces.

The first to start was the Yingdong Front.

It took the Jinglue army all morning to cross over [-] warriors, [-] auxiliary soldiers, and [-] cavalry, and then stormed the camp of the Kuangwei army.

The remaining personnel of the bandit army did not expect Xia Bing to come so quickly and so resolutely. After a little resistance, they rode on mules and fled in multiple directions.

The cavalry carried out a symbolic pursuit, the auxiliary soldiers stayed behind to count the supplies, and the soldiers continued to meet the people crossing the river.

In Yingqiao Town, a little north, the national defense army crossing the river was counterattacked by the sharp army.

Feng Zangzhi stood on the high platform on the west bank of the river and observed carefully.On the bank of the river, dozens of sergeants were shouting in unison.

"Pang Shigu has already run away!"

"You have become scapegoats!"

"Pang Shigu didn't regard you as his own at all!"

"Surrender, King Xia Rende, don't kill prisoners."

"You can't run away. Xuzhou is in my hands, where are you going?"

"If the fight to the death does not surrender, not a single blade of grass will be left!"

Inside the Jianrui army camp, Zhang Yun and Guo Shaobin looked at each other in blank dismay.

To be honest, they didn't want to fight either.In the battle of Heqing, so many old brothers died, and there is no explanation.

It's been a year since he was transferred to Xuzhou, and the casualties were heavy. What kind of rotten people are they?There are a large number of township warriors with low morale, although the morale of the Jianrui army itself is not much higher.

"What do the military envoys think of what the Xia people said?" Zhang Yun asked.

"Nine times out of ten it is true." Guo Shaobin sighed and said, "Come here!"

The pro will come over soon.

"Send someone to check to see if Pang Shigu is still there."

"As ordered."

The two continued to watch.

The Xia people were still building the pontoon bridge, but the strong soldiers who blocked it were obviously affected.People kept looking back, and there was a lot of noise.

Guo Shaobin was so angry that he punched the wooden fence.

Generally speaking, sergeants will not be affected by the words of the enemy.But if the battle is invincible for a long time, and all kinds of unfavorable news continue to come in, and if it is confirmed one by one afterwards, it will be more or less affected.

What's more, the Jianrui army is a miscellaneous brand from a foreign department. It has been severely affected for a long time, and its morale is not very high, so the impact is even deeper.

This battle, let's play a fart!The reason why the two are still insisting is that they just want to "die" to understand that's all. If Pang Shigu really runs away, even if it turns out that they are retreating alternately, they are not going to accompany Pang Shigu anymore. Being a chaser is fun of it?Why do you go first?

"Report, the Xia thief Dingyuan's army has crossed the river with more than a thousand people, outflanking them." Suddenly a scout came to report.

"How dare more than a thousand people be so arrogant?" Zhang Yun laughed back angrily, and said, "Wang Yugou is not timid, isn't he afraid to surround and kill him?"

Guo Shaobin held Zhang Yun back and sighed, "My dear brother, let him go."

Zhang Yun was stunned at first, then dejectedly considered the future.

Aside from the newly recruited bravery of the Jianrui army, the remaining veterans are mostly from the five states of Cao, Pu, Yan, Yun, and Xu.Most of the family members are in Bian and Cao states. If possible, they are unwilling to surrender.But what if the Xia people occupy Bian and Cao?Now it seems that the possibility is not small, so the obstacle to surrender is not so great.

"Wait slowly." After Guo Shaobin said this, he closed his eyes and meditated, and did not speak again.

On the first day of May, Dingyuan's army crossed the river more than ten miles north of Yingqiao Town.

At first, he was unable to lift his head under the pressure of Xiangyong's arrows, and people kept screaming and falling into the water.

Finally, 400 people came, almost everyone was injured, described as miserable.

Hundreds of bandit army Xiangyong retreated to the front of the moat and continued to shoot arrows.And on the walls of the village and the enemy towers, there are still many archers shooting condescendingly.They don't need to rush to battle. According to the usual practice, they don't need to wait too long. The troops of the Jianrui Army will be killed soon. At that time, all parties will work together to gather five to six thousand people on foot and cavalry.

Wang Yu looked back at the boat that had just returned to the other side, and said, "Everyone, the boat has already returned to pick up the reinforcements, and there is no time to help. If the bandits come together, we will all die without a place to die. There are enemies in front, and there is no place for us to die. There is no way out, no turning back."

All of them were elite soldiers who had fought in battle, knowing that the envoy was telling the truth, they all nodded.

"Whoosh!" An arrow shot, hitting Wang Yu's left forearm.

Wang Yu coughed twice with his face flushed, and said angrily: "The thief is about to die, but he still doesn't know it. You gentlemen follow my camp, and you must kill the person who shot me."

After all, he rushed out first.The soldiers were in a hurry, so they walked a few steps quickly, and stood in front of him with their shields.

More than 200 soldiers saw that the military envoys who were rich and wealthy dared to charge and kill them in person, and they all expressed their admiration.More than [-] people who were still able to move rushed up with equipment, roaring.

In just a few tens of steps, the arrows became denser and more people fell down.Wang Yu was like a magnet, "covered" with white feathers.

"Let you shoot me!" With a stab, the bandit soldier fell down without saying a word.

"Kill!" More than a hundred Dingyuan Army soldiers rushed up from behind, with knives, axes, spears and spears.

In a panic, the thief abandoned his infantry bow, replaced it with a spear, and retreated while fighting.

"Did you shoot me?" Wang Yu, relying on his heavy armor, rushed forward desperately, and stabbed him again.

Before the bandits could answer, the long lance had already slipped through the gap between the nail leaves and was killed with one blow.

"You shot it?" Wang Yubu-chan couldn't pull it out, so he simply discarded it, took a long-axed ax casually, and chopped it down heavily.

The head flew high, and the mouth was still open.

"It was you who shot it?" Another slash with the axe, the bandit soldier hurriedly retreated in front of him, but was still slashed heavily on the neck.

"Don't you have the guts to stand up?" Wang Yu's helmet was chopped off by the bandit soldiers' weapons in the chaos, and he was shot by an arrow on his head, and all his hair fell out. Blood, disheveled hair, blood stains on the Chang Ke axe, like a ghost.

Seeing the bravery of the envoy, the soldiers' morale was overwhelming, and they tried their best to fight to the death, and soon the hundreds of villages who blocked them collapsed and fled in all directions.

"Did you shoot it?" Wang Yu asked angrily as he grabbed a villager officer.

"General, calm down." The man's face was pale, and he said tremblingly, "I saw that the general's armor is exquisite, so he must be a thief—a nobleman, so I shot an arrow."

"It's really you!" Wang Yu said angrily, "I pulled it out."

The man bravely pulled out the arrow.Wang Yu sneered, drew out the iron sword at his waist, and chopped it into the man's head with a click.

The iron sword didn't cut off the thief's neck for a while, and the blood gushed out like a fountain, dripping everywhere.

Wang Yu cut off a few more times, cut off the head, then held it in his hand, and strode into the camp.

The afternoon sun shone on the earth, shining on the two hundred Dingyuan soldiers who rushed into the camp, the blood-red light pierced people's panic.

"Kang lang!" Someone threw the weapon and said in a trembling tone: "Don't kill me, I'm down."

"Let's go, let's go!" More people threw their weapons.

Wang Yu strode forward, kicked several people over in a row, and said with a sneer, "Do you have the guts to shoot arrows from a distance, but don't you have the guts to fight close?"

Everyone avoided his gaze and dared not look directly at him.

"Bang!" The head was smashed heavily on the camp wall.

Two hundred soldiers stood in the camp, soaked in blood, and everyone was wounded.

Thousands of brave men in Liangdi Township fell to the ground, not daring to move.

On this day, Wang Yu's Dingyuan army was not the only one who crossed the river.Jinglue, Dingyuan, Huguo, Guide and other troops crossed the river in total with nearly [-] people.Because of the lack of unified command and mutual reinforcement, and the news that Pang Shigu ran away was confirmed, Liang Jun's Yingdong defense line collapsed across the board.

Xiangyong scattered everywhere, fleeing for their lives one after another, in a panic.The situation that Pang Shigu expected to delay Xia Jun for three or four days never happened from the beginning.

Later that day, the Jianrui Army, which was planned to retreat on the third day of May, surrendered.Li Tangbin ordered him to commit crimes and make meritorious service, and pursued Pang Shigu.

The great retreat, it seemed, inevitably turned into a great rout.Perhaps, they had no chance of successfully retreating from the beginning, and no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't change their fate.

 Seeing that many people are asking, please explain that you cannot comment yesterday and today.

  I can see a lot in the background, but only one or two leaked out of the text, I don't know how to operate the starting point.

  Everyone understands the reason for not being able to comment.

(End of this chapter)

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