Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 800 Long Sword Army

Chapter 800 Long Sword Army

Ten thousand people crossed the river on the first day of May, and more than ten thousand people crossed the river on the second day of May.

That night, the first pontoon bridge was repaired.Nearly 2 German soldiers and Tutuan peasants flocked across the river, screaming and neighing, and their murderous aura soared into the sky.

Yingshui is no longer a hindrance to Xia's army. Hundreds of thousands of troops roll towards the east bank like a raging wave, directly reaping the final fruits.

On this day, the main force of the Liang army led by Zhu Quanzhong advanced another [-] miles.

On this day, in the southeast of Xuzhou, Wang Zhongshi, the commander of the Left and Right Long Sword Army, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"If I knew this earlier, I should have acted together with the Kuang Wei Army." Wang Zhongshi needed to make up for his mistakes, and he had no choice.

According to the plan, Kuang Weijun left first.The long sword army was separated by more than ten to twenty li, covering the rear.If Xia Bing hadn't chased after them, the Long Sword Army would retreat immediately, and the Jian Rui Army on the flanks would stay behind for another day, and then follow suit.

Theoretically speaking, if the Jianrui army encounters the enemy, the long sword army can rescue and cover alternately.Moreover, according to Pang Shigu's prediction, the Xia people did not react so quickly at all, and there will not be many troops chasing them.

If the Long Sword Army followed the plan, they would be able to leave the camp abandoned by the Kuangwei Army at noon on the first day of May and retreat eastward.At this time, Li Tangbin's troops only crossed the river with more than [-] troops. There were a large number of Tutuan peasants stationed in the camp to attract attention.

If it was even more ruthless, Wang Zhongshi could lead his troops to drive the [-] strategic troops who had crossed the river into the river, killing them until they were terrified, and then retreated with the forces of great victory.

Of course, if the two armies of Changjian and Kuangwei couldn't leave Xuzhou, the ending would still be the same.Surrounded by 10,000+ armies from the east and west, destruction is inevitable.

Now playing smart and leaving separately, although Xia Jun's attention and strength were distracted, the ending is actually the same, because this is a deadly situation.

"Everyone, have you been fighting for so many years, are you afraid of death?" Wang Zhongshi looked at the generals around him and asked.

Everyone looked up and looked ahead, and a camp rose from the ground.There are many banners and flags in the village, and the swords and guns are heavily guarded.This is actually nothing, just a stockade, just hit it.The key point is that at the end of the field in the distance, there are billowing smoke and dust, and horses neighing. At a glance, there are no less than ten thousand riders, which is very dangerous.

"Forget it, I've been with the commander for so many years, and I can't bear to leave, so we're going to die together today." Someone sighed, took a spear from the soldier, and weighed it.

"Death is not righteous, it is not courageous." Another person said: "I have been greatly favored by the commander, and now I pay for it with my life. No one will say that I am unjust."

"The enemy has been prepared for a long time, and we are outnumbered. What is the way? It is better to fight to the death."

"The thieves don't dare to go out to fight. They want to stop me. Their momentum has already dropped by three points. If they try their best to kill the enemy, there may be a miracle."

All the generals and school chattered, while speaking, while wearing armor, there was a desire to die in the words.

Wang Zhongshi looked at Xia Jun's camp, and then at the cavalry army staring at him in the distance, and remained silent for a long time.

"Commander?" Someone urged.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of not getting death." Wang Zhongshi sighed.

He is a member of Xuzhou Changshe, and his hometown is just around the corner, but he can't take a last look.

Most of the people are Chen, Xu, Cai, and Ying men, and they all look sad when they hear the words.

"Here's an order to rest on the spot and distribute food and water." Wang Zhongshi ordered his horse to be brought in, and said, "I'll talk to the soldiers in a while and kill the enemy with all my strength. The way to defeat the bandits will be smooth and you can go home."

"I obey." The military academies left one after another, hurrying to eat.

Shao Shude boarded a high slope, and glanced at the long-sword army that was overwhelming in darkness.

"Your Majesty, the Long Sword Army was blocked to the south of Changsha, the Kuangwei Army was blocked to the west of Changsha, and the Youguo Army was stuck near Yancheng. Pang Shigu's withdrawal plan was completely lost." Xie Tong took the root. The branch drew a simple map of the battlefield situation on the ground, and smiled.

"You can also add Zhu Quanzhong who went north along Caishui." Shao Shude said: "The [-] to [-] elite army has been divided into four parts, and they must not be allowed to get closer."

Let the enemy's Changzhi, Feisheng, Xiongwei, Changjian, Kuangwei, and Youguo armies gather together and start a decisive battle?

How out of my mind do I do this?Whoever dares to fight like this will be dismissed directly and never hired.

Divide the enemy, and then take advantage of the maneuvering advantages of cavalry and mounted infantry to attack back and forth, attack more and eat less locally, and eat the enemy piece by piece. This is the correct way to use troops.

"Then we have to fight faster. The Kuangwei army led by Pang Shigu is about to fight General Lu." Xie Tong said.

"That's exactly what I intend." Shao Shude asked someone to bring his love horse Tengqi, turned on his back and rode on it, and said, "Get out my big flag."

After all, gallop down the high slope.

A black steed flashed across the field, followed by hundreds of knights carrying banners.

Behind them, the iron cavalry soldiers who had enough rest also galloped down. Thousands of cavalry rushed towards the resting long sword army like a torrent.

"Get up! Formation!" The officers shouted hoarsely.

The soldiers of the Long Sword Army who had just received the pancakes before they had time to eat got up one after another.Tens of thousands of people are like a tightly running machine. Gunners, archers, and great swordsmen perform their duties and are ready to fight.

"Shao thief has come!" Someone exclaimed.

Master Wang Zhong also saw it, and was eager to try it, but after looking at the few hundred cavalrymen, and then at the tens of thousands of cavalrymen around Shao thief, he could only shake his head and sigh.

If there were thousands of riders, he would dare to charge and kill them.If the Shao bandits were to be punished, with Xia Jun's current state, he would never be able to choose a second leader. If no one would obey the other, the end would be to attack and kill each other and bring about their own destruction.

However, Bandit Shao was too cautious, and he was completely pretending to be brave to boost the morale of the army-the big banner was too far away, and he couldn't even shoot the crossbow.

The cavalry passed by from a distance.The big banner was erected near the camp, and the soldiers inside and outside the wall shouted.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, drew out his saber, and held it up high: "Today we are fighting with bandits—"

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Only death!"

"It's just death!"

"It's just death!"

The sound spread to all places, and more than 2 soldiers shouted in unison: "Only death!"

The sergeants of the Long Sword Army who had just been mobilized to fight to the death and returned home also heard this, and all of them looked dignified.The recruits recruited within half a year even turned pale, their hands were tightly gripping the hilt of their swords, their bodies were stiff, and their joints were turning white.

At that time, the sun was shining brightly, and tens of thousands of people stood there, their mouths were dry, neither advancing nor retreating.

Wang Zhongshi saw that this was not the solution, he sighed and said, "I will die."

After that, he put on two layers of armor, stuck the long sword on his back, waved a rifle in his hand, and said: "Beat the drums, march in."

The cavalry went away again and got behind them.

The Long Sword Army had to separate some people to guard backwards, and used the baggage carts and horses as a barrier to block the left, right, and rear.

The iron cavalry army selected hundreds of people, and after approaching, they dismounted one after another and shot with infantry bows.

The more than two thousand soldiers of the Long Sword Army just wanted to sit down to eat and drink, but got up again and fought back with their bows and crossbows.

After shooting more than ten arrows, the soldiers of the iron cavalry army got on their horses one after another and drove away with whips.

The officers and men of the Long Sword Army breathed a sigh of relief, and the officers ordered to rest in batches.

Hundreds of iron cavalry came rushing to.

The people of Liang were no longer fooled, some sat on the ground, ate and drank quickly, and some waited in full force, using bows and crossbows to drive away the harassing riders.

On the frontal battlefield, the offensive and defensive battle has begun.

Qi Bizhang took off his armor and played drums in the battalion bare-chested to cheer up the morale of the army.

Under the vigorous drumbeat, the archers of the Zhongwu Army rained arrows like rain, unceremoniously greeted the soldiers of the Long Sword Army who were slowly approaching.

"Diaoduodao!" A layer of white hair grew on the shield.

The screams were endless, it was the sound of being shot by an arrow in the armorless torso.

"Kill!" A military academy yelled suddenly, and rushed to the small stockade on the periphery.

More than a hundred soldiers of the Zhongwu Army stood guard inside, their faces were sickly red and fanatical, their spears were drawn in and out like poisonous dragons, fighting with Liang Bing.

The small security stockade could not stop the siege of the Liang people.

A long swordsman climbed up to the head of the village and fought bravely.The soldiers of the Zhongwu Army had no way out, and they risked their lives.The sky was like a layer of blood rain, and blood, heads, stumps and broken arms kept falling.The people on the ground poured water all over their faces, but they became more and more frantic, screaming and rushing upwards.

"Buzz!" There was a dense sound of piercing through the air, and the thick shaft of the arrow flew towards Liang Ren who was besieging Xiaozhai densely.

Just like harvesting wheat in summer, Liang Bing, who was alive and well before, was instantly knocked down.

The thick crossbow shot directly through the chest and abdomen, and took the person flying out.

This wave of salvo killed at least dozens of people.

Liang Ren seemed not afraid of death, and the second wave rushed up.The leading military academy even took off their armor, clasped their epees in both hands, and loudly encouraged morale.

The Long Sword Army is a bunch of desperate lunatics.

"Buzz!" The second wave of crossbow arrows shot out from the walls of the village and the enemy towers, taking dozens of lives away.

Liang Ren's offensive was thwarted.

No matter how brave the swordsman is, no matter how strong the will to fight, they can only be displayed face to face!

This person has not been seen before, but he was shot by bows and crossbows. In such a battle, no matter how high the morale is, it will be completely wiped out.

Someone hit the gong from the rear, Liang Ren's tide-like offensive was stopped, and the rest of the people moved closer to each other and retreated slowly.

More than a thousand iron cavalry saw the retreat of the Liang people, and they saw the opportunity to chase after them. They wandered around for a long time, but they didn't find a chance to chase and kill the defeated soldiers.

After shooting an arrow angrily, they went into the distance again.

"Beat the drums and go to battle!" Qi Bizhang ordered.

"Obey!" The two thousand infantry had already put on their clothes, and immediately got up from the ground upon hearing this.

Zhao Lu and Zhao Yan were both surprised and admired.

The stockade is very strong, and the war equipment is complete, so it can be defended to the death. There is really no need to go out to fight.But that's what they did, and their courage is admirable.

The gate of the trench opened slowly, and the 2000 people were divided into several camps and lined up in the wilderness.

Liang Ren who retreated was about to eat something and drink some water, but seeing this, he had to get up and go out to line up.

The sound of horseshoes sounded in the distance, and the iron cavalry was dispatched again, still familiar with dismounting and shooting.

Ten thousand riders were divided into three waves.A wave stepped forward to harass, a wave was ready to respond at any time, and a wave ate and drank water in the distance to restore physical strength.

The campaign to encircle and suppress the Long Sword Army is progressing steadily as planned.

And in the northwest, tens of miles away, Pang Shigu waited left and right, but he didn't wait for any of the Longjian and Jianrui armies.

Looking at the camp set up far ahead and Lu Huaizhong's general flag fluttering high, the sadness on his face was almost too thick to melt away.

He didn't order the attack immediately, but set up a stronghold first to make sure there was a way out.

(Starting point should not be able to comment these days, sensitive period.)
(End of this chapter)

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