Chapter 865 Was it an accident? (Add more changes to the leader's pair of dogs)
On the 21st of the twelfth lunar month in the fourth year of Qianning, on the land of Huazhou, the army gathered one after another.

Shao Shude still walked on foot.

Even with the wool gloves knitted by Su's own hands, his hands were still red and swollen from the cold.

The cold wind was as hard as a knife, constantly carving the resolute faces of the warriors.

Being a soldier is hard, and fighting is dangerous. If there is no benefit, who wants to be a martial artist?

Thousands of arrows are fired on the battlefield, and if you are not careful, your life will be gone.When the time comes, someone else will sleep with your wife, spend your money, and beat your children, who will be happy?
Of course, unruly warriors, killing generals and chasing commanders, encroaching on Fangzhen's power, and taking advantage of the common people are also problems.

But you can't go too far, if the soldiers are all inferior to pigs and dogs, who would want to serve as soldiers and fight?Don't drag a bunch of hungry people to guard the boundary trenches, recruit a bunch of criminals to fill the army, and get a bunch of beggars to line up. Serious ordinary people would rather be tenants for others and servants in the city than beggars. I don't want to go into battle and fight with others.

This will be the end, not only the end of the dynasty, but also the sinking of Shenzhou Lu.

"I am a warrior, and I know the sufferings of warriors best." Shao Shude sat directly in the snow, surrounded by more than ten soldiers, and saw him drink a bowl of soup, and said: "In the past, Duke Liu ruled Eyue and treated warriors well. Illness, health care, and death are all given generously, and the wives of soldiers who are not cautious will sink in the river."

The soldiers of the sudden generals around him were all drinking soup, and they all stopped their movements when they heard the words, quite fascinated.

"I am in charge of the army. If someone dies from a war, the family can receive a grain of hu for a period of ten years. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yin Anzhi's brother if it is true? Now the grain and beans are more than a hundred a year. Wan Hu is not a lie." Shao Shude said: "After going into battle, the sword has no eyes, who can guarantee that he will survive? Comparing my heart to my heart, I really can't bear to ignore the affairs of the fallen soldiers."

The sergeants nodded one after another and sighed: "Your Highness still understands our difficulties."

"However, you will be exempted from sending your wife to Shen Jiang. All enlisted sergeants, whose wives are dishonest, including adulterers, will be dealt with by their own military law officers, and the local government will not intervene." Shao Shude said: "We must always give to everyone. Exit your breath, but don't act privately."

Liu Gongchuo ruled Eyue, and the Wuchang army officers and men were fully informed by the government in life, old age, sickness and death, and those whose wives stole from others would sink into Jiang.

If a professional martial artist who has been trained for many years can't win a battle, then there must be something wrong in other aspects.If there is a problem, it must be solved, and after the solution, there will be a great improvement.

"But the people are also suffering. They work all day long, and the money and food they get are used to support officials and soldiers. If they are harmed, what will they eat in the future?" Shao Shude said again: "Stealing, of course, can be a temporary pleasure. But the people or Dead or gone, the fields are desolate, and your life will not go on. The people support the soldiers, and the soldiers fight to the death to defeat the enemy. Life, old age, sickness and death are supported by the people, just like the contract. In Yunzhou, you must not plunder privately, and you must not force the people to death. If you violate it, you will destroy the livelihood of all warriors, and there will be no one to support them when they are old, sick and dead, so everyone will be punished."

It is not difficult for warriors to understand this problem, but it is difficult to do it.Generally speaking, the sergeants have better military discipline in this town, but it is hard to say when they go to other towns. This is a big limitation.

Gao Siji was able to kill the sergeants who looted the people in Youzhou, but when he left Youzhou to attack other towns, military discipline fell precipitously, which was caused by the history of the separatism of the town.The people in other towns are not our own, and they don't support us, so why don't they plunder?Anyway, it's other people who are distressed, and it's none of my business.

Humanity is like that.

We can only take it step by step, at least for now, we can hold back these warriors.

After drinking the hot soup, it's almost time for a break.

Shao Shude took off the cloak woven by the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Chu family and the Xie family, wrapped it around a shabby sergeant, and scolded with a smile: "Is it true that all the rewards I received were lost in gambling games? I can't even bear to buy a cotton coat."

Everyone burst into laughter.

The sergeant looked excited and murmured: "Your Highness, this..."

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, like a woman." Shao Shude brought the horse again, put it on a sergeant who seemed to be sick, and said, "I reward you! It's not easy for warriors to fight, it's windy, frosty, rainy and snowy, let's forge ahead together, Let’s kill thieves and destroy enemies together, don’t leave a single one behind.”

"Your Highness, this horse..." The sergeant who was being helped onto the horse turned red and twisted all over, quite uncomfortable.

"Let's go!" Shao Shude strode forward, walking first, and said: "I am also a martial artist. I walk on the snow and go to battle to kill the enemy. If I can't even bear this bit of hardship, how can I enjoy wealth and beauty? Gentlemen, I am old. After forty days, you are strong and strong, and you would rather not be as good as me? Don't sigh, don't be afraid of difficulties, but follow me, kill as far as Yunzhou, and take the wealth and honor that we deserve."

The nearby sergeants were very excited when they heard this.

King Xia is too down-to-earth, and understands the heart of Wufu too well.Go, go, go, rush to Yunzhou, kill his mother!
The army marched all the way, arriving in Puyang on the 23rd and Fan County on the 25th.

Behind them, within a day's journey, there are the Yanei, Zhongwu, and Jianrui armies, and within two days' journey, there are the Pengri and Huguo armies.In front of them, there was the Flying Dragon Army dispatched earlier, and to the south was the Iron Forest Army returning to Caozhou.

The three prefectures of Pu, Cao, and Dan have hoarded a large amount of grain and grass in a few months, and it is not a problem to supply the army in a short period of time, not to mention that they are still transporting supplies on a small scale-this is what Liu Renyu and his group are doing. up.

On the 28th, the Flying Dragon Army marched along the Yellow River and headed straight for Qizhou, and Shao Shude personally led General Tu to Shouzhang County.

Shouzhang is a county in Yunzhou. It is 45 miles west of Yunzhou. Gaozong once stayed here when he was enfeoffed in the East. It is the west gate of Yunzhou and there are many soldiers stationed there.

General Tu's arrival from the sky caught people off guard.Many sergeants went home on false grounds, and they were not in the camp. There were only a few thousand people in the city, and they were not mentally prepared.

Fierce street fighting unfolded in the city.

Yun Bing is still desperate, in order to protect their own interests, they can do anything, and let Shao Shude know what is going on in the weakened version of the three towns of Heshuo.

Among the pioneers were three hundred sergeants with silver saddles.

The newcomer showed great desire.Zhang Wen is carrying a long axe, Dong Zhang is holding a rifle, both of them are wearing heavy armor, and they march forward bravely.

"Chop meat, chop meat, chop meat! How can you be rich if you don't chop meat?" Zhang Wen muttered in his heart, and the long Ke ax set off a bloody storm, and there were few enemies.

Dong Zhang's spear was also quite strong, and he stabbed three people down within a few breaths.

When Zhu You was a child servant, he ate well, slept well, dressed warmly, and had time to practice martial arts, laying a solid foundation of skills.But after Yourang was captured, he tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and had to work as a stickman in a shop, fighting with those rangers. The days are hard to describe.

After finally being recommended by Shi Yanci, he had today's opportunity, how could he miss it?
Kill, kill, don't let anyone stop me from fighting for wealth.

Fierce and bloody battles continued.

Some soldiers of the sudden army bypassed the east gate, climbed down the city wall, and attacked from the other side.Under the attack of the two sides, the enemy army was finally defeated and fled.

Shao Shude listened to the report outside the city and nodded repeatedly.

Surprise attack on the city, lack of preparation in the city, few soldiers, how dare you resist?

In history, Zhu Quanzhong has been hunting these birds for ten years, so it must be a headache, right?Not to mention Li Keyong's aid, they sent [-] reinforcements at the beginning, and then increased to a few thousand, which did not affect the overall situation. Zhu Jin's [-] cavalry were all beaten to escape, and most of the battles were still relying on Yun, The sergeants of Yanzhu Town carried it down by themselves, and they still carried it with the second-line troops and recruits after the main force was destroyed.

A bunch of diehards!
"Report to His Majesty, behead five hundred, capture two hundred, and the rest of the crowd broke up and are still chasing." The sudden general army sent Kang Yanxiao out of the city to report.

"How about our casualties?"

"Three hundred died in battle."

Shao Shude resisted the urge to kill the prisoners.

Zhu Quanzhong did not slaughter the nest thief, nor did he slaughter the Cai thief who caused him great trouble, but he killed more than [-] Yun and Yanjiang soldiers, which shows that these people left a "deep impression" on him.

"Leave some soldiers to guard the city and guard the prisoners." Shao Shude ordered: "The rest of the soldiers follow me eastward."

There must be more than a thousand sergeants in Shouzhang County. The reason why I only met these people is because they were "on duty" during the Chinese New Year.In the countryside and even in the city, there must still be a large number of soldiers returning home, and they are a great hidden danger.But now there is no time to cook, the most important thing now is time, it must be fast!
Kang Yanxiao was a little surprised when he heard that the army was going to move on, but he didn't hesitate, and immediately went to convey the order.

"Go to Yunzhou to celebrate the New Year!"

"Go to Yunzhou to celebrate the New Year!"

On the east post road of Shouzhang County, a long line of sergeants rushed forward while passing messages one by one.

Eight Thousand Warriors looked tired, but they were murderous and their morale was high.

The snow was being stepped on and creaked, and the swords clashed and clanged.On the distant field, some knights got on their horses, scattered far away, and searched forward.

Everyone only carried food and water for seven days. If they couldn't break the enemy, they could only withdraw in desperation and wait for the main force to arrive.If surrounded by thieves, they may even run out of food.

What a gamble!
The New Year's Day of Qianning's fifth year came soon, and the wind and snow gradually increased.

The sky was getting dark, and under the snow cover, it was almost impossible to tell where was the road and where was the farmland.

From time to time, the carriage got stuck in the snow or rolled over on the side of the road.

Shao Shude ordered to take away the things he could carry with him, and everyone was not allowed to stay and continued on their way.

There was no one in the wild.Occasionally when passing by the village, I can see unexpected and terrified faces.Naturally, they were quickly controlled by the wolf-like warriors.

Yunzhou City is already in sight.

The sergeants were panting heavily, with complex emotions such as excitement, worry, desire, and greed in their hearts.

The auxiliary soldiers opened the mud seal of the wine jar, and everyone got a bowl.After the spicy spirit entered the throat, the cold air was cleared.

"Since General Tu is the bugle, where is General Tu?" Shao Shude asked loudly, throwing the wine bowl on the ground.

"Your Highness, General Tu is here!" Silver Saddle Sergeant Zhang Wen rushed over again holding an axe.

"It's getting dark, and there are lights and festoons in the city, and there are faint voices coming out. I will give you a thousand warriors, and you can climb up first with the ladder, how dare you?" Shao Shude asked.

"Why don't you dare?" Zhang Wen said angrily.

Well, very energetic!

Shao Shude untied his saber, handed it to Zhang Wen himself, and said: "The king ascends first, and I will supervise the army to follow. If it succeeds, I will be promoted to lieutenant general, and the wealth and beauty will be rewarded generously. There are other considerations."

"Your Highness, wait a moment, so I will cut off Zhu Wei's dog's head." Zhang Wen turned and left.

Kang Yanxiao immediately ordered Qi Sergeant for him.

Not long after, a thousand soldiers, carrying ladders and ropes, headed towards Yunzhou under the cover of night.

 Still owe three chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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