Chapter 866
Zhu Wei was called down from the wine table.

After listening to the brief report from the attendant, the wine immediately sobered up.I didn't say anything, copy the guy and do it!
When the shogunate staff received the news, they rushed out of the house immediately without being urged, and knocked on doors spontaneously, asking the sergeants to bring their equipment to assemble.

"The banquet at Jun's house has wine and meat. Xia people will never have such a day when they come here. Prepare your equipment quickly and follow me to defend against the enemy."

The sergeant on duty in the barracks was playing a game. After hearing the order, he was a little panicked and didn't know what to do.

The officer told the troops, "Business tax from south to north, Sikong will reward you all. Shao bandit came here, can he do it? Gentlemen follow me to kill bandits!"

Some military school children who practiced martial arts since childhood also went out with their father and brother, armed with spears and swords, while walking, listening to their father and brother chanting: "Shao thief has raised too many soldiers, and he will not raise our sergeants in Yunzhen. Once he is destroyed , the property in the town was confiscated, and we all cut off our livelihood. Anyway, it is death, it is better to die, go!"

At this time, above the head of the West City, the battle is raging.

Zhang Wen led thousands of people to Bocheng, but was discovered by Yunzhen scouts cruising outside the city halfway, and the suddenness was reduced by half.But they still stepped over the frozen city god, crossed the sheep and horse wall, killed a few remaining soldiers, and climbed up the city wall.

The number of Yun soldiers at the head of the city was limited, and they were beaten to retreat and collapsed.

Zhang Wen took the lead and rushed towards the city gate.

A small group of Yun soldiers had already appeared on the street, they were running out of breath, their helmets crooked.

Zhang Wen yelled, and led dozens of soldiers to meet him, slashing furiously with his axe.

"Master Wang Zhong is here again!" You Yun Bing exclaimed.

"I, Zhang Wen!" Zhang Tujiang became even more angry, instead of retreating, he rushed into the crowd of thieves, ignoring the knives and guns that greeted him, cutting or killing, exchanging wounds for wounds, risking his life.

Behind him, a large group of soldiers rushed into the city gate.

There were dozens of Yun soldiers there, and it was another bloody fight.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Wen couldn't bear it any longer, and kept backing away.

In front of him, more and more people from Yun rushed over, relying on their numbers, they launched a new round of charge.

"Okay!" The frozen city gate was opened a crack.

The soldiers of the sudden general who had waited impatiently for a long time broke open the city gate and rushed in.

"Kill the thief!" Zhang Wen was panting like an ox. He managed to muster his courage and shouted, "Does the Yun thief only know Master Wang Zhong? Ning doesn't know me, Zhang Wen?"

I chop, I chop, I chop chop!

Chang Ke's ax was danced like a windmill by him, whizzing back and forth, bloody.

More and more sergeants poured into the city. After they formed a formation, they pushed back the sergeants of Yunzhen.

Everyone is an old warrior who has been in battle for many years. They know that the essence of a surprise attack is when the enemy is insufficiently prepared and unable to exert its full strength, use fast to attack slow, use more to attack less, and eliminate as much of the enemy's vital forces as possible to gain an advantage.

Most of the Yun soldiers spend the New Year at home, and there are not many people on duty.This meeting should kill them severely, without any delay.

Every moment of delay, more enemies may come to reinforce, things will be complicated, and casualties will increase sharply.

"Sudden future also!"

"Rich! Rich!"

"Hack them!"

"Your Highness said that wealth is in the city, kill!"

Thousands of sudden soldiers poured into the city, pushing forward along the street like a torrent.

The defenders were able to withstand two attacks at first, but the warriors who dared to fight were quickly killed.The rest of the people couldn't stop them, they couldn't stop backing away.

At the end of the street, people kept rushing over for reinforcements, but they all played refueling tactics.

The number of people in each group is too small, and there is no organizational system and command, so they cannot form a joint force, so they can only delay the attack of General Tu slightly, and the entire front is still uncontrollably collapsing.

"The thieves are terrified!"

"Zhu Wei is dead!"

"I see wealth!"

The soldiers of the sudden generals became more and more courageous as they fought, with swords and guns unleashed, and marched bravely in the heavy snow.

Their footsteps are in unison, which is the quality displayed by veterans who have fought for more than ten years.

The wind and snow couldn't fascinate their eyes, and the long lance stood firmly forward. Any thieves who stood in front of them, no matter how powerful you are, would be stabbed with blood all over their bodies.

No one can stop them anymore, and the street fighting is virtually over.The refueling tactics can't change anything, it's just driving wave after wave of Yun people to die.

"Where is the thief general? Do you dare to fight me?" Zhu Wei led hundreds of soldiers to stand up and shouted loudly.

What responded to him was the sudden quickening of the pace of the generals, what a pile of riches and honors!

"Kill!" The two sides collided head-on.

Life passed away at an astonishing speed, and countless corpses fell on the place where the two sides fought.

The blood was flowing hot, and the snowflakes fell on it, which was soon dyed a strange red.

Zhu Wei suffered several wounds, and he was still fighting fiercely, when an iron spear pierced through the gap in his skirt armor and stabbed him in the abdomen.

"I killed it!" Dong Zhang shouted excitedly.

But he soon became ill.Zhu Wei's soldiers rushed forward crying, desperate to kill Dong Zhang even if they risked their lives.

Dong Zhang is also a ruthless person. Seeing this, he does not retreat but advances, swearing endlessly: "Is it dying? No one can stop me from winning this wealth."

The Guanbei Haoqiang from Yin'anzhi and the children of the Bianliang Military Academy stepped forward together, extinguishing the last counterattack of the Yun people.

Yunren collapsed.

Zhu Wei was dead, and they were at a loss for a while.Some people hid in their homes, others opened the city gates and fled. The unbreakable Yunzhou City, which had stood firm against Wei Bing, Liang Bing, and Xia Bing for more than ten years, changed hands.

Shao Shude waited quietly outside the city, his body covered with heavy snow, motionless.

He breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news that Zhu Wei was put to death and the thieves broke up.

He seldom takes risks with his troops. This time he played a game, but luckily he didn't mess it up.

The north wind became more and more violent, whimpering indistinctly, and the snow particles rustled on people's bodies.

Shao Shude walked slowly into the city under the escort of Yin An Zhi soldiers.

Sergeants have already climbed up to the beams to ensure that no one is condescending to shoot arrows, although it is impossible to shoot arrows in this terrible weather.

Sergeants were also standing in front of the houses on both sides of the street. Whoever dared to open the doors and windows would immediately cut the corpses apart.

The front of Zhu Wei's mansion was full of people, all beaming.

"His Royal Highness is coming!" the sergeants shouted.

Shao Shude became interested and shouted: "Where is General Tu?"

"General Tu is here!" Everyone laughed and echoed in unison.

"Good fight!" Shao Shude walked to the gate of Zhu's residence and patted the shoulders of the soldiers one by one.

"Everyone!" Shao Shude turned around, faced the sergeants around him, and asked, "What did I say when I was born?"

"Come to Yunzhou to celebrate the New Year!" Dong Zhang limped to the front, leaning on an iron gun, and said loudly.

"New Year! New Year!" The sergeants shouted again.

Shao Shude said with a smile: "It's still too late. Pass down the order to kill cattle and sheep, and today's feast."

Another cheer.

Just after defeating the enemy and taking the city, everyone's morale is very high.A defeated general like Zhu Wei will surely become a stepping stone to their prestige in this surprise attack on a snowy night.

"The soldiers followed me on a long journey, fighting in front of the battle, it was really hard work. Please enjoy the wine and meat in peace, I will come to patrol the city tonight." Shao Shude said again.

"Your Highness can't!"

"Your Highness can enter the mansion and sit down."

"Shut up!" Shao Shude put on a serious face, shook the snowflakes on his body, picked up a long spear from the ground, and said: "This is a military order. You will not fail me, and I will not fail you."

After all, strode away.

The children of Yinanzhi's frontier wealthy family are the apex of King Xia's heart. You look at me and I look at you, and follow without saying a word.

Kang Yanxiao discussed with Zhebutai, and then ordered the ministries to select 2000 people to go to the top of the city, and 1000 people to prepare for reinforcements.The rest wait, Dajiu!

So, how valuable is an informed subordinate.

Kang Yanxiao arranged the aftermath for Shao Shude in a few words, so that the soldiers could eat and drink with peace of mind.With this ability, he is already in the heart of the emperor.

After experiencing the brutal killings in the first half of the night, the second half of the night was relatively calm overall.Except for the noisy voices of the generals and the occasional fighting sounds in the city, there was nothing, it was very peaceful—there were still a few scattered soldiers in the corner of the city, who were beheaded and killed by the sergeants patrolling the city.

After dawn, Shao Shude went down to the top of the wall.

Guarding the city at night is not a good job.He secretly thought that in the future, the sons who are well-clothed and well-fed should also exercise in this way. Knowing the hardships of being a soldier, don't be fooled by others. Seeing the large amount of money allocated to the army feels pain.There is not enough money and food, and dogs don’t come to serve as soldiers. Even if they come, they are still hungry beggars for a living. What kind of fighting power can they have?

"Your Highness is back!" A large group of soldiers surrounded the Zhu Mansion.

After an unbelievable victory, King Xia spoke nicely, every sentence scratched the itch of the warriors, and everyone was not heartless, so they naturally returned to their hearts.

Dozens of people spontaneously surrounded Shao Shude and entered the mansion.

"What's going on here?" Shao Shude asked, pointing to the woman in the hall.

"Your Highness." Kang Yanxiao stepped forward bravely, and said: "The officers and men love Your Highness, and they all say that they are lucky to have this Shangguan. These two are Zhu Wei's wife and daughter. They have already bathed, and they will be able to serve His Highness in a while. .”

Shao Shude laughed.

"Where is Zhang Wen?" He asked suddenly.

"Zhang Wen! Zhang Wen!" Everyone shouted.

"Your Highness, Zhang Wen is here!" Zhang Wen hurried in.When he got closer, he finally remembered something, and threw the long Ke ax on the ground with a "bang".

"Last night, you led the crowd to climb first, and killing the enemy is useless. As I said, if you are promoted to lieutenant general, you can go to the general, or you can go to other camps. Let me know after you think about it." Shao Shude said: "However, there are not enough lieutenants. For credit."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Zhu Wei's wife, pushed her into Zhang Wen's arms, and said, "I've rewarded you. Treat her well and don't be too harsh."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward." Zhang Wen was not polite, and said, "The general's family is poor and he has not yet married a wife. I will take this woman back to be my wife."

Zhu Wei's wife looks less than thirty, relatively calm, this is the best ending for her.

"Dong Zhang!" Shao Shude shouted again.

Dong Zhang came over soon.

"This girl rewards you." Shao Shude pushed Zhu Wei's daughter into Dong Zhang's arms.

Zhu Wei was killed by Dong Zhang. In front of Zhu Wei's daughter, he didn't say it directly, but everyone present knew it and envied him.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward." Dong Zhang said happily.

He was originally just a servant, but he was once reduced to a family member, how could he be able to afford a wife?After coming out to fight a battle, he was about to be promoted, got a wife, and made a lot of money.

"When the treasury is counted, everyone will be rewarded." Shao Shude announced.

There is indeed a sum of money in the treasury of Yunzhen, which is Zhu Wei's plan to recruit new soldiers, so as to restore the army to [-], which is all cheaper for Shao Shude.

The promises made before the expedition were basically fulfilled, Shao Shude breathed a sigh of relief, and the morale of the army returned.

(End of this chapter)

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