Chapter 982 Eastbound
The news of the destruction of Yanzhou City soon spread to Luoyang.

In the third square of the East First Street of Dingdingmen Street, Shao Shude is inspecting the mansion under construction.

The name of this square is Chunhua, just to the north of Yirenfang.

Because the main manpower is building Miyagi, it has not been cleaned up in time.

In fact, I didn't plan to clean it up completely, because some houses can still be repaired.Most areas in Henan are still in the tax-free period, and the finances are tight, so it is a little bit to save a little.

Several houses in Chunhuafang have been repaired, and there is no sign of decay from the outside.

It is true that this is a repair, but it also cost a lot of capital.All the unusable materials have been replaced, cleaned and painted again, and the furniture has been patched up. It looks brand new.

Mansions vary in size.

The biggest one is the residence of Wang Renjiao, the governor of Yizhou, who was gifted by the former Qi Guogong. It's costly.

A little worse is the house of Yang Xuanfu, the former servant of Yinqing Guanglu, the servant of the province.This gentleman is from Hongnong. He became an official during the Wu Zhou period and served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 30 years.

The third is Ran Shizhai, the former governor of Hezhou.Ran Shi is also a relative of the emperor, so the mansion is not bad.

The smallest is Li Yanzhai, former Wei Li Yanzhai of Jiyuan County, Luozhou.This gentleman was born in Chengji, Longxi, and was born as a Jinshi, with a small mansion.

Only these buildings are worth repairing, and the others have to be rebuilt, or the ground must be cleared for other purposes.

"Wang Renjiao's house was awarded to Hu Zhen, Yang Xuanfu's house was awarded to Ge Congzhou, Ran Shi's house was given to Wang Tan, and Li Yan's house was not suitable for anyone. Choose one of the ten generals and lieutenants of each army who has outstanding military exploits and reward it. " Shao Shude ordered after viewing the house.

"Of course." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

Chen Cheng presided over the overall situation in Bianzhou, and Zhao Guangfeng had in fact taken over the government affairs of the Shuofang shogunate and the Xia Palace, so he naturally took care of these matters.

The battle in Yanzhou was basically settled.

After Zhu Jin learned that Yan Bao, Kang Huaiying and others offered the city, she cursed loudly.At that time, the three armies of Longxiang, Longhu, and Guangsheng were killed, and the morale of Yanbing was greatly reduced, and they were defeated by the First World War.

Zhu Jin, Hu Gui, and Zhu Yongzhong headed south with their own soldiers, Yan Zidu and some cavalry.

He Delun, the capital of the Longxiang Army, led five hundred cavalry to chase after him for a while, beheading Zhu Yongzhong, the son of Zhu Jin, and returning.

In this battle, nearly a thousand enemy troops were beheaded and three thousand were captured.Together with the [-] Yan soldiers who surrendered under the leadership of Yan Bao and Kang Huaiying, there were [-] prisoners in total.

Shao Shude ordered to send three thousand elites to Luoyang.

Luoyang originally had 4000 surrendered soldiers. A few days ago, [-] Ziqing surrendered troops and [-] Yanzhou surrendered troops were sent to Wuwei Army, leaving only [-] Ziqing surrendered troops. It's only [-] people.

"Longxiang's army has been in the army for almost four years, right? They have fought a lot of battles, so they should have trained themselves." Shao Shude said to himself.

Shao Shude still likes Zhu Quanzhong's soldiers very much.

The three armies of Longxiang, Guangsheng, and Shenjie are the serious Liang army in terms of origin.

The Liu Zhijun Department of the Dragon and Tiger Army belonged to Liang Jun's miscellaneous brand.

Longwu Army is the old base of Ziqing Town.

The Japanese army was originally recruited by Zhu Zhen, and later mixed into He Gui and Shao Lun's troops.

Holding the Holy Army is also a Caozhou recruit trained by Zhu Zhen.

The qualifications of the two armies of Pingri and Pingsheng are slightly shorter than those of Longxiang's three armies, and they have fought less battles.

"Send an order to Hu Zhen that the Zhongwu army return to this town, and all the troops rest in Yanzhou. I want to parade all the troops." Shao Shude ordered: "Also, the Longxiang army selects a thousand meritorious soldiers and sends them to Luoyang. Guangsheng , Shenjie, Dragon and Tiger each choose five hundred."

Shao Shude calculated silently.

Luoyang had 500 elite soldiers, and the Longxiang Fourth Army selected [-] soldiers, plus [-] elite soldiers selected from Xingyuanfu, Xiangyang, and Ezhou, making a total of [-] soldiers, which is almost enough to reorganize the seventh forbidden army.

He intends to reorganize with the Economic Strategy Army as the core.At present, the army still has more than 4000 cavalry, and the Wuxing and Guzhen Second Armies showed their hips, so they were reorganized together this time.

The Jinglue, Wuxing, and Guzhen armies totaled more than 500 men, including more than [-] cavalry, plus the [-] here in Luoyang, not much difference.The Lingzhou Academy and the Shanzhou Academy each selected and sent some recruits over to collect [-] cavalry.

After the reorganization is completed, the combat effectiveness is not very good, and it will take several months for training, but don't expect to reach the level of the original strategic army within a year or two, you can only take it slowly.

"Prepare a batch of goods." After thinking for a while, Shao Shude asked Zhao Guangfeng in a low voice: "Is there any money left?"

"It's enough for now." Zhao Guangfeng also replied like a thief: "Wang Bian brought a batch of goods from Yaozhou, Datong Horse Company still had a lot of horse money, and Han Quanhui also made money in Chang'an. One sum should be enough. In the second half of the year, Youzhou, Hezhong, and Dizhou will have salt tax solutions sent over, and Qinzhou, Tongguan, and Lingzhou will also have commercial taxes, plus the donations from various towns, it can almost be fooled."

Shao Shude knew the number, and said: "Helong, Lingxia and Fan tribes also have livestock to donate, I'll send someone to send a batch over."

Sending sheep is an old tradition in the Dingnan Army era, and Xia Jun has inherited it.

This is a blessing.

The rules when an army is established can often affect the following years.Even the Henan sergeants who joined later accepted this.

But if you start from the Central Plains, according to the rules of the Central Plains, you have to give out copper coins, silk, gold and silver treasures, in short, they must be valuable things.Food is actually not impossible, but it cannot account for too much, because the sergeant's family can't put it down.If there is too much, they have to sell it, causing the price of food on the market to drop sharply, and they will still be dissatisfied in the end.

Shao Shude suddenly remembered the rewards between Emperor Min of the Later Tang Dynasty and Li Congke.

In March of the first year of Yingshun (934), the army attacking Fengxiang defected and surrendered to Li Congke.Li Congke "learned that the wealth of the generals, officials, and people in the city was collected to reward the army, and as for the cauldron, he estimated it and gave it directly."

When Emperor Min heard that the troops sent out to suppress the rebellion had surrendered to the enemy, "Nai ordered the soldiers to comfort them, and empty the treasury to work for them...the treasury is not enough, so use the palace clothes to play with it."

After Li Congke got the throne, he wanted to fulfill the promised rewards to the soldiers, but the gold and silk in the treasury were only 3 taels and a horse, which was seriously insufficient.As a last resort, it is still not enough to "have officials to collect money from the people", arrest people and put them in prison, "supervise them day and night, the prisons are full, and the poor go to their own scriptures and wells".In the end, even the dusty "old things in the left possession" in the palace, "the empress dowager's and concubine's clothing and hairpins are all from it", are still not enough.There was no choice but to break the promise and revise the reward standard. The sergeant "still complained" and began to spread rumors, planning to launch another mutiny.

Li Congke had done his best. The soldiers only wanted property, not food, and they didn't care about official positions. They couldn't even pay land for meritorious service. They didn't want it.

If you don't get the money, you're screwed.The social environment is different, the traditions are different, and that's it.

"Calculate how much you have in the treasury." Shao Shude said: "If you survive this year, you will have a large sum of income next year. Chen Cheng and Pei Di have already sorted out Bianzhou's finances and taxes. Next year, there will be two taxes in summer and autumn, and Xuanwu Town will get dozens of dollars." Ten thousand coins and more than a million bolts of silk. In addition, if you can use grain and dried meat to pay for the account, you should try your best, and if you can’t do it, let’s talk about it.”

However, in the long run, we still have to disarm the army. It is not normal for most of the country's expenditure to be used to support the army.

"Don't stop the construction of the palace city. The main expenditure is food, and it can still be sustained." Shao Shude said again: "After the emperor moves to the east, there should be an imperial residence. Now there are Zhenguan and Xuanzheng halls. That's enough, let's speed up the rectification."

The main hall of Ziwei Palace is called Hanyuan Hall, which was built on the basis of Qianyang Hall in Sui Dynasty, and was changed to Ming Hall in Empress Wu.

Shao Shude gave up temporarily because the project was too large, so he first built the Zhenguan Hall to the north of Hanyuan Hall and the Xuanzheng Hall to the west.Huiyou Hall to the north of Zhenguan Hall is under construction.

Of course, the Imperial Palace is a trivial matter, Shao Shude is most worried about some diehard elements.What will you do if someone tries to stop you at that time?
They are all very famous people, and they stopped in front of Shengjia and refused to let him go. How do you deal with it?Is it tens of thousands of people to kill like Zhu Quanzhong?It was too appalling, Shao Shude didn't want to do it yet.

He recently thought of a way, let people let out a little bit of wind, saying that the capital will be moved to Luoyang, and then test the reaction of the court.

He had no doubts that someone would definitely jump out, first secretly write down the name, and then let the eunuchs Han Quanhui, Liu Jishu and others who took refuge in him deal with them one by one.The main way is to relegate them to other places to keep them away from the center.

This trick alone is not enough.

Next, continue to cut sausages, first intentionally encroach on some of Miyagi's power, test the reaction, and then let out the rumor of surrender to further test.After so many times, almost everything that should be cleaned up has been cleaned up—whether it is court officials, palace officials or internal officials, they are all cleaned up.

The emperor was left alone in the end, and he could take the last step.

"Your Highness, after the Son of Heaven moves eastward, he must send troops to guard all sides in case of emergency." Zhao Guangfeng reminded.

This is because they are afraid that some people in the local area will start riots without being clear-headed.Although it is unlikely, once such a thing happens, it will be embarrassing and have a bad impact, which is not a good sign for the new dynasty.

"After moving to the east, let my son Chengjie lead Jing Zhaoyin and Xidu to stay behind and lead the army to suppress it." Shao Shude said: "It's okay. You should take care of Luoyang's affairs as soon as possible. Li Keyong has not made much movement recently. , I intend to lead the German army eastward."

"Obey." Zhao Guangfeng bowed and saluted.

On the tenth day of June, Shao Shude issued a series of military mobilization orders.

Returning to the German army, Fu Cunshen led his troops westward, entered the river, and returned to Jiangzhou for camp.

The Jinglue, Wuxing, and Guzhen armies headed to Bianzhou for reorganization.

The Tielin army returned to Luoyang to rest.

The Yi Congjun Army was transferred to Suzhou to take over the defense of the southern front due to the shorter expedition time.

The ministries of the Rouzhou camp attacked the two states of Yun and Wei.

The two armies of Weisheng and Youguo stepped up their attack on Qizhou, putting more pressure on Yang Xingmi.

Du Hong sent troops to assist Qizhou. If he did not obey the order, Zhezong would immediately execute the order and take Ezhou.

After all arrangements were made, on June [-]th, under the escort of more than [-] people from Yin'anzhi and Tiande Army, he traveled eastward with a large sum of money to Yanzhou.

This trip, there are still many tasks, the first one is to solve the affairs of various motley troops.

(End of this chapter)

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