Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 983 Sanggan Town

Chapter 983 Sanggan Town

From Luoyang to Bianzhou, golden wheat fields can be seen everywhere along the way.

Now that the war has subsided, the people can sow and reap with ease.The tax exemption gave them a chance to breathe again, just like the dry and cracked land was nourished by the gurgling spring water, and the vitality was gradually restored.

The vitality of weeds is very tenacious, and the vitality of the people in the Central Plains is equally tenacious.

It is not impossible to "suffer and suffer" and continue to squeeze, but why bother?They are all people who want to be called emperors. Isn't it good to exempt some money, food and taxes in exchange for the praise of the people?Shao Dashuai is still very "vain" on this point.

When passing through Zhengzhou, he specially met with the local "representatives of public opinion", all of whom were family members of the relocated Wuwei Army.

In fact, the sergeants don't like to buy land, because no one cultivates it.Their income is enough to ensure a comfortable life for the whole family, and they can still eat meat from time to time, regardless of whether they farm or not.

This is a mentality that is difficult to understand, but it is true for the Five Dynasties of the Forbidden Army in history.It is impossible to farm the land, and only relying on the emperor's rewards can one maintain a living.Rushing into the palace to plunder is like returning home. When the emperor's speech is not pleasant, change it to someone who speaks pleasantly.

More than half of the families of the Wuwei Army are still farming.This is a good tradition brought from Kansai. Shao Shude specially rewarded some sergeants' families who farmed well. One family gave two bolts of silk and one coin, and asked them to persevere.

As for the others, it is not forced.Some people are willing to let their sons practice martial arts all day long. Farming will take up a lot of time for practicing martial arts. It is understandable, let him go.

Four of the Forbidden Army have moved to the surrounding areas of Luoyang.Among them, the family of Wuwei Army is in Zhengzhou, the family of Tielin Army is in Ruzhou, the Yi Cong Army is half in Ruzhou and half in Henan Prefecture, and the Tiande Army is all in Henan Prefecture.

After a while, the family members of the Tianxiong Army will also begin to relocate, collectively resettled to Henan Prefecture.

Needless to say, Henan Province does not have that much land for people to cultivate.Even if the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army wanted to buy land, they might not have enough land.Fortunately, not everyone wants to farm, almost barely enough.Henan Prefecture currently only has a population of about 37, and the conflict between people and land has not yet erupted.If you squeeze, you can arrange another imperial army.

When he was in Bianzhou, Shao Shude had a long talk with Chen Cheng and Pei Di.

The Xuanwu Army shogunate managed the seven prefectures of Bian, Song, Boying, Chen, Cai, and Hua—the single prefectures had just been revoked—all of which were wealthy Central Plains prefectures. Although there were no resources to start agricultural reforms, even if they followed the traditional method of recuperation, they could breathe a sigh of relief. After that, it will still be the economic center of the new dynasty in the future.

Shao Shude expressed satisfaction with Chen Cheng's governance.A lot of local officials have been quietly changed, and the reputation of the people has improved greatly. The rule can be said to be more and more stable. This is an undoubted achievement, and Shao Shude remembered it in his heart.

"The essence of the dispute between Xia and Jin lies in making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses. This is also my experience of using troops for many years." In the Jiedu envoy's mansion, Shao Shude talked eloquently: "My advantage is that I have more soldiers and more money, and I can withstand failure. Li Keyong The advantage is in the place of victory in Hedong, and the internal unity is solid, and it is unified externally. My strategy is to carry forward my advantages and disintegrate Li Keyong's advantages. For officials and generals in Hedong and even Hebei, I can intentionally win them over and keep them away from Li Restricted use. Xuanwu Town must vigorously implement this point. In the towns of Hebei, many merchants and scholars traveled to Bianzhou. of."

The battle between Xia and Jin has calmed down on the Hezhong side. It is at a stage where the Jin army dare not go south for fear of repeating the same mistakes, and the Xia army does not want to go north to attack fortified positions.Moreover, Jiedushi Wang Yao had just "entered the court", and the internal situation was not very stable—yes, he was determined not to go to Chang'an, so he begged for nothing and ran to Luoyang, mixed into a mansion, and at the same time got the Can be appointed as the promise of the Shaoqing of Taipusi.

On the Heyang battlefield, after Tianxiong's army failed to attack Tianjingguan, there was no more movement, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

The same is true of the Xingming magnetic battlefield. Shao Shude has not yet launched an offensive on it, and the Jin army does not want to initiate a war.

The only thing that is active is the Yun and Wei battlefields that have just ignited the flames of war.

"Your Majesty's strategy has always been correct." Chen Cheng said with a smile.

"Don't talk about these things all day long." Shao Shude made a serious face on purpose, and said, "Hebei is not so easy to capture. Even Henghai Town, the weakest town, should not be underestimated."

It is said that Henghai Town has really suffered a bad luck recently.

Jiedu envoy Lu Yanwei took advantage of the Xia army's main force to besiege Yan, Yi, Hai and other places, thinking he had an opportunity, and went south to plunder Dizhou.

After tasting the sweetness for the first time, Cang Bing came back, but bumped into the troops sent by Li Tangbin for reinforcements.

In the battle of Leling, the bandit army was defeated, more than a thousand ranks were beheaded, and two thousand were captured.

Last month, the rebel army attacked from the direction of Dezhou, and the two sides formed a field battle in the countryside of Pingchang.The commander of the Qizhou State Army made Wang Jiao break into the formation, beheaded two bandit soldiers, and captured a team alive. up.

Helpless, Lu Yanwei immediately asked Wang Rong for help, and Wang Rong sent [-] troops into Dezhou.In the battle of Majiahe, the Tielin army was defeated and more than a thousand people were captured and killed, and the situation was stabilized.

But Lu Yanwei didn't want to fight any more, and now he just wanted to go back to Pingchang County, so naturally he didn't respond.

"Your Majesty, don't just stare at Henghai Town. Luo Shaowei is mobilizing his troops in Weizhou and actively cooperating with Li Keyong. It seems that he will fight me sooner or later." Chen Cheng said: "If you don't take back Xiangwei and Weizhou, Luo Shaowei can't explain it. Yes. This battle, sooner or later, will definitely be fought. Maybe he is waiting for Li Ke to send troops."

"This matter is not unreasonable." Shao Shude said: "However, the most important thing is to capture Henan."

Inside Weibo Town, there is now a pot of boiling water, and Luo Shaowei can hardly contain it anymore.If he doesn't want to die, he must lead his army to take back the guards. Maybe he has already hooked up with Li Keyong now.

But it doesn't matter, you hit yours, I hit mine, this is the right way.

Outside of Sanggan Town, the chase of a large group of cavalry has been going on for half a day.

Yang Yue stood on a high slope, a little angry.

Although I have watched the battle of the Fan cavalry countless times, the more I watched, the more angry I became, and the more I watched, the more unhappy I became.

Weird way of fighting!
Some people fought with each other, rode horses and shot arrows on the vast grassland, and circled each other.

Some people sat on the grass to rest, ready to take over.

Some people are actually - grazing!
A bunch of poor ghosts are reluctant to even feed their horses with grain.How long does it take to eat grass to be full and have strength?They are not as good as the Khitan people. At least they have serious agriculture and grow millet on a large area. Knowing that they don't have so much time to graze during battle, they will feed them with grain so that more troops can be invested in time.

So Lao Yang couldn't bear it any longer, he gave an order, and with one move of the flag, the three thousand cavalry who had been waiting for a long time entered the arena.

The brown torrent rushed straight down from the hillside, bypassed the edge of the battlefield, and entered obliquely from the side and rear.

The military envoy Zhe Siyu, under the protection of the pro-corps, shot from left to right and killed several people in succession.

The soldier let out a strange cry, and rushed in waving a short horse.

The grassland shepherds fought in a loose formation, and they immediately dispersed under the charge of the "high-density" cavalry.

Most of the people rode their horses to a distance and tried to shoot with their bows. As a result, the tribesmen of the Zangcai and Qibi clans rushed over again, and a rain of arrows hit their heads and faces, causing the thieves to be defeated.

"That's right!" Yang Yue grinned, her white beard fluttering in the wind.

"High-density" cavalry charges require long-term training, tacit cooperation, and strict discipline.Otherwise, it would be easy to mess up when rushing, you bump into each other and get in the way of each other, it is better to spread out to play riding and shooting according to the grassland tradition and slowly grind the enemy to death.

The thief ran to the depths of the grassland, not daring to look back.

Zangcai and Qibi's Fan soldiers continued to pursue and did not let go.

The iron cavalry army slowly gathered their troops and came back.They have armor. According to Xia Jun's definition, they are medium-sized cavalry. They can't catch up with the enemy, and there is no need to chase them. They just need to play the decisive role on the battlefield.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The war drum rang again.

The warriors of the Flying Dragon Army got up from the grass, and after setting up their formation, they rushed directly to Sanggan Town.

Sanggan Town is located in the northwest of Ying County in later generations.Sangganshui and Huishui (the source of Sangganhe River) converge here. It was originally the former site of Sanggan County in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The town was built in Sui Dynasty. Because of this, it is located between Shuozhou and Yunzhou, and belongs to Yunzhou.

Because there is Sanggan River and its tributaries in this area, the water and grass are abundant, and it has always been a place of fierce competition between the vassal tribes of Xia and Jin.Because it is close to Yanmen Pass, the nomadic Tuyuhun tribe here belongs to Hedong.

Historically, Sanggan Town will be established in a few years, that is, Yingzhou.Shi Jingtang ceded the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun in exchange for Khitan's military support, and Ying prefecture was one of them, which belonged to the Jingdao in western Liaoning.

Well, as far as the environment here is concerned, it is quite in line with the appetite of nomads.

Fighting the arrows flying from the town, the warriors of the Flying Dragon Army roared and charged.

During the charge, people kept getting shot and fell down.Some people had arrows stuck in their bodies, got up staggeringly and continued to charge forward, while others never got up again.

"Crash!" The wooden ladder was built on the top of the city, and the soldiers rushed up.As a result, the ladder tilted all of a sudden, and the warrior who climbed up fell to the ground.Countless clods of soil, large and small, fell from the top of the head, and the dust and smoke filled the air for a while.

The Xia and Jin people were all dumbfounded.

The flying dragon army envoy Liang Hanyong looked intently, but saw that a large part of the city of Sangqian town had collapsed.

This... the quality of this city wall is too bad!
But this matter is not over yet, and then more than ten ladders were built up.There was only a loud "boom", and the entire city wall collapsed.

Uncle Grasshopper!The defender's heart was broken.But they had no time to regret it. The ecstatic soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army rushed in along the gap. Thousands of defenders couldn't stop them at all. The Tuyuhun shepherds hiding in the city also inspired their wildness and went up with weapons, but they were still defeated.

However, their resistance aroused the strong anger of the warriors of the Flying Dragon Army. They wielded long spears and heavy swords, slashing and stabbing anyone they saw, regardless of whether you were a soldier or a civilian, whether you were an old man or a young man, Kill them all.

The Flying Dragon Army, who had been punished countless times because of discipline issues, has reverted to its old ways.

The Fan Han soldiers and civilians in Sanggan Town have learned about their brutal methods.

Yang Yue was unmoved, as if she hadn't seen it, on the contrary, she praised their bravery.

Well, no one even pulled the reins, and the Flying Dragon Army was probably going to run wild again.

(End of this chapter)

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