Chapter 984 Comb
The battle ended at Shen Shi.

The final fight took place between the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army and a group of teenagers in fur clothes.

One side is a desperado wearing iron armor with superb combat skills, and the other is a young man holding a wooden spear with poor skills.

Liang Hanyong looked at the bloody battlefield with a livid face.

Qi Bizhang left, but seemed to be still there.As a deputy for many years, Liang Hanyong asked himself that he had a profound influence on this army, but now he has some doubts about his life.

Military discipline, military discipline, or military discipline!It was emphasized many times before the war, but it was still like this bird.

Even the newly joined Ziqing soldiers and recruits from Lingzhou Academy were led badly.

Liang Hanyong sighed, Qi Bizhang should have thought of today when he recruited bandits and bandits in Laizhou.

Actually, as far as Liang Hanyong himself is concerned, he didn't think it was too much for the sergeants to do so.But King Xia told him to restrain his troops well, so he must pay attention to it.

"Wars are like this, without the benevolence of women." Yang Yue came over, snorted coldly, and said: "I think some troops are like sheep, which is not very interesting. The Feilong Army is good, so take care of it in the future."

While talking, Wang He of the Zangcai Wang family hurried over and reported: "Dutou, just now a small tribe that was retreating was captured in the Sanggan Water Valley, and more than [-] cattle, sheep, horses and camels were captured. Thousand seven hundred."

"Cows and sheep stay. Each part of the population is divided, so we can deal with it as we like." Yang Yue waved his hand, not bothering to care.

Wang He's heart skipped a beat.

Just now he saw that there were many teenagers among the captives, so he planned to screen them out and send them to Luoyang.Zhongguan Wang Yanfan was appreciated by His Highness, and he has said it many times, both openly and privately, and this time I will do him a favor.

With this favor, there is hope for Zangcai's change of pasture.

Mula Mountain is too small, it is better to go to Yanbei to get a new pasture, hereditary Yongzhen, so as to lay the foundation for the prosperity of the family.

A group of scouts came from afar, bringing back a lot of information about the rest of the battlefield.

"The pile of yellow flowers has been conquered, and the thieves have fled."

"The Zhuang Lang family occupied Shendui fence, but the Jin people did not stick to it. After fighting for a while, they rushed north."

"Yanchang City has been besieged. It seems that there are more than a thousand Jin soldiers guarding it. The Geshu and Hun tribes are besieging."

"The Dingnan army defeated a bandit army on the south bank of Yangshui, and they have now chased them to Fangshan."

Many of the locations mentioned in these battle reports are far apart, and this is also in line with the actual situation on the battlefield.

Huanghuadui, called Cucumberdui in the Northern Dynasties, is located [-] to [-] miles southwest of Huairen County.In the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Xinping City was built here, and Emperor Daowu built Luonan Palace in Duilan, with a very strong regulation—Huishui, also called Luoshui.In Duixi there are Zaoqi City, Rizhong City, and Rimei City in sequence, all of which were built in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now there are only ruins left, but it is still a good pasture.

Shenduizha is located [-] miles southwest of Yunzhou, on the main road, where Li Keyong defeated Li Kuangwei, captured his son alive, and defeated the [-] cavalry drawn by Helian Duo from the grassland.

At that time, it was probably the last time that the Daibei grassland tribe charged the infantry formation of the Central Plains.Li Ke only brought thousands of cavalry and [-] to [-] infantry. After finishing off Li Kuangwei's Yan soldiers, he stood still under the charge of [-] Tibetan cavalry, defeated the enemy army, and even pursued it in reverse. Helianduo fled to the desert.

Yanchang City and Fangshan Mountain are both on the banks of the Yangshui River in the north of Yunzhou. Xia Jun once besieged Wansheng Army in Yanchang City.

Starting from Sanggan Town in the southwest, all the way to the north, Huanghuadui, Shenduizha, Yunzhou, Yanchang City...

This is a post road that goes out of the fortress through Yanmen Pass.The offensive of the Johor State battalion was like mercury pouring down the ground, almost controlling every stronghold outside Yunzhou.In other words, the Jin army outside Yanmen Pass is now the support point of the two east and west cities of Yunzhou. The offensive has been very violent from the very beginning, and the goal is also very clear, that is Yunzhou.

The performance of the Jin army is also very interesting.

It can be seen from the course of the battle that the soldiers defending the outlying strongholds are few and not elite.There were occasional battles, but it was just a taste of it, and soon fled.

If nothing else happened, the people of Jin should have used the great city of Yunzhou as their base to defend to the death.They put on a posture of being passively beaten, and lost face, which is very rare.

But this is also related to the strength comparison between Xia and Jin.No matter how arrogant Li Ke is, he will never make fun of military affairs.People are not stupid and know what is the correct way to deal with it.

The only suspense now is whether the Jin people will send troops north to rescue.

They have three routes, the first is to go out of Ningwu Pass, the second is to go out of Shimen Pass, and the third is to go out of Yanmen Pass. All the soldiers are facing Shuozhou.

There is a danger of being annihilated when going out to fight, which will lead to the breakthrough of dangerous passes such as Yanmen Pass.If they don't leave the customs, Yunzhou will be besieged. Although it is difficult to take down, the surrounding tribes will be wiped out, and this is the first time that the Xia army has launched a military operation against the tribes under the jurisdiction of the Datong army.

How to make a choice is entirely up to Li Siyuan, who has just been appointed as the envoy of the northern gates.

Li Siyuan was in Daizhou City behind Yanmen Pass at this time.

His official position is the governor of Zhuozhou, and it is a temporary position to act as an envoy on behalf of the northern gates, but it is still a huge leap for him.

He walked in front of Li Sizhao, Zhou Dewei, Li Cunxiao, and Li Chengsi—Li Chengsi was dead and completely withdrew from the competition.

Among the generals of the Mesozoic generation in Hedong, he has already ranked first.

Well, this matter is indeed worth celebrating, but the grim reality is also in front of him, the number of troops is weak, and they are unable to fight a decisive battle with a strong enemy.

He brought [-] Yan soldiers from Zhuozhou, all of whom were from his old background—in fact, not all of them were Yan soldiers. Many of the backbone were Jin soldiers brought over in those years, but they have settled in Zhuozhou, and they are basically Yan people. .

There are more than [-] soldiers in the two prefectures of Xin and Dai, which are mainly used to guard the pass, with the assistance of the local peasants who were temporarily recruited.Their abilities are limited and they cannot fight field battles.

The number of Fan soldiers is very large, mainly from the three tribes of Shatuo.Years of wars have made their fighting power far stronger than the nomadic tribes on the Saibei grasslands, but this kind of capital cannot be used at will without the order of King Jin. The chiefs of Shatuo, Sage, and Anqing Know this too.

What can really be used is actually more than 5000 cavalry from Flying Cavalry and Personal Cavalry, plus more than [-] infantry from Maqian Yinqiangzhi and Xiongjie, and [-] Yiding soldiers, for a total of about [-] soldiers.

This is a fart!
In fact, Xin and Dai prefectures still have new recruits under training, that is, the newly formed Zuoying Army and Right Battalion Army.These two designations appeared ten years ago, but they were revoked later, and now they are re-established, but they can't scare anyone, because they are not the old army that was able to expedition to Hebei and was used to wind and waves.

The two armies of the Zuoying and Youying had a total of 2 people, all of whom were recruited from the three prefectures of Xingming and Ci, and they were placed in Xindai together with their families.The king of Jin handed over his command to Li Siyuan, but this kind of troops, which were stronger than the Tutuan peasants, was too difficult to use, and Li Siyuan didn't dare to send them into battle.

Therefore, he has no choice but to hide in Yanmen Pass and provide Shi Shanyou in Yunzhou with all support other than practical help.

In fact, Shi Shanyou had quite a few soldiers.

There are 6000 Datong troops in Yunzhou City, and 1 Yi Ding soldiers. This meeting may have called some foreign soldiers into the city, and there are more than [-] troops in total.And because the war was prepared early, the supplies were sufficient, and the city had been vigorously repaired, it could last for a long time.

In the eastern part of Yunzhou and Weizhou, there are still some local generals and the eight thousand Yiding troops led by Wang Chuzhi, which can be used as a counterattack force.

But unfortunately, these people are not under the command of Li Siyuan, but Shi Shanyou is their coach.This is very different from the last time when Governor Kang Junli was on behalf of the North and the Datong battle. To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of seniority and status.

"There are about [-] Xia soldiers, scattered among the vast grasslands for hundreds of miles, attacking everywhere, with great arrogance." In the Yamen of Daizhou Prefecture, Liu Wei, the governor of the Hedong shogunate, analyzed: "Our army may send more soldiers. Search on horseback, find out the Xia people's horse and sheep pastures, and use the cavalry to sneak attack. After doing so many times, the Xia thieves will definitely not be able to bear it for a long time, so they can only lead the army back."

Like Shi Shaoyong, Liu Fan was also a personal guard of Li Keyong.

Shao Shude likes to release his own soldiers to serve as officials, and so does Li Keyong. In fact, most warlords at this time do this.

Liu Fan's development is quite good, but at the age of more than 20 years old, he was already a shogunate yamen, and this time he was suddenly promoted to the deputy envoy of Maqian Silver Spear.He had two sons, the first was Liu Zhiyuan, and the second was Liu Chongyan. If there were no accidents, they would both develop into the army when they grew up.

Liu Pu's immediate boss was also surnamed Liu, called Liu Xun, from Yonghe County, Xizhou, who was the general of the Jin army who once assisted Wang Ke in Hezhong.After Wang Ke was defeated, he escorted their husband and wife back to Jinyang. Li Keyong did not blame Liu Xun, and the development was still very good.

Li Siyuan listened silently.I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of Shao Shude.

I still remember when the Huayue Temple met, he was still a junior high school in the army, and when he first saw Shao Shude, the commander of the army who was already a little famous at that time, he didn't feel anything at the time, but when he thought about it carefully, it was like a dream.

"What is Shao Shude doing?" Li Siyuan asked suddenly.

Everyone was stunned, why did the coach's mind suddenly fly to this?
"My lord, Shao Shude should govern in Luoyang." The adopted son Li Congke replied.

"His soldiers swept across Daibei like a comb, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers, why didn't he come to the front line in person?" Li Siyuan murmured.

The crowd fell silent.

Shao thief has too many soldiers.He had just fought a battle in Hezhong, and in the blink of an eye he started another battle in Datong. Will he still have to fight in Xingmingci after a while?

Competing with such a behemoth is really too difficult to make a mistake.

"Like what Liu Yaya said, look for the pastures of the Xia bandits." Li Siyuan waved his hand and went out.

His voice came from outside: "A crowd of [-] people has brought so many horses and livestock. They must search for pastures and graze them scattered. The bandit army should have a way to transport corn, wheat and equipment. Look carefully. Remember, attack with a small group of fine cavalry, run away when hit, don't love to fight. If you are not sure, don't force yourself, in short, the main thing is to harass. In addition, the herdsmen who are rushing back from outside the pass, choose the best and strong horses for training, and gather their horses , for later use."

"Of order." All the generals responded in unison.

People are poor and short-sighted, and it seems that this is the only way to fight this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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