Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 985 Proofreading

Chapter 985 Proofreading
It should be said that Li Siyuan's plan is quite feasible.

From Shengzhou to Yunzhou, the territory is vast, uninhabited, and the journey is long.With such a long line of communication, it is difficult for you to cover the entire section, but they only need to attack a little bit.

Throughout June, the two sides played this trick in the wild.

On June [-]th, the Jin army raided a grain team and got more than [-] hu of corn and wheat.

On June 22, the Jin army found a pasture, raided it, and plundered [-] horses and [-] cattle and sheep.

But good luck till the end, on June 25, they were "fished".Near Zaoqi City, the Jin army who came to harass the grain road was besieged by an army several times their size, losing [-] horsemen, and the rest fled in a hurry.

On the 27th, the Jin army successfully ambushed another team, plundered a thousand horses, obtained [-] dendrobium grains, and [-] cattle and sheep.But the next day, the thousand riders sent out were besieged again, and only a hundred or so escaped back in the end.

He succeeded three times and failed twice. He gained a lot of cattle, sheep, horses and food, but lost [-] Han cavalry. It is hard to say whether he won or lost.

Li Siyuan was really overwhelmed.If things go on like this, Xia Bandits will only lose money, but they will lose solid soldiers.

After discussing with his subordinates, he felt that he could no longer attack from the direction of Xin Dai.If you don't change the direction of the initiative, go north from Lanzhou, send cavalry and infantry who can ride horses, and attack the Xia people's Canzhou.Even if it doesn't work, it can still attract some of their troops to withdraw and reduce the pressure on Yun and Wei.

But there is one thing to say, this is still a war of attrition, and it will not fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield. It just slows down Xia Jun's pace and increases their costs.

At the beginning of July, the Jin soldiers attacked Zhelu's army city, but failed.Instead, they plundered the surrounding tribes, and took a large number of people and livestock away.However, after the main force withdrew, more than a thousand soldiers were surrounded and the entire army was wiped out.

At this point, Li Siyuan didn't want to dispatch any more.The Xia people's mobility is too strong, they can quickly rush from one battlefield to another, and they won't take advantage of it if they fight for a long time.This is still a sneak attack. If it is a frontal battle, with less than [-] soldiers under his command, there is no chance of winning.

So, he gave up the unrealistic fantasy.Recruit strong men from the grassland tribes who have withdrawn to make up for the war losses of each tribe. At the same time, they live in the left battalion and right battalion army, and train them strictly, hoping that they will gradually come out of training.

When the news of the Yunzhou battlefield came, Shao Shude had already arrived in Yanzhou.

This month's battle was completely within his expectations.It can be seen that the strength of the Jin army is still very short, and they have almost completely given up the pastures outside Yanmen Pass, allowing Yang Yue to mobilize them.Even if the troops are withdrawn after October, I don't know if there are any tribes who dare to return to the vicinity of Yunzhou to graze.

This was an undeniable loss, and it also dealt a blow to Li Keyong's reputation among the surrounding tribes.

"Send an order to Yang Yue that the strong city of Yunzhou is not easy to conquer, and we can find an opportunity to wipe out the enemies in the direction of Yuzhou." Shao Shude just finished speaking, smiled again, and said: "Don't send out this order, let him take care of it himself, I won't interfere .”

After all, he ordered to go south to Yao Temple.

The Yao Temple is located seven miles southeast of Yanzhou. There is a stone gate in the south of the temple.

Yanzhou's natural conditions are good.At the confluence of Dangsi and Zhu Rivers in Zhouzhou, there is Fengyan Canal opened by Xue Zhou in the Sui Dynasty in the east of the city. It is not only used for irrigating farmland, but also for water transportation. It is still in use today.

Yanzhou is also the crossing from the east of the Central Plains to Mount Tai, and the main crossing from the east and west sides of Mount Tai to Xuzhou in the south. Therefore, it is a transportation center in the east, and it has been a famous city since history.

When Shao Shude arrived near the Yao Temple, the Seventh Army of Longxiang and the tens of thousands of Tiande Army also left the camp one after another, and lined up in the wilderness.

It was midsummer and the weather was hot, but no one dared to complain, and they lined up honestly.

After a while, Shao Shude rode his horse to the front of the formation under the guard of two thousand soldiers from Yin An Zhi.

From left to right are the left wing of the Tiande Army, the Dragon and Tiger Army, the Longwu Army, the Longxiang Army, the Pingsheng Army, the Pengri Army, the Shenjie Army, the Guangsheng Army, and the right wing of the Tiande Army, with a total of more than [-] soldiers.

The flags are flying, the drums and horns are contending, and watching it makes people feel proud.

Li Yixian led the horse's reins first, while Shao Shude rode on the horse's back, stopping for a while every time before.

"In the fourth year of Qianning (897), the four armies of Longxiang, Longhu, Guangsheng, and Shenjie attacked Yunzhou and fought hard for many days; in the fifth year, they attacked Yanzhou again, defeated the Yan army in Rencheng, and then marched into Yanzhou. Fight bloody battles with thieves, and now we will overcome them.”

"The two armies of Pingri and Pingsheng defeated Zhu Qiong in Changqing, and then attacked Ziqing. They made outstanding achievements."

"Since the Longwu army surrendered, they have fought against the Yan soldiers for several months. Every time they ascend in battle, they are loyal and brave."

Shao Shude focused on praising the contributions of the Seventh Army of Longxiang on the Yan and Qi battlefields, which can be regarded as affirmation of their contributions.After what he said was passed down, the sergeants relieved their grievances and looked helplessly at the piles of goods in the wilderness.

"I was given two pieces of money and two bolts of silk, and a piece of grain for the class teacher. Each battalion received the reward in turn, and there should be no chaos." Shao Shude ordered.

After ordering, everyone also gave a little face, and shouted: "Thank you, Your Highness, for the reward."

Shao Shude laughed loudly, went up to the high platform surrounded by sergeants, and met with the generals.

The Seventh Army of Longxiang has selected and sent a group of meritorious soldiers to the west to be incorporated into the Economic Strategy Army, and many of them have also obtained the rank of officer of the Imperial Army. This is a very clear reward.

For those who were not selected, they were rewarded after conquering Yanzhou today, which is also a consolation.

Shao Shude had asked Hu Zhen a while ago, if a group of soldiers were dismissed, would anyone be willing to leave on their own initiative.The answer surprised him very much. Even if they had to charge frequently and capture the city, few people were willing to strip their military status and become civilians.

The reason is also very simple, he is reluctant to give the military reward every year.

This is a generous income equivalent to more than twenty coins.In a middle county, officials such as judicial assistants, sihuzuo, and city magistrates only have this income, and the income of prisons, classics and teaching assistants is slightly lower than them.

Maybe these officials have other ways to make money, but the big soldiers also have rewards other than the fixed rewards.If you are more ruthless, you can also have black income such as looting.You are an official, even if half of the county's wealth belongs to you, so what?Accidentally, they were all snatched up by the big soldiers.

More than 140 years of separatism in feudal towns has left an ideological stamp on the whole society. Being a soldier is better than other professions!

Unless you spend decades or hundreds of years to correct this understanding and effectively reduce Wu Fu's income and social status, no one is really willing to leave voluntarily.

If you don't leave, just leave. I will support you as fucking pants, so don't regret it in the future.

"I have decided that the two armies of Longxiang and Guangsheng will be merged into the Longxiang Army; the two armies of Longhu and Shenjie will be merged into the Dragon and Tiger Army; It's all the same."

"The envoy of the Long Xiang Army is Ge Congzhou, the deputy envoy He Delun, and the envoy of You Yi Li Si'an."

"The envoy of the Dragon and Tiger Army is Liu Zhijun, and the deputy envoy is Hua Wenqi."

"Praise the Japanese military envoy Dai Siyuan, deputy envoy Li Renhan, and You Yi envoy Kang Huaiying."

"Yan Bao is the Deputy Envoy of the Pingsheng Army."

"Hu Zhen, Wang Tan, and Zhang Guibian have other orders."

After saying this, Shao Shude's eyes fell on one person, and he said: "Li Gongquan has more than [-] people, formed an army alone, the military name is 'Gongchen', Li Gongquan is the army envoy, deputy envoy Wang Yanzhang, and You Yi envoy."

After Li Gongquan led his people to rush south in a hurry, he has been attached to Hu Zhen.After several battles, the damage was not small. Later, many people went south to join the army, including the nephews of the sergeants.

After the completion of the reorganization, there are 1000 troops in the Longxiang Army, including 9000 cavalry; [-] soldiers in the Dragon and Tiger Army, but no cavalry; Among them, there are [-] cavalry; [-] soldiers of the Pingsheng Army, no cavalry; [-] Gongchen Army, [-] cavalry.

Longxiang, Longhu, Longwu, Pengri, Pengsheng, and Gongchen have six troops, with a total of 8000 people.

This number alone is not too much, but the problem is not here.The fact that more and more troops may be surrendered in the future is the most troublesome part.

But that's the only way to deal with it right now.

Shao Shude didn't want the soldiers to rebel collectively, so he would have to spend time and money to suppress it, and it would delay other battles on the battlefield.

In history, when Pang Shigu conquered Yang Xingmi in the south and lost tens of thousands of people in World War I, it is unknown whether Zhu Quanzhong was crying or laughing at that time.Anyway, he took the Liang Jun elite to sit in Suzhou, did not move from the beginning to the end, and went straight to beat Li Ke when he turned around. It seemed that he was not too sad.

"Do you have any objections to this arrangement?" Shao Shude asked after announcing the new reorganization plan and personnel appointments.

"Follow your Majesty's order." Hu Zhen and Ge Congzhou took the lead, and everyone responded in unison.

Shao Shude nodded in satisfaction.

Regardless of whether you have any opinions in your heart, hold back for me.Can't punish the big soldiers, and can't you generals?

"After receiving the reward, all the ministries will reorganize and return to the construction, and then return to the garrison to rest." Shao Shude ordered again: "The two armies of Gongchen and Pengsheng stay behind, suppress the local area, and wipe out the remnants of the enemy."

Zhu Jinnan fled to Xuzhou, Tuoba Renfu also defected to Yang Xingmi back then.Li Renyu was more unlucky, his followers scattered all over the village, he himself fled into the mountain hastily, and was decapitated by his subordinates a few days ago.

The last time Zhu Xuan appeared last month, he led a bandit-like army to Zhongdu County, harassing Xia Jun's grain road, and cooperated with Zhu Jin in fighting.After hearing the news, Ye Likecheng, the commander of the Yunzhou State Army, was defeated and fled all the way south. It is said that he also defected to Yang Xingmi.

The large and small military leaders in Yun, Yan, and Qi have been wiped out, but the place is not peaceful, and there are many people who have fallen into bandits, and they still need to be suppressed until the state army can be used.——Qingzhou State Army It has been formed with a staff of [-]. It is mainly composed of rout soldiers scattered all over the place, and the commander is Zhang Wen, who is straight in silver saddle.

The Yanzhou State Army is about to be formed, and Shao Shude has ordered to select older veterans from all armies as the backbone, and then recruit some sergeants from the feudal towns that have been scattered outside, or simply recruit new recruits, with a staff of two thousand, and the commander is Dong Zhang, who is straight in the silver saddle .

The soldiers in the wilderness were already happily receiving their rewards.

Zhu Zhen and Deputy Envoy Yan Bao met for a moment, then looked at the new military judge Xin Wan, and sighed secretly.

The mastermind, Gao Shao, was transferred to Luoyang, and King Xia personally gave the order.Zhu Zhen didn't know if it was beating or not, but she was in a bad mood, and she was being targeted by Praise the Holy Army.

But then again, it is useless for Li Ke to use too much. If the battle of Yang Liudu fails, and the battle of Longmen is defeated again, Yanzhou has been taken down. Next are Xu, Hai, Si and other states. With the confrontation between the rivers and rivers, Henan is basically unable to turn the sky.

There is no chance, at least in Shao Shude's generation, the chance is not great.Next, I have to work harder, so as not to cause disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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