Chapter 993
The Khitan people really didn't hold back when it came to rebelling against Xi people, and they killed them ruthlessly.

The Khitan cavalry rushed into every camp, wielding sabers, bones, and iron spears at will, and threw dense arrows at the weak shepherds, wantonly enjoying the pleasure of bullying the weak.

Fighting more and fighting less is the essence of the art of war, let alone a surprise attack?

Xi Ren was indeed suffering from bad luck.

The tents were on fire, the cattle, sheep and horses were running around, women and children were yelling in panic...

A man rushed out with a hunting bow and spear, but was quickly shot down by the dense arrows.

The old man with white beard and hair knelt on the ground, loudly begging the Khitan people to forgive their sins.

The cavalry galloped past him, and an old head flew high.

The hound rushed out of the tent, grinning at the intruder, but quickly fled with its tail between its legs and whimpering.

In this situation, it can do nothing.

The Khitan people were too ruthless, as if they were treating a thousand-year-old feud without showing any mercy.

Basically, they killed the grown men and loaded the wagons with the women, children, and possessions and sent them off.

There is no doubt that this is an attempt to uproot the forces that King Xi went to Zhu, so the attack was extremely ruthless.

In fact they've been doing it since the day before yesterday.

When encountering Xi people in the wild, they will all be treated in this way, which is extremely cruel.In the past few days, the captured women and children, cattle and sheep, and property of various tribes have been continuously sent to the east. For this reason, the number of troops is almost insufficient.

On the whole, Yelv Xienechi's troops are only in the early [-]s, which is actually not that much.

But their advantage is that they are gathered together, and because of years of war, their fighting power is far stronger than that of ordinary tribes. After a surprise attack, the Xi people completely lost the courage to resist, and all retreated into the city, waiting for unknown reinforcements.

The Khitans had no interest in storming the city.

They rode horses on the mountains, river valleys, and grasslands outside Yuyi Town, searching for hidden herdsmen everywhere, like locusts crossing the border, causing serious disasters.

Occasionally, a group of Xiren herdsmen who rushed out to fight out of righteous indignation could be attracted, but they were quickly wiped out by their skilled killing skills.

They easily controlled the rhythm of the battlefield and seemed to have invincible crushing strength.

"Go to Zhu, you have tried every means to lure the people, and now they are in trouble, and you can't protect them, what kind of man are you? If you have the guts, come out and fight with me, thinking that you are old, I will give you one hand, dare you Don't you dare?" Yelu Xienechi rode his horse around the city of Yuyi and shouted loudly.

The Khitan sergeant laughed out loud.There were many bloody heads hanging on both sides of their saddles, as if they were making a ruthless and cruel mockery.On the grassland, the weak are not worthy of survival!
Su Zhi blushed with shame, and subconsciously wanted to go out to fight in the city, even if he died in battle, it would be better than being so useless.

Qu Zhu grabbed his son and said, "I have endured it for so many years, so why not endure it for two more days?"

Su Zhi shook off his father's hand, obviously unhappy, but he didn't go out to die after all.

Yeluxienechi walked around the city twice more, but seeing that he still couldn't deceive anyone, he gave up.He waved his whip and disappeared into the distance.

If you don't want to come out, then it's meaningless to stay here, it's better to go to the wild and have fun.

At the same time, the envoys had already rushed north to contact the main force that Yelu wanted to stabilize.

Yelv Yuwen arrived at Tanshan more than a day later than Xienechi.

There are more than ten thousand riders on his side, and his strength is relatively strong.Moreover, he was a very cautious person, carefully controlling the marching speed all the time, and sent many scouts and rangers around the periphery, pushing the alert range to more than a hundred miles away to ensure that no one could surprise them.

After receiving a report from Xie Niechi halfway, he finally relaxed, accelerated his march, and arrived at Tanshan on the ninth day of August.

"What a majestic palace!" Yeluyu looked at the palace that cost a lot of manpower and material resources to build, and praised: "It's almost comparable to the palace in Khan City."

This Khan City is not that Khan City.

The earliest capital of Khitan was Qishou Khan City built by various ministries more than 500 years ago, located in the upper reaches of Huangshui.It's a pity that the ancestral land was taken away by the Xi people later, and the Khan City was gradually abandoned, and the Xi people abandoned it.

Today's Khan City is located in the lower reaches of the Huangshui River, where the Khan's tooth tent is located.The regulations are very large, and the Khan's palace is also located in the city.

"If you want to be safe, rob this palace?" The relatives and subordinates said one after another.

There is a red light in their eyes, which is the desire for wealth.

Yeluyu stopped the reckless actions of his subordinates, and ordered: "Sweep the surrounding area first, and plunder the cattle and sheep. The dried meat and cheese I have brought with me have almost been consumed. Why don't we gather delicious food first and fight hungry? "

As soon as everyone heard the same, they stopped talking nonsense and split up.

Their methods are not much different from those of Yeluxienechi.Anyway, it's robbing and killing, and this is also the consistent style of action of all grassland ministries.

Yelv Yuwen had already heard about the situation in Yuyi Town.The Xia bandits were really unprepared, and their troops were very scarce. After being attacked by them like this, they basically had no ability to resist.

The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is that they actually built a city.

The city can provide the most basic protection, so that the nobles of the tribe will not be wiped out, and there are many benefits.But this is the style of the Tang people. On the grasslands, generally only khans or nobles can build a city. Like Qu Zhu and his ilk, which are obviously only a few thousand tents, he was very surprised to spend all his energy on building a city.

"The thieves will die!" There was a sudden loud shout from the front.

Yeluyu came back to his senses, looked intently, but saw that the city gate on the outer wall of Xianyou Palace had been opened, and a general rushed out with hundreds of horsemen.

Yelv Yuwen hadn't given the order yet, but the chieftain of the tribe came forward with his troops.After a while, there was a second person who couldn't hold back, and rushed forward with his troops, outflanking them from the flanks.

The two sides fought fiercely in front of Xianyou Palace.

Tuoba Jin straightened his horse and led hundreds of cavalry to collide with the oncoming enemy.

This is an atypical steppe cavalry battle.

The two sides used long and short weapons to collide passionately. After a short meeting, more than a hundred people lay down on each side.

The corners of Yelu's mouth twitched slightly.

Facing the enemy head-on, using spears, bones, and sabers to tear the enemy's formation into pieces, this is the sharp weapon they have summed up to deal with the Tatars, and it can often achieve miraculous results.

But the centralization of the Dangxiang cavalry is too deep, and riding and shooting may even be their weakness, and frontal charging is their forte.What's more, many "Dangxiang" cavalrymen still wear Tang people's hair buns and black headdresses, and shout out the official words of the Tang Dynasty in a hurry. Are they really Dangxiang people?
The rush continued.

The two sides, each losing a large number of riders, collided head-on again.When they passed each other and people and horses were mixed together, corpses fell like rain again.

It's like playing chicken and whoever blinks first loses.

Yelv Yuwen got impatient, he waved his hand, and someone rushed out to deliver the order.After a while, four thousand Xiren cavalry rushed out, trying to outflank the Dangxiang people from the rear.

Tuoba Jin noticed the movements of the Khitan people.

There are more and more enemies on the battlefield, and Erlang around him is fighting less and less. He roared, and Ma Qian picked up a Khitan chieftain high and threw it out heavily.

"Withdraw!" Tuoba Jin abandoned his horse, turned his head and shot three arrows in succession, and without turning his head, he rushed back to Xianyou Palace with more than 200 remaining knights.

"Boom!" The gate of the city was slammed shut, and a large group of soldiers stood up at the top of the city, firing bows and crossbows at once, forcing back the enemies who rushed too close, and the cooperation was quite tacit.

"According to the people of Tang, this is to measure our weight." Yelu Yuwen frowned and looked at the bloody battlefield, and said, "What kind of tribe is this? It's so difficult to deal with? Its tribes seem to have fought wars, and they fought each other. Not unfamiliar at all."

No one could answer him.

The Khitan and Xibu chiefs have not fully recovered from the battle just now.

The party members seem to be quite capable of fighting. This does not seem to be a good sign.

How far is it from Guizhou to Yuyi Town?More than two hundred miles.

After receiving the order, Liu Zijing immediately abandoned the city of Guizhou, which was tasteless, and ordered the whole army to go north.

The soldiers came out of the ravines and began to gather together.

Every time a group is gathered, a group of people will go north.The soldiers ran in front, and the auxiliary soldiers followed behind with their luggage.Everyone didn't bring any surplus food. The cattle and sheep had been eaten up long ago, and the rest were thrown in the mountains of Guizhou and left to fend for themselves.

The food for the whole army would be enough to last for about five days, but no one hesitated, and as soon as they received the order, they followed the officer and headed straight to the north.

On August [-]th, the army marched north to a place more than ten miles away from Yuyi Town.

Along the way, you can already see the dead bodies of people and animals on the ground.Burning ashes can be seen everywhere, broken bow tips and swords are thrown on the ground at will, and occasionally abandoned vehicles can be seen, with blood stains on the frame.

Another huge column of smoke rose in the distance.

The scouts haven't sent back the news yet, but they don't need to. Everyone knows what happened there.

"Get off the horse and replenish the water." Liu Zijing got off the horse and threw the horse that had run empty all the way to the soldiers.

The two thousand sergeants who followed him got off their horses silently, and after assigning some guards, they sat on the ground, opened the package, took out the dried dried meat, and drank water mixed with milk powder to replenish their strength.

The scouts came back one after another.

Their news did not surprise anyone, there were Khitans looting.

Liu Zijing didn't take any action, and continued to eat and drink non-stop.

After people and horses had rested, he stood up calmly and said, "Put on your armor and get on your horse!"

The sergeants immediately went into action, either putting on their armor with the help of auxiliary soldiers, or putting on each other in pairs.After a while, except for a few auxiliary soldiers who stayed behind and gathered the horses, the rest followed closely behind Liu Zijing, carefully urging the horses forward.

The north wind blew over mixed with grass clippings.

Fifteen hundred elite riders wandered among the half-human tall grass.

Their marching speed is not fast, it can even be called slow, and the distance between them is also very wide.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the flags are flying and fluttering, constantly changing.

Looking down from the sky, the scattered cavalry gradually gathered together, and their speed slowly increased.

It can be seen that this is an experienced old army.

They marched silently, without any unnecessary movements, without wasting physical strength or horsepower, without the slightest influence from the outside world, and marched strictly according to their own rhythm.

The Khitans seemed to have discovered this cavalry unit that had quietly attacked, and many people ran back to report it.

The scout rangers surrounded him from a distance, but they didn't dare to get too close.

The flag changed again.

The [-] cavalry were divided into three waves, front, middle, and back, as if by magic, and they were also getting closer to each other.

"Boom!" The sound of hoofbeats gradually became denser, which was a sign of the speeding up of the cavalry.

More and more Khitan people surrounded them.

They seemed to have just finished a robbery, and came in a hurry after receiving the news, their expressions were full of surprise.

The flag changed for the last time.

"Huh!" The short horses moved forward in unison, almost overwhelming the whistling wind, this was the first wave.

The second wave of five hundred cavalrymen followed closely behind with their horses raised obliquely.

In the third wave, they collectively drew out their iron swords, held their right hands high, and stared straight ahead, full of murderous aura.

"Kill!" Liu Zijing shouted, breaking the strange calm.

The first wave of five hundred cavalry suddenly accelerated.

The galloping horseshoes turned up the soil and grass roots, the ferocious knight shouted the slogan of killing, and the long brown dragon rushed towards the loose Khitan people like an arrow.

Their speed was getting faster and faster, the killing sound was getting closer and closer, and then they rushed into the Khitan crowd with an unstoppable momentum.

One hit and crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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