Chapter 994 Recourse
It was a sudden defeat, but the Khitan people were not convinced.

They failed due to insufficient preparation, and the Xia people won without force.

So some people who thought they were brave started to fight back.

He was indeed very brave, and his riding skills were superb. After dodging the short horse lance stabbed by the iron cavalry soldiers, the iron bone hadn't raised up yet, when another lance stabbed him in the chest, he fell to the ground with a scream.

He didn't even disrupt the cavalry formation.

The brown torrent continued to rush forward, smashing and breaking up the last "clump" of enemies.

Enemies with a tenacious will to fight tried to gather together and organize a counterattack. As a result, the second wave of cavalry charges followed, shattering their last trace of resistance.

The third wave of five hundred riders took advantage of the situation and spread out to the two wings. The iron sword was inserted back into the sheath, and the rider's bow was already in his hand.

The skillful horizontal team spread out to both sides, dense arrows pierced through the air, and the remaining enemy screamed again and again, unable to think of any resistance anymore, they collapsed into the distance.

"Pursue the remnant enemy!" Liu Zijing ordered loudly.

The flag was waved, and the third wave of [-] cavalrymen sped up their speed, chasing and killing the fleeing Khitans mercilessly, just like they chased and killed those strong men of the tribe before.

"The first commander and the second commander got off their horses and put on their armor and walked." The cavalry in the first two waves gradually stopped, and the messengers were still riding on the horses, sending messages back and forth.

The knights got off their horses silently, panting slightly.They held the reins and walked among the tall autumn grass.The horse followed meekly, and the sweat on his back gradually collected.

They had just won a battle and killed more than [-] enemy troops, but the soldiers seemed to have only done a trivial thing, neither happy nor sad.

A small victory is not enough to be happy, a small defeat is not enough to be sad, life and death are like that, their hearts have been hardened.

The auxiliary soldiers gradually caught up, and they brought riding horses and pack horses.

The military medical officers began to wrap up the wounded soldiers who fell behind, and the pear-nosed horses left behind by the Khitans were also gathered up.Each department is in an orderly manner, each performing its duties, busy but not chaotic.

There was a large cavalry army passing by in the east, and they didn't stop at all, and they rushed northward at full speed.

"Take off your armor and get on your horse!" After walking for half an hour, the messenger sent orders back and forth.

"Clatter!" There was a sound of armor leaves colliding, and the two commanding cavalry quickly unloaded the armor, packed it on the back of the auxiliary soldier's pack horse, then turned over and jumped on the horse, took the reins of the horse, and continued northward.

The full-line attack against the Khitans has already started quietly.

The fleeing Khitan cavalry hurried northward.

Yelu Laogu performed a stunt, leaping onto the back of an empty horse in the air, flicking the whip desperately, not daring to look back.

Xia Jun's cavalry had run out of horsepower and gradually fell behind.

Old Gu let out a long breath, wiped his eyes, didn't know if it was blood or tears, and continued on his way with his head depressed, until his companion reminded him that he had arrived at the camp.

Someone came back before him.

The bad news of the defeat spread like the wind throughout the camp.

"Where's Xie Niechi?" Yelu Laogu grabbed a man by the collar and asked with red eyes.

"Going to Ruyuan." The man stammered back.

"Let's go!" Yelu Laogu changed his horse, looked at the sparsely populated three hundred people in the camp, and said.

This is near Yuyi Town, and Ruyuan is 140 miles to the north.

The distance of more than a hundred miles is nothing on the grassland.There is nothing to rob near Yuyi Town, on the contrary, it is getting more and more dangerous.

Who did they just meet?

That team of cavalry was as experienced as a killing machine, with a total of [-] cavalry, and they cooperated perfectly without any mistakes.Such an opponent still has to be dealt with by veterans of the Tiao clan who have participated in many wars, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

"Someone is chasing us!" A shrill cry came from outside the camp.

As if to confirm his words, the dense sound of horseshoes sounded again in the south.

"Go! Don't take anything!" Yelu Laogu kicked and beat the soldiers who were still resting on the ground.

The slaves hurriedly brought the horses.

Everyone sighed their bad luck, got on their horses in a daze, and ran away in a hurry again.

Before leaving, Lao Gu looked south.

It was Qianqi up and down again, who came out of nowhere.

How many Xia soldiers came?Why are they all over the mountains and plains?A question mark rose in Gu Gu's mind.

On the grassland to the north of Daning City, soldiers were fighting all day long.

The soldiers of the Jin army stood on the top of the city, watching all this numbly.

attack them?not like.

Show off?It's kind of interesting, but it's not quite like it?
Just passing by?Then why bypass us?

No one cares about their mood.

Liang Hanyong, the envoy of the Flying Dragon Army, personally led more than [-] people in the left chamber and nearly [-] horses, and traveled all the way.

The maneuvering speed of cavalry infantry is much higher than that of cavalry.

Because they don't need to cherish horsepower, and they don't need to maintain sufficient physical strength for horses to prepare for riding battles.

The fan cavalry who cooperated with them could hardly keep up.

Just as he ignored the mood of the Jin soldiers, Liang Hanyong also ignored the mood of the Fan soldiers. He only knew how to hurry.

On August [-]th, the army arrived at Yuyi Town.

I got the latest news here, more than [-] iron cavalry and fan cavalry had gone north to Tanshan, the Khitan were full of plunder and did not dare to fight, and retreated hastily.

After collecting some dried meat and cheese, and supplementing the food reserves to fifteen days, Liang Hanyong ordered to go east.

On the [-]th, pass Ximiyun and garrison the north (Fengning).

On the [-]th, stay overnight at Sanzangkou (Chengde North).

On the night of the [-]th, we arrived near the old city of Anle County.

"It's raining." The sergeants looked up to the sky, but couldn't see anything.

Dense rain fell from the sky.

In the pitch-black wilderness, the soldiers were tired and hungry.After marching for ten days in a row, although everyone didn't complain too much, it was true that they were physically and mentally exhausted.

Liang Hanyong climbed up a high slope, staring fixedly at the faint lights in front of him.

That is the old city of Anle County.

The city was built during the Later Wei Dynasty and was ruled by Anzhou.Times have changed and the county has been abolished, but because it is located in an important place, it is still a key place - of course, that is only for the Central Plains dynasty, and in the hands of the Khitans, it is just a fork in the road.

"Tired?" Liang Hanyong went down the high slope, looking at the wet soldiers.

Everyone looked at him without speaking.

"I'm tired!" Liang Hanyong said without hesitation: "In front is the old city of Anle County, and the city wall has long been destroyed. The Khitan people took it and used it as a base for going west and south."

Everyone still didn't speak, and their expressions were numb.

"Tonight I want to have a hot meal, a bed to sleep in, and a woman—" Liang Hanyong stopped at this point.

As King Xia's son-in-law, it was indeed inappropriate to say this, but the sergeants had already understood what he meant, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became lively.

Liang Hanyong remembered what his father-in-law did outside Bianzhou City, and shouted: "But follow me!"

Without anyone's instructions, the warriors of the Flying Dragon Army, who had been trained as war machines, automatically took out their weapons and slowly formed a team amidst the sound of passwords one after another.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the earth was as black as ink.

In such a weather, the Khitan people probably wouldn't even bother to go out and do some inspections.

"Boom!" A thunderbolt struck, illuminating nearly ten thousand bright spears at the foot of the mountain, like a jungle.

Liang Hanyong went first, cosplaying his father-in-law to his heart's content.

The silent long-spawn jungle began to move.

There was no voice, no drum noise, only heavy breathing.

The soft soil absorbed the heavy footsteps of the night raiders.

Crackling raindrops and howling winds masked the sound of weapons clashing.

The rain showed no sign of stopping.

The Changlong jungle has slowly moved to the vicinity of the gap in the city wall.

"Puff! Puff!" That was the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh.

Before the sleepy sentry could react, he was stabbed and fell to the ground.

The speed of the Changlong Jungle slowly accelerated, and the sergeants joined hands and advanced side by side.Occasionally someone slipped and fell, and they were held up by the robes and continued to move forward.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

No one spoke, no one commanded, the silent executioners were not walking fast, but the number of enemies dying under the long-spawn jungle was rapidly increasing.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Taking advantage of the wind, the rain beat hard on the lintels, windows, and bluestone slabs.

The blood merged into the rainwater and flowed wantonly on the street.

The dogs barked frantically, waking up many people.

Finally, someone came to their senses, and they shouted, but were quickly overwhelmed by the squirming jungle.

More and more people rushed out of the houses, armed and panicked.

Women and children hid in the house, crying loudly.

The sound of sword clashes gradually increased, but it seemed that they couldn't stop the progress of the Changlong jungle.

Someone was as cowardly as a mouse and wanted to run away, but slipped and fell to the ground. After a few inaudible flesh cutting sounds, he remained motionless.

Someone glared angrily and charged bravely, but was stabbed by a few long spears and picked up.

Someone was frightened and wanted to turn back and go home, but was nailed to the wall by a long spear.

The long lance jungle is still squirming forward firmly.

The enemy blocked the front, like tender flowers in the wind and rain, they were beaten to pieces in a short while, and disappeared into the dust and mud.

They finally broke down.

Someone frantically slapped on the closed doors on both sides of the street, but no one responded.

After a few "puff puffs", the slapping sound disappeared.

The military boots stepped across the bluestone avenue, and continued to move forward, slowly but firmly.

Someone knelt down and begged for mercy, with tears streaming down his face.

A few long spears stabbed over, and the corners of his mouth suddenly overflowed with blood.

"Boom!" The military boots covered in mud and blood kicked him in the face and rolled over him mercilessly.

The sound of horseshoes sounded from the other side of the city, and finally someone thought of running away.But soon there was the painful neighing of horses and the screams of people dying.

"Boom!" Several thunderbolts struck down.

Under the flickering thunder, it can be clearly seen that there is also a bright long lance forest on the other side of the street.

"Creak creak!" The rain-filled military boots stepped on the bluestone slab, as if they were beating on people's hearts.

As the last few screams of unwillingness fell, the Changlong jungle stopped creeping, and they joined forces.

But—the bloody killing may have just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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