Chapter 103 The Sutra of Good and Evil
"Good and evil Taoist?"

Fang Ce showed a hint of a smile, this person is indeed arrogant, he actually claims to be the Dao of Heaven.

At the same time, he also knows in his heart that once he fights the person in front of him, it will not be easy, and he may have to fight with all his strength, and even use up all the cards in his hole.

However, after absorbing the power of all the thieves and bandits in Beiyu Shanzhai, he has now reached 830 years of Taoism and 310 years of life.

With this strength and those powerful talismans on hand, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this good and evil Taoist.

No matter how bad it was, if he wanted to escape, the other party would never want to keep him.

However, even if he really wanted to escape, he had to delay for a while for those little girls before.

"Since you know me, aren't you afraid?"

The man smiled and pointed at the same time.

Suddenly, a terrifying force surged out!

I saw raging flames falling from the sky, spreading rapidly, burning everything in the cottage crazily!The fiery breath instantly filled the world!

Fang Ce's eyes reflected the jumping flames. This was a spell directly cast by the good and evil Taoists, not a talisman!This also means that the good and evil Taoists have reached a higher level!

Not to mention how many talisman storages and hole cards the good and evil Taoists themselves have, it should be assumed that the talisman storage and quality of both sides are equal.

Then, after the two sides fight to the end and the talismans are exhausted, it basically depends on whose skills and Taoism are advanced.

And the hand shown by the good and evil Taoist now is obviously far from the full strength, and his real strength must be much stronger than what he sees in front of him.

Perhaps even with the use of a few top talismans such as the Nine Heavens True Fire Talisman, his strategy will not have a high chance of winning, and it is not sure whether it will be [-]-[-].

Now maybe it is wise to retreat from the edge for the time being, and fight again when the strength improves.

However, even so, Fang Ce still responded flatly: "Why are you afraid?"

"Oh? So, you are very confident in your own strength, little guy?"

Hong Ye smiled lightly and looked at Fang Ce.

"It has nothing to do with strength. Since it is inevitable to meet seniors, what should be faced is to face after all. Is there a difference between being afraid and not being afraid?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

What he said was on the one hand, and on the other hand, he vaguely guessed that the good and evil Taoist might not have any intention of doing anything to him now, otherwise, there would be no need to display the sky fire to demonstrate.

However, this is just a guess. After all, the good and evil Taoist has an unpredictable temperament. Maybe he likes to demonstrate before doing anything, and maybe enjoy the pleasure of torture.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hong Ye couldn't help laughing.

"Little guy, you really suit the taste of this old man, would you like to be my apprentice?"

Hong Ye smiled again.


Fang Shizuo was stunned, he really didn't expect that the purpose of this good and evil Taoist came here was to accept him as an apprentice!

"For so many years, no one has ever amazed this old man like you. You seem to have been derived from the Tao of Good and Evil. Maybe your existence itself is the way of good and evil."

A frenzied excitement flashed across Hong Ye's eyes.

"The Tao of Good and Evil? The Way of Good and Evil?"

Fang Ce's expression was strange, this person seemed really abnormal...

"Come on, as long as you become the apprentice of the old man. The old man will pass on all the knowledge he has learned all his life."

"Sorry, please forgive the junior for refusing."

Fang Ce responded calmly.

"Oh? Are you not afraid of death? Do you really think that your current strength, which has not even reached the level of a real person, can compete with this old man?"

Hong Ye frowned.

"No, what the senior practiced was the way of good and evil, and his words and deeds may appear moody to outsiders, but in fact they follow certain rules.

You may not come here to take the life of the younger generation.Similarly, if a junior refuses the request of a senior, he may not die.Agree, but may not be able to live.

After all, there should be quite a few disciples taught by the seniors, but how many of them survived in the hands of the seniors? "

Fang Ce shook his head indifferently.

"Oh? Little guy, it seems that you know the old man quite well? Knowing so much, it should be my good daughter who told you?"

Hong Ye was very interested.

"Good girl?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, this guy has a daughter?But I haven't seen any related records.

"Qingling Mountain, Sun Taimei."

Hong Ye responded with a smile.

"Sister Sun?"

Fang Ce was suddenly surprised that the little demon girl turned out to be the daughter of this good and evil Taoist! ?how can that be?Could it be that this good and evil Taoist once fell in love with a rat demon?What's more, Sun Taimei didn't mention this at all.

"Sister Sun is the adopted daughter of the old man."

Hong Ye spoke again.

That's the way it is, and it seems that Sun Taimei herself doesn't know about it, she should be the tacit daughter of this good and evil Taoist...

Although Fang Ce roughly understood what was going on, he didn't respond.

"The old man has indeed taught quite a few disciples, including humans and monsters. In the end, there are indeed not many who survive. But, you are different from those stupid waste."

Hong Ye continued talking on his own.

"What's the difference?"

Fang Ce asked quietly.

"You are the only person I've seen so far, who practice side-by-side techniques and have evil auras, but can't be affected by power, and can clearly distinguish between good and evil and act rationally.

For example, those little girls who were rescued by you just now have already explained this point very well.

Today, not to mention possessing evil spirits, it is extremely rare for people to not lose their minds and maintain absolute rationality after mastering the method of rapidly increasing strength.

So, do you know your uniqueness?You are born to be the most suitable existence for practicing the Taoism of Good and Evil.Come on, be the old man's apprentice, you will never regret it in the future. "

Hong Ye smiled and spoke expectantly.

Fang Ce couldn't help being silent, it seemed that this good and evil Taoist was really serious, but...

"I'm sorry, senior, I am very grateful for your kindness. The junior has the way of cultivation of the junior, and I don't want to worship under anyone."

Fang Ce cupped his fists. He really didn't want to be someone's apprentice. After all, he could practice very well, so there was no need to put more shackles on himself.

"Is that so... It's such a pity, you take this. I think you won't refuse."

Hong Ye tossed it casually, and a classic book flew towards Fang Ce.

Fang Ce took it immediately, looked at it, showing surprise: "The Taoism of Good and Evil? What do you mean, senior?"

"There are not many people in this world who can agree with the old man's way of good and evil, and even few who agree and can do it. So far, no one can satisfy the old man, otherwise the old man wouldn't need to catch some monsters. preach.

But you are different, the old man believes that after you read it, you will be able to understand and master it.Although he can't become the old man's apprentice, it's not impossible to become the old man's bosom friend. "

Hong Ye responded calmly.

I see……

Fang Ce understood in an instant that the essence of this good and evil Taoist looking for him to be his apprentice was actually to find the recognition of his own way of good and evil. It seemed that there were some psychological problems.

"In that case, the junior would like to thank the senior for his kindness."

Fang Ce clasped his fists and saluted. He didn't care what the Good and Evil Dao Jing was, whether it was an evil technique or not.

After all, with the sword in hand, whether to kill or not, whether to do evil or not, is it not up to you in the end?People who know how to do evil can do evil even with a pair of chopsticks.

"Little guy, I think you should have more than 800 years of Taoism now, but are you ready to cross the catastrophe?"

Hong Ye asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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