Chapter 104 Heavenly Tribulation
"Crossing Tribulation?"

Fang Ce was puzzled. Up to now, he hadn't thought about it at all. It should be said that he hadn't come into contact with this aspect of classics at all.

"No matter what kind of creature it is, as long as it reaches a thousand years of Taoism, it will attract a catastrophe. If it can pass, it can continue to improve. If it can't pass, the Taoism will be completely lost, and if it is serious, it will be wiped out."

Hong Ye responded with a smile.


Fang Ce couldn't help but change his face slightly, now he has reached the Taoism of more than 800 years...

"You may not have reached the realm of a real person, but now you have practiced Taoism for more than 800 years."

Hong Ye has a lot of meaning.

"The junior is ignorant, and I hope the senior can give some pointers. What is the realm of the real person?"

Fang Ce clenched his fists and saluted.

"The realm of a real person refers to at least 500 years of Taoism and mastery of a sky fire-level technique."

"So that's the case, then... what are the requirements to survive the catastrophe?"

"Strength, luck, and merit are all factors that affect whether you can successfully pass the tribulation. Specifically, you don't need to ask too much now. First suppress the Tao and practice as much as possible.

After comprehending the good and evil scriptures given to you by the old man, it is not difficult to survive the catastrophe.However, you have evil spirits on your body, and it is not certain whether Tianjie will be affected by it. "

Hongye responded.

"Practice the way, do you want to improve the spells? Thank you, senior."

Fang Ce nodded and went around, do you still want him to practice the Taoism of Good and Evil?However, the strength of the good and evil Taoist is enough to show that there is indeed something in the good and evil Taoism.

"Based on your current Taoism, you are too capable at present, and there are not many people who can match it. You don't need to worry about your strength. With your talent, if you practice this good and evil Taoism well, you will have unexpected gains."

Hong Ye's smile is thought-provoking.

"Oh? Is that so... Senior must have survived the catastrophe. Then I don't know which level you belong to now, senior? Celestial Master?"

Fang Ce asked with a smile, this guy indeed had two of the three sentences that could not be separated from the scriptures that led him to practice the Tao of Good and Evil.

"You can also be counted as an old man at the level of a celestial master."

Hong Ye responded calmly.

"Is it high, or is it low?"

Fang Ce asked again.

"Currently in the entire Taigan, only the Master Shengtian can be compared with the old man. Do you think it is high or low?"

Hong Ye smiled.

"Holy Lord?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Holy Heaven Daoist, you don't know? No wonder you don't know about the Heavenly Tribulation, and dare to raise your Taoism to more than 800 years so recklessly."

"The younger generation came from a small place and has little experience. I hope the senior will not be offended."

Fang Ce smiled helplessly.

"The Taoist Master Shengtian is currently the number one celestial master in Taigan. It is said that he is practicing the legendary Taiyan Dao Sutra... Forget it, I guess you don't know what it is. You just need to know that this is the current Taiyan Dao Sutra." Just be the first celestial master."

Hong Ye shook his head.

Tai Yan Dao Jing?

Fang Ce was surprised, so the beauty's boss has something to do with the first heavenly master, the holy heavenly master?Is this descendant?
"Okay, it's time for the old man to leave. Finally, the old man asks you a question, are you one of the two newcomers from Yu County?"

"Huh? How about it? How about not?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"If it is, then it's fine. If it's not, the old man will accept the lives of those two in Yu County."

Hong Ye responded calmly.

"This... Senior came here for this?"

Fang Ce casually took out the golden jar that he got earlier.

"Oh? It seems that it is indeed you. Then, there will be a period later. I hope that one day in the future, I can discuss with you on the summit of the immortal."

Hong Ye made a soft sound, and the figure disappeared immediately.


Fang Tactic was stunned, and then his eyes flickered, and he figured out some key points.

It turned out that this good and evil Taoist didn't come to take him as a disciple on purpose, but came to kill him!Accepting him as an apprentice was entirely on a temporary basis because he saw his behavior after dealing with the cottage!
In that sense, he was lucky.

"By the way, by the way, help the old man take care of Gu Guai's daughter. In addition, don't mention anything about the old man to her, including the identity of the adopted daughter."

Hong Ye's voice suddenly came from afar.

"Hmm... look after Mrs. Sun?"

Fang Jue groaned, and this made his previous guess more solid. Sun Taimei really didn't know that she was recognized as an adopted daughter by good and evil Taoists.

On a larger level, the actions of the good and evil Taoists should be out of the protection of Sun Taimei.

After all, the good and evil Taoists themselves are wanted by the court. Perhaps their strength has no scruples, but they may not be able to protect the safety of Sun Taimei at all times.

Forget it, now that the matter has been resolved, it's time to go back.

Fang Ce swept away the sea of ​​flames around him, then cast the earth escape technique, and quickly headed in the direction of the spiritual puppet girl Liang Xue.

Now he can communicate directly with the puppet girl and communicate orders, so he can easily find the puppet girl's location.

In less than a moment.

Fang Ce found the location of the puppet girl and escaped directly from the ground.

"Yeah!? Who!?"

All the girls exclaimed and retreated.

"Huh? It's the son!?"

"Young master, you solved that mysterious person!?"

The girls quickly discovered that it was Fang Ce.

"Don't ask too much. You better not know what happened just now. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that something will happen to you one day in the future."

Fang Ce replied, no matter what, the behavior of this good and evil Taoist cannot be figured out according to common sense, and these little girls naturally don't know that this person is the best.

After all, good and evil Taoists don't kill people for no reason. As long as innocent people don't have anything to do with them, basically nothing will happen.

"Okay! Understood! We all listen to the young master!"

The girls responded.

"I'll take you back now, uh... this direction..."

Fang Zhizhi looked around in a daze, and found that these little girls were going in the wrong direction...

But it's no wonder that these little girls, after all, are in this deep mountain, and it's still dark at night. In a critical moment, in order to escape for their lives, they can't tell which way to go.

After a while.

Fang Ce sent the girls to the gate of Yu County.

He also waited for the city gate to open, then took the puppet girl and left directly.

Go back to the Fengshui Yafang.

"Tsk... how to deal with this thing?"

Fang Ce looked at the puppet girl in front of him, and pinched her everywhere, wanting to see the difference between this vajra body and an ordinary body.

However, after pinching it, he found that it should be soft and flexible, but it is much stronger and more flexible than the ordinary body. It feels like elastic soft gold, but it also feels good to the touch.

Fang Ce then took out the essence of the puppet and flipped through it casually, only to find that there was a bookmark on a certain page.

"Huh? Spiritual puppets are often raised with the treasures of heaven and earth, and eat less resentful blood. They can gain spirituality, and they are no different from ordinary people. This is a fairy puppet, which can be called one of the methods of resurrection. However, a spiritual puppet is a spiritual puppet after all. , unable to get rid of the order of the master."

Fang Ce couldn't help showing surprise, that is to say, this spiritual puppet girl can indeed be resurrected, and can she recover her sanity?
(End of this chapter)

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