Chapter 105 What Can a Husband Want?
Think for a moment.

Fang Ce backhanded and took out the two spiritual origin fruits he had obtained before. These fruits are also heavenly and earthly treasures, and he doesn't know what effect they will have, whether they will increase Taoism or longevity.

But no matter what it is added, the effect is definitely good, but he doesn't dare to eat it now, after all, he has been practicing for seven years, and if he continues to increase, there is not much room for him to prepare for the catastrophe.

That being the case, why not give this puppet girl a try and see what effect it will have.

Fang Ce immediately sent a spirit source fruit to the little mouth of the spirit puppet girl.

Just a moment.

There was a wave of power fluctuations spreading from the spirit puppet girl, and there was a slight fluctuation in her eyes, which changed from the original emptiness to a bit of aura.

Now she looks like a sluggish girl, not associating with a puppet.

At the same time, on the feng shui scroll in Fang Ce's consciousness, the puppet girl's Taoism has directly increased by 100 years, reaching 450 seven years!

Directly increase 100 years of Taoism?

Fang Shiji was surprised. Fortunately, he didn't eat these two fruits when he was in the cottage before, otherwise he wouldn't have directly reached the thousand-year Taoism and forcibly crossed the catastrophe?

And now it seems that this fruit is also very effective in cultivating puppet girls. If you eat another one, you may be no different from ordinary people.

Although he thought so, Fang Ce did not feed the remaining spiritual source fruit to the spiritual puppet girl.

At this moment, there was some movement outside the room, obviously Xin Yu woke up, and the sky was already bright.

So be it for now.

Fang Ce patted the puppet girl on the shoulder with a smile, and ordered her to lie down on the bed and cover her with a quilt to hide.

However, at this moment, a line of tears fell from the corner of the puppet girl's eyes, revealing a faint sense of sadness.

Fang Strategy was taken aback, frowned, and generally understood what was going on.

He didn't say much, just wiped away the tears on the girl's cheeks, and continued to order her to hide under the quilt on the bed.

Go outside the room and close the door.

"Fairy, morning."

Fang Ce turned around and greeted with a smile.


Xin Yu just glanced at it lightly, and didn't seem to find anything unusual.

After a while, after washing up, the two began to wait for breakfast.

"Fairy, do you know what kind of fruit this is? I got it by accident, it seems very special."

Fang Ce took out the spiritual source fruit casually, looking curious.

"Huh? This is..."

Xin Yu took it in surprise and looked at it carefully.

"Spirit... Spirit Origin Fruit!?"

Xin Yu couldn't help showing surprise immediately.

"Lingyuan fruit?"

Fang Ce was puzzled. It seems that this beautiful boss is indeed well-informed. Is he really a descendant of the first heavenly teacher, the sage Tiandao...

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the spiritual source fruit in the records. It is rumored that after taking it, it can increase the power of a hundred years...Fang Ce, where did you get it?"

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce in astonishment.

"Oh, I picked it on the mountain. It feels very spiritual. It's very special. It should be a spiritual thing, so I brought it back and showed it to the fairy."

Fang Ce shrugged.

"I picked it on the mountain? It seems that you have a good chance..."

Xin Yu handed the fruit back suspiciously, apparently not believing what Fang Ce said.

"Fairy, this fruit is for you."

Fang Ce smiled and pushed the Lingyuan fruit back. The beauty's boss even passed on the Taiyan Taoist scriptures to him. If he didn't express something, it would be really hard to justify.

"Give it to me? No, I can't afford such a heavy gift. Thank you for your kindness."

Xin Yu shook her head calmly.

"Heavy gift? Fairy, between you and me, do you still need to be so fussy?"

Fang Ce was surprised, he didn't expect Xin Yu to refuse.

"If it was an ordinary gift, I might still be able to accept it, but this is not an ordinary thing. You should know that adding 100 years of Taoism directly is enough to make an ordinary person soar into the sky.

This is a spiritual object of heaven and earth that is enough to cause countless people to fight for it, how dare I accept it? "

Xin Yu responded lightly.

"Huh? Even though you said that, fairy, how can I see that you are not at all moved? Or... do you mean that you dislike me?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"I didn't mean that. If it really belonged to me, I would naturally be tempted. But this is your chance, and I have no reason to take it. Don't miss out on this opportunity just because of..."

"for what?"

Fang Ce couldn't help showing a playful look.

"For womanizing."

Xin Yu responded calmly.

"Ha ha!"

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, he could see that the beautiful boss was definitely not going to say these two words, but he was a bit thin-skinned and didn't want to say it.

"Okay, take this fruit back."

Xin Yu spoke calmly again.

"Fairy, I can't eat this fruit now."

Fang Ce spread his hands helplessly.


Xin Yu's beautiful eyes glanced lightly, obviously she didn't believe what he said, and thought he was just trying to give the fruit away.

"I'm about to cross the catastrophe..."

Fang Ce said calmly.

Xin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a look of disbelief and disbelief: "You are about to cross the catastrophe? You didn't lie to me? Do you know what it means to cross the catastrophe?"

"Any living being, as long as it reaches a thousand years of Taoism, it will attract a catastrophe. If it can pass, it can continue to improve. If it can't pass, the Taoism will be completely lost, and it will be wiped out in ashes.

That's what it should mean, right?fairy? "

Fang Ce asked with a smile.

" have a thousand years of Taoism?"

Xin Yu couldn't believe it.

"Thousand-year Taoism, there must be no one now, otherwise the catastrophe will not come. My current Taoism of more than 800 years is not far from the thousand-year Taoism.

It's just that I'm not ready to cross the catastrophe at all, so I can't eat this fruit anymore.Otherwise, maybe the catastrophe is coming, what will happen. "

Fang Ce shrugged.

"More than 800 years of Taoism? How is this possible? How did you practice? I remember that you and I have only been together for more than a year... Although your strength has grown quite fast this year, it seems far from that..."

Xin Yu still couldn't believe it.

"I haven't practiced much. In fact, I have eaten a lot of this kind of fruit. So, fairy, you don't have to be polite, just accept it. I really don't need it now."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"This...well...I'll accept it for now..."

Xin Yu hesitated a little, and finally put away the Lingyuan fruit, as if she had no intention of eating it yet.

"Hey, if you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What did you say?"

Xin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked over with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"'s nothing, I said I'm going to exercise in the morning."

Fang Ce immediately got up and left.

"Fang Ce! You are so courageous!"

Xin Yu's shy and angry voice sounded immediately.


Fang Ce laughed loudly, and quickly rushed out the door...

Shortly after.

The two have already started eating breakfast.

"Fairy, fairy."

Fang Ce smiled and whispered.

"what's up?"

Xin Yu has a cold face.

"Fairy, don't be angry, I have something important to ask for advice."

Fang Ce looked amused.

"Huh? Just say it."

"It's about that catastrophe, how much do you know about it, Fairy? I can say that I have no idea about this catastrophe now, and I don't know how to get through it then."

Policy inquiry.

(End of this chapter)

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