Chapter 106 The Nine Heavens Tribulation
"Heavenly Tribulation... I don't know much, I can only talk about what I know, and I hope I can help you a little bit."

Xin Yu responded.

"All ears."

Fang Ce smiled, the beautiful boss always said that he didn't know much.

"As far as I know, every ascetic will face different catastrophes. Some catastrophes are very light, while others are very heavy. The light ones may be just one or two thunderstorms.

The heavy ones are more than two or three thunders, and every nine thunders is one.According to the records, the most serious catastrophe faced by a thousand-year Taoist practice seems to be Jiuzhong, that is, ninety-nine and 81 thunderstorms.

In fact, for human ascetics, the possibility of successfully crossing the catastrophe is relatively good, because human beings can use a large number of talismans to resist sky thunder.

As for monsters and weird things, they can only rely on their magic skills or body to resist the thunder, and the degree of danger can be imagined. "

"I don't know the power of this thunder?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"It's the power of sky thunder, which is one level higher than thunderstorms. After thousands of years of practice, it takes about ten skyfire-level talismans at a time to offset a sky-tribulation thunder, or a hundred explosion-flame-level talismans.

As for the fire-level talismans, basically no amount of them can withstand a thunderstorm.And if the ascetic's body alone is used to resist, under normal circumstances, it can't resist the three heavenly tribulations and thunders. "

"This... looks a bit cruel, ten skyfire-level talismans... a hundred explosion-flame-level talismans..."

Fang Ce couldn't help pondering, now he doesn't know how to draw skyfire-level talismans, but as for explosive-flame-level talismans, he can, but this amount...

He can now draw about twenty explosion-flame-level talismans a month, and if counted as thirty a month, it will be 360 ​​a year, which can withstand more than three heavenly tribulations and thunders.

Then, it will take ten years to resist more than 30 thunderstorms, and he still has 210 years of life to prepare for. If it is calculated in this way, it seems that the problem of crossing the catastrophe is not too big... …

"Oh, one hundred explosion-level talismans is only theoretical. Because a thousand-year-old ascetic can only display at most three or forty explosion-level talismans at a time.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to rely on explosive-level talismans to completely resist the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder. Thirty or forty explosion-level talismans can only offset a small part of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation and Thunder.

That is to say, only when the catastrophe is not particularly serious, the explosion-level talisman will be effective. "

Xin Yu added.

"So that's it, I understand..."

Fang Ce nodded. In this way, it is similar to the fact that the good and evil Taoists mentioned before that he dared to soar to more than 800 years before he even reached the realm of a real person.

In this way, it means that he must store enough talismans above the sky fire level to ensure that he will survive the catastrophe safely, or hope that the catastrophe he faces will not be too severe.

However, it is not practical to expect this thing at all, and you still have to be strong enough to rest assured, but there are not many talismans above the sky fire level on him now.

There are one Thunderstorm Talisman, one Golden House Talisman, two Thousand Vine Talismans, one Flood Talisman, two Sky Fire Talismans, and three Earth Crack Talismans. There are exactly ten of them, which can withstand a thunderstorm... …

Then, there are also the Heavenly Thunder Talisman, the Kaishan Jinfeng Talisman, the Baili Xianlin Talisman, one Baili Benhong, and one Jiuxiao Zhenhuo, a total of five. A Talisman of this level should be able to withstand a catastrophe Heavenly thunder, that is, able to resist the five heavenly tribulation thunders.

Adding it all together, he is now able to withstand six heavenly tribulations and thunders...

"In addition, some spells have special effects, and they can't counteract the thunder and thunder well, and they can't even be used when crossing the catastrophe. For example, spells such as ground cracks and floods.

The most effective against Heaven Tribulation and Thunder is the Golden House spell.Of course, if you have a higher level of spells, that is, the spells of the Tianlei level itself, the effect will naturally be better.

It's just that Tianlei-level spells are more difficult to master than Tianhuo-level talisman drawing methods, and the speed of casting them will be slower than talismans, which is basically impossible to consider. "

Xin Yu spoke again.

Come on, so to speak, he can't even resist the six heavenly tribulation thunders now, can he resist four or five?Coupled with the fact that he can still resist the two ways, the current situation is indeed not guaranteed.

"So... Fairy, as long as you accumulate virtue and do good deeds, can you guarantee that the catastrophe will be lighter?"

Policy inquiry.

"Well... how to say this, I'm not sure. Judging from the records, it can only be said that the catastrophe faced by doing good deeds will be lighter, but there is no guarantee that it will be much lighter.

At present, there are records of people who accumulate virtue and do good deeds, but they have not faced more than three levels of catastrophe, that is, 27 catastrophes and thunders.

In the lightest case, it's just a thunderstorm. In this case, it's basically just what Heaven wants. "

"Oh, it's really interesting, you don't need to prepare at all, just resist it and pass it..."

Fang Ce couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"In the records, this cultivator has some deeds of accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, but he is not a completely good person, and has also committed some evil deeds.

However, there was a great benevolent man who had done many good deeds and saved many people, but suffered two catastrophes, and died immediately..."

Xin Yu shook his head.

"Well, it seems that good deeds can be counted on, but not completely. I have killed so many villains and saved many people, and good deeds should be enough...

It seems that the only thing left is to improve strength and accumulate talismans as an absolute guarantee..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but ponder.

At this moment, Xin Yu slightly frowned, and hesitated to speak.

"Huh? Fairy, is there anything else you want to say? But it doesn't matter."

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Fang Ce, your current situation is a bit special, and I'm not sure if the catastrophe you encountered will be below the third level, because you have evil spirits in you."

"Oh? If you have evil spirits on your body, will you have to endure a lot of catastrophes?"

"Basically, after all, evil spirit represents evil within evil, and it's basically the characteristics of a big devil. It's not surprising that the number of catastrophes we face is five or six."

"Then... how many big devils have survived the catastrophe?"


Xin Yu was stunned.

"Huh? Fairy? What's the matter?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being curious, the beauty boss's reaction was a bit subtle.

"The big devils that have been recorded basically survived the catastrophe. After all, they can become big devils, and their strength is not weak..."

"Oh... In this case, I feel a little relieved..."

Fang Ce was thoughtful, after all, it was still a matter of strength.

"Take care of your head."

Xin Yu raised her jade hand and tapped lightly dissatisfied.

"Haha, Fairy, that's not what I meant. I didn't say to be a big devil, I just thought about strength."

Fang Ce couldn't help but rubbed his head amusedly.

"Hmph, in short, you just need to practice Taiyan Taoism for me."

Xin Yu snorted softly.

(End of this chapter)

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