Chapter 107 Late Night Visitors
After breakfast, office.

Fang Ce sat alone in the corner, flipping through the Taiyan Taoist scriptures.

During this period of time, all the affairs of Yu County have been dealt with, and there is basically no need to be busy, so the current office is just for appearance.

And now, no one in the Fengshui Yamen dares to provoke Fang Ce, and naturally no one dares to approach and disturb him easily when he reads the Taiyan Taoist Scriptures here.

"There is news! There is news!"

A hasty voice sounded.

I saw an apprentice hurried into the house.


Fang Ce and everyone looked at it in doubt.

"North... Beiyu Mountain's stronghold has been taken away! All bandits, including those from Dongyu Mountain, have been wiped out!"

The apprentice gasped and spoke hastily.

"What!? The cottage of Beiyu Mountain was taken away? How is this possible!?"

Lord Luo was shocked.

The rest of the Feng Shui masters were also shocked.

And Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce.

Fang Ce just smiled and didn't react much.

"It's true! Master Luo! This news came from the girls who came back from the Beiyu Mountain Village!

These girls said that it was an extremely powerful and mysterious son who directly killed the entire Beiyushan village, including the bandits from Dongyushan, with one person's power!
Now the yamen has sent people to check.It seemed that it was the mysterious young master who exterminated those bandits in Nanyu Mountain before. "

The apprentice responded.

"It turned out to be a mysterious son again!? Who the hell is this man!!"

Master Luo couldn't help but change his expression.

"Well, the strength of this mysterious son is too terrifying!

Those thieves and bandits in Sanyu Mountain couldn't do anything about the level of Taoist leader, so they took it directly by themselves?No matter what, you have to have the strength of a real person!
Who will it be?With the strength of a real person, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire imperial court, and basically they are in important positions, guarding one side, it is difficult to get out..."

The rest of the Feng Shui masters also had expressions of surprise and suspicion.

Fang Ce looked at it calmly, and these internal thieves had a guilty conscience.

"In this way, Yu County will be completely peaceful in the future. This mysterious young master has done a great job. It's a pity that I don't know his identity, but I want to thank him personally."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Well, Mr. Chief is right. From now on, our Yu County will be peaceful. It's really great! This mysterious young man does good deeds without leaving his name, which is indeed extremely admirable. For such great achievements, the imperial court will reward you a lot. .”

Master Luo sighed.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, and was not interested in paying attention to it, and continued to read the Taiyan Taoist Scripture.

For him now, the most important thing is to prepare for the tribulation, these insignificant chats, just listen to them at will.

Evening, supper time.

"You actually wiped out all those bandits in Sanyu Mountain?"

Xin Yu said softly.

"Huh? Fairy, what are you talking about? What wiped out those bandits in Sanyu Mountain?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"You... this is a great achievement. The imperial court will reward you heavily. Maybe you can use this to become a high official directly. It shouldn't be a problem if you are above the third or fourth rank."

Xin Yu responded.


Fang Ce responded casually.

"Why do you act in such a concealed manner? Can't you tell me?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Well... for safety's sake."

Fang Ce shrugged his shoulders, not to mention his own reasons, but he had to pay more attention to the fact that those bandits had something to do with King Fu Zun.

It is obviously unwise to reveal his identity prematurely without knowing the reality of King Fu Zun.

"For safety... well, since you don't want to say more, I won't ask any more."

Xin Yu said softly.

At night, after bathing.

Fang Ce sat on the bed, dug out the Tao of Good and Evil, and read it.

Read for a few moments.

Fang Ce was surprised to find that the Taoism of Good and Evil had many similarities with the Taiyan Taoism. The root cause of it also involved the pros and cons of yin and yang, but the bias was more obvious.

And some of the questions of good and evil are also very intriguing.

【Saving one person is doing a good deed. If saving one person unintentionally kills another person, is this doing good or evil?Or good and evil canceling out? 】

[If good and evil are offset, if the victim wants to claim his life, who should he ask for repayment? 】

Fang Ce frowned, who can I ask for repayment?If you really want to pay it back, it would be wrong to turn to anyone. After all, if you pay it back, it will be equivalent to losing two lives. Doesn't this mean that no one was saved, but one more person was harmed?

So ignore it?It doesn't seem right, after all, this person wouldn't die...

Fang Ce shook his head and continued to read.

[Knowing that saving one person will surely harm another person, to save or not to save? 】

Fang Strategy frowned. Judging from the previous questions, it should be better not to save him, but...

He continued to watch.

【Do you have kind thoughts in your heart for those who see death but do not save them? 】

If you have kind thoughts in your heart, you will definitely not refuse to save them, but if you choose not to save them because you are afraid of harming another person, it seems reasonable...

Fang Tactic continued to look down in deep thought.

[What you know and see may not be true. For those who are afraid of sin, are they kind or not? 】

Fang Ce couldn't help being stunned. What he knew and saw may not be true. It should be said that the result known before may not happen.

Saving one person may not necessarily harm another.It is entirely just that you subjectively think that you will harm another person, and you are afraid of the sins brought about by that result, so you choose not to save a person who could have been saved, so can it still be regarded as having good intentions?
Yes, with kind thoughts in my heart, it seems that I would not refuse to save him... But if he is saved, and the situation of the first problem really occurs, how should it be counted?

Fang Ce continued to read in thought. In addition to some difficult questions about good and evil, there are many profound derivations from good and evil in the book, which are very esoteric and difficult to understand.

It was getting late at night, and Fang Ce was still obsessed with the Taoism of Good and Evil.

Suddenly, an ink dot appeared on the layout map of Yu County in his consciousness, and he was quickly approaching Fengshui Ya.


Fang Ce woke up in an instant, raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the puppet girl beside him, and after giving the order to protect Xin Yu, he changed his clothes and went straight to the ink dot.

Where did the monster come from?He is quite courageous, he just wiped out the scourge of Sanyu Mountain, and there are monsters who dare to come so soon, could it be that King Fu Zun sent them to spy?

And this speed is also very fast, it seems that it is also using the earth escape technique...

Fang Ce quickly approached the ink dot and escaped directly from the ground.

Sensing for a moment.

Is it really an earth escape technique?

Fang Ce couldn't help showing surprise, the monster should have appeared in his sight now, but now there is no trace of the monster in front of him at all, and he can only faintly feel the fluctuation of some spells, obviously it is the earth escape technique!

Fang Ce showed interest, and then raised his finger lightly, and directly performed the wooden technique.

The vines sprang out from the ground quickly one by one, and at the same time brought out a white jade-like mouse.


The mouse couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and then the figure changed rapidly, and a familiar figure of a young girl appeared.

Sun Taimei! ?

Fang Tzu was stunned, what is this little demon girl running here for?
(End of this chapter)

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