Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 108 The Good and Evil Taoist Chapter is Coming

Chapter 108 The Good and Evil Are Back

"Who are you!? How dare you dare to attack my aunt!"

A squeak.

Sun Taimei broke the vines on her body with all her strength, and stared at Fang Ce fiercely.

"I didn't expect you to be a bad fart?"

Fang Ce is funny.

"You! Presumptuous!"

Sun Taimei was furious, her hands and claws melted out, and she used her golden skills to attack Fang Ce directly.


Fang Ce smiled lightly, dexterously sideways one after another to avoid Sun Taimei's attack, and then with a big hand, he clasped Sun Taimei's jade hand behind his back and grabbed it in front of him.

"You!? Let go! Who are you!?"

Sun Taimei was horrified and struggled with all her strength, but she couldn't break away from Fang Ce's control.

"Those who can take care of you, tell me honestly, what are you doing here? Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Fang Ce smiled.

"How dare you!? I think you should be from the Fengshui Office of Yu County, right? My aunt told you that the chief officer of the Fengshui Office of Yu County is my elder sister. If you are sensible, let me go! I have something important to report to my elder sister!
If you delay, you cannot afford the consequences! "

Sun Taimei snorted coldly.

"The Chief Feng Shui Ya is your elder sister? Why don't I know?"

Fang Ce was even more amused, this little demon girl is quite capable.

"You don't know much! Don't let me go! You rude person!"

Sun Taimei drinks tenderly.

"Tell me, what's the important thing."

Fang Ce slightly shook his head angrily, he was not interested in talking too much with this little witch.

"This is not what you should ask! Let me go! I want to see my eldest sister!"

"Girl, the fairy is already asleep. It's not good to disturb me late at night. Just tell me and I will tell the fairy."

Fang Ce smiled.

"What kind of thing are you? How can I tell...wait...a fairy...a fairy? You call...call...the elder sister a fairy?"


Fang Ce seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You...you...you are...the little...little apprentice next to the fairy?"

Sun Taimei was even more hesitant to mutter, and at the same time Fang Ce could feel a hotness coming from her body, and her pretty face quickly turned red, obviously ashamed.

"What do you say?"

Fang Ce is funny, still a young apprentice?How despised him is this?

"You shameless thing, why are you hiding your head and showing your tail like this!"

Sun Taimei responded with a face of shame.

"Okay, tell me quickly, what's the important thing."

As soon as Fang Ce let go, with a snap, he patted Taimei Sun on the buttocks, and pushed her out.

"Yeah! You!"

Sun Taimei immediately turned around and stared at Fang Ce in embarrassment: "You rude person!"

"No more noise, I really want to educate you, what's the matter, tell me quickly."

Fang Ce smiled and opened his mouth, but his eyes became a little dangerous.

"You...huh! You ignorant bastard! If I had known earlier, my aunt would not be able to save you and tell you! Hmph, for the sake of the fairy, I will not care about you as a little apprentice for the time being!
I came here this time to tell Fairy that Taoist Good and Evil is back! "

Sun Taimei had a look of indignation.

"Good and evil Taoists? Oh..."

Fang Ce nodded, thinking it was something, it turned out to be this.

"Oh? Oh, your size! Do you know how dangerous the situation is now! Let me tell you..."

"Okay, I already know about this, little girl, you can go back and look at the top of the mountain."

Fang Ce waved his hand.


Sun Taimei's eyes widened immediately.

"Your kindness, I appreciate it for the fairy. Fairy can handle the matter of good and evil Taoists. But you, don't mention the matter of good and evil Taoists to anyone in the future, and don't take the initiative to contact them."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, if the Taoists of good and evil knew that this little demon girl had come to tip off the news, they would not know what they would think...

"The matter of good and evil Taoists, can the fairy handle it?"

Grandmother Sun frowned slightly.

"Of course, it's your eldest sister after all, isn't it?"

Fang Ce has fun.


Sun Taimei's complexion was red again, and then she snorted softly, and ran away directly: "You can do it for yourself!"

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, then returned to the Fengshui Yamen to continue practicing.

three days later.

In the office, Fang Ce flipped through the Taiyan Taoist scriptures, and suddenly had an epiphany, and a vast and magnificent aura surged out of him!

"This is!?"

Master Luo was stunned.

"Holy Qi!?"

Xin Yu showed surprise.

Holy spirit?

Fang Ce quickly restrained his aura. At this moment, there was indeed an additional characteristic of holy aura on the feng shui scroll.

This holy air can exorcise evil spirits and resist strange things, and has a restraining effect on evil spirits.

But the evil aura in his body still exists, that is to say, he now possesses two auras of holy and evil...

dinner time.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to cultivate the Holy Qi, so I feel much more at ease."

Xin Yu smiled slightly.

"With holy energy, will it be easier to cross the tribulation?"

Fang Ce asked, but the focus of his concern was not on the Holy Spirit itself.

"Well... Relatively speaking, it should be easier. Compared with the sacred air itself, it is more friendly to the way of heaven."

Xin Yu responded.

"Then what about possessing holy and evil energy at the same time?"

Policy inquiry.

"This... the evil spirit on your body is still there?"

Xin Yu was surprised.

"um, yes……"

"How could this be? Could it be that you are really born..."

Xin Yu's complexion changed.

"Huh? Born with what?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"It's nothing, you just continue to practice the Taiyan Taoist scriptures, the stronger the holy energy is cultivated, the better for you."

Xin Yu shook his head.


Fang Ce nodded, forget it, as long as he knows that holy energy has an effect on crossing the catastrophe.

At night, he continued to read the Tao of Good and Evil.

Looking at it, he realized something again, and felt a mysterious force rapidly changing every inch of his body's muscles, bones, flesh and skin!
After a while, Fang Ce's eyes flashed!
regeneration! ! !

He suddenly realized the ability to regenerate!
Having this ability, although I don't know if it can help Du Jie, but at least it has improved his strength a lot!To a certain extent, it is almost immortal!

It seems that the Tao of Good and Evil is really powerful!
Fang Ce was even more interested and continued to read the epiphany.

ten days later.

[Guard one side of Feng Shui and get a Golden House Talisman]

Golden House Talisman?
Fang Ce's eyes lit up, if he could obtain a Golden House Talisman every month, then it would not be a problem for him to survive the tribulation.

Another month has passed.

[Guard one side of Fengshui, get two Earth Spirit Fruits]

Uh... no talisman this time...

Fang Strategy frowned, but two Earth Spirit Fruits were considered a good reward, which was equivalent to 20 years of Taoism and 20 years of longevity.

It's just that he doesn't dare to eat casually now.

Fang Ce looked at the puppet girl beside him, raised the corner of his mouth, and fed the puppet the earth spirit fruit.

These two spiritual fruits go down.

The spirit puppet girl actually exuded majestic vitality, and the spiritual energy in her eyes quickly filled up, as if she had changed from a dead thing to a living thing in just an instant!

This effect is obviously much stronger than the previous spiritual source fruit!

Fang Ce couldn't help guessing whether it was because of the increased lifespan. After all, the spirit puppet itself had no lifespan, so the increased lifespan...

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the information of the spirit puppet girl on the feng shui scroll had changed!

[Type] Fairy Puppet Liangxue
【Shouyuan】Five years

[Tao Xing] 470 seven years

[Characteristics] King Kong's body, fire prevention, breathing restraint, and evil spirit of the second realm

【Spells】Fire, Water, Explosion

Become a fairy puppet! ?

And also has a longevity!

It's just that this longevity is not 20 years, only five years!
Could it be because of the transformation of the fairy puppet that consumed those 15 years of lifespan?
Fang Ce was surprised.

"Why...why do you want me to come back alive..."

A sad voice sounded.

In the eyes of the puppet girl, desolate tears gradually slipped down...

(End of this chapter)

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