Chapter 109 Fairy Puppet Liang Xue
"Huh? Did you really recover? Miss Liang, it's not that I brought you back to life, but that you've always been alive. It's your father who brought you back to life."

Fang Ce responded calmly.


The sadness in Liang Xue's eyes grew stronger.

"It is your father's wish to keep you alive. I have to admit that he is a good father, but it is also undeniable that he is also an unforgivable sinner."

"and then?"

"It's nothing. Then, I know that you hate me very much. After all, I beheaded your father. But so what? I don't think I'm a good person anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Fang Ce shrugged his shoulders. Although the puppet girl has completely recovered her intelligence, she still absolutely cannot disobey his orders, and she must do whatever she is asked to do. Naturally, he doesn't care whether the puppet girl hates him or not.


Liang Xue couldn't help clenching her teeth tightly, and there was an undisguised strong resentment in her eyes.

"Okay, now that you've recovered, enjoy yourself. Don't worry, I have no interest in making things difficult for you, a weak and helpless puppet. I just keep you because I think you might be useful.

But, no matter what, since I have kept you here, I will still be responsible for you.Do well in the future and don't let me down. "

Fang Ce patted Liang Xuexianxiu's shoulder lightly.

"You devil! You will definitely be punished!"

There was resentment in Liang Xue's eyes.


Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, and patted Liang Xue on the shoulder again: "Retribution? I don't know if I will be retribution. But your father has indeed been retribution.

For you, your father has done so many sins, I'm afraid it can't be settled by just dying, and he doesn't know how many hells he will go to to be punished.

As a daughter, you should think of a way to forgive your father. "

Liang Xue was suddenly trembling with anger, but no matter how angry she was, there was no way for the other party to instigate a move.

"Fang Ce, what are you laughing at in the middle of the night? Also, who are you talking to?"

Outside, Xin Yu's doubtful voice suddenly came.

Fang Ce was stunned, and immediately ordered Liang Xue to silence, and then said shyly: "Haha, no. Fairy, I am practicing Taiyan Taoism, and I suddenly had an epiphany, and I couldn't help laughing.

Just now, he was talking to himself and didn't talk to anyone.I'm really sorry to disturb you, Fairy. "

"Well... it's okay, you go to bed early, and don't toss it too late."

Xin Yu's voice responded softly.

"Okay, fairy."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and at the same time ordered Liang Xue to sit quietly at the side and not disturb his cultivation.

Another month passed.

[Guard one side of Fengshui, get three Earth Spirit Fruits]

Fruit again?

Fang Zhizhi shook his head helplessly, then smiled and looked at Liang Xue who was beside him.

"Come on, Xue'er, open your mouth, the master will feed you something delicious."

Fang Ce gave the order directly.

Liang Xue immediately opened her small mouth slightly, but frowned, and looked at Fang Ce with repulsion in her eyes, but she couldn't disobey Fang Ce's order, and could only let Fang Ce do what he did.

Fang Ce took out the fruit casually and fed it to Liang Xue: "Eat it."

Liang Xue ate the earth spirit fruit as promised.

On the feng shui scroll, Liang Xue's lifespan and Taoism increased accordingly.

"What exactly do you want?"

Liang Xue couldn't help but speak.

"Also, open your mouth, ah."

Fang Ce spoke again.

Liang Xue opened her small mouth again, waiting for Fang Ce to feed her fruit.

After eating the second one, Fang Ce asked Liang Xue to open his mouth and feed the last one without waiting for Liang Xue to ask more questions.

" looks much more comfortable this way."

Fang Ce nodded in satisfaction.

Before Liang Xue only lived for five years, she always looked a little uncomfortable, but now that she is 35 years old, she feels much more at ease.

"What exactly do you want?"

Liang Xue finally asked again. Now, for her, living at her mercy without any possibility of resistance is simply suffering, and naturally she will not feel good because of the increase in lifespan.

"Don't worry, I have said that I have no interest in bullying the innocent and weak. What's more, you are still my private property now, and I won't treat you badly."

Fang Ce lightly shaved Liang Xue's delicate cheeks.


Liang Xue showed disgust, and obviously wanted to avoid Fang Ce's hand, but she couldn't do it at all, and a trace of despair gradually appeared in her eyes.


Fang Zhizhi pondered: "It's not an option to just hide you in the room all the time. Since you have regained your sanity now, why don't you arrange an identity for you, maid? Concubine?"

Liang Xue's eyes widened suddenly, showing a look of fear.

"It doesn't seem good, it's easy to cause misunderstanding..."

Fang Ce frowned and shook his head.

Liang Xue couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.


Fang Ce smiled, and had already thought of a way.

"What do you want to do to me?"

Liang Xue gritted her teeth tightly.

"Just be obedient, and I won't embarrass you."

Fang Ce patted Liang Xue's shoulder with a smile.

The next day, after dinner.

Fang Ce finished his bath and got dressed.

"Xue'er, it's your turn. After bathing, put on this Taoist robe."

Fang Ce casually took out a Taoist robe and put it beside the bed.


Liang Xue's beautiful eyes widened immediately, and her whole body trembled, but she followed her words involuntarily, and began to undress gradually.

"What are you thinking about? I'm not interested in your dead body. Besides, how long has it been since you took a shower? What kind of strange smell does that body smell? You can bear it, but I can't bear it. Hurry up.

Wash it up, don't let your master and I smell any strange smell.After tonight, you are free to move about. "

Fang Ce calmly took out the Taoism of Good and Evil, and flipped through it.

After the rustling sound of clothes falling to the ground, there was the sound of water entering.

Apparently, Liang Xue had already started taking a bath.

wow... wow... wow...

From time to time the sound of water sounded.

Liang Xue cleaned it carefully according to her words.

Fang Ce concentrated on flipping through the scriptures of good and evil, and didn't care about Liang Xue's current state of mind or expression at all.

After a while.

"Huh? Washed?"

Fang Ce raised his head and looked at Liang Xue who had put on his Taoist robe.

"It's washed."

Liang Xue turned her head away.


Fang Ce looked at Liang Xue ponderingly for a moment: "Okay, that's fine. You take these, and then..."

He casually took out an ingot of silver, as well as the long sword, the golden magic tool, and gave detailed instructions.

The next day, at the office.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu are still flipping through the classics.

"My lord! A Taoist nun outside who claims to be Qianxue Daoist wants to see you, what do you mean?"

An apprentice came quickly to the house and saluted Xin Yu respectfully.

"Realist Qianxue? Why are you looking for me?"

Xin Yu couldn't help but wonder.

Fang Zhizhi glanced at the apprentice slightly, showing a curious look, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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