Chapter 110 Cultivation Together

"I don't know. The little one asked, but she didn't respond, so she just said to inform you, Mr. Chief."

The apprentice responded.

"Is that so... Master Qianxue? Let her in."

Xin Yu nodded.

"Okay, my lord."

The apprentice retreated in response.

After a while.

The apprentice had arrived with a Taoist robed girl with a burden on her shoulder and a long sword on her waist, and it was Liang Xue who came.

"The girl is real Qianxue?"

Xin Yu looked surprised, after all, Liang Xue looked too young to be with a real person.

"Exactly, I have seen Mr. Chief."

Liang Xue cupped her fists and saluted.

"I don't know if the real person is looking for me, but what's the matter?"

"I came here, in fact, to practice together with the Chief Officer."

Liang Xue responded.

"Cultivate with me?"

Xin Yu was even more stunned.

"That's right, I've made a fortune, the Chief Officer is my nobleman, and I will gain the Tao by the Chief Officer's side, that's why I came here."

"This... this real person, I'm afraid this is very inconvenient..."

Xin Yu frowned, apparently unable to adapt.

"Don't worry, I won't bring you any trouble, Mr. Chief."

Liang Xueyu flipped her hand, flames rose from her palm, and a terrifying aura spread suddenly.

"Hiss! 500 years of Taoism!? Really real!?"

Master Luo was shocked.

"Master Qianxue, I didn't mean that, it's just that you are too sudden..."

"Get along for a while, and it won't be sudden."

Liang Xue put away her breath indifferently, and looked at Master Luo and the others with her eyes again: "Maybe there is a house for me to arrange."


Lord Luo and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and then at Xin Yu.

"This Qianxue..."

"Yes! Master Qianxue, there are many houses in this Fengshui Yamen, let the little one arrange them for you."

Without waiting for Xin Yu to say more, Fang Ce was the first to speak.

"Fang Ce you?"

Xin Yu couldn't help being stunned.

"Hey, fairy, the so-called visitor is a guest, not to mention a real person who is willing to practice with us, how can we refuse such kindness? Come, come, come, this real person, please follow me."

Fang Ce smiled and said, got up and went outside the house.


After Liang Xue nodded to Xin Yu, she followed Fang Ce out of the office.

Fang Ce then arranged Liang Xue in the left ear room of the residence.

Lunch time.

"Fang Ce, what are you doing? Why did you keep the real Qianxue?"

Xin Yu frowned and asked.

"Really, Fairy. If you don't stay, why don't you drive away?"

Fang Ce is funny.

"The origin of this person is unknown, and he came too suddenly."

"Don't worry, I will watch it. At least for now, it seems that there are no bad motives."

Fang Ce smiled.

At this moment, Xin Yu just frowned slightly, and didn't say anything more.

In the following days, Liang Xue basically stayed in the house and rarely came out.

Xin Yu is gradually getting used to it.

Time gradually passed.

Fang Ce successively obtained one thunderstorm talisman, two golden house talismans, one thousand vines, one sky fire, three celestial vermilion fruits, two earth spirit fruits, and a magic compass with the explosive flame spell!

This magic weapon compass is much more powerful than the magic weapon long sword he is using now, and its value is naturally higher.

Although it seems a little useless for him now, it can also be used by the beautiful boss, and it will not be wasted.

And one year after taking office in Xinyuyu County, the guard came again to announce the decree.

This time, Xin Yu was promoted again and directly became the fifth-rank Fengshui department, and took office in Hecheng, which is the prefecture where the scholar-bureaucrat who came to investigate the disappearance of the county magistrate was located.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xin for being promoted again. You have reached the fifth rank in a short period of time. It is really gratifying and amazing."

The guard smiled and clasped his fists.

"Your Excellency, you are laughing. In Yu County, the lower officials don't have much meritorious service, but they are dedicated to their duties. This promotion is really unworthy."

Xin Yu shook his head.

"Where is it, Lord Xin, don't be humble. Your Majesty values ​​Lord Xin very much, so work hard. I will leave now."

The guard clenched his fists and left.

Fang Ce revealed a hint of thought-provoking color. This time, the beauty's boss really didn't make any achievements in Yu County. After all, the Sanyu mountain bandit incident was recorded in his identity as a mysterious son, and had nothing to do with the beauty's boss.

And the boss of the beauty was able to be promoted, and he reached the fifth-rank official position all at once, which was obviously done on purpose by the sage.

From this point of view, the beauty's boss has a relationship with the first heavenly master, the holy heavenly master, and the holy master must also know...

"Congratulations, congratulations, the general manager has been promoted to the position of the fifth-rank Fengshui department, it is really enviable!"

Lord Luo and everyone clasped their fists with joy in congratulations.

Fang Ce glanced at them with a smile. These guys were indeed full of joy, but it was unknown whether they were happy for the beauty boss's promotion or for some other reason.

But he knew that it was almost time to cook these guys.

After all, these guys colluded with thieves and bandits to harm the people before, and this account must always be settled.

Lunch time.

"Congratulations to Fairy for being promoted again. This time, she is going directly to the fifth-rank Fengshui department. It sounds very powerful. What kind of official is this?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"This is an official position that mainly maintains order and eliminates demons. To be honest, with my current strength, I am not qualified for this official position."

"Oh? What kind of strength is needed to be qualified for this official position?"

"The strength of more than 100 to 200 years of Taoism. Perhaps because of my so-called performance here, the Holy One really misunderstood that I have this strength..."

Xin Yu frowned.

"Oh? That's quite a requirement, isn't it?"

Fang Shijie was surprised. For ordinary Feng Shui masters, it is not easy to achieve this level of practice. At least they have to cultivate their talents or chances to be much higher than their peers.

"Well, to reach this position, even a talented Feng Shui master basically needs to be seven or eighty years old."

Xin Yu nodded.

"It doesn't matter, it's a good thing to be promoted anyway."

Fang Ce smiled and shrugged. What he was thinking about now was whether it would be easier to get Tianhuo-level or even higher-level talismans from Fengshui scrolls when he arrived in Fucheng...

"In addition, Synthesis is located [-] kilometers southeast of Yu County. This location is not very good for me. I'm afraid it won't be too smooth when I get there."

Xin Yu spoke again.


Fang Ce nodded, but he didn't care too much. With his current strength, it is not a problem to sweep all directions, not to mention the world.

At night, in the east wing of the front yard.

"Hey, these two are finally leaving, and we finally made it through."

"This time we are the biggest winners. Those thieves in Sanyu Mountain have all been wiped out. Zhixian has replaced a brat who is still young. Once these two leave, Yu County, we can't go sideways?"

"Haha, Lord Luo is wise enough to let us pretend to be dead from the beginning. Those two self-righteous guys, no matter how good they are, why don't they fool us?"

"As expected, nothing to get excited about."

Lord Luo and the others were discussing proudly.

Was it expected?
Fang Ce thought about it, and left quickly, heading straight to the north in the direction of Qingping Town.

(End of this chapter)

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