Chapter 113 Fire Courtyard
"These two are the official's apprentice Fang Ce, and fellow daoist Qianxue real person."

Xin Yu responded.

"Apprentices? You still have apprentices? There is no need for the Feng Shui Department to bring any apprentices."

The director of Fengshui spoke softly.

"Indeed, but there is no rule that you can't take it with you. After all, you have only been an official for two years. The first and only apprentice has not yet graduated from the teacher. You can't just let it go."

Xin Yu responded.

"Well... it's not wrong to be responsible..."

The director of Fengshui nodded, and then looked at Liang Xue calmly: "Is this Qianxue real person a real person? Or is it just a name?"

Liang Xue was able to hold back her breath, but the Director of Feng Shui couldn't see the reality, but she didn't take Liang Xue seriously, obviously thinking that Liang Xue was just a vain name.

"It's just that people on the road give face."

Liang Xue lightly cupped her fists.


The Director of Feng Shui also nodded flatly.

Fang Ce smiled, now that Liang Xue has 510 years of Taoism, plus the ability of fire prevention and the body of King Kong, it may not be a problem to sweep the entire Fengshui Mansion, and he is really qualified to be called a real person.

"Hmph, I've never heard of the real Qianxue. She must be just like that little girl."

"Just these few guys came to Fengshui Mansion, aren't they making trouble? At that time, there will be a disaster in Kowloon, and I'm afraid I don't know how to die."

"They asked for it themselves, and we can't stop it, can we?"

The whispers of a man and a woman sounded again.

Trouble in Kowloon?

Fang Tzuyu was surprised, it seems that there is still something in this prefecture?
At this moment, the Director of Fengshui ignored Liang Xue and turned to look at Xin Yu: "Since the imperial court has been settled, I can only understand your situation, and I can't say much.

From now on, you will be in charge of the Fire Institute. Later, I will ask all the colleagues in the Fengshui Mansion to come and get to know each other. You should sit there first. "

As he said that, the director of Fengshui pointed to the desk that was vacated by the man on the right side of the Fengshui master.

"Yes, my lord."

Xin Yu clasped her fists and saluted and walked towards the desk.

Fang Ce and Liang Xue also followed.

Xin Yu sat down for a moment.

"Master Xin?"

A voice came from the side.

But it was the Feng Shui man who spoke in a low voice.

"Huh? My lord?"

Xin Yu looked puzzled.

"My lord, Fengshui Director Zhao Peng, Yu County met once before, do you still remember? Now I am also a colleague, and I hope you will support me a lot in the future."

The Feng Shui man smiled and cupped his fists, and responded in a low voice.

"Of course I remember, it turned out to be Mr. Zhao, who didn't dare to support him, but Xin Yu hoped Mr. Zhao could give him some advice."

Xin Yu also cupped her fist lightly.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Zhao Peng responded with a smile.

Fang Ce couldn't help showing a smile. It seems that this guy must have learned something from the scholar-bureaucrat, and now he wants to curry favor with the beautiful boss in advance, but he is a person who knows the current affairs.


There was some noise from outside.

Then one person came into the house, took a look at Fang Ce and the other three, and then saluted Feng Shui Director General, "Master Chief Director, all the subordinates have gathered in the courtyard."

"Okay, then let's go out and introduce this new colleague. Everyone knows each other. Lord Xin, please."

The director of Fengshui calmly stood up and looked at Xin Yu.

"Your Excellency, you are welcome."

Xin Yu clasped her fists in return.

Then everyone came outside.

At this moment, a total of dozens of people came to the courtyard, divided into five columns, each with nine people.

The searching eyes of these people all fell on the three of Fang Ce.

"Three people? Which one is the new Feng Shui division?"

"I heard it's a woman, that one looks so young, it shouldn't be, but the one next to her... hiss... can't tell the truth? Could it be this one?"

There was a murmur among the people.

"Quiet, I called you here because we have a new colleague, this Feng Shui division Xin Yu, and she will be in charge of the Fire Academy from now on."

Director Feng Shui looked at Xin Yu.

"What!? This little girl is the new Feng Shui Division of the Fire Institute? Are you mistaken?"

"Isn't she too young? Besides, her morality doesn't seem to be very high. How did she become the Fengshui department?"

"Didn't you agree to recommend Mrs. Rong to take over the position of the Fengshui Department of the Fire Institute? It was said that it was a sure thing, why did you suddenly kill such a so-called Xin Yu..."

The crowd couldn't help commotion.


The director of Fengshui let out a low voice in displeasure, and then looked at Xin Yu again: "Master Xin, they are the Fengshui guards of the five courtyards respectively, and you will be responsible for leading the Fengshui guards of the fire courtyard from now on."

As he spoke, he pointed his finger at the nine people in the fourth row.

"Yes, my lord."

Xin Yu clenched her fists in response.

Fang Ce's eyes fell on those nine people, and he saw a beautiful woman in the front, who was staring at Xin Yu with a gloomy and displeased expression.

Could this girl be that Mrs. Rong?Otherwise, why would he look like this.

Fang Tzuyu was curious. This woman has more than 150 years of Taoism, and she is about 50 years old, but she looks very young and beautiful.

"Okay, Rong Pei'er, now you take this Lord Xin to the Fire Academy to get familiar with the environment, and get to know each other by the way, and she will be your boss from now on."

The director of Fengshui looked at the nine people in the fire courtyard.

It was indeed Mrs. Rong.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled. The beautiful boss just took other people's positions when he came, and it seemed that something was not going well.

"Yes, Master Chief!"

The leader, Rong Pei'er, gave a salute, and then saluted Xin Yu: "Master Xin, please come with your subordinates."

"It's work."

Xin Yu nodded.

Afterwards, the three of Fang Ce followed the nine of Rong Pei'er to the wall door on the left side of the courtyard.

On the road.

"My lord Xin is very capable at being appointed to the Fengshui department at such a young age."

Rong Pei'er smiled and said, her face was not as gloomy as before, but the displeasure in her eyes was still captured by Fang Ce.

"It's just luck, luck."

Xin Yu responded lightly.

"I don't know who Mr. Xin is? He should be less than twenty years old, right? How many years have you been an official?"

Rong Peier asked.

"I've been an official for two years."

Xin Yu responded very simply, and did not mean to answer the age and origin.

Fang Ce smiled, this Rong Pei'er obviously wanted to find out the details of the beauty's boss, to see if he could afford to provoke her.

"You can become a Fengshui department in two years? Master Xin is really not easy. I don't know who are these two beside Lord Xin?"

Rong Pei'er looked towards Fang Ce and Liang Xue.

"These two are my apprentice Fang Ce and fellow daoist Qian Xue."

Xin Yu responded.


Rong Pei'er and the others were astonished.

"Because Fang Ce was with him from the beginning, I didn't expect to be promoted to the position of Feng Shui Department so quickly. Now he hasn't graduated as a teacher, so I can't let him go."

"So that's the case, Mr. Xin is doing his best. It's really a blessing for us as subordinates to meet a boss like Mr. Xin."

Rong Peier nodded.

"Here we are, Lord Xin, this is our Fire Court."

Rong Peier spoke.

At this moment, everyone has come to the last courtyard.

There are two-story pavilions in the east, west, south, and north, and the north pavilion is the largest.

Several courtyards along the way are similarly arranged.

"Lord Xin, this north building is your future residence. Someone has been cleaning and tidying it up, so you can move in now. There is nothing wrong with Fengshui Mansion now. Sir Xin, you came here after a long journey, why don't you go inside and rest first?"

Rong Peier smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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