Chapter 114 The Suffering of Nine Dragons
"I'm sorry, I'll go inside and have a look first."

Xin Yu responded.

"Okay, Lord Xin."

Rong Peier smiled and nodded.

The three of Fang Ce came to the north building.

I saw that the layout inside was simple and unique, with a small hall in the middle, a room on the left and a room on the left, a study on the left, and an empty room on the right.

In the innermost part of the small hall is a staircase.

On the second floor, there are still one room on the left and one on the left, all of which are housing.

"It's just right, three people share one room, I'll go down and have a look first."

Fang Ce smiled.


Xin Yu nodded.

Go back downstairs.

Fang Ce came to the vacant room, looked around casually, and considered what furniture to buy and how big the bed should be.

"Mrs. Rong, what do you think is the matter? Why did a Feng Shui department appear all of a sudden?"

"Hmph, how do I know?"

"What else can I do? It's obviously related, and I'm here to confuse my achievements. In two years, I was promoted from a ninth-rank Fengshui master to a fifth-rank Fengshui division. What about playing?"

"You can get in here. This little girl's background is too deep, right? Mrs. Rong, you were jointly recommended by the entire Fengshui Mansion in Hecheng, and there are also adults from Qianhu who have connections with you. Didn't you come through?"

"I think this little girl is most likely from the capital. The capital has a background, so it's better not to cause trouble. Let's do our own thing. How she wants to make trouble is her business.

Our profession is not like that of civil servants, who can just sit down, if they have no strength, they will die.Maybe it's the disaster of Kowloon, this little girl will burp. "

"That's right. With our strength, there are some risks. That little girl, hmph, I'm afraid I won't make it through once."

A burst of whispers entered Fang Ce's ears.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, these guys are quite dissatisfied with the arrival of the beautiful boss, but what is the trouble in Kowloon?
After a while.

Xin Yu and Liang Xue came down from upstairs.

"Fang Ce, let's go to the office to understand the situation."

Xin Yu responded.

"Okay, fairy."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

The three walked out of the north building.

"Master Xin, how is it? Are you satisfied?"

Rong Pei'er immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Well, it's good. I'll go to the office to find out about the affairs first. I'm sorry for the time being."

Xin Yu nodded.

"Okay, Lord Xin. Lord Xin is really dedicated to his duty."

Rong Pei'er responded with a little surprise.

"Should be, I will thank you all for helping each other in the future, please."

Xin Yu hugged Rong Pei'er's nine people, and left with Fang Ce and Liang Xue.

"Your Excellency, please."

Rong Peier and nine people responded one after another.

Then the three came to the office again.

"My lord, is there any question?"

The chief executive asked.

"I've seen Mr. Zongsi, the environment of the Fire Academy, I have roughly understood the situation, there is no problem. It's just that I don't know much about the affairs here, so I plan to learn more about the information left by the previous Fengshui Division of the Fire Academy here. some."

Xin Yu clenched his fists and saluted.

"Well, Mr. Xin is really methodical, please sit down."

The chief executive nodded slightly in surprise.

"My lord's praise."

Xin Yu responded and walked towards her own desk.

Fang Ce and Liang Xue wanted to follow.

"If there is nothing else, you two should go back to your own yard for activities. No one is left here."

Mr. Zong Si looked at Fang Ce and the others with a flat gaze.


Fang Ce glanced around the office, and there were indeed no servants.

He immediately smiled and cupped his fists at Mr. Chief Director, then exchanged glances with Xin Yu, then turned and left with Liang Xue.

After all, the chief executive just followed the rules and didn't deliberately make things difficult, so he couldn't possibly take this matter to heart.

Come outside the office.

"Realist Qianxue, you can go back to the fire courtyard first, I'll go outside to find out the situation, and buy some furniture by the way."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.


Liang Xue nodded lightly, turned around and walked towards the fire courtyard.

Fang Ce smiled, then turned around and walked outside Fengshui Mansion.

Originally, he also wanted to go out with Liang Xue. After all, he would not be so boring if he had someone to accompany him. However, he was worried that Liumei's boss was alone in this Fengshui mansion.

Although nothing would happen in this Fengshui mansion, but with Liang Xue taking care of her here, it still feels different.

Come outside.

Fang Ce wandered around casually. As a prefecture, this place is much more prosperous than Yu County, mainly because it feels fresh when you come here for the first time.

Hang around for a few moments.

On a street to the west, Fang Ce came across a furniture store, walked in immediately, and began to look around.

"This little Daoist, do you know what you need?"

A guy greeted him kindly.

"Oh, buy some furniture, beds, chairs, cabinets and so on."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Listening to your accent, the Taoist chief, you're not a local, are you? You just moved to Hecheng to settle down?"

The guy asked with a smile.

"Well, yes, I'm here for the first time. The security here seems to be pretty good."

Fang Ce smiled.

"That's right, our city is guarded by the magistrate, the Fengshui general director, and the thousand households, can it be good?"

The guy had a smug look on his face.

"Oh? They all sound like amazing people?"

Fang Ce looked curious.

"That's naturally remarkable. The magistrate knows every detail and loves the people like a child. There are almost no crimes in the city. If anyone dares to commit crimes, he will definitely not be able to escape the magistrate's eyes.

Master Feng Shui and Lord Qianhu are responsible for resisting the disaster of Kowloon, so that our city can be prosperous and prosperous. "

"Kowloon scourge? What is this?"

Fang Ce was surprised, having heard these words several times.

"It seems that the little Daoist has indeed come here for the first time, and he doesn't even know about it. The Nine Dragons disaster is the threat brought by the monsters, demons, and villains gathered from the Nine Dragon Mountain in the south."

"Does that mean the plague of thieves and bandits?"

Could it be the situation with Yu County?
Fang Ce thought.

"If you want to talk about the plague of bandits, you can say the same thing, but this is not an ordinary plague of bandits. In fact, Nine Dragon Mountain can be called a local force, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the capital of disaster."

"Oh? Interesting, I hope my brother will come one by one."

Fang Ce smiled.

"This Nine Dragon Mountain has an extremely complicated terrain. It is formed by nine mountains spiraling around like dragons. It is full of aura and nourishes many powerful monsters. It is rumored that there is a top demon king hidden in it, and its strength is terrifying.

However, these top demon kings seldom show up.On the contrary, the villains, little demons, and demons gathered in Jiulong Mountain often gather large armies to attack our city, intending to take it for themselves.

Our city is a geomantic treasure, a strategically contested place.Many years ago, it was not the dynasty that we are too dry now, this is the capital of crime occupied by scourges.

It was Huang Taizu who was able to beat this place down, and it took many years to manage it to this prosperous scene. "

The guy said with a proud face.

"So, it seems that I have come to the right place. According to this, the strength of Nine Dragon Mountain should be very strong? Otherwise, the court can't let it go, right?"

Fang Ce was curious.

"It has been said that it is a local force, and its strength is naturally strong. It is said that there are many top demon kings in it, even if the strength of a celestial master, they dare not enter rashly.

The main reason is that the terrain is complex, and there are many monsters, villains, and demons inside.It is not easy to fight down, and it is uncertain how many soldiers will be lost. "

"Brother, do you know what powerful monsters are inside?"

"This one... It is said that there are powerful dragons inside, but the ones who often come to Hecheng to harass me are the four demon kings, Tiger King, Bear King, Sheep King, and Diao King.

The strength of these demon kings can be compared with Master Feng Shui and Master Qianhu.

If it wasn't for the Nine Palaces of Divine Beast sculptures in our city to suppress the evil spirits of these evils, if these four demon kings came together, it would be a disaster. "

"Flood Dragon?"

Fang Ce was surprised, he didn't care about the four big demon kings, if he could compare with Master Feng Shui, then the strength of three or four hundred years of Taoism is nothing to worry about.

It was this Jiaolong that aroused his interest, after all, Jiaolong was not an ordinary monster.

"This is just a rumor, and I don't know. Anyway, no one in the city has seen it. If this flood dragon really comes, I'm afraid our city will not be able to defend it."

"Okay, thank you brother for letting me know. I want these pieces of furniture."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile, and casually pointed out a big bed, a table and chairs, and a dresser.

"Okay, okay, I don't know where Xiaodao Chang lives? We will move there for you in a while."

The guy nodded happily.

"Feng Shui Mansion."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Ah!? Fengshui Mansion!? The little Taoist is from Fengshui Mansion!!?"

The guy suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a look of astonishment on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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