Chapter 115 What's the plan
After purchasing the furniture, return to Fengshui Mansion.

"How, what's the situation?"

Fang Ce smiled and asked Liang Xue.


Liang Xue shook her head lightly.

"That's good."

Fang Ce sat casually at the table, flipping through the Taiyan Taoist scriptures.


Xin Yu returns slowly.

"Fairy, you are finally back, what can you gain? Come, please sit down."

Fang Ce moved the chair with a smile.

"Well, thank you very much."

Xin Yu sat down gently: "Everything else in Hecheng is fine, the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is Jiulong Mountain, which is ten kilometers south of Hecheng."

"Oh? Nine Dragon Mountain?"

Fang Ce was smiling. Although he had already learned some information from the furniture store guy, the Fengshui Mansion's records should be more detailed and accurate.

"Well, according to the records, this Nine Dragon Mountain gathered a large number of monsters, monsters, and villains, forming a mixed local force, like a small country.

Only villains and evil spirits are accommodated there, and there are many powerful fugitives and wanted criminals.The weak and righteous people will surely die if they enter. "

"Oh... the country of evil?"

"It can be described as such."

"anything else?"

"The Nine Dragons Mountain force will come to attack Hecheng from time to time, and it is usually organized by one or two or three of the four demon kings, the tiger king, the bear king, the sheep king, and the mink king.

The purpose is to occupy Hecheng. In the last dynasty, this Hecheng belonged to the Jiulongshan forces. "

"How strong are the four demon kings?"

Liang Xue asked.

"Everyone has three or four hundred years of Taoism."

Xin Yu responded.

"Only three or four hundred years old? Then you can clean it up as you like."

Liang Xue casually gave Fang Ce a sideways glance.

"It seems that Master Qianxue is really capable."

Xin Yu smiled lightly.

"Fortunately, it's just a pathetic person who can't help himself. What's the use of this strength."

Liang Xue let out a soft sound.

"Huh? Why did Master Qianxue say such a thing?"

Xin Yu couldn't help showing surprise.

"It's nothing, Mr. Xin, let's continue talking about Nine Dragon Mountain."

Liang Xue shook her head.

"Well, in addition to the four demon kings on the surface, there are many more powerful demon kings hiding in the depths of Jiulong Mountain. It is not clear what they are, because they haven't shown up for a long time.

It was just handed down from the previous dynasty. Some said it was a giant deer, some said it was a different bird, and some said it was a dragon. "

"Flood dragon? This is not an ordinary monster, it is born to be powerful, and it can easily rival a real person, right?"

Liang Xue frowned.

"Well, if the flood dragon is a disaster, it will inevitably cause a catastrophe. According to the speculation of some practitioners, these big demon kings should have entered the hidden cultivation to prepare for the catastrophe, so they haven't come out to do evil for a long time."

Xin Yu nodded in response.

"Crossing Tribulation..."

Fang Ce was thoughtful.

into the night.

Fang Ce came outside Xin Yu's room and knocked lightly on the door.


Xin Yu's voice sounded.

"It's me, Fairy."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

Xin Yu's doubtful voice came out.

"I'm just a little confused. I want to talk to you, Fairy. May I bother you?"

A moment after Fang Ce finished speaking, he heard Xin Yu's soft footsteps.

Immediately there was a creaking sound, the door of the room was opened, and the beauty who had showered appeared in front of her eyes.

"come in."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Thank you."

Fang Ce smiled and walked into the room.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Xin Yu closed the door and walked towards Fang Ce.

"Talk about your plan about the fairy."

Fang Ce came to the table and sat down, picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water.

"My plan?"

Xin Yu was puzzled, and also sat down.

"Well, now that you have become a Fengshui division, fairy, what are your plans for the future?"

Fang Ce handed a glass of water to Xin Yu.

"Thank you. I don't have a specific plan yet. After all, I haven't fully understood the affairs here."

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh...there is no plan yet... In this fire courtyard, all of your subordinates, Fairy, have more than a hundred years of Taoism. Can Fairy be sure to control it?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Try as hard as you can, as long as you are doing things for the court..."

"So you're not sure?"

Fang Ce smiled and interrupted Xin Yu's words.

"Fang Ce, what do you want to say?"

Xin Yu frowned.

"I want to say that in this Fengshui mansion, no one is convinced by the fairy, you, the Fengshui department."

Fang Ce spoke lightly.

"I know this. After all, my qualifications and strength are indeed insufficient. This is normal..."

"In the final analysis, it's just a matter of strength."

Fang Ce flipped through it casually, took out two celestial vermilion fruits and put them on the table.

"This is? Tian Zhu Guo!? Fang Ce you?"

Xin Yu was surprised.

"Since Fairy is not strong enough, I have to help Fairy improve your strength. These should not be enough, add some."

Fang Ce casually took out two Earth Spirit Fruits and put them on the table.

"Earth...Earth spirit fruit!? According to the records, it is a heaven and earth spirit fruit that can increase lifespan and Taoism by ten years..."

Xin Yu was even more surprised.

"Maybe it's still not enough, I'll get some back for you fairy later."

Fang Ce smiled.

"No need, I know what to do. I'll just use that spiritual source fruit. You can keep these for yourself, and save them for use after you overcome the catastrophe."

Xin Yu quickly waved her hand.


Fang Ce nodded in satisfaction.


Xin Yu's beautiful eyes widened immediately.

But Fang Ce got up and left: "Fairy, in this world, I have no relatives. You are the only one who treats me sincerely from beginning to end.

Although I followed you at the beginning, it was only because you could bring me benefits.Well, it's getting late, let's go to bed early. "

Xin Yu couldn't help being silent, and didn't say anything more.

The next morning.

Fang Ce sat leisurely in the living room, waiting for breakfast.

At this moment, footsteps came from the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman full of breath came down from upstairs slowly.

"Morning fairy, you look pretty good today."

Fang Ce smiled and said, it seems that the boss of the beauty has eaten all the fruits. Now that Qi has more than 180 years of Taoism, this strength is finally enough for the position of Feng Shui Secretary.

"Thank you."

When they came downstairs, Xin Yu Ying Ying gave a salute.

"The fairy is being polite to me again? If you want to thank me, what I want is not as simple as a thank you..."

Fang Ce looked at Xin Yu's graceful figure with a half-smile.

"I think you are asking for a fight."

Xin Yu immediately raised her brows.

"Hahaha! Don't dare, please sit down, fairy."

Fang Ce laughed and pulled out the chair.


Xin Yu snorted lightly and sat down.

At this moment, Liang Xue also came down from upstairs.

"What were you talking about just now? So happy?"

Liang Xue was a little curious.

"It's nothing, this guy's skin is itchy."

Xin Yu said softly.

"Oh...huh? Lord Xin, have you improved your morality?"

Liang Xue couldn't help but looked at Xin Yu in surprise, and then glanced at Fang Ce, obviously guessing something.

"Realist Qianxue, fairies have always hidden their strength, it's not surprising."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Well, that's it."

Liang Xue nodded.

"Fang Ce, after breakfast, let all the Fengshui guards from the Fire Academy gather in the courtyard."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Understood, Fairy."

Fang Ce couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth. It seems that after the beauty's boss gained strength, he finally gained confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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