Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 116 Learn about strength and learn from each other

Chapter 116 Learn about strength and learn from each other

After breakfast, in the courtyard of Huoyuan.

Rong Pei'er and all the Fengshui guards have been called together by Fang Ce.

"What are you doing? This early in the morning."

"Who knows, who calls someone a boss, you have to show yourself."

"Hmph, let's see what this little girl will do later."

All the feng shui guards whispered.

Fang Ce just casually watched at the door.


Xin Yu has slowly walked out of the house.

"I'm coming."

All the Fengshui guards stood up one after another.

"Well, everyone is here. The main reason for calling you this time is to understand your detailed strengths. Because I have a general understanding of the situation in Hecheng yesterday.

In the south of Hecheng, there is the disaster of Nine Dragons, and those disasters will come to attack the city at any time.Therefore, before that, I would like to understand your situation first, so that we can cooperate with each other at that time. "

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Understand our strength and cooperate with each other?"

That Rong Pei'er suddenly showed a strange expression, and looked at Xin Yu with a strange light.

The rest of the Feng Shui guards also showed strange faces, and their eyes were slightly questioning, obviously looking down on Xin Yu's strength.

"What? Does Master Rong have any ideas?"

Xin Yu looked at Rong Pei'er.

"If you don't dare, I don't know how your lord is going to understand?"

Rong Pei'er lowered her head slightly and cupped her fists.

"Tell me about the spells you have mastered and the talismans you can draw. Lord Rong, please tell me first."

"It turned out to be like this. My lord, this official is proficient in the five basic spells of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth and talismans, and the mysterious spells can burst flames and white vines."

Rong Pei'er responded with a smile, quite smug.

"Well, good, next one."

Xin Yu looked at another Feng Shui guard.

"My lord, my subordinates are proficient in the five basic techniques of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as talismans, and mystic-level techniques will be difficult to deal with."

"Well, the next one."

"My lord, my subordinates are proficient in gold, wood, water, fire, earth..."


A well-known Fengshui guard revealed his own situation, all of them are proficient in the five basic spells and talismans of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the explosion-level spells, except for Rong Peier, are two, and the rest are one.

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Being able to master the drawing of the five basic talismans of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, plus a bursting flame-level spell, is considered a normal level for more than a hundred years of Taoism.

And Rong Pei'er, who can master one more explosion-level spell, can be said to be quite outstanding.

"Well, I have roughly understood, thank you for your cooperation."

Xin Yu nodded.

"My lord, my lord, you understand our situation. But, please allow your subordinates to ask boldly, what is your situation like, my lord? When your subordinates know about it, you can cooperate with your lord."

Rong Pei'er spoke suddenly.

Fang Ce smiled, it seems that this aunt is trying to make trouble?

"Barely mastered the five basic spells and talismans of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and one of the mysterious-level spells is a golden wall."

Xin Yu responded calmly.

"Oh? Seriously? My lord has also reached this level?"

Rong Pei'er suddenly showed disbelief.

The rest of the Feng Shui guards also became a little agitated, obviously they didn't believe it.

Fang Ce also showed a little surprise. According to the personality of the beauty's boss, he would not lie about this.

However, he was relieved when he thought of the Tai Yan Dao Jing that the beauty's boss had been practicing, and his talent itself was not bad.

"You think I'm lying to you?"

Xin Yu remained calm.

"Don't dare, this subordinate doesn't mean that. But to understand the strength, it is obviously not enough to just ask. Only by exchanging ideas with each other can we truly understand.

Therefore, please forgive my subordinates for daring to ask your lord for advice. "

Rong Peier cupped her fists respectfully.

Fang Ce couldn't help raising his eyebrows, is this old lady really deliberately provoking trouble?
This feng shui master, like joining the army, is all about strength. As a general, if he can't suppress his subordinates by force, it will be difficult to lead the army.

This Rong Pei'er knew about Xin Yu's situation before, so she said that now, it was obvious that she wanted to make Xin Yu unable to step down.


Xin Yu nodded.


Rong Pei'er was stunned again, obviously she didn't expect Xin Yu to agree so easily.

"This courtyard is considered spacious, so let's discuss one or two here, and let's go to the end."

Xin Yu spoke again.

"it is good."

Rong Peier frowned in response.

Immediately, Xin Yu and Rong Pei'er came to the middle of the courtyard, and all the Fengshui guards also retreated to give up their positions.

"Please enlighten me."

Rong Pei'er slowly took out a long sword, with contempt in her eyes.

magic weapon?

Fang Ce smiled, took out the magic weapon compass he got before, and said, "Fairy, your magic weapon."

The moment Xin Yu looked over suspiciously, he threw the compass over.

Now Xin Yu is still using the Lingbao sword from before, so she will definitely suffer.

Xin Yu took the compass, was slightly taken aback, and then returned to normal.

Rong Pei'er frowned and said, "My lord, please give me the trick."

Xin Yu lightly tapped the scorpion's head, and immediately urged the compass in his hand, and suddenly a ball of terrifying flames blasted out!

The scorching breath caused the temperature in the entire yard to soar in vain!

Everyone was shocked.


Rong Pei'er was also surprised, and immediately cast three water symbols!

Flames erupt!Steaming!
The two offensives cancel each other out!

"Hmph, a good magic weapon! It's my turn!"

Rong Pei'er shouted softly, and cast a dozen or so talismans at hand!
In an instant, raging flames rushed towards Xin Yu like overwhelming the sky!
Fire Talisman!

Although the fire talisman is a basic talisman, its power is enough to overwhelm the explosive flames in the number of dozens!
At this moment, Xin Yu calmly took out three talismans and cast them, and in an instant, three groups of terrifying flames blasted out against each other!

"Not good! It's the Flame Talisman!!"

All the Fengshui guards exclaimed.

Horrific flames erupted again and again!
The power of Rong Pei'er's dozens of fire talismans was instantly disintegrated!

A groan!
Blood overflowed from the corner of Rong Pei'er's mouth, and he flew upside down!

"Mrs. Rong!!?"

"Madam Rong!!"

All the Fengshui guards stepped forward in fear.

Fang Ce's face is strange, does this old woman have such a high status here?Mrs. Rong... Could it be that she has some background?
"I'm fine!"

At this moment, an angry shout sounded.

Rong Pei'er turned over in embarrassment and stared at Xin Yu with displeasure.

"Do you want to continue?"

With a soft sound, Xin Yu took out six talismans in her hand.

"You!? How is that possible!?"

Rong Pei'er's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Six Explosive Talismans!?"

"No! My lord, aren't you a Taoist who is less than 50 years old!? How could you cast three explosive talismans at the same time just now!?"

All the feng shui guards were shocked, but they had already discovered that Xin Yu's way of doing something was wrong.

"When did I say that I won't be able to do it in 50 years?"

Xin Yu responded quietly.

"My lord, you..."

"That's how it is! My lord is really good at tricks! It seems that he has some skills to be able to get the position of Fengshui department! But!
This is a competition, my lord, you use a talisman that is beyond the drawing range of your own strength, it is too much! "

A feng shui guard frowned and spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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