Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 117 Letter from Yu County, scholar-officials suspect the mysterious son

Chapter 117 Letter from Yu County, scholar-officials suspect the mysterious son

"Hey, my lord, this statement is wrong. The fairy has a lot of talismans on hand. The explosion talisman is just the talisman that the fairy uses routinely. Even the small ones get a lot of talismans from the fairy."

Fang Ce smiled and took out a stack of explosive symbols, about fifty or sixty.

"Hiss! So many flame talismans!?"

"How is this possible!? Even apprentices can get so many flame talismans? Unless you, sir, can draw flame talismans!!"

All the Fengshui guards were surprised and suspicious.

Rong Pei'er's complexion changed even more.

Xin Yu responded silently.

Fang Ce was still smiling. In fact, he had already saved nearly [-] Explosion Talismans on hand, but he didn't want to reveal too much.

"I think I understand it pretty well. I'm going to work in the front yard first, please."

Xin Yu clasped her fists together, then turned and left.

Rong Pei'er and the others were silent.

"Really, let's go back to the room too."

Fang Ce said to Liang Xue, then turned and went back to the north building.


Liang Xue responded, followed into the house, and then went upstairs.

"Miss Xue'er, I won't go out today. If you feel bored, you can go out for a walk by yourself. There should be no existence in this city that can threaten you."

Fang Ce smiled, took out the Taiyan Daoist Sutra casually, sat down, and began to read.

Liang Xue's footsteps faltered, and she said softly, "Mmm..."

"We underestimated this little girl! We didn't expect her to hide so deeply!"

"I just took a closer look. This girl may have reached the level of Taoism for more than 180 years! She must also be able to draw explosive symbols! Otherwise, how could she have so many explosive symbols!

A Flame Talisman is worth at least ten taels of silver, but it is usually twenty or thirty taels of silver.Looking at the stack in the apprentice's hand, at least it cost thousands of taels of silver!

This girl has only been an official for two years, even if she pays more, she will not be able to get three hundred silver taels in two years. How could she give an apprentice so many flame talismans? "

"At such a young age, how did she cultivate? This is too exaggerated! Unless she ate the treasures of heaven and earth, how can it be so easy to get such treasures that provide so many skills?
That is not something that can be bought with money! "

The voices of all the Feng Shui guards sounded one after another.

"Hmph, isn't it just that you can draw the explosion talisman? It won't be of much use in this city."

Rong Pei'er's voice was full of jealousy.

"That's right, those scourges in Nine Dragon Mountain cannot be easily dealt with with the Flame Explosion Talisman."


Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, but he didn't pay attention to it too much, and began to concentrate on reading the Taiyan Taoist scriptures.

Now these guys are obviously jealous and dissatisfied, but they have no choice but to talk sideways and comfort themselves.

Ten days passed.

Fang Ce and the others are basically used to the life in Fengshui Mansion. Although the people here have their own rejections, they don't want to do some small tricks to be a monster or something, but they are quite honest.

early morning.

Fang Ce and Liang Xue were suddenly called to the office together.

"Master Xin, you are here."

But I saw that the scholar-bureaucrat was there.

"I have seen the two adults. I don't know what is important. Summon me."

Xin Yu saluted and asked.

"Oh, that's how it is. The City Mansion received the Yu County Newsletter yesterday, saying...all the apprentices and Feng Shui masters of the Yu County Fengshui Office disappeared one after another in just a few days.

Now there is no Fengshui master or Fengshui apprentice in the Fengshui Yamen.This matter is really unusual, because you took office in Yu County before, so you came here to inquire and see if you have any clues. "

The scholar-bureaucrat frowned.

"This... there is such a thing?"

Xin Yu glanced at Fang Ce in surprise.

Fang Ce also looked stunned.

"How about not knowing the details?"

Xin Yu frowned and asked.

"According to the information from the county magistrate over there, the disappearance of Fengshui Yamen personnel in Yu County, firstly, several apprentices disappeared, all disappeared overnight and then the next day.

At that time, the Feng Shui masters only thought that these apprentices sneaked out to have fun, and they didn't care. They didn't see anything until dusk, so they reported to the Yamen to find someone, but they didn't have any clues.

In the next two days, even those Feng Shui masters disappeared.Only on their messy bed, there seemed to be signs of resistance and struggle.

It is obvious that there is a powerful existence that took them away directly.To be able to take away all the Fengshui masters and apprentices in such a silent manner, the strength must be extraordinary. "

The gentleman responded.

"Indeed, although those in the Fengshui Office of Yu County do not have the strength of a hundred years of practice, the high ones also have seventy or eighty practices. To do this, the strength must be much higher."

Xin Yu frowned.

"I don't know, Mr. Xin, what do you know about this? You have been in the Fengshui Yamen of Yu County for a year. Do those people in the Fengshui Yamen have any enemies? Or have they offended anyone?"

"The Chou family...I don't know about these things. After all, the contradictions in Yu County basically come from Sanyu Mountain. We can only hold together to protect ourselves..."

Xin Yu shook his head.

"Those thieves in Sanyu Mountain? The problem is, those thieves in Sanyu Mountain have been wiped out long ago. How can there be any thieves?"

The scholar-bureaucrat frowned.

"What!? Those bandits in Sanyu Mountain were wiped out!? When did it happen!"

The astonished voice of the Director General of Fengshui suddenly sounded.

The other three Feng Shui divisions also showed surprise.

"Oh, this is information from several months ago. It happened that disasters in Nine Dragon Mountain were raging at that time, and the situation was urgent. I didn't mention it, and I forgot about it after the war. I'm sorry, Mr. Chief."

The scholar-bureaucrat turned around and cupped his fists at the Director of Feng Shui.

"Those thieves in Sanyu Mountain are not weak, they are numerous, and they are extremely cunning. Why were they suddenly wiped out?"

The director of Fengshui could not help looking at Xin Yu with surprise and suspicion.

"For this, the prefect and I are also very surprised. The information we received is that a mysterious young man appeared in Yu County, with terrifying strength. He wiped out all the bandits in Sanyu Mountain by himself."

The gentleman responded.

"What!? All the thieves and bandits in Sanyu Mountain were wiped out by one person? This must be at least above the level of a real person, right? Someone from above?"

The Director of Feng Shui was even more shocked.

"I don't know. No one knows the identity of this mysterious young man. Otherwise, he wouldn't be called a mysterious young man. The only witnesses are the rescued girls from Yu County. By the way, there is also the county magistrate.

According to what they said, this mysterious young man was wearing a black young man's uniform and a half-section mask, and he was very powerful both in terms of force and Taoism. "

"Hiss... There are such people in Yu County... Apart from the people from above, it is almost impossible to have other possibilities..."

Feng Shui Director's complexion changed.

At this moment, Liang Xue on the side couldn't help but glance at Fang Ce.

"Whether someone came from above is still uncertain. But now the case in Yu County, I don't know if it will be related to that mysterious young man. After all, there is nothing in Yu County that can threaten the existence of Fengshui Ya over there. ..."

The scholar-bureaucrat frowned.

"By the way, Mr. Xin, have you ever come into contact with this mysterious son, or do you know anything about it?"

The scholar-bureaucrat looked at Xin Yu again.

Several people from the Director General of Fengshui also looked at Xin Yu one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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