Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 118 The drawing method of thunder symbols, golden wood and white jade fan

Chapter 118 The drawing method of thunder symbols, golden wood and white jade fan

"No, I have no contact with this person, only heard of this person, and this person seems to have never appeared in Yu County."

Xin Yu calmly shook her head.

"That's right, it seems that those who have witnessed this person are all outside Yu County... So that means, the matter has nothing to do with that mysterious young man? That's right...

I heard that this apprentice brother once had a feud with those Fengshui masters in Yu County Fengshui Office? "

The scholar-bureaucrat looked at Fang Ce with a rather polite expression.

Fang Ce tilted his head and smiled, it was his suspicion...

"Several Feng Shui masters had some feuds with Fang Ce, but for my sake, they are also very kind, and there has been no conflict since then."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"Well, then I will go to Yu County to investigate first, and Xin will be excused."

The scholar-bureaucrat clasped his fists.

"Sir, please."

Xin Yu clenched her fists in response.

The scholar-bureaucrat immediately looked at the Director General of Fengshui: "Master Director, I also hope that Mr. Zhao will accompany the officials to Yu County to assist in the investigation."

"Okay, Zhao Peng, you can go with the scholar-bureaucrat."

Director Feng Shui nodded.

"Yes, my lord."

Zhao Peng came out in response.

The scholar-bureaucrat said again, and left with Zhao Peng.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled. He wasn't worried about being investigated. After all, Sun Taimei used earth escape from Qingping Mountain to capture people in Yu County. It took so many days. As long as Sun Taimei didn't show up again, how could it be so easy to investigate?
"Fang Ce, Master Qianxue. There's nothing else going on here, you guys go back to the yard."

Xin Yu said softly.


Fang Zhizhi glanced at the Fengshui chief who was in deep thought, and left with Liang Xue with one hand behind his back.

Lunch time.

"Fang Ce, what happened to Yu County?"

Xin Yu asked softly.

"How do I know, maybe he fled in fear of crime."

Fang Ce smiled and shrugged.

"There won't be any other innocent victims?"

Xin Yu, on the other hand, looked at Fang Ce steadfastly.

"That's definitely not the case. If you don't do something wrong, how can you abscond in fear of crime?"

Fang Ce smiled and shook his head.


Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"You're playing charades here."

A soft voice sounded.

I saw Liang Xue lightly picked up a vegetable.

"Haha, as expected of real Qianxue, she is really smart."

Fang Ce laughed out loud.

"I'm not stupid."

Liang Xue pouted.

into the night.

[Guard one side of feng shui, get the drawing method of thunder talisman, and get the golden wood and white jade fan, the magic weapon]

On the feng shui scroll, new content appeared.

The Thunder Talisman drawing method! ?

Fang Ce's eyes lit up, so he can start to draw the most practical Thunder Talisman!Although the power of the Explosive Talisman is not weak, especially when dealing with gold-type spells, its limitations are also very obvious.

With the effect of praying for rain and the ability to ward off fire, it seems too weak.

Afterwards, Fang Ce took out the magic weapon, and unfolded it with a swipe, only to see that it was a fan made of white jade, and the bones of the fan were made of gold silk wood, which was very noble and elegant.

It is also a magic weapon, with its own technique Baiteng.

Fang Ce smiled, this magic weapon is useful, it is easy to carry, it can be used as a weapon as well as decoration, it may be less offensive than a conventional weapon like a sword, but to him, it is harmless.

A few more days passed.

Fang Ce once again had an epiphany when he practiced Taiyan Daojing, a golden light gathered in his eyes, but he had mastered the eyes of heaven.

This day's eye can directly see through abilities such as transformation, illusion, and possession, and it is also an extremely powerful and practical ability.

However, Fang Ce was not yet happy.

A burst of trumpets sounded!
Well?Is there a situation?
Fang Ce couldn't help but be surprised.

"Quick! The Nine Dragons Mountain scourge is here to make trouble!"

"Quickly go to the main courtyard to gather!"

The hurried voices of Rong Peier's Fengshui guards came from outside.

Oh?Nine Dragon Mountain scourge struck?
Fang Tactics was surprised.

"What happened?"

I saw Liang Xue also came down from upstairs.

"It's the scourge of Jiulong Mountain. Let's also go to the main courtyard to have a look."

Fang Ce put away the Tai Yan Dao Jing, smiled and got up and left.

a moment of effort
Fang Ce brought Liang Xue to the main courtyard.

At this moment, all the Fengshui divisions and Fengshui guards gathered together and formed five rows.

Among them, Xin Yu stood in front of the row of fire courtyards.

And at the forefront of the crowd is the Director of Feng Shui.

"Everyone is here, so let's go directly! Hurry to the front line to support!"

The director of Fengshui spoke in a low voice.


Everyone responded.

Immediately, the Director of Feng Shui led the crowd to go outside quickly.

The Fengshui guards of the Tuyuan first followed the Director of Fengshui, followed by the Jinyuan led by Zhao Peng, and then the Wooden Courtyard.

At this moment, Xin Yu was looking towards Fang Ce.

Fang Ce smiled, and said in a low voice, "Miss Xue'er, please protect the fairy, I'll go ahead and have a look."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a response, he turned around and went back to the fire courtyard.

As his fairy puppet, Liang Xue would naturally obey orders, so there was nothing to worry about.

Back in the Fire Court, Fang Ce walked directly into the north building and closed the door.

Immediately, he quickly changed into the black boy's uniform, put on the half mask, and unfolded the gold-wood and white-jade fan with a sound.

Fang Ce smiled, and cast Tudun to quickly head towards the direction from the horn to the south.

Now that Liang Xue was pressing the field beside Xin Yu, he could act better in secret.

Soon, Fang Ce came to escape under a remote big tree outside the southern city.

He glanced away.

On the city wall, a famous soldier was waiting in battle, the atmosphere was dignified and solemn, like black clouds!

And one kilometer outside the city.

A strong demonic aura filled the air, and a seemingly chaotic army spread out like a long snake.

There are ferocious monsters, ferocious men, thin Taoist priests, handsome swordsman Wuxiu, etc., all of different sizes.

This army of monsters and villains has thousands of people, and it looks chaotic, but its momentum is not inferior to the heavily guarded iron army on the city wall, and it even surpasses it!
And the leader of this army is a humanoid tiger beast, obviously a tiger demon, whose aura is particularly strong, with more than 370 years of Taoism!
At this moment, the tiger demon was panting excitedly and staring at Hecheng.

"Is this the Tiger King?"

Fang Ce smiled, seeing that the aura is indeed quite extraordinary, what is currently revealed is the evil spirit of the three realms!

He looked at the gate tower again, and there was a figure that was quite eye-catching.

It was a man holding a golden dragon spear and wearing a golden battle robe. His aura was not much weaker than that of the Tiger King, and he also had the evil spirit of the three realms on his body.

"This one should be that Lord Qianhu..."

Fang Ce gently shook the golden wood and white jade fan, waiting for the good show to start.

"Luo Yi! This king is here again! Can you handle it this time!"

The Tiger King grinned and let out a majestic voice.

"Hmph! Little tiger demon, how dare you speak wild words in front of me!"

That Qianhu adult snorted coldly.

At this moment, on the top of the city gate, figures came one after another.

Fang Ce saw these two beauties, Xin Yu and Liang Xue, at a glance.

City gate upstairs.

"Master Qianhu, how is the situation?"

The Director of Fengshui came to Master Qianhu and looked out of the city.

"These scourges are still gathering and lining up, and they should launch an attack in a while. Let everyone in the Fengshui Mansion distribute them first. This time it seems that a tiger king and a demon king are coming, and they should be able to repel them soon."

Qianhu spoke in a low voice.


The director of Fengshui nodded, and turned to look at the people in Fengshui Mansion: "You, the Tuyuan people and I will stay at the gate tower to guard, and the other four courtyards will be arranged on both sides of the city walls.

Master, just don't let these evils enter the city.After Lord Qianhu and I defeat the main force of these evils, we will retreat. "


Everyone nodded in response.

"My lord, when you first came to Hecheng, you should go to the far right to guard, and the pressure will be less."

Director Feng Shui looked at Xin Yu.

"Well, thank you for your reminder, my lord."

Xin Yu clasped her fists and saluted, then led Liang Xue and the nine Fengshui guards from Huoyuan towards the city wall on the right.

The director of Fengshui couldn't help but glance at Liang Xue.


A loud roar suddenly sounded.

But I saw that the Tiger King had already led the disaster army to kill the city wall!

In the process of running, the tiger king directly turned into a giant tiger with a height of three feet!The terrifying momentum and sense of oppression immediately made everyone feel breathless!

After all, the city wall is only three feet high!

With such a huge size, Tiger King can easily climb up the city wall!Even jump directly into the city!

[Thank you for your rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets for your support. In order to concentrate on writing the article and make everyone enjoy it, I didn’t thank you one by one before. Lazy Immortal thanked you here]

(End of this chapter)

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