Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 119 The battle broke out and the enemy was surging

Chapter 119 The battle broke out and the enemy was surging

The demonic aura flocked to Hecheng with the mighty Nine Dragon Mountain army.

A lot of monsters have also turned into their original forms one after another. Huge monsters include fierce tigers, giant snakes, bulls, and all kinds of powerful monsters. There are hundreds of years of Taoism and 200 years of Taoism!
Boom boom boom...

There were bursts of heavy muffled noises.

Fang Ce already felt the tremor of the ground, which shows how powerful the Nine Dragon Mountain army is!

At the moment when a group of monsters are about to approach the moat.

Bean-sized rain began to fall.

"Pray for rain..."

Fang Jue raised his head and looked at the army of Nine Dragons Mountain, and soon found that several Taoist priests were jointly praying for rain.

The rain was so fierce that the big tree above his head could barely cover him much.

With a wave of Fang Ce's hand, he used wood skills, and the vines sprang out quickly, intertwined with each other to form a huge umbrella.

At the moment the moat.

The Tiger King had already arrived first, and he jumped up and easily passed through the [-]-foot-wide moat. His oppressive and huge body quickly rushed towards the gate tower!


A cold hum!
That Lord Qianhu's powerful aura erupted, and he pushed out his palm, only to see a thunderous giant palm quickly slammed towards the Tiger King!
A bang!
Tiger King was blasted to the ground.

"Beast! Die!"

Master Qianhu also flew down immediately, and directly fought with the Tiger King, thundering giant palms blasted out from time to time!
"The magical power of the lightning ability?"

Fang Shizuo was surprised, he was sure that the giant thunder palm that Master Qianhu used was definitely not a magical technique, but a kind of magical skill.

Martial arts practitioners who enter the Tao with martial arts will master one or two magical skills.

Divine skills are naturally very powerful for ordinary people.But for those who practice the Tao, it is a bit hard to say.

Divine skills are different from magic arts, and they have extremely high demands on one's own cultivation base. The higher the cultivation base, the more powerful it is, which has the meaning of late blooming.

Before a hundred years of cultivation, the power of a divine ability is not as good as that of a fire technique. Only after reaching a hundred years of cultivation can it be as powerful as a fire technique.

And after a hundred years of cultivation, the power of the magic skill will become stronger and stronger than that of the fire technique. When it reaches 300 years of cultivation, its power can already be compared to that of bursting flames.

However, most Taoist priests have already begun to master the explosion-level spells when they have practiced for a hundred years.

Wuxiu still has to survive for 300 years, and this process can be described as extremely difficult.

It can be said that if one fails to cultivate evil energy and wants to enter Taoism with martial arts, it will be a very difficult task, after all, the strength is far from that of a cultivator.

And if one wants to cultivate evil spirit, one basically has to go to the battlefield to fight and go through many lives and deaths.

At this moment, the rest of the monsters and villains in the Jiulongshan army also began to display their own skills and began to cross the river.

Some jump directly over the moat like the Tiger King, some use floating objects to jump over with superb skills, and most of them swim through the water.

On the right wall.

Xin Yu looked at the demonic aura all over the sky, the powerful monsters, and many villains who were obviously not weak, so she couldn't help clenching her jade fists.

Obviously, this is the first time to face such a battle, and I can't get used to it.

And under this heavy rain, she hardly has any particularly effective means of attack.

"This is just a small scene. One day when several big demon kings come together, that will be the real battle. The explosion talisman is in this environment, hmph..."

Rong Pei'er looked at the army of Jiulongshan who was about to enter the city with a look of contempt on her face.

Obviously, this contempt was not only aimed at the Nine Dragon Mountain army, but more a mockery of Xin Yu.

"Where's Fang Ce?"

Xin Yu whispered, but ignored Rong Pei'er.

"He's still staying in the Fengshui mansion, Mr. Xin, he's very safe, don't worry, he's fine."

Liang Xue responded.

"Heh, are you still worried about the apprentice? Take care of yourself, the battle is about to begin."

Rong Pei'er focused her eyes, and cast a dozen or so talismans.

A large area of ​​vines sprang up from the ground outside the city, quickly restraining them, and many vicious enemies rushed towards the city wall!
At this moment, arrows shot out from the city wall one after another, penetrating into the bodies of many monsters and villains, causing a howl of pain.

Xin Yu still didn't pay attention to Rong Pei'er, but just watched the battle situation with all her attention.

The crisp sound of gold and iron rings out!

I saw a ferocious and huge pig demon quickly broke free from the restraint of the vines, and directly bounced off arrows with its hard body. It was obviously the body of King Kong, and the breath on his body was almost 200 years old!

The ferocious pig demon rushed forward, leaped forward, but rushed towards the top of the city wall!
"Get down!"

A shout!
Rong Pei'er flew out a talisman!
There was a thunder!
Amidst the thunder, the ferocious pig demon was directly blasted back and fell down!

"This is a practical talisman."

Rong Pei'er then glanced at Xin Yu again, quite complacently.

Xin Yu naturally didn't care about it.

Because many enemies have come to the city.

Tall monsters will rush directly to the top of the city, while short and nimble ones use the body of tall monsters as a springboard or those with superb climbing ability directly climb up the wall, and some villains use hook ropes to climb quickly.

The soldiers on the city wall used spears, bows and arrows, broadswords and other weapons to resist the attacks of monsters and villains.

The Fengshui department and the Fengshui guards used wood techniques, earth techniques and other techniques to hinder and restrain the enemy.

Among them, the enemies who have mastered the body of King Kong need the Fengshui guards to use thunder charms to repel them.

"These guys seem to have Thunder Talismans."

Liang Xue said lightly, she didn't pay much attention to the situation in front of her, after all, there was obviously no existence here that could threaten her.


Xin Yu just responded lightly, without saying anything, and began to use wooden, earth, and water talismans to hinder the enemy, and at the same time, he would use gold talismans to enhance the power of the soldiers' weapons.

In a short period of time, she has basically adapted to master the city battle.

Gold and iron clashed, and blood spattered.

However, just fight for a moment.

The Jiulongshan army has successively scaled up the city wall!
These monsters and villains are numerous, powerful, thick-skinned, and some have mastered the body of diamonds. It can be said that they are quite difficult to deal with, and it is impossible to stop them.

All of a sudden, fierce fighting began on the top of the city!

Fortunately, the strength of the soldiers in Hecheng is not weak, they are almost all elites, most of them have evil spirits, but they are not at a disadvantage. It can be seen how many fights it takes to form such a large scale.

Xin Yu continued to display one by one talisman, cooperating with the soldiers whispering the disaster of Jiulong Mountain.

In such a situation, the originally powerful Fengshui Division and Fengshui Guards are more in an auxiliary state, and the main output falls on the soldiers with evil spirits.

"Pei'er! I'm here! Are you okay!"

A low voice sounded.

I saw a young man wearing a battle armor quickly came over from the left side. He was holding a long gun, and his body was full of evil spirits, constantly picking up monsters and a villain!

However, the sharp claws and blades of the monsters and villains fell on the man, and apart from the sound of golden and iron explosions, they couldn't cause any damage at all!

At this moment, the young man was fighting all the way, as brave as a war god.

(End of this chapter)

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