Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 120 The harvest is repeated, there is an ambush here

Chapter 120 The harvest is repeated, there is an ambush here
"Brother Luo Duo!"

Rong Pei'er immediately greeted her happily, and at the same time cast a proud glance at Xin Yu.

"The body of King Kong, the evil spirit of the second realm, has been cultivated for a hundred years, but he has some abilities."

Liang Xue looked at the young man Luo Duo calmly.

And that Rong Pei'er has already joined Luo Duo, joined forces, and repeatedly killed the enemy soldiers, very majestic.

Rong Pei'er looked at Xin Yu with even more complacency.

Xin Yu was concentrating on dealing with the enemy army, and didn't have time to pay attention to so much.

At this moment, a giant wolf jumped on the city wall and quickly came to kill Xin Yu!

A famous soldier attacked the giant wolf one after another!

However, clang clang!
A series of gold and iron explosions!

It can't hurt the giant wolf at all, and it is obviously the body of King Kong!
That giant wolf has charged towards Xin Yu!

Xin Yu couldn't help but shrink her pupils. Under such a heavy rain environment, she obviously couldn't confront this giant wolf head-on, and probably had no choice but to use the Golden House Talisman to resist it!
Not far away, Rong Pei'er suddenly showed a look of watching the show, and she was also looking forward to something in her eyes.


There was a loud chirp and a sudden explosion!
Liang Xue made a sudden move, directly blocking Xin Yu's body, and blasted out her jade fist!

A groan!
The giant wolf was instantly pushed back several feet and fell off the city wall!


Rong Pei'er suddenly showed a look of shock.

All the soldiers looked at Liang Xue in shock.

"Huh? Who is this Taoist nun? Pei'er, is she also from your Fengshui mansion?"

Na Luoduo also looked at Liang Xue in surprise.

"She...she is..."

Rong Pei'er was stunned and didn't know how to respond.

"Lord Xin, you can rest here, just protect yourself. Leave the rest to me."

Liang Xue cast a sideways glance at Rong Pei'er and the two of them, and the figure burst out in an instant, and a ferocious punch fell directly on each of the nine dragon mountain scourges!
Suddenly, boom boom boom!

There was a bang!

A series of miserable howls sounded one after another!
I saw that the scourges of Jiulong Mountain were either blown out of the city wall or directly killed!

"This this……"

"How can this Taoist nun be so good!? She has also cultivated evil spirit! And she is also the body of a diamond? It seems that her strength is not inferior to Lord Qianhu!"

"She shouldn't be a Taoist nun, but a martial artist wearing a Taoist robe? Otherwise, how can there be such a Taoist nun..."

A famous soldier was suppressed one after another.

Rong Pei'er and Na Luoduo were also stunned on the spot.

"We are in the same city, when did there be such a person..."

Luo Duo couldn't help murmuring.

On Fang Ce's side, Fang Ce was watching the battle with fascination.

[Get rid of the monster and get a Dimo ​​Fruit]

[Get rid of the monster and get a Yuan Lingguo]

[Get rid of the monster and get a ground spirit fruit]

[Get rid of the monster and get a celestial vermilion fruit]

[Get rid of the monster and get a Dimo ​​Fruit]

A series of contents are continuously displayed on the feng shui scroll...


Fang Ce couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. It seems that as his fairy puppet, Liang Xue's credit for beheading monsters was also credited to him.

He continued to watch the battle.

From this position, Fang Ce had a clear view of the battle situation.

Although the offensives of these scourges in Jiulong Mountain were fierce, their momentum was suppressed a lot.

Leaving aside the battle, the overwhelming demonic aura could not approach Hecheng at all, and it had already stagnated around the moat, as if it was suppressed by the Fengshui terrain of Hecheng.

Fang Ce couldn't help thinking of the sculptures of beasts in the Nine Palaces arranged in Hecheng.

In this battle, the fiercer battle mainly fell on Tiger King, Master Qianhu, and the Feng Shui General Director.

I saw that outside the city gate, the Tiger King was dealing with the joint efforts of Master Qianhu and Feng Shui Director-General with one enemy and two.

"Hahahaha! Why is Chief Feng Ying so clumsy? There should be quite a few Thunder Talismans in the past two months, why don't you use a few more to see? Your breaking spells don't hurt me. !"

Tiger King let out a wild laugh, and fought fiercely with Lord Qianhu.

"Hmph! To deal with you, this is enough!"

The director of Fengshui snorted coldly, and immediately blasted a lightning strike at Tiger King, but was stopped by a golden wall.

"Really? Then I will play a little longer this time!"

The Tiger King immediately roared, ignored the Qianhu adults, and rushed directly to the Feng Shui Director.


The director of Fengshui frowned, and quickly cast a dozen wooden talismans to trap the Tiger King, but he was easily broken free!
Fortunately, Lord Qianhu arrived in time and suppressed Tiger King again.


Fang Ce couldn't help pondering: "Looking at the meaning of this big tiger, it seems that it wants to consume the Thunder Talisman of Feng Shui Director? It seems that it has a clear purpose of war?"

"Who are you!? What are you hiding here? Are you from Jiulongshan, or from Hecheng!"

A low drink sounded!

Fang Ce turned his head to look.

Not far away, Taoist priests, several big men and monsters surrounded him.

"All of you can discover this? Ha, don't concentrate on fighting and come here when you have time. It seems that you are also lazy and want to come to rest?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile, gently shaking the golden wood and white jade fan.

In fact, he didn't hide it on purpose, mainly to watch the battle better. It's not too surprising to be discovered, but he didn't expect these guys to come to him so quickly.

"You... stop talking nonsense here! We just discovered you by accident!"

The leading Taoist snorted coldly, and he had the aura of 200 years of Taoism!

The auras of the rest of them were around tens to more than 100.

"Hmph! You don't go to the front line to fight, but hide here to survive. Our Nine Dragons Mountain can't tolerate a waste like you!"

A big man clenched his sharp knife with a sneer.

"Why? Instead of going into battle to kill the enemy now, you come here to trouble me instead? Aren't you just trying to survive?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"You! Nonsense!"

The big man was furious.

"Just kill this kid! I don't know if he is one of us who hides his head and shows his tail!"

The Taoist priest's eyes turned cold in an instant.

"it is good!"

The big man let out a low cry, swung his sword and charged at Fang Ce directly!
"Hey, I still want to cultivate my body and mind for a while, why do you force me to take action?"

Fang Ce shook his head and sighed softly, but his figure flashed out instantly, passing the big man directly!


The big man suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The Taoist priests also showed astonishment.

Immediately, there was a snort!

Blood splattered!


A miserable howl!
One arm of the big man fell off directly!
"Not good! It's a master! Let's work together!"

The Taoist priest was startled, and hastily dug out more than a dozen talismans, but he didn't wait for him to make a move.


Fang Ce shook his head lightly, and waved the golden wood and white jade fan in his hand.

Immediately, a large piece of thick vines sprang out from under the feet of the Taoist priests, directly binding these guys tightly.

"You!? There's an ambush! There's an ambush! There's an ambush here!!! It's at the level of a Taoist leader!! King Tiger, hurry up and come to support!!!"

The Taoist yelled like crazy.

Fang Strategy was slightly taken aback, thinking that these guys would beg for mercy and say something cruel, but unexpectedly they came here.

When the Taoist shouted, Dang even attracted a lot of attention.

Tiger King, Lord Qianhu, and Feng Shui Director, who were fighting fiercely, also suspended the battle one after another, and all looked towards Fang Ce.

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(End of this chapter)

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