Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 121 Fang Ce takes action, causing everyone to fear

Chapter 121 Fang Ce takes action, causing everyone to fear

"Why do you want me to start killing? Helpless."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, raised his eyes slightly, and his figure flickered instantly!The cold glow flickered!
Chi Chi Chi!
Blood splattered!



The howl sounded!
The Taoist priests and those vines were all turned into pieces and scattered all over the ground, and the blood quickly stained the ground red with the rain.

"Hiss! What a quick shot! And this aura... is this person a Taoist priest or a martial artist!?"

The atmosphere instantly became dignified, and everyone present seemed to be in awe.

"Who are you!? This king doesn't know that there is a number one person like you in Hecheng!"

Tiger King stared at Fang Ce.

Master Qianhu and Feng Shui Director both frowned, but felt that Fang Ce's aura was unusual, and the situation was unclear, so they didn't make much action for a while.

And Xin Yu, who was on the far right side of the city wall, was looking at Fang Ce fixedly, and he vaguely guessed that it was Fang Ce with his suspicious eyes.

"What happened?"

Luo Duo frowned, and Rong Pei'er also looked at Fang Ce.

"I didn't say that I was from Hecheng."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Not from Hecheng? Then who is your Excellency!"

Tiger King's eyes were cold.

"It's just a passerby watching the excitement."

Fang Ce shook the white jade fan lightly, and responded with a smile.

"Passers-by watching the excitement? If that's the case, why did you attack us at Nine Dragon Mountain!"

Tiger King suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This is the first move by your people. Although you are not worthy of death, you can't just wrong people."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly.


The Tiger King was furious, raised his head and screamed, and a terrifying force erupted!
Instantly boom! !

A large piece of huge vines sprang out from the surrounding ground, entangled Lord Qianhu and Feng Shui Director.

Master Qianhu and Feng Shui Director were all startled, and quickly backed away to block it.

And Tiger King took this opportunity to go straight to Fang Ce!

Facing Fang Ce's defiant provocation, how could he bear it!
The Tiger King came to Fang Ce in an instant, and his giant claws fell straight down, and the evil spirit on his body was even more violent!

Fang Ce smiled lightly, and gently greeted him with a white jade fan in his hand.

Suddenly, the ground around the feet cracked, and water splashed everywhere!
It can be seen how powerful the tiger king's claws are!


But the Tiger King was stunned.

Because Fang Ce received the blow just now without moving a muscle, it's just that the ground couldn't bear the transmission of the huge force!
"A Taoist with evil spirits in the second realm!?"

Tiger King immediately showed surprise.

"Guess again."

The corner of Fang Ce's mouth raised, Yun Jin easily shook off the Tiger King's giant claws, and deftly flipped sideways. The extremely fast speed was too late for the Tiger King to react, so he pressed his palm on the Tiger King's huge head.

"not good!!!"

The Tiger King's pupils shrank immediately, but it was still too late to react. A force exploded in Fang Ce's hands, and the thunder flashed directly!

Ow! ! !
A tiger roar!
Tiger King's huge head hit the ground directly, splashing a large amount of rain and mud!

In the distance, the adults of Qianhu and the director of Fengshui all shrank their pupils sharply!With a look of shock on his face!
"now what?"

Fang Ce had calmly landed on the ground, shaking his feather fan lightly.

"Heaven... Celestial Master!?"

Tiger King looked at Fang Ce in horror, got up slowly trembling, swallowed at the same time, and then backed away involuntarily.

"Go! Retreat!!! Quickly retreat!!!"

The Tiger King roared, turned around and ran away!

Seeing this, all the people in Jiulong Mountain couldn't help running away in panic.

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, shook his white jade fan lightly and watched, but didn't set out to chase after him. Before the situation between Hecheng and Jiulong Mountain was fully clarified, he hadn't planned to make such a quick move.

At this moment, all the soldiers in Hecheng saw that Fang Ce had not moved, nor did they pursue and kill the Nine Dragon Mountain army rashly, and all their eyes fell on Fang Ce.

"I don't know how to address this venerable master? But he came from above?"

The surprised voice of the Qianhu adult came.

Fang Ce looked back, only to see the adults of Qianhu holding fists respectfully from a distance, obviously also very vigilant.

After looking at it for a while, Fang Ce didn't respond, and then casually glanced at Xin Yu on the city wall, and then ran away directly.


Master Qianhu was surprised.

"It's the earth escape technique!"

The director of Fengshui came to Sir Qianhu with a big frown on his brows: "Who is this person? If he came from above, there should be no reason for the Tiger King to leave easily..."

"I don't know, this person's origin is unknown, and his purpose is also unknown. His strength is extremely terrifying. Just being looked at by him just now makes people feel a little shuddering. He is definitely not someone we can compete with!

I hope it is not an enemy, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous..."

Master Qianhu looked solemn.

"Well... clean it up. Although there was a little accident, the result is still good now."

The Director of Feng Shui frowned in response.

Lord Qianhu nodded, then turned around and ordered to clean up the battlefield, preparing to withdraw his troops.

city ​​wall.

Xin Yu still looked at the place where Fang Ce left, with Liang Xueping beside him.

Liang Xue had a deep understanding of Fang Ce's strength, so naturally she wouldn't be surprised.

At this moment, the Feng Shui guards have begun to leave gradually.

"My lord Xin, let's go back too, we won't see anything if we look again."

Liang Xue whispered.


Xin Yu nodded.

On the way back to Fengshui Mansion.

But Xin Yu saw a familiar figure, it was Zhao Peng.

She immediately said softly: "Master Zhao?"


Zhao Peng was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Xin Yu, and then showed surprise: "It's Lord Xin, I don't know what advice I can give you."

"Don't dare, but Xin Yu has something to ask."

Xin Yu clenched his fists.

"You're being polite. I don't know what it is. Please tell me, Mr. Zhao. If Zhao knows, he will try his best to answer."

Zhao Peng smiled and waved his hands.

"I see that everyone in the Fengshui Mansion seems to have a Thunder Talisman? Where did this come from? Is this city worth selling?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Oh, what are you talking about... Hecheng is available for sale, but I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you, Mr. Xin..."

Zhao Peng hesitated.

"Oh? How do you say this? I hope Mr. Zhao can make a point or two."

"Here in Hecheng, there are two people who can draw thunder talismans. One of them is the chief secretary of our Fengshui mansion, and the other is Daoist Liu Daofei from the Taoist temple in the city."

"So that's the case, then the Thunder Talismans of these two are not for sale, right?"

Xin Yu asked again.

"How should I put it, it's not that I won't sell it. In order to deal with the disasters of Nine Dragon Mountain, the two of you will naturally sell it.

Mr. Zong Si will sell four cards to our Feng Shui masters every month, and Taoist Liu will sell about five to ten cards, depending on the situation.

Because the number of Thunder Talismans is scarce and the demand is high, basically only sell local acquaintances, so... Lord Xin, you should understand, right? "

Zhao Peng responded.

"Well, I see, thank you for letting me know."

Xin Yu frowned and nodded. After the battle just now, she already knew that the Thunder Talisman was an extremely important strategic material in this city, but the Flame Talisman she had on hand was a bit tasteless.

If you can't get the Thunder Talisman, the next time there is a war, you will still be stretched.

And the meaning of Zhao Peng's words is that she, a foreign Fengshui division, is not welcome here, and it is almost impossible to get the Thunder Talisman...

"Hmph, it's so gaudy, the combined strength of the entire city may not be the opponent of the one outside the city just now."

Liang Xue snorted softly, and she naturally heard the meaning of Zhao Peng's words, and couldn't help but feel displeased.

"This real Qianxue, the one outside the city just now is really amazing, but so what? Even if no one in our city can match, it has nothing to do with you, right? Could it be that you can still let that person join our city?"

Facing Chi Guoguo's ridicule and disdain, Zhao Peng was naturally not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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