Chapter 263 Provoking Discord
Three days passed.

In the area ruled by the ancient gods of the wilderness, a news spread everywhere, which meant that the ancient gods of the wilderness wanted to take the body of the Duke of the country to be reborn, and that anyone who was cultivated by the ancient gods of the wilderness might just have a useful body.Because the Great Wilderness Ancient God didn't have a new body, he couldn't recover his strength.

When the news spread, it quickly caused a commotion, and all the subordinates of the Great Wilderness Ancient God couldn't help feeling worried, it could be said that people were in panic.Because everyone knows that the power of the Great Desolation Ancient God has indeed not recovered during this period of time.

Tour the city.

"Zhao He, you seem to have become very afraid of this deity recently?"

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness looked down at the Grand Duke calmly.

"This!? No...nothing!"

The Duke quickly shook his head.

The Daoist Kuanglei beside him lowered his head in silence. He knew that the Ancient God of the Wilderness was resurrected in the body of the Celestial Master Wuzun. The body used by the ancient gods of the wilderness for resurrection.

As for himself, although he is not valued very much by the Ancient God of the Wilderness at present, he is also the core figure under the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness. It would be fine if the Duke of Guoguo satisfied the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness. In this way, his own life would be safe , if not satisfied...

At this moment, the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness said, "Isn't there? There have been some rumors recently, and it's been spreading wildly on my side..."

"It must be the work of those guys in Kowloon City. It's obviously a scheming scheme! I have already ordered the killing of those who spread these rumors. If they find out, they will be killed immediately! Please rest assured!"

Grandpa Guo responded immediately, although he said so, he was still uneasy in his heart.Who is the Great Wilderness Ancient God?That is an existence beyond his cognition, with unimaginable capabilities, he has no possibility of resistance at all, can you not worry?

"Hmm... it's not bad, but... the words of my deity are here, if anyone is worried, they can leave. Let's see, who will regret it?"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God spoke softly.

"Old God, please rest assured! My humble Zhao He is loyal! I will never betray you!"

Grandpa Guo quickly responded, and he was even more worried. He is now in a dilemma, and he doesn't know what to do...

"Qin Zhi will always be loyal to the Great Desolate Ancient God! He will never betray him!"

Daoist Kuanglei also expressed his loyalty immediately.

"Always be loyal to the Great Desolation Ancient God! Never betray!"

Yang Wang and others also expressed their opinions one after another.

The Great Wilderness Ancient God's gaze was flat. How many of these guys are really loyal and how many are just putting on airs? Take control!And how many people can resist the temptation of power?
"Okay, Zhao He, your condition is almost the same now, and crossing the catastrophe is basically not a problem. According to the method given to you by the deity, you can directly cross the catastrophe if you gather enough sacrifices."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God spoke slowly.

"Is this... so fast?"

Grandpa Guo was startled. Originally, he was looking forward to crossing the catastrophe earlier, but now he inexplicably shrinks in his heart, because according to the recent rumors, this seems to be a signal that the ancient gods of the wilderness want to take his body!

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

The ancient god of the wilderness narrowed his eyes slightly.

"No! No! It's's just that I'm still a little worried that I might fail..."

The Duke responded tremblingly.

"Don't worry, are you? But there is indeed some possibility of failure, although it is very small. But since you are worried, it must be a sign. You can first raise the evil spirit to the fifth level, and by then the strength will have been greatly improved. Nine full kalpas are nothing to worry about."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God responded flatly.

"This... five-level evil spirit? Okay... well, let me raise the evil spirit to the fifth level first. It will be safer after all if it can withstand nine or nine full kalpas..."

Grandpa carefully responded, now it can only be delayed for a while...


The Great Wilderness Ancient God waved his hand.

"Yes! I will take my leave!"

The Duke immediately retreated respectfully.

The ancient god of the Great Desolation has been watching lightly all the time, and at this moment there is a hint of sarcasm in his eyes...

And in Kowloon City.

"I have already spread the news among the subordinates of the Ancient God of the Great Desolation, and it must have reached the ears of the Ancient God of the Great Desolation. Now, people must have different opinions over there, especially that guy Zhao He."

King Fu Zun smiled.

"Well, that's good. The Duke of this country is a double-faced man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. It is impossible not to have no idea about these news. If we continue to provoke, we must be able to instigate it. If it is all, we may be able to pass The battle array he has mastered..."

Fang Ce's eyes flickered, as long as they got the Ancient Battle Formation, their overall strength would be improved by leaps and bounds!At that time, not only will he be able to fight against the ancient gods of the Great Desolation, but also the Snake Beauty behind him will have the capital to fight against!
"Well, to instigate this guy, you need a suitable candidate, and you also need to have the ability to freely enter and exit the area that the Ancient God of the Great Desolation currently controls..."

King Fu Zun frowned slightly.

"This candidate is a bit tricky. You should be suitable for Fang Ce, but you can't leave Kowloon City easily now."

Tianshi Wuzun couldn't help but speak.

"Is the candidate..."

Fang Ce looked at King Fu Zun.

"I'm afraid that I can't count on it. Let's not say that I don't have the confidence to go in and out of that area freely. Over the years, the Duke of the country will only be more wary of me. This person should best represent Kowloon City. And it can make the Duke of the country believe it..."

King Fu Zun immediately shook his head.

Fang Strategy frowned and looked at the others.Jiaolong?Doesn't seem to be suitable?

Jiaolong also avoided Fang Ce's gaze first, and asked him to fight, but he has no experience in this kind of work...

"How about...let me try..."

Xin Yu couldn't help but whisper.


Fang Ce was stunned.

"Lord Xin? As Lord Xin, it does have such weight. However, will it be too risky for you to go?"

King Fu Zun said that Xin Yu had a close relationship with Fang Ce, and the ancient gods of the Great Desolation should have known that Xin Yu also had relations with Qilin and the Holy Heavenly Lord, so it is indeed possible to be a candidate to instigate the rebellion against the Duke of the Kingdom.

"Nowadays, the ancient gods of the Great Desolation should also be in panic. As long as they don't get close to Youcheng and be careful with my strength, there shouldn't be too much risk."

Xin Yu responded.


Fang Ce frowned when he heard the words, now that Xin Yu hadn't even passed the first level of catastrophe, how could he let her go there without worry?

"Let me go with Xin Yu, so that it will be more secure."

Liang Xue spoke immediately.

"Miss Liang..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but look.

Both Tianshi Wuzun and Xin Lan were hesitant to speak, and they were naturally worried about letting Xin Yu go, but now the matter is of great importance, if they speak out to stop them, it would be a little disregarding the overall situation.

"Fang policy?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

At this moment, Fang Ce didn't know how to respond, because he was already in trouble...

But King Fu Zun looked aside with interest, and didn't say much.

"By the way...Sister Sun..."

Fang Ce's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sister Sun?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Huh? Sun Taimei? Are you going to ask that person to instigate Zhao He? Although she is an apprentice of a good and evil Taoist, Zhao He may not be easily persuaded by her, and is that person himself competent for this matter?"

King Fu Zun couldn't help being surprised.

"No, I mean, let Sun Taimei take the fairy into and out of the territory of the Great Desolation Ancient God, because she is good at the earth escape technique. In terms of stealth, it is not a big problem. And the current strength is not bad."

Fang policy responded.

"Oh, so that's the case, that's not bad..."

King Fu Zun nodded.

"It's a good idea, but... Will this grand sister agree?"

Xin Yu showed hesitation, she knew that Sun Taimei's temperament was a bit capricious, she was fine at first, but now she has the backing of a good and evil Taoist...

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled. To him, this little witch could solve it with just a few coercions and lures. It was not a difficult matter at all.

after one day.

Xin Yu quietly left Kowloon City, and with the help of Sun Taimei, went to the area ruled by the ancient gods of the wilderness.

The two women first came to a small town far away from Youcheng.

"Let's go to the town first to find out the news."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.


Taimei Sun nodded, followed Xin Yu to approach the town quietly, and looked around curiously, she found that this area was basically lifeless and lifeless.

As the two women approached the town, they heard some shouting, cursing and howling in pain.

Xin Yu frowned slightly, and immediately sneaked into the town with Taimei Sun carefully.

The first shocking scene appeared in front of the two women!

I saw that all the people in the town were doing all kinds of hard work under the whip of some monsters and cultivators. There was nothing like a town here. There were no shops and stalls, and there were no pedestrians passing by. Some were just slaves... …

"Wow... so miserable... Are these all slaves?"

Sun Taimei couldn't help blinking.

Xin Yu gritted her teeth, and then whispered softly: "See if there is a chance to find someone to ask about the current movements of the overseas father-in-law."

She knew that even if she took action now, it would be of no avail, because in this area, these people had nowhere to go, and if they acted rashly, it would be easy to ruin the lives of these people in advance.

After lurking in the town for a long time, it was basically confirmed that the Duke of the country did not pass by this place.

Xin Yu and Sun Taimei quickly left and sneaked around Youcheng. Because of the information sent back here, the Duke basically went back and forth to Youcheng from time to time, but he couldn't accurately grasp the specific movements all the time, so he walked around Youcheng. It is the fastest way to inquire about the foothold.

Soon, the two girls came to a village.

However, the scene in the village made Xin Yu gasp, trembling and furious at the same time.

Because this village is already a dead place, there are corpses everywhere, and in the center of the village, around a building that is obviously an altar, there are actually a group of children's bones...

Such a shocking scene directly made Xin Yu tremble.

"There are so many babies... and they all seem to be less than six years old... What kind of sorcery is this cultivating? Can the catastrophe survive..."

Sun Taimei was also stunned. She knew that for ordinary people without cultivation, the aura of a child is the most abundant, and the smaller the child, the more abundant it is, but it is easier to accumulate resentment when attacking a child, which has a great impact on cultivation, especially Du The power of heaven that Jie will endure will be even more terrifying.

"Let's go... go to the next place to explore..."

Xin Yu whispered slightly tremblingly.

Sun Taimei nodded, and the two quickly went elsewhere.

However, the scenes seen along the way only made Xin Yu feel more and more heavy, and he was less and less afraid to watch more...

After searching more than ten places, the two women discovered the current whereabouts of the Duke, which was in the northeast.The two women immediately went over quickly.


When I came to a small city, I saw thousands of soldiers gathered.

"It should be here..."

Xin Yu looked at the thousands of soldiers gathered in the hiding place.

"It looks like...they seem to be holding some kind of ceremony?"

Taimei Sun was curious.

"Go and see if you can find an opportunity to negotiate with the Duke of that country..."

Xin Yu hesitated to speak, feeling a little inexplicably repulsive in her heart...


Taimei Sun nodded.

The two women immediately approached cautiously around the road.

However, just a little closer not far away, I could faintly hear baby cries, which seemed to convey pain and fear...


Xin Yu couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and he approached quickly uncontrollably.


Sun Taimei couldn't help but also quickly followed.

As soon as Fang approached, he could see that surrounded by all the soldiers, on an altar, the Duke of the State opened his hands wide, surrounded by evil energy, and dozens of hundreds of infants and children were controlled by the evil energy in the void and were constantly sucking energy!


The Duke's eyes were fixed, and he realized that the situation was wrong, and the evil fire burst out from his body immediately!Boom!Directly annihilate all babies and children instantly!
"Do not!!"

Xin Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, she didn't expect the Duke's methods to be so ruthless, so without hesitation... He didn't give her any chance to save people...


The Duke's low shout sounded immediately!
In an instant, thousands of Hun soldiers quickly formed a desolate battle formation, holding the Duke in the void.

"Not good! It was discovered!"

Sun Taimei hurried to Xin Yu's side.

At this moment, Xin Yu was staring at the Duke in astonishment.

"It's you!? Lord Xin!?"

When the Duke saw Xin Yu, he couldn't help showing surprise on his face, and at the same time quickly sensed the surroundings, worried that Fang Ce and the others were also here!
"Hello? Fairy? Talk? Don't you want to talk to this guy? This guy didn't do anything, why don't you try?"

Sun Taimei whispered quickly.

Xin Yu stared blankly at the Duke, the scene just now was still in front of her eyes, and then she recalled all the things she saw along the way...

At this moment, she couldn't open her mouth to say anything related to instigating against the Duke of the Kingdom and joining forces to fight against the Great Desolate Ancient God...

How could she talk about cooperating with the Duke in front of hundreds of newly mutilated babies?

"Huh? Why are you here?"

The Duke of the State opened his mouth in surprise again. He could see that the two daughters, Xin Yu, appeared here, probably not to deal with him...


Taimei Sun couldn't help reminding her again.

"Go... let's go..."

Xin Yu finally spoke stiffly.



"All right……"

Sun Taimei was a little puzzled, but seeing Xin Yu's expression was wrong, Dang even used the earth escape technique and quickly disappeared.


Grandpa Guo was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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