Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 264 Xin Yu responds to the robbery, and uses her body to understand her heart!

Chapter 264 Xin Yu responds to the robbery, and uses her body to understand her heart!
Back to Kowloon City.

I saw Xin Yu stepping into the meeting hall in a depressed mood.

Sun Taimei's eyes were a little erratic, and she didn't understand what was going on until now, and she was worried that it might be because she messed up things?
"Fairy, what's the matter?"

Seeing Xin Yu's expression, Fang Ce couldn't help but feel a little bit of a bad premonition, did something unexpected happen?
King Fu Zun and Tianshi Wu Zun were also surprised and worried.

"Yes... sorry, I... failed..."

Xin Yu's hoarse voice could not help but sound softly.


Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, and he was even more puzzled. If it was just a simple failure, it shouldn't be like this, right?What really happened?
The rest looked at each other in blank dismay.


Xin Yu responded again, then gritted her teeth lightly, turned around and walked away quickly.

"Fairy? What's the matter? Where are you going?"

Fang Ce was stunned, what happened?

"Xin Yu!?"

Liang Xue was even more worried.

At this moment, Xin Yu has already walked out of the hall.

Fang Ce frowned, and immediately gave Liang Xue a look, Liang Xue understood and quickly got up and chased him out.

"Girl, what happened? Why is the fairy like this?"

Fang Ce looked at Sun Taimei solemnly. He knew that Xin Yu was not a capricious person, and he always took care of the overall situation. For a long time, he had never messed up because of personal emotions.So this time, something unexpected happened.

"Oh... why the fairy is like this, I don't quite understand. As for what happened, it's roughly like this..."

Sun Taimei began to tell in detail what she had seen and heard in this business.

"This...so that's how it is..."

Fang Ce frowned slightly, he didn't expect such a thing to happen, no wonder Xin Yu had such an expression.He knew that with Xin Yu's temperament, witnessing these things with his own eyes was naturally unacceptable.Not to mention trying to instigate rebellion...

Not to mention Xin Yu, even if he was on such occasions, he might not be sure that he would be able to calm down.After all, as long as there is still blood and humanity, it is difficult to do...

"Sigh, Master Xin is not rational after all. First, we should instigate the rebellion against the clown, and after the ancient gods of the wilderness are dealt with, isn't it a simple matter how to deal with the clown?"

King Fu Zun couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.

"Hmm... It seems that the fairy is unable to complete this task for the time being, so let's pick the right person..."

Fang Ce glanced at King Fu Zun. This guy is a hero. Not to mention that he will do anything to achieve his goal, but his reason must be enough.For now, it is indeed the best choice to instigate the Duke of the Kingdom to deal with the ancient gods of the Great Desolation.As for how to deal with the Grand Duke in the future, there are many ways.

"That's all it can do..."

King Fu Zun nodded.

"How about...let me come. The Duke of the country must not be too wary of me..."

Heavenly Master Wu Zun sighed lightly.

"This... Senior, your current situation..."

Fang Ce frowned, but before he finished speaking, suddenly, a depressive atmosphere enveloped him!
"What is this breath!? Heavenly Tribulation!? Someone is going to cross the catastrophe?"

Fang Ce was stunned for a moment.

"Heavenly Tribulation? It seems to be nearby? Is there anyone in Kowloon City going through the Tribulation at this time?"

King Fu Zun and everyone were also surprised.

"It's in the direction of the west city gate. Let's go out and have a look."

Fang Ce immediately got up and left. At this moment, he thought of Xin Yu inexplicably, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.But if Xin Yu wants to cross the catastrophe, the problem should not be too big.He has given Xin Yu a lot of talismans, and Xin Yu is not as evil as he is, contaminated with many killings, and there must not be too many thunderstorms to deal with...

At this moment, three kilometers away from the west city gate, in the sky, there is only Jieyun condensed!
But on the earth, it is Xin Yu who has a foothold in Iraq!
At this moment, Xin Yu slowly raised her head to look up at the sky, her eyes dazed. All along, she knew that her talent was ordinary, and no one around her would be worse than her, so she was never in a hurry for success. Don't want to use it easily.

Because of mediocrity, only one step at a time can make her understand the problems that may exist in each stage, so that she can have a deeper understanding and a more solid foundation, especially the impact on xinxing.

Without enough comprehension or precipitation, climbing to a height too easily is the easiest way to get lost, and even go far from the road.However, there is not much time for her to grow up now, and it takes too much strength to quell this chaotic and suffering world...

Now she can't help anyone, can't bring any help to the overall situation, and may even become a burden. If she succeeds in robbing today, maybe she can bring about some changes...

"Xin Yu..."

Liang Xue watched calmly on the side, although she didn't know what kind of stimulation Xin Yu had received to suddenly decide to cross the tribulation, but she was not too worried, because in her opinion, it should not be too difficult for Xin Yu to successfully cross the tribulation.

rumbling rumbling...

The dull thunder rolls, and the robbery cloud has officially formed!
"Fairy!? Are you going to cross the tribulation?"

Fang Ce arrived quickly and watched from a distance, but he didn't expect that it was actually Xin Yu. It seems that what he saw on this trip had a big impact on the fairy.

King Fu Zun and Tianshi Wu Zun also came, with different expressions.

And on the East Gate of Kowloon City.


The good and evil Taoist who closed his eyes and meditated slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the sky, then pinched his fingers and lightly calculated, and couldn't help showing surprise: "Variable?"

Go back to the west gate.

At this moment, I saw that Xin Yu didn't pay attention to the people who came. She raised her hands and closed her eyes slowly, as if she was ready to welcome something.

"Fairy!? What are you doing?"

Fang Ce was stunned, now he is crossing the catastrophe!But Xin Yu's posture seemed to be waiting for the rain to come!This doesn't look like it's preparing to cross the catastrophe! ?

Liang Xue and everyone present were also stunned and puzzled.

However, at this time, there is not as much speculation as everyone else, boom! ! !
Bright light flickers!A thunderbolt has fallen!
The first tribulation thunder came!

A groan!
The corner of Xin Yu's lips bled blood immediately, and she was knocked down on one knee!But at this moment, she clenched her hands tightly, still closed her eyes and maintained the posture of welcoming Jie Lei!
"Fairy!? What are you doing!?"

Fang Ce's pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of shock on his face, how can anyone survive the catastrophe like this! ?Take it hard with your body?Isn't this looking for death! !

"Xin Yu!?"

Liang Xue was also shocked.

"Is she trying to commit suicide?"

Jiaolong looked surprised.

"This is stimulated, can't you think about it?"

King Fu Zun looked puzzled, he really couldn't imagine that this incident would hit Xin Yu so hard, and he needed to give up on himself like this?According to his understanding, Xin Yu doesn't look like such a person, does he?
"Yu'er, you..."

Tianshi Wuzun's eyes flickered and hesitated, as if he knew something.

On the side, Xin Lan was even more worried.

"She... what is she doing..."

Both Diao Wang and Sun Taimei blinked their eyes, their faces full of astonishment.

Xin Yu didn't pay attention to everyone at all, or she didn't know her surroundings and people at all.


The second tribulation thunder blasted down again!
Xin Yu still bears it directly with her body!


Xin Yu couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of blood!But still gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to support his body!


Fang Ce's face darkened, and he took a step forward. He must stop Xin Yu from going on like this!This is simply asking for death!
However, at this moment, a chill came!
I saw that everyone's feet were frozen by the ice!

Everyone couldn't help being startled, but felt that a breath had arrived!

Fang Ce stared in shock at the person who came, it was the good and evil Taoist!

"This girl is responding to a robbery, no matter who intervenes, it is harming her."

The good and evil Taoist stared at the figure in the distance who was kneeling to welcome the catastrophe.

"Master, what do you mean by this? Fairy, she is not..."

boom!Before Fang Ce finished speaking, the third tribulation thunder had fallen!

Xin Yu groaned in pain and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. She almost couldn't support herself and had to support the ground with both hands, and then slowly straightened her back up again!
Seeing this, Fang Ce opened his eyes wide. If this continues, the fairy will definitely die!
"This girl is Yingjie, not our usual way of crossing the catastrophe. We just use various means to break through the bottleneck that restricts the improvement of Taoism. And Yingjie is to achieve a certain ambition, to enlighten the mind with the body..."

It was another thunderbolt!
Xin Yu spat out a mouthful of blood again, still gritted her teeth and closed her eyes to prop herself up!


Fang Ce was even more frightened, but at this moment, he did not dare to act rashly, because what the good and evil Taoists said obviously had other mysteries!

"If you can succeed in the robbery, you can gain a deeper understanding of the Dao. However, this requires a truly selfless and pure heart and a strong enough will to have a chance of success. Boy, this girl's talent is not outstanding, and she is far from being able to do it." On par with you, but I'm afraid I will enter the Tao earlier than you."

The good and evil Taoist spoke softly.

The fifth thunder strikes!
This time, Xin Yu was directly blasted to the ground, her complexion was extremely pale!The breath on his body was already very weak, but he still slowly propped up his body...

"Master, what do you mean... a fairy can do this?"

Fang Ce clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, he didn't care about anything else, he only wanted Xin Yu to pass the test smoothly.

"There is no one in a hundred who should be robbed. Whether this girl can succeed, as a teacher, I am not sure."

The good and evil Taoist shook his head, he could only vaguely see some variables, but he didn't dare to make a judgment lightly.


The sixth thunder strikes!
Xin Yu was thrown on the ground again, panting weakly, but trembling, she still propped herself up...

Fang Ce's eyes turned red immediately, he knew why Xin Yu accepted the disaster, it was just to quell the current disaster, but he didn't want Xin Yu to take risks at all...

On the other hand, Liang Xue already had tears in her eyes.

"Everyone has their own path, too much interference is not necessarily protection."

The Taoist good and evil spoke again.

The seventh thunder fell!
Xin Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the ground, almost without making a sound...


Fang Ce couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Jiaolong and the others were even more stunned.


There was a slight movement.

But seeing Xin Yu slowly propped up her body again...

Fang Ce had no time to breathe a sigh of relief.

The eighth thunder fell!
Xin Yu was lying in the pool of blood again, and after a while, she slowly propped herself up again. At this moment, she could hardly sense any breath of life on her body...

"This... is this still alive?"

Jiaolong couldn't help being suspicious, he had to suspect that Xin Yu was just getting up out of habit at the moment...

Taoist Good and Evil frowned slightly. From his perception, Xin Yu seemed to have lost all energy...

Fang Ce gritted his teeth even more, if there were not good and evil Taoists on the side to stop him, he might not be able to control himself and rush forward!

The ninth thunder falls!

Xin Yu spat out the last mouthful of blood, and fell into a pool of blood, completely turned into a blood man, motionless...


Fang Ce couldn't help trembling violently.

At this moment, the calamity cloud has not yet dissipated, and the tenth calamity thunder is gradually brewing!

A low growl!
Fang Ce's eyes were about to burst, and with a flip of his hand, dozens of talismans were taken out!
However, at this time, the good and evil Taoist casually pressed Fang Ce's shoulder, Ka Ka Ka!Ice broke out!Immediately freeze Fang Ce!
Suddenly, the oppressive atmosphere in the void gradually receded, the tenth tribulation thunder that was brewing also dissipated, and the calamity cloud gradually dispersed.

Only Xin Yu was left on the ground lying in a pool of blood without making a sound...

"Xin Yu..."

Liang Xue couldn't help but knelt down directly, with tears in her eyes.

"Yu... Yu'er..."

Both Tianshi Wuzun and Shen Lan couldn't help trembling.


Jiaolong couldn't help sighing softly, this may be the first time he usually hoped that others could survive the catastrophe, but it's a pity...

Bang, the sound of ice cubes bursting.


Looking at the Yi Ren who had passed away, Fang Ce was choked up and lost his soul...

"Is it a pity after all..."

The good and evil Taoists also sighed lightly.

However, at the moment when everyone lost their minds.

Xin Yu, who was silent, slowly propped up her body again.


Fang Ce suddenly opened his eyes wide, and couldn't help but feel excited.

"Xin Yu!"

Liang Xue was also surprised.

At this time, Xin Yu was slowly crossing his legs in a pool of blood.

Following that, a ray of colored light fell from the sky and shone on Xin Yu.For a moment, a flower of life quietly bloomed on the barren land.

"This is enlightenment!! Immediately block this place, and no one is allowed to interfere!!!"

Fang Ce immediately ordered in a deep voice, and he was completely relieved.

"It turned out to be..."

Jiaolong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Using mediocrity to become a great weapon is also extraordinary..."

The Taoist good and evil let out an exclamation.

One day passed, tour the city.

"I heard that someone is looking for you?"

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness looked down at the Grand Duke calmly.

"Oh... Back to the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness, it should be, I'm not sure..."


"Your Majesty was cultivating evil spirits yesterday, when someone from Nine Dragon City suddenly appeared. This person is Fang Ce's confidante, Xin Yu."

"and then?"

"Then, she ran away. It seems that she ran away because I was discovered by you. I didn't react at that time, otherwise I would have kept her."

"Run away? What's her purpose?"

"I don't know, maybe it's just to monitor me. After all, I have been casting magic everywhere, and Kowloon City should want to deal with me."

Grandpa shook his head.

"Well...you should try to be careful during this time."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes! Thank you Great Wilderness Ancient God for your concern!"

The Duke responded immediately.

Another nine days.

Outside the West Gate of Kowloon City.

Xin Yu gradually woke up from the state of sedation, she slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly she felt that what she saw in front of her eyes was a piece of clarity!Feeling is very different from before!

(End of this chapter)

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