Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 268 The grandfather of the country is slaughtered, and the ancient battle array is obtained!

Chapter 268 The grandfather of the country is slaughtered, and the ancient battle array is obtained!
Xin Yu here.

Bitter cold air filled the entire city!

In the city of ice, under the repeated bombardment by Xin Yu, Ban Jiao, and Liang Xue for a long time, Duke Guo's battle in Huanggu suffered heavy casualties, and there are already hundreds of people left!The power of the battle formation has dropped sharply!

After another moment of stalemate, only dozens of soldiers remained in the ancient battle formation of the Duke of the State, but at this moment, the battle formation collapsed rapidly!
Rumble boom!

A howl and a groan!
In the end, all the dozens of soldiers died in battle!Grandpa Guo was also seriously injured and landed on the ice!Pieces of ice slag on his body, trembling constantly!

"Finally broke!!"

Liang Xue couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. During this period of time, the pressure brought by the ancient battle formation was extremely great, and there was an illusion that they could not be defeated. Now that they finally broke the battle formation for the first time, they couldn't help being excited and happy.

"Hmph! It seems that's all there is to it!"

Ban Jiao also had a look of joy on his face.

Xin Yu let out a sigh of relief, and her heart was full of joy.

"Forgive...forgive...don't kill me..."

The trembling and panic-stricken voice of Grand Duke Guo sounded, with a look of fear on his face.

"You are full of crimes, and the laws of heaven cannot tolerate it."

Xin Yu looked at Grandpa Guo calmly, without any intention of letting go.

"Don't...don't! I'm willing to help you fight against the Great Desolation Ancient God! As you know, I can form a powerful Earth Jie battle formation, and I can definitely be your help against the Great Desolation Ancient God!"

The Duke quickly waved his hand.

Liang Xue and Banjiao couldn't help being stunned when they heard the words, they all looked at Xin Yu, after all they knew that Fang Ce had also mentioned before that he would use the Duke of Guo to fight against the ancient gods...

"Hmph, even if I can agree to your request. But, will Qiu Dajiao, who was murdered by you, agree?"

Xin Yu stared at the Duke.

"This... Dajiao..."

Grandpa Guo was stunned for a moment, and the person who used to be next to his pillow suddenly emerged in his consciousness. He shook his head quickly: "My lord... these are just my personal grievances, compared with the safety and danger of this world..."

"Will the eldest princess who was killed by you agree!"

Before the Duke could finish speaking, Xin Yu spoke again in a deep voice.

"Eldest princess...not...Eldest princess is not good either..."

"Will the countless innocent lives killed by you agree!"

Xin Yu's eyes froze, and suddenly a ray of light flashed out!

The Duke of the country lost his mind for a moment, and then saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure of a woman appearing in front of him!

"You... you... Dajiao?"

The Duke was taken aback for a moment.

"Zhao He..."

A cold voice sounded.

Another woman appeared in front of the Duke, but it was the eldest princess!His face was icy cold, without the slightest emotion!

"Long... long princess!?"

Grandpa Guo couldn't help but open his eyes wide, terrified in his heart!

"Give my life back..."

"Give me my life..."

The eerie voices sounded one after another, and strange figures appeared one after another around the Duke!Densely packed, thousands of them!It's like being surrounded by tides!

The Duke of the State trembled even more. Although he no longer recognized these people, he knew that they were all victims of him!


Immediately there was a sound of crying babies!Immediately afterwards, the Duke of the State saw a baby with a terrifying face crawling slowly on the ground around him!

Grandpa Guo gasped suddenly, and couldn't help shouting in horror: "Go away! You go away!! Don't come over!!"

"Give my life back..."

"Give me my life..."


Those terrifying figures kept slowly approaching the Duke!
"Go away! You go away!"

Grandpa Guo was so shocked that he turned around, but he was surrounded, and there was nowhere to escape!
"Give my life back!"

Those figures immediately rushed towards the Duke of the country viciously!

Grandpa Guo couldn't help screaming in horror, and was instantly engulfed by darkness!
"This? Dead?"

Liang Xue couldn't help but be astonished. From what she saw, under Xin Yu's questioning, the Duke suddenly went mad, and then died of anger...

"Because of the illusion, you were scared to death by yourself, right?"

Ban Jiao glanced at Xin Yu briefly.

Xin Yu sighed softly: "It's over, let's leave quickly."

"and many more."

Ban Jiao couldn't help but speak.


Xin Yu looked at Ban Jiao in doubt.

"It's not safe to go like this. It's better to clean up."

After Ban Jiao finished speaking, he opened his huge mouth and bit the Duke's body in an instant, and then swallowed it directly...

Both Xin Yu and Liang Xue couldn't help but looked at Ban Jiao in astonishment, their complexions were a little bit bad.

"Oh... that... I'm just being cautious... I don't mean anything else..."

Ban Jiao seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help showing embarrassment.

"Well...let's go..."

Xin Yu responded lightly, shook her head lightly, then turned around and flew away first, she also knew the nature of Banjiao, so naturally she had nothing to say.

Seeing this, Ban Jiao and Liang Xue hurriedly followed.


But in Youcheng.

Extreme ice and sky fire keep colliding!The fierce battle is still going on!

Facing the ancient god of the Great Desolation who was in a frenzied rage, Fang Ce and the other three were almost unable to hold on at this moment!Especially Jiaolong!
"Fang Ce! Today is your death day!"

Dao Master Kuang Lei roared angrily, and the Ancient God of the Wilderness was furious, so why isn't he angry?Ever since he met Fang Ce, he has suffered a lot!
"Young Master Shengxie! Is there no news over there!"

Jiaolong resisted the thunder and lightning bombardment of the Kuanglei Daoist, while asking in a low voice, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"If you can't hold on, retreat first. Master and I can resist for a while."

Fang Ce responded in a deep voice, he still has the ability to defy fate, and he may be the most resistant among the three...

"All right……"

Jiaolong responded.

At this moment, bursts of sharp whistling sounds suddenly sounded!
"nailed it!?"

Jiaolong's eyes lit up immediately, he knew that this was the signal from Chi Chi!

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness and the Dao Master Kuang Lei were both taken aback for a moment.


Fang Ce immediately used the sealing technique to seal the ancient god of the wilderness, and retreated quickly with the good and evil Taoists and Jiaolong.

"You!? Go away!!"

Daoist Kuanglei was furious, and directly led his army to chase after him.However, he is now forming a battle formation. Although his strength is terrifying, his flexibility and speed are obviously affected. Facing the retreat of Fang Ce and the other three, he can't catch up at all!

boom!There was a bang!
"Fang policy!!"

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness broke the seal, and immediately chased Fang Ce and the three angrily, but he was only a little closer, and was sealed by Fang Ce again, and kicked back.

When the Great Wilderness Ancient God broke the seal again, the three of Fang Ce had drifted away.


The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness had a gloomy expression on his face, and he didn't dare to continue chasing after him, after all, he didn't dare to approach Nine Dragon City now.

"Old God of the Great Desolation! What should we do now? This strategy is too hateful!"

Daoist Kuanglei came to the side with a look of gritted teeth.

"Hmph! Just wait! This deity will never let this person go!"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God snorted coldly.

"Report... Great... Great Ancient God... Zhao Zun and his entire army were wiped out..."

A soldier tremblingly came to the side and knelt down.

"Huh? You still need to report this!"

The Ancient God of the Wilderness focused his eyes, and raging flames swept out!

what! !

A miserable howl!
The soldier was instantly swallowed up!

"Let's go, meet Jiaxie first! Later, this deity is going to destroy Kowloon City directly, so that Fang Ce can't survive or die! Very good at playing, right? This deity depends on whether you can afford it!"

The Ancient God of the Great Desolation turned around and left aggressively.


Daoist Kuanglei responded and quickly followed.

Soon after.

In Kowloon City, the three of Fang Ce have returned to the city.

"Are you all right?"

Xin Yu looked worried.

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Grandpa...it's been taken care of, right?"

Fang Ce couldn't help asking, although according to his guess, it should have been done, but he couldn't help but want to make sure.


Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Hmph, the entire battle formation has been wiped out by us!"

Liang Xue had a look of joy on her face.

At this moment, King Fu Zun, Tianshi Wu Zun and others also looked happy. After all, this was finally a victory in the true sense, and they were all suppressed and beaten before.More importantly, this also made everyone see the hope of victory.

"Did you annihilate the entire army of Lord General! Good! Fairy, you have really made a great contribution!"

Fang Ce smiled and spoke, feeling quite excited in his heart.

"No, it's mainly due to you holding back the main force of the Great Desolate Ancient God, which should be done on our side."

Xin Yu shook her head slightly. She naturally knew that Fang Ce and the others were under the greatest pressure, and it was not at all comparable to her side.

"Hahaha! All made great achievements! All made great achievements!"

Fang Ce laughed heartily.

The rest of the people also showed happy smiles.

"By the way... there is one more thing..."

Xin Yu's hesitant voice sounded.

"Huh? What else?"

Fang Ce and everyone couldn't help but wonder.

"I... should have mastered the ancient battle formation of the Duke..."

Xin Yu responded lightly.

"Grandpa's ancient battle formation?"

Fang Ce and everyone were taken aback.

Immediately, they all reacted quickly.

"What!? Fairy, you have mastered the ancient battle formation!?"

Fang Ce couldn't help short of breath, the power of the ancient battle formation was obvious to all, if he really mastered it, the help he could bring to them was unpredictable! !
"You have mastered the ancient battlefield!?"

King Fu Zun stared at Xin Yu even more. He naturally understood these strategic matters very well, and he knew what it meant!
Taoist Good and Evil has a curious look on his face. He is not very interested in fighting or anything, but he has a strong curiosity about the mysterious existence of the ancient battle formation, because it may bring some inspiration to his practice. .

"It can't be said that I have mastered it. I just learned the principle of the Grand Duke's battle formation through the ability of true knowledge. This belongs to the ability of the body of a diamond, regeneration, etc., and there are strict requirements. I can't master it myself. "

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"Oh? There are strict requirements? Fairy, can you tell me roughly?"

Fang Ce was surprised. He could also understand this point. After all, with such a powerful ability, the Great Wilderness Ancient God has only trained three teams so far.Moreover, the Great Wilderness Ancient God himself did not use this ability!It can also be seen from this point that to use this battle formation, some requirements are indeed required.

"Based on what I know about this battle formation, if you want to master this ability, you need someone with commanding ability and good fire physique, especially the best fire element physique..."

"Fire body? So that's the case..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but nodded lightly, the Duke of the country has the physique of Huo Yuan!

"In addition, as far as I know, this battle formation can only use the fire element ability. Otherwise, you will suffer backlash, ranging from serious injuries to life-threatening. This battle formation needs at least ten soldiers with a century-old cultivation base to cooperate. It can only be formed. The more people, the greater the power. Thousands of people are basically the limit."

Xin Yu said again.

"Only fire ability? Otherwise, you will be backlashed? So, the battle formation mastered by Daoist Kuanglei is a different battle formation?"

Fang Ce nodded thoughtfully. Dao Master Kuanglei always used lightning spells, which obviously did not conform to what Xin Yu said.

"Well, that should be the case. Also, the battle formation I know now is just like what we guessed before. It is more powerful at night. It will be greatly weakened during the day."

Xin Yu responded.

"Hiss...the requirements are quite harsh, I wonder if you can teach us this battle formation, fairy?"

Fang Ce couldn't help frowning. When he asked this question, he naturally didn't mean whether Xin Yu was willing to teach it, but was worried about whether he could teach it.

"I'll write down the principles and main points of this battle formation later. You guys have tried to understand it. However, we should not be able to master this battle formation right now."

Xin Yu looked hesitant.

"Why do you say that?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"Because of my true knowledge ability, I can tell whether you have the physique and whether you have the commanding ability. For example, Fang Ce, you and King Fu Zun both have the good thunder body with the commanding ability, and Sun Taimei has the good gold body with the commanding ability. And Master Banjiao is Good at fire, but not capable of commanding..."

Xin Yu glanced lightly across the crowd.

Taimei Sun couldn't help blinking her eyes.

Ban Jiao showed a look of disappointment.

"This...meaning that King Fu Zun and I may be able to control the ancient battle formation of Daoist Kuanglei?"

Fang Ce's eyes flickered, thinking in his mind when he would take Fairy to torment the ancient gods of the Great Desolation again, and get the battle formation controlled by the Dao Master Kuang Lei?
"Perhaps... to be specific, we still have to see the battle formation of Daoist Kuanglei once. However, according to the principle of the battle formation that I have mastered now, Fang Ce, your guess should not be wrong."

Xin Yu responded.

"Don't be in a hurry, Mr. Xin, please extract the battle formation at hand first, and I will see if there will be any candidates on the other two sides. From my guess, Huo Yanwu Zun Yang Qixing Commander Yang should be able to I have mastered it. There is also Taoist Lingyan, another apprentice of Taoist Shengtian, I wonder if I can..."

King Fu Zun spoke.

"Well, I'll write it later. Even if I can't find a suitable candidate in a short time, you can train the soldiers of the battle formation first. After all, the requirements for forming this battle formation are quite high. They must be soldiers with a cultivation base of more than [-] years. There are not many people with this condition. And it is not enough if the number is too small, and it cannot form enough power."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Then there will be Fairy Lao. Commander Yang...should be able to do it..."

Fang Ce couldn't help but nodded, he was also very familiar with Commander Yang, so there must be nothing to doubt about Commander Yang's ability.I don't know if it is the Huoyuan body, but the one who can get the title of Huo Yanwu Zun is at least the good fire physique, right?

"Now that we have dealt with the Duke, we don't know what the Great Desolate Ancient God will do next. We still have to pay close attention to this."

The voice of Tianshi Wuzun sounded.

"If the Ancient God of the Wilderness really wants to restore his body, the remaining targets should be the Lord of Thunder and the Snake Girl Jiaxie. No matter what the Ancient God of the Wilderness does, these two are our next goals. The Ancient God of the Great Desolation will definitely be on guard against this matter, I'm afraid it's not easy to start with."

Fang Ce frowned.

"We won a victory. There is no need to be too urgent. I just want my subordinates to keep an eye on the movement there. Once there is any news, I will report it immediately. Let's take a rest now and recover our strength."

King Fu Zun spoke.


Fang Ce nodded. He would like to take advantage of this time to have an epiphany on the way of swordsmanship, because after today's battle, he discovered more deeply that the Great Infinite Sword Art seems to be more handy for him, while the talismans and techniques More suitable as an auxiliary means...

(End of this chapter)

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