Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 269 Bing 9 Dragon City!The strategy to capture alive!

Chapter 269 Soldiers sent to Kowloon City!Live capture!

The next day.

"This is the desolate ancient battle formation of the Duke of the State, and the formation is called Dijie. I wrote three copies, one for Kowloon City, and two for Huogu Pass and Feilong City."

Xin Yu took out three documents.


Fang Ce happily took a copy and read it.

Tianshi Wuzun and Fu Zunwang each also took a share.

"Boy, let me take a look first."

The good and evil Taoist suddenly snatched the battle document from Fang Ce's hand.

"Eh? Master?"

Fang Strategy was taken aback for a moment.

"Well...so that's the case...it seems that we really can't practice here..."

Tianshi Wu Zunfang took a look, then frowned.


"The king will pass these two battle formation documents over in a while. The expressions on both sides must be very exciting when they learn about it."

King Fu Zun smiled.

"Well, I hope that we can train our ancient battle formation as soon as possible, and we will have a better chance of winning against the ancient gods."

Xin Yu nodded.

Then everyone dispersed.

Come to the east gate, the gate is upstairs.

"Master, let the disciples come here, do you have any suggestions?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Do you want to practice the Ancient Battle Formation?"

The good and evil Taoist spoke softly.

"Uh... I do have this plan. I don't know why Master asked such a question?"

"Nothing, just want to tell you, don't waste time and energy."

"This? Why? Master doesn't recommend disciples to practice this ancient battle formation? Master must have seen the power of the ancient battle formation."

"This ability is not a simple magical power, but a special ability like regeneration. And these abilities have a limit to each creature's tolerance. The more you master, the more complicated it will be, the more difficult it will be for future improvement .”

"This...disciple can understand the meaning of the master, but this ancient battle formation is so powerful, if the disciple masters it, it will not be bad, right?"

Fang Ce was a little puzzled, even a guy at the level of the Duke of the Kingdom, with the help of the power of the battle formation, can compete with the level of Ruishou, no matter how you think about it, he won't suffer, right?
"You can master it, but it's not necessary. This ancient battle formation is just a weapon of war. It is only suitable for defending the country and conquering the city. It will not help you in your path. Unless you are really interested in it. Otherwise, if you It's better to study the emperor's art than to just peep at the power of this battle formation.

This ancient battle formation can only play its greatest role as a general and leader. Since they are all domination, why don't you directly control the generals who have mastered this ability?Isn't the power gained in that way even greater?Just like the Great Desolation Ancient God, who has reached the extreme in his own ability and controls the three masters of the Desolate Ancient Battle Formation, isn't he sweeping all directions?
Of course, if you have nothing to do, you can learn about it casually. After all, your talent is very high, and you may have mastered it unintentionally, but there is no need to be too persistent about it. "

"Hmm... disciple understands, thank you for your teaching, Master."

Fang Ce nodded in surprise. Indeed, although this ancient battle formation is powerful, he doesn't need to be too persistent. After all, he is not interested in fighting. Owning this battle formation also restricts freedom.Usually, he can't take hundreds or thousands of people around all day long.

Anyway, if guys like King Fu Zun can master the battle formation, they can deal with those big demon kings. He only needs to focus on his own pursuit of Dao.

And Taoist Good and Evil said it well, if he really peeped at this kind of power that gathers people, it would be better to master the art of the emperor?
"Well, it's all right."

The good and evil Taoists waved their hands.

"Yes, the disciple retire!"

Fang Ce clasped his fists and retreated.

Back at the residence, Fang Ce didn't bother with the ancient battle formation, but went to the yard and closed his eyes to learn the boundless sword art.

Now he is already very proficient in the Great Infinite Sword Art. Although he can continue to improve by practicing hard, the effect is already very small. If he wants to really make a breakthrough, or let his sword no longer be limited to the Infinite Sword Art In the category, quiet thinking is indispensable, of course, the necessary practice is also indispensable.

Knowing is for doing, what is the use of knowing without doing?
Not long after, the letter arrived in Huogu Pass.

"How? What's the news from Kowloon City?"

Qilin was puzzled.

Master Shengtian was also curious.


Emperor Taiqian looked at the envelope in his hand: "They have already defeated that Zhao He, and wiped out his entire army in the ancient battle formation..."

"Oh? Has that battle formation really been wiped out!?"

Qilin couldn't help showing surprise.

"In this way, is there a turning point?"

The Holy Heaven Master's eyes flickered.

"What!? Obtained the cultivation method of the ancient battle array!?"

Taiqian Huangzu suddenly had an unbelievable expression on his face, and hurriedly turned to the next letter to read, and was stunned.

"Obtain the cultivation method of the ancient battle formation?"

The Qilin, the Lord of Heaven, and the Pixiu were all stunned.

"This... is this... true?"

Emperor Taigan gradually revealed a look of shock.

"What really?"

Master Shengtian was amazed.

"Master Shengtian, take a look."

Taiqian Huangzu couldn't help but handed the envelope to Taiqian Huangzu.

"This this……"

Looking at the contents of the letter paper, Taoist Shengtian couldn't help breathing shortly.

"Have you really mastered the cultivation method of the ancient battle formation?"

Qilin spoke in surprise.

"Hmm... It shouldn't be wrong. I'm afraid it won't be long before our strength will leap to several levels..."

Emperor Taigan's eyes flickered.

"This...those little guys seem to be quite capable..."

Qilin opened his mouth in a daze, he would say these words, but he was completely convinced in his heart...

Three days passed.

In the meeting hall of Kowloon City.

"Huh? King Fu Zun, what's going on? Why do you look like this? Is there any news?"

Fang Ce looked at King Fu Zun with a look of surprise, only to see that his face was extremely dignified and solemn.

Seeing this, everyone in Xin Yu felt heavy in their hearts.After all, we all know that King Fu Zun has been monitoring the movement of the Great Desolation Ancient God.

"Hmm... news came from the capital that the ancient gods of the Great Desolation are now crazily increasing the power of Mara. The people in the ruled area are brought to the capital to carry out sacrifices in an endless stream..."

King Fu Zun spoke in a deep voice.

"What? Mara? Now the target of the Great Desolate Ancient God is Mara?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"should be……"

King Fu Zun nodded.

"I heard that Mara survived the second level of catastrophe? Has nearly 5000 years of Taoism?"

Fang Ce's complexion also became solemn, if the ancient god of the wilderness was resurrected with the 5000-year-old Mara, then any of his sealing techniques would be useless!Because the difference between Taoism and deeds is too far!Of course, if the Great Desolation Ancient God can be seriously injured and weakened, maybe it can still be sealed, the question is can it?
"I don't know much about Mo Luo. I only know that it is a madman controlled by the snake girl Jiaxie. The aura itself is also extremely complicated, and I can't tell what's going on."

"What the hell is this Mo Luo? A monster?"

"I don't know, I just heard from Commander Huo Yanwu Zun Yang and the others that it seems to be a monster made up of the three demons of the Huns. Because the three heads of Moluo are the three demons of the Huns, they have dealt with each other before. Brother Fang, you should also know about the Three Demons."

King Fu Zun responded.

"Three demons? This... there is such a thing? The three demons merged together?"

Fang Ce was suddenly surprised.

"Well, that's what Commander Yang said, and we don't know the details. It should be achieved by the ancient gods of the Great Desolation using some means. After all, the ancient gods of the Great Desolation have mastered too many unknown and powerful means..."

"Damn it... If the ancient god of the wilderness really uses Mo Luo to resurrect, I'm afraid something bad will happen. Is it possible to stop it now? What's the reaction on both sides?"

"This is really difficult to deal with. The ancient god of the wilderness, the snake girl Jiaxie, the master of thunder, and Mo Luo are all gathered together, and it is too difficult to deal with. The main thing is the ancient god of the wilderness, who cannot be dealt with. If you can't He separated. The bigger the melee, the more obvious the advantages he can bring out.

And I'm afraid it's too late now, because of the news from over there, the Great Desolation Ancient God seems to be planning to abandon that area and launch a strong attack..."

King Fu Zun shook his head slowly.

"For a strong attack?"

Fang Ce's expression was even more bewildered.

"Hiss...the question is, why didn't the Great Desolate Ancient God use Mo Luo to resurrect before?"

Tianshi Wuzun couldn't help but hesitate to speak at this moment.

"Indeed, I originally thought that the Great Desolation Ancient God couldn't use Mara to revive him. Now that he has enhanced Mara's power, could it be for another purpose?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but look solemn.

"It's also possible that this Mo Luo is rather special and not the best candidate for the Great Desolation Ancient God. After all, Zhao He's own strength is unbearable, but he was favored by the Great Desolation Ancient God..."

King Fu Zun spoke.

"Hmm... King Fu Zun, can you get more information? If this continues, I really don't feel very good..."

Fang Ce felt inexplicably uneasy.

"I can only do my best..."

King Fu Zun frowned. He once conquered the ancient gods of the Great Desolation in the northern border with Wu Ruishou. The ancient battle formation of Zhihuang was wiped out, and the five auspicious beasts did not dare to challenge it easily.unless……

They also already have the ancient battle formation, so there is a possibility of a battle!

At this moment, in the capital.

A series of shrill howls and crazy roars continued to sound!

Faintly, there is still the flute sound constantly echoing.

I saw evil spirits pervading the city.

In the center, in a huge formation, a ferocious monster with three heads and six arms was restrained by a huge iron chain, constantly absorbing the evil energy around it, and roaring wildly!

The three leaders of the monster are the three demons from the previous three demon levels!This monster is none other than Mara!

And in the huge formation around Mo Luo, there are countless corpses, and evil spirits are surging!A name or a commoner or a monster crawling and struggling in pain!

At the top of the formation, it is the ancient gods of the Great Desolation who are constantly guiding the magic!

Outside the formation, Daoist Kuanglei and others are constantly ordering soldiers to send people and monsters into the formation!
Beside Kuang Lei Dao Master, there is a very coquettish and glamorous woman with fair skin and long black scale snake tail. She is holding her hands together and playing a wonderful flute sound!Snake girl Jiaxie!
"Not enough! Not enough! Come! More sacrifices!!!"

The deep voice of the Great Wilderness Ancient God sounded.

"Did you hear me! Move faster!!"

Daoist Kuanglei immediately reprimanded all his subordinates angrily.

Immediately, more people and monsters were forcefully pushed into the formation to sacrifice!

The roar, the howl of fear and pain, echoed continuously, filling the entire capital!
One by one, the living beings are constantly being sacrificed.

The surrounding evil spirit also became more intense.

Time gradually passed.

"Where are the sacrifices! It's almost there! More!!"

The deep voice of the Great Wilderness Ancient God sounded again.

"This... Back to the Ancient God of the Great Desolation! The sacrifices are almost gone..."

The hesitant voice of Dao Master Kuang Lei sounded.

I saw that there were not many people around.

"Push in the weaker soldiers! Almost done! Speed!"


Daoist Kuang Lei was taken aback for a moment.

"Did you hear me!"

The ancient god of the Great Desolation roared.

"Yes! Immediately, those who have not reached 200 years of Taoism and have not yet achieved combat achievements will be launched as sacrifices!"

Daoist Kuanglei immediately gave orders to the soldiers around him.

"This is!"

All the soldiers responded one after another.

Immediately, there was a commotion all around.

"No! What to do!? Let me go! What are you doing!!"

"Old God of the Great Desolation! Spare me! I am loyal to you!"

"Old God of the Great Desolation! You can't treat us like this!"

There was a sound of panic and struggle.

I saw one after another weaker soldiers were taken down one after another and sent into the formation!

"Hmph! I don't need waste under my command! Since your strength can't keep up, this is your best contribution!"

The deep voice of the Great Wilderness Ancient God sounded immediately.

As a famous soldier was continuously thrown into the formation for sacrifice, the huge evil spirit had completely shrouded Mo Luo!All he could hear was his roar!
At last!
Roar! ! !
A terrifying roar sounded!
The terrifying evil energy quickly condensed, gradually revealing the figure of Mo Luo constantly absorbing the evil energy!

The moment the evil energy was completely absorbed, another huge wave of evil energy suddenly gushed out, but it lingered around Mo Luo's body, flaunting it wantonly!

"Evil Qi of the Five Realms!? And this scene..."

Daoist Kuanglei couldn't help but bewildered, Mo Luo's current situation is almost exactly the same as when Tianshi Wuzun was taken away by the ancient god of the wild...

"Finally finished……"

The ancient gods of the Great Desolation descended slowly.

"Congratulations to the Great Desolate Ancient God!!"

Daoist Kuanglei immediately cupped his fists and saluted.

"Heh heh heh heh... the game should officially start..."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God let out a sinister smile.


Daoist Kuang Lei was taken aback.

At this moment, the ancient god of the Great Desolation was actually slowly flying backwards towards Mo Luo, and finally merged directly into his body!
Mo Luo trembled all over, lowered his head in an instant, and there was no movement, as if he had fallen asleep.

Dao Master Kuang Lei's pupils shrank, and it was exactly the same as before...

The soldiers around swallowed slightly, feeling a sense of fear inexplicably!
Suddenly, Mo Luo opened his eyes!With a red light flashing!

Mo Luo's three heads instantly raised their heads and screamed!The terrifying five-level evil energy on his body is even more frantic!A transcendent aura surged out, quickly covering the entire capital!
"Welcome to the official return of the Lord!"

A cold and pleasant voice sounded.

I saw the snake girl Jiaxie clasped her fists and lowered her body!

Daoist Kuanglei was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists to salute: "Welcome the official return of the Great Wilderness Ancient God!"

"Congratulations to the official return of the Great Wilderness Ancient God!"

A famous soldier also knelt down tremblingly!

"Soldiers sent to Kowloon City! This deity wants to capture Fang Ce alive!"

A deep and cold voice sounded.

It was Mo Luo who made the voice of the Great Desolate Ancient God! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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