Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 300 The worries of King Fu Zun, the regret of the moon saint

Chapter 300 The worries of King Fu Zun, the regret of the moon saint
"Snake Beauty, you also know that the Moonman Saintess should have led her people to seek refuge in Taigan, and now the Nine Disasters have invaded Taigan. Before going down, they rescued some Taigan people under the Nine Disasters. These people should be here soon. The news of the nine misfortunes will be passed on to King Fu Zun.

If it doesn't take long to get too dry, it is bound to face nine misfortunes head-on, and this result is naturally not very optimistic.What will happen next, with the wisdom of the Snake Beauty, I must be able to predict it. At that time, the advantage will be you, the Snake Beauty, you can ask for too much, and the Moonman Tribe is just an additional condition.How to deal with it specifically is hard to say below.I can only suggest to Snake Beauty that you should not be too greedy. "

Fang Ce spoke quietly.

"Hmph, follow me to Kowloon City."

The snake got up leisurely, turned into a human form, and went outside the temple.In fact, she already had expectations and calculations in her heart, and she wanted to see what Fang Ce suggested, so as to guess what she wanted in her heart. At present, she didn't see anything, but she still wouldn't take it lightly. After all, Fang Ce As cunning as she is...

"Yes, the snake beauty."

Fang Ce smiled and followed.


Soon after, Taigan Palace, enter the main hall.

"Outside the Southwest, the Yueren Tribe? The ancient great demon with nine misfortunes broken? Fang Ce, the envoy who turned into a snake, asked you to come?"

King Fu Zun looked at the two moon saints who came to the hall in surprise.

"Yes, Monarch Taigan, this is a letter from him."

Shang Wu handed out the letter given by Fang Ce.

A servant immediately took the letter and handed it to King Fu Zun.

King Fu Zun opened the letter with a slight frown and looked at it: "At the same time as Master Hua Snake, a great monster who was sealed by the Saint Heaven Immortal Master!? Looking for the descendants of the Saint Heaven Immortal Master? And...you rejected Fang Ce's recommendation?"

"Refused to recommend? Does it mean to seek the help of the snake?"

Shang Wu couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, you really refused?"

King Fu Zun frowned, and felt a little bad in his heart, because Fang Ce would specifically point it out in the letter, there must be some reason, and this involves snakes...

"Yes... yes... what's the matter? Is there anything wrong with that? Isn't the snake transformation also the great monster who caused chaos in the world in ancient times? By the way, the descendant of the holy master?"

Shang Wu frowned.

King Fu Zun watched Shang Wu silently for a while, then shook his head lightly: "Forget it, I can't blame you for this matter."

"This? Can't blame us?"

Shang Wu felt even more abrupt, and began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

Shang Le on the side frowned slightly.

"A descendant of Master Shengtian, I will invite her to the palace to meet you now. Also, Wu Rui Beast, I will also invite her. It is also the great monster who was sealed by Master Shengtian back then. It's incredible..."

King Fu Zun's complexion was already a little bad.

"The five auspicious beasts are here too!? That's great!!"

Shang Wu couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, which is naturally good news for her.But...seeing that King Fu Zun remained solemn and silent all the time, she became a little unhappy in an instant.

After a few moments.

Xin Yu has already arrived, and she saluted first: "My minister sees the Holy One."

The two girls Shang and Wu suddenly showed curiosity and suspicion.

"National teachers are exempt from courtesy."

King Fu Zun waved his hand.

"National Division?"

The two girls Shang Wu were even more surprised.

"Thank you, my lord, I don't know why the sage summoned my minister?"

Xin Yu glanced suspiciously at the two Shang Wu girls next to her.

"Don't worry, wait for the five auspicious beast venerables to come, and talk about them together."

King Fu Zun waved his hand.

"Five seniors? This..."

Xin Yu's heart tightened, to the point of inviting Wu Rui Beast, he could only say that what King Fu Zun wanted to talk about was no small matter!
Today's five auspicious beasts, because the snake has been broken and the Kingdom of God has been established, so they no longer hide from the world, but choose to stay near the capital, so that they can deal with any important things at any time.

Another moment passed, and five powerful auras came quickly, obviously they were five auspicious beasts.

King Fu Zun immediately led the crowd out to meet him.

Come outside the hall.

Five behemoth figures descended quickly with great power, and then transformed into human forms one by one.

"Meet the Five Auspicious Beasts!!!"

Everyone respectfully saluted.

The two girls of Shang Wu were even more excited.

"Don't be too polite, what's the matter?"

Qilin frowned slightly.

"Five auspicious beast venerables, please go to the hall to discuss in detail."

King Fu Zun spoke solemnly.


Qilin nodded, and returned to the hall with a group of people.

on the main hall.

King Fu Zun was the first to introduce: "Five Auspicious Beast Venerables, these two are saintesses from the Yueren tribe in the southwest border, Shangwu and Shangle..."

"Moon tribe?"

The five auspicious beasts were all taken aback, as if they knew about this tribe.


King Fu Zun nodded: "These two saintesses said that the seal of the Nine Disasters in the Shangyue Mountains has been broken, and the patriarch of the Yueren sacrificed to cover the retreat of the tribe, let them come to find the descendants of the Saint Celestial Master to deal with the Nine Disasters ..."

"What!? Nine disasters are also broken!?"

The complexions of the five auspicious beasts all changed drastically.

Xin Yu's complexion was also solemn in an instant.

"Yes, the five auspicious beast lords, the patriarch told us to find the descendants of the holy master, so that we can deal with the nine disasters. I don't know if this descendant of the holy master..."

Shang Wu couldn't help looking at Xin Yu with hesitant eyes, completely unsure, or unbelievable!

"This is the descendant of Immortal Master Shengtian, Immortal Master Wei Yu, and also our national teacher of Taigan."

King Fu Zun spoke.

"This...girl is really a descendant of the Saint Heavenly Master!?"

Both Shang Wu and Shang Wu were stunned, because Xin Yu was really too young, and her aura was much worse than Fang Ce's!It was quite different from what the two of them thought.

Xin Yu immediately nodded and saluted.

"The envoy who turned into a snake said that the descendants of the holy master are his mentors? Are you referring to the immortal master?"

Shang Yue couldn't help but hesitate to speak.

"Yes, Fang Ce did study with me for a while before."

Xin Yu nodded.


Shang Wu and Shang Yue couldn't help but look at each other.

"Okay, let's not discuss these minutiae for now. Do you really mean what you two little girls said? If Jiufu is really broken, it will be a big deal!"

Qi Lin looked at Shang Wu and Shang Yue solemnly, hoping that this was not the truth, but that these two little girls made a mistake.

"Sir Qilin, this is of course true. Our tribe has been destroyed by the monster, and we fled to the territory of the Kingdom of God, and then turned around to Taigan, seeking the descendants of the Holy Celestial Master to deal with the monster. Your Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God And the envoy who turned into a snake can all testify. Now the nine disasters may have come to the Kingdom of God to cause disaster."

Shang Wu quickly explained.

"Impossible! Nine Disasters will never go to the Kingdom of God to cause disaster, there is the evil Snake there!"

Qilin immediately vetoed it.


Shang Wu couldn't help opening her eyes wide. She naturally didn't know much about the things between those big monsters, and she judged them according to normal logic.After all, Nine Disasters is currently the closest to the Kingdom of God, and if you want to get to Taigan, you have to spare a lot of money!
When King Fu Zun heard the words, his heart sank even more, because he thought of what Fang Ce mentioned in his heart...

"Her Majesty Qilin, we have a letter from the envoy who turned into a snake, and it is absolutely true."

Shang Yue spoke.

"Yes! Letter! The letter from the envoy of the snake!"

Shang Wu looked at King Fu Zun.

Qilin and the others also looked at King Fu Zun.

"Indeed, this is Fang Ce's letter of recommendation for the two saintesses. Sigh... just read it..."

King Fu Zun sighed, and handed the letter to Qilin casually.

"The recommendation letter from that bastard?"

Qilin took the letter and looked at it with a frown: "Nine disasters are really broken..."

"Well! It's true, we don't need to joke about this kind of thing."

Shang Wu spoke solemnly.

"It's going to be a big mess now...it's going to be a big mess..."

Qilin murmured.

"Grandpa Qilin, can you let me read the letter as well."

Xin Yu couldn't help but speak.

Qilin handed over the letter in a daze.

"Master Qilin, are these nine disasters so difficult to deal with? How is it compared to Transforming Snake and Ancient God?"

King Fu Zun frowned.

"It's not as difficult as turning into a snake, and it's far from being comparable to the ancient gods of the Great Desolation. But it's far more harmful than turning into a snake. The most important thing is that the strength of our five auspicious beasts has not recovered. And this little girl, After all, he is still too young to do anything about Nine Disasters."

Qilin looked at Xin Yu.

"But, don't we still have the Ancient Battle Formation?"

King Fu Zun couldn't help but speak again.

"The ancient battle array can indeed play a big role, but it can only stop the Nine Disasters for a while. Because we don't have the power to really threaten the Nine Disasters now. Those big monsters who were sealed 6000 years ago were all because of their overcapacity. Powerful, even if our five auspicious beasts are at their peak strength, it will be difficult to deal with them together with the holy master, so Fang has to adopt the method of sealing.

Now, let's not say that our strength is far inferior to that of the past, and there is no possibility of sealing the nine disasters at all.To seal the Nine Disasters, at least 5000 years of Taoism and the mastery of the Immortal Sealing Technique are required, as well as the blessing of the terrain.Now that the Nine Disasters can be broken, it is obviously because of the weakening of the power of the earth veins..."

Qilin sighed helplessly.

"These... the five auspicious beast lords, you can't deal with it?"

The two girls of Shang Wu felt even more tense.

"Didn't Fang Ce have already mastered the art of immortality? And he has already passed the second level of catastrophe. He can always get a lot of spiritual fruits and so on. It shouldn't take too long to reach 5000 years of Taoism." ? We are too dry to provide..."

King Fu Zun spoke.

"What about the power of the earth's veins? Without the blessing of the power of the earth's veins, how can the seal be maintained for 5000 years?"

Qilin frowned.

"The power of the earth veins..."

King Fu Zun was silent for a moment.

"What!? That guy is also the existence of the second level of catastrophe!? Then why does he go to the snake?"

Shang Wu couldn't help but look incredible. She originally thought that Fang Ce turned to the snake because of his strength, but being able to survive the second layer of catastrophe is enough to show that Fang Ce himself is also very powerful, and there is no need to take refuge in the snake After all, the only human beings who can survive the second level of catastrophe, she knows so far is the Saint Celestial Master back then!
Shang Yue on the side was even more disbelieving.

"Because that bastard..."

Qilin couldn't help but opened his mouth in displeasure, but he didn't finish speaking.

"Two moon saints, I have something to ask you..."

Xin Yu's hesitant voice could not help but sound.

"Huh? Immortal Master, please tell me..."

Shang Wu was taken aback.

"Fang Ce suggested that you seek help from Hua Snake?"

Xin Yu frowned.

"Um... yes... what's wrong with this?"

Shang Wu couldn't help feeling guilty for no reason.

"You refused?"

Xin Yu asked again.

"Yes... because it's a big demonized snake..."

"Tell me first, how did Fang Ce advise you? Casually? Or did you emphasize it?"

"This... Special... Special emphasis... What's wrong with this? Do you also suggest that we seek help from that big demonized snake?"

Shang Wu couldn't help but look puzzled.

"Well...forget it, I can't blame you for this matter. After all, you also have your concerns..."

Xin Yu sighed lightly, she read the contents of the letter, and faintly realized that something was wrong, now she just needs to make sure.

"Why are you all like this?"

Shang Wu was so anxious that her eyes turned red, as if she had really done something wrong.

"Saint, please calm down first."

Xin Yu waved his hand, then looked at Qilin: "Grandpa Qilin, can I ask you some questions about the snake..."

"Huh? What do you want to ask?"

Qilin frowned slightly.

"I said if...if, Hua Snake is willing to deal with Nine Disasters, what are the odds?"

Xin Yu hesitated.

When King Fu Zun heard the words, he immediately looked at Qilin intently.

"Snake Transformation... If that evildoer makes a move, she alone is enough to deter the Nine Disasters, because the Nine Disasters are restrained by that evildoer. It can be said that 6000 years ago, the one who was most likely to eliminate the Nine Disasters was the Transformation Snake. The first is the demon dragon. The rest of the big monsters and the nine disasters are in a state of balance."

Kirin responded.

"The snake can deal with it..."

King Fu Zun couldn't help but his eyes flickered.

The two girls of Shang Wu felt even more tense when they heard the words.

"You expect that evildoer to deal with Jiu Huo? I'm afraid you're thinking too much! Now that cunning guy, I'm afraid that Jiu Huo will make trouble in Taiqian so that he can watch the fun from the sidelines."

Qilin frowned.

"However, with the guy Fang Ce around, it may not be impossible to mediate."

King Fu Zun couldn't help but speak.

"That bastard..."

Qilin frowned, but at this moment he was inexplicably afraid to make a conclusion.

"Why do you also tend to seek help from that snake? Taigan can occupy such a large area of ​​land, shouldn't he have the strength to rival that snake?"

Shang Wu was even more puzzled, and she was already very concerned about this matter in her heart.After all, they came here to seek help from the descendants of the Saint Heavenly Master to solve the Nine Disasters, but they turned around and pointed at the big demonized snake again! ?
Shang Yue also frowned in confusion.

"This...the two moon saints don't know something. We Taiqian are now maintaining this situation with the God of the Snake, all because of Brother Fang Cefang's mediation. It is he who persuaded the Snake and reached an agreement with us Taigan A peace agreement. Otherwise, I can't even imagine what the situation is now."

"What? The messenger of the snake persuaded the snake? A peace agreement? This? What does this mean? Isn't he the messenger of the snake?"

Shang Wu was stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what was going on.

"Yes, he persuaded the snake to reach a peace agreement with humans. As for how to persuade it, what method was used, and what agreement was reached between him and the snake. We have no way of knowing. But at present, it is indeed him who has maintained the current balance with his own strength..."

King Fu Zun sighed lightly.

"This...why didn't he mention this to us at the time?"

Shang Wu was stunned, and she already understood what they missed at that time, but she was still a little puzzled, or she tried her best to find a reason to feel at ease.

"It should be impossible to say, but at least he has reminded you of some words, right?"

Xin Yu also sighed lightly.

"Important reminder..."

Shang Wu's face froze, and the words Fang Ce said before could not help but sound in his mind, "If you miss this opportunity now, go to the fairy for help first, and if you fail.If you think about begging Master Hua Snake again, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to ask. '

Shang Yue at the side couldn't help turning pale, after all, she strongly disagreed with her sister's promise.I never expected that there is another mystery in it, and it is a very important mystery...

(End of this chapter)

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