Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 301 Caught off guard, Xin Yu will turn into a snake!

Chapter 301 Caught off guard, Xin Yu will turn into a snake!

"Two saints, you have been living in seclusion all year round. You don't understand the outside situation. It is normal to have concerns about the transformation of snakes. You don't need to take it to heart."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

"But... now, you don't seem to have a better way to deal with the nine disasters..."

"Now the Nine Disasters are still isolated from the southwest border by the Kingdom of God, so it should be..."

Xin Yu couldn't help hesitating. She also knew the current location of the Kingdom of God. It stands to reason that the Nine Disasters should conflict with the Kingdom of God first. If so...

"Impossible, Nine Disasters will never take the initiative to provoke the monster of the snake. The snake has a special ability, and it needs a strong ice ability to really deal with it. And 6000 years ago, only the magic dragon could really threaten it. Snake Transformation. The rest of the big monsters are at most checking and balancing with the Snake Transformation in terms of strength.

And the snake itself is extremely cunning, it can be said that basically no big monster will provoke her.Not to mention the Nine Disasters who were restrained by the Transformation Snake, taking the initiative to provoke the Transformation Snake would not benefit the Nine Disasters at all. "

Qilin spoke again.

"This... If Jiu Woe doesn't dare to provoke the Kingdom of God, then he shouldn't come to us so easily, right?"

Xin Yu hesitated.

"Report! Your Majesty! There is an urgent report from Hongcheng. There is a big monster invading and wreaking havoc. Its strength is so terrifying that no one can stop it! It seems that there is a second layer of catastrophe!"

A guard arrived in a hurry and presented a letter.


Everyone was shocked, already thinking of what was going on!

"Bring it!"

King Fu Zun even hurriedly asked someone to fetch the letter, opened it hastily, and read it.

Qilin and the others all waited with worried expressions on their faces.

The two girls of Shangwu are worried.

"The nine-headed snake that can spit poisonous water surrounded the city with poisonous swamps, and chose to eat people... A powerful cultivator who claimed to be the snake-turning messenger came to the rescue... The nine-headed snake has come to the east, it is unstoppable, and it is urgently needed Strong support..."

King Fu Zun looked at the content in his heart, and his face became extremely dignified.

"It's the nine disasters!!! These characteristics are undoubtedly the disaster!"

Qilin spoke in a deep voice.

"What a disaster..."

Both Shang Wu and his daughter were stunned.

"A powerful cultivator who claims to be the envoy of snake transformation? Is it Fang Ce?"

Xin Yu was surprised.

"It shouldn't be wrong. It seems that Fang Ce failed to stop the monster, but saved the people..."

King Fu Zun's face was solemn, how could he not know how powerful Fang Ce is now?A monster that even Fang Ce can't deal with, it can be seen that the strength of Nine Disasters is indeed extremely terrifying, even if it is not as good as the ancient gods of the Great Desolation, it is far from being able to compete with the current Taigan!
"What should we do now?"

Shang Wu couldn't help being anxious.

"Five Auspicious Beast Venerables, what do you think?"

King Fu Zun looked at the five auspicious beasts.

"The only weakness of Nine Disasters is the fear of water, but this weakness is not too great a weakness, but it can be regarded as a weakness for his level. For us, it can only be said to be barely able to resist. We Five, plus Taiqian's desolate ancient battle formation, should be able to resist for a period of time. But if we can't find the real power to deal with the Nine Disasters, we are doomed to fail..."

Qilin frowned in response.

"Sigh, it's a pity that the old tortoise is far from recovering. Otherwise, someone with nearly ten thousand years of practice can barely suppress the disaster, at least it won't make him too rampant."

Xuan Gui sighed lightly, he is also good at the ability of the water element, and under the same circumstances, he still has a lot of advantages in dealing with the nine disasters.

"The five auspicious beast venerables, the younger generation has a plan now. That is, we will do our best to resist the nine disasters, and then send people to the Kingdom of God to seek help from the snake."

King Fu Zun spoke.

"Looking for help from the snake? I'm afraid it's not an easy task... Based on what we know about her, she will never make a move easily, and if you want her to make a move, you will definitely have to pay a big price..."

Kirin responded.

"The junior also knows, but now there is no other way to go except this method. Otherwise, the junior will not easily deal with the snake."

"Let me go to the kingdom of God, maybe I can persuade that snake."

Xin Yu opened his mouth.

King Fu Zun was taken aback for a moment.

"Girl!? No! You must not go there!"

Qi Lin immediately vetoed it, Xin Yu is a descendant of the Saint Heavenly Master, and he is also a robber, so letting him go to see the snake is undoubtedly a joke of his life!You must know that these big monsters like snakes were sealed by the holy master, so what good intentions can they have for the descendants of the holy master!
"Indeed, little girl, you can't meet Hua Snake, you should choose someone else."

Xuan Gui also opened his mouth to persuade.

"Grandpa Qilin, Grandpa Xuangui, this junior knows what you are worried about. But in this negotiation, that snake will definitely open up conditions. If it is really going to be unfavorable to this junior, she will definitely add it to the condition, and this junior will avoid it whether he goes or not." No. Unless, for the sake of the junior, I am going to give up negotiating with the snake. In this way, it is only for the sake of the junior, making the world miserable. As the descendant of the holy master, this is not what the junior should do. "

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

Hearing this, the two girls of Shang Wu couldn't help but stare at Xin Yu in a daze. At this moment, they fully believed that Xin Yu was the descendant of Shengtian Xianshi. After all, this world-first mind is the best proof.Even if not, it is enough to make them respect!

"It's different! Whether the evildoer will make you a condition is one thing, and whether you go or not is another matter. If you go to negotiate with another person, you can still negotiate, and the snake may not think of you."

Qilin frowned.

"Negotiations involve not only interests, but also sincerity, and more importantly, persuasion. Maybe it's okay to change people, but I don't think there is anyone who is more suitable than the younger generation, and has the possibility of persuading the snake.

Don't worry, Grandpa Qilin, this junior didn't act recklessly because of his passion for a while.The juniors have considered all aspects and made such a decision with sufficient confidence.What's more, there are still countermeasures around Hua Snake.The younger generation believes that Fang Ce will also come forward to help.And when the juniors go to the Kingdom of God, they will first inquire about the situation with Fang Ce, and will not rush to meet the snake. "

Xin Yu responded.

"This...well, the old man will trust you, you must be careful."

Qilin sighed softly, now that the situation is critical, he can't afford to worry too much.

"Well, it's not too late, junior, let's go now."

Xin Yu clenched his fists.

"Master Immortal! We will also go back to the Kingdom of God with you to pay homage to the Transformation Snake!"

The two girls of Shang Wu spoke one after another.

Xin Yu glanced at the two women, then gently nodded her head: "Mmm..."

She knew that the two daughters were guilty and refused to let the two daughters accompany her. She was afraid that she would feel uneasy, so she had to agree for the time being. As for whether to let the two daughters visit the snake together after arriving in the Kingdom of God, she will discuss the situation with Fang Ce. .

"The national teacher went to the kingdom of God to see the snake, so I and the five auspicious beast lords will lead the army to Hongcheng to stop the nine disasters."

King Fu Zun nodded.

"Well, Weichen will complete the mission as soon as possible and minimize losses as much as possible."

Xin Yu responded.


Xin Yu and Shang Wu left the palace and hurried to the Kingdom of God.

Not long after, when he came to the Kingdom of God, Xin Yu went directly to the palace to meet King Diao.

"Fairy, why are you here?"

Diao Wang looked at Xin Yu who came to the main hall in surprise, in fact, he saw the two Shang Wu girls who came with him, and with the recent events of the Nine Disasters, she vaguely guessed Xin Yu's intention.

"Returning to the Queen of the Kingdom of God, Xin Yu came here to find a solution for something important. I don't know where she is now?"

Xin Yu clenched his fists and saluted.

"Oh, find a solution. I'll send someone to find him now. He should...should be wandering around in the kingdom of God..."

Diao Wang pondered and responded that she originally wanted to say that Fang Ce should be accompanying his fiancee Shui Ling'er, but after thinking about it, forget it.After all, it is not clear whether Xin Yu and Shui Ling'er know each other and what is the relationship.In order not to say too much, which side is to blame for what happened.All she could do was remind Fang Ce that Xin Yu had found him.

"Okay, please Your Majesty the Queen."

Xin Yu clasped her fists again, feeling a little weird, it seemed that Diao Wang had something else to say, but the other party didn't intend to say it now, so forget it.

"It's okay, Fairy just wait for a while. Fang Ce should be found soon."

Diao Wang nodded, and couldn't help but glanced at the two girls Shang Wu, but saw that the two girls lowered their heads in embarrassment, she couldn't help shrugging, who told the two girls not to listen to Fang Ce's words, they really tossed back and forth ...

At this moment, a wine shop.

I saw Fang Ce sitting quietly with the snake and drinking.

"Hmm...I didn't expect these ants to make such interesting things."

The snake shook the wine glass lightly, looking at the wine in the glass with interest.Recently, she tasted this delicious wine by chance, and she became interested, and would drag Fang Ce to come here from time to time.Because she was the only one drinking alone, it was quite boring.

"Ahem, Linger, pay attention to your identity."

Fang Ce coughed lightly.

"Oh... What do you think will happen if you are too dry now?"

The snake shrugged, and then leisurely sipped the fine wine.

"It should have become a mess. With the strength of the Nine Disasters, the current Taiqian can't handle it at all."

Fang Ce shook his head.

"Oh? Are you not nervous?"

The snake smiled.

"It's useless to be nervous, I'm now Hua... I'm your follower, beauty, so naturally I have to abide by the agreement."

Fang Ce responded calmly.

"Well... I like your obedient appearance very much. It would be even better if you are so consistent in your heart."

Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce lightly.

"Haha, beauty, you must have confidence in yourself, and you must also have confidence in this subordinate. I will be responsible for you to the end."

Fang Ce picked up the wine glass and made a slight respect.

The snake sipped the wine by itself, no longer caring about Fang Ce.

At this moment, a man with plain clothes and restrained breath came quietly.

"My lord envoy, Taigan Guoshi came to pay a visit."

The man came closer and whispered.

"Master Taigan?"

Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, he knew it was a fairy, and at the same time his heart skipped a beat because...

"Huh? Here you come? Taigan Guoshi?"

Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce playfully.

"Understood, you step back first, and go back immediately."

Fang Ce waved his hand.


The man responded and quietly retreated.

"Beauty, I have important matters to deal with, I don't know you?"

Fang Ce looked at the snake.

"Let's go, let's go together."

The snake smiled.


Fang Ce also nodded with a smile, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He naturally knew why Xin Yu came, and he also knew that Taigan would send someone to come sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be Xin Yu.It can't be blamed on Xin Yu's recklessness, she will come to find him first, which proves that she has also thought carefully.It's just that Xin Yu never expected that the current snake has been disguised in Kowloon City, and often walks with him...

Now that things have happened, he can only bite the bullet. Now that he shows a little emotion, he is afraid that he will be scouted by the witch beside him, and then guess what he thinks in his heart...

Afterwards, the two slowly went back to the palace together.

Soon after, enter the palace hall.


Diao Wang looked at the entrance of the main hall.

Xin Yu's eyes followed suit.

Suddenly, Fang Ce and Hua Snake stepped over the threshold and entered the hall.

However, at this time, Xin Yu couldn't help shrinking her pupils, because the snake had already caught her eyes, and she, who possessed the ability of true knowledge, saw the body of the snake in an instant!
And Hua Snake's light eyes were cast on Xin Yu's body, facing her eyes, she instantly sensed something, and couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly: "Huh?"

"Oh, it's a fairy, long time no see, are you okay? Let me introduce you, this is my childhood sweetheart and fiancee, Shui Linger."

Fang Ce greeted Xin Yu enthusiastically with a smile and clasped his fists. He naturally knew that Xin Yu possessed the ability of true knowledge, and he must be able to see through the identity of the snake, so he reminded him first to prevent him from leaking his words.

Xin Yu was startled: "My childhood sweetheart and fiancee?"


Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

When Diao Wang saw this, he couldn't help shrugging, it seemed that she was worrying too much...

On the other hand, the two female Shang Wu were a little surprised. Seeing Fang Ce's attitude towards Xin Yu, they completely believed that Xin Yu was indeed Fang Ce's mentor!It's just...they really don't understand, how could such a powerful guy as Fang Ce be Xin Yu's apprentice?the student surpasses the master?However, no matter what, at least it shows that although the descendants of the Saint Heaven Immortal Master are not too powerful now, they are still very important...

"Hmm... So you still have a fiancée? Miss Shui Ling'er, Xin Yu is being polite here."

Xin Yu immediately bowed respectfully to the snake.

"You're welcome, Ben... I know you too, the guy next to me, and the people in Kowloon City, but I always miss you. Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to meet you today. It's really a pleasure to meet you. By the way, I heard you He is a descendant of Master Shengtian, right?"

The snake smiled.

Xin Yu was stunned again, and looked at the terrifying existence in front of her with some suspicion. At this moment, she finally understood why Fang Ce hadn't been able to persuade the Moonman Saintess to find the snake for help, because this one is right in front of her eyes!Yes really can't say much!And now, the person in front of her seems to know that she already knows her identity! ?

The snake showed a hint of doubt.

Diao Wang also felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

"Oh... yes, Xin Yu is indeed a descendant of Master Shengtian. It is also an honor for Xin Yu to meet Miss Shui Ling'er."

Xin Yu glanced sideways at Fang Ce, but saw that Fang Ce just had a natural smile on his face, without any abnormality.

Seeing the light in Xin Yu's eyes, Hua Snake also gave Fang Ce a sideways glance.

"Cough cough, Ling'er, the fairy came here, presumably there is a business to discuss, how about you two having an in-depth exchange later?"

Fang Ce coughed lightly.


Hua Snake snorted lightly, and his eyes slanted to the side.

"The fairy came here, I don't know why?"

Fang Ce came to the side, smiling and clasping his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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