Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 302 The contest between two women, the conditions for turning into a snake

Chapter 302 The contest between the two women, the conditions for turning into a snake

"I came here this time to ask Lord Hua Snake to take action against Nine Disasters. Fang Ce, I hope you can recommend something."

Xin Yu clenched his fists and saluted.

"This... fairies don't need to be too polite. You want to see the beauty of the snake... hiss... are you sure to persuade?"

Fang Ce frowned slightly, although he knew Xin Yu's intentions, but now he didn't know how to respond to Fang Hao, after all, there was the snake beauty beside him.But Beauty Snake's resentment towards the lineage of the Saint Heavenly Master is extremely deep. Now that Beauty Snake looks like a smiling face, he is not sure what is in her heart.Although he can also check and balance the snake beauty now, Xin Yu came here this time to negotiate the Nine Disasters.

The snake at the side looked at Xin Yu lightly, a little bit surprised, but also a little bit sneer!The descendants of the Saint Celestial Master came to seek her help?
"I can only say try my best. Lord Hua Snake is now a god, so I think she can also sympathize with the suffering of all living beings. I will pray to her with the most sincerity. I also hope that Lord God Envoy can recommend it for you."

Xin Yu clasped her fists and saluted again.

"Uh...Fairy, you don't have to be so polite. Since you have made up your mind, I can only do it for you. Every piety must be conveyed to Mr. Hua Snake."

Fang Ce couldn't help but forced a wry smile, he could see that Xin Yu was determined to see the snake, and now that the snake was at the side, he couldn't stop him too much, he could only follow the steps.

"Thank you."

"Fang Venerable, we also want to see Mr. Hua Snake, and we hope to do it for you. We wrongly blamed you before..."

Shang Wu also spoke, but didn't wait for her to finish.

"These two saints of the moon, you and the fairy came all the way, and you must be thirsty. Let's have a sip of tea first, and by the way, you can think about what you want to say to Lord Hua Snake. I will introduce it to you later. .”

Fang Ce spoke first.

"Oh...thank you..."

The two girls Shang Wu were startled, and then bowed to salute.

Fang Ce looked slightly towards the snake.

Hua Snake glanced back, indicating understanding.

Afterwards, Fang Ce took the three daughters of Xin Yu to the apse to have a cup of tea and rest for a while.And Hua Snake has already left, heading back to Jiulong Mountain.

Shortly after.

Fang Ce brought the three daughters of Xin Yu to Jiulong Mountain, looking at the endless lake.

"Fairy, the two moon-men saintesses, please wait here, and I will go to the temple to ask Lord Transformation Snake."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

"Okay, it's work."

Xin Yu responded.

As soon as Fang Ce turned around, he flew to the center of the lake and quickly headed for the temple.

A moment later, inside the temple.

"Snake beauty, what do you think? To see or not to see."

Fang Ce looked indifferently at the glamorous thing lying lazily on his side on the jade bed.

"Of course, why not?"

Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce with a smile, wagging her beautiful tail.

"Have you seen the two moon saints?"

Fang Ce asked again.

"Bring them all."

"As ordered."

Fang Jue gave a slight salute, then turned and left.


Hua Snake couldn't help but let out a sneer, this time she wanted to see how Fang Ce planned to deal with it.

After a while.

Fang Ce has already brought the three daughters of Xinyu to the temple.

At this moment, the two girls, Shang and Wu, looked at the magnificent, majestic, magnificent and spacious hall, and the beautiful creatures on the large jade bed, and they couldn't help feeling a little lost.If they hadn't known that Hua Snake was the great evil spirit 6000 years ago, they could not help but suspect that they were indeed meeting the gods just by the sacred aura now!

After all, the appearance of this transformed snake looks like an extremely high-ranking and beautiful existence, as if it is a sacred thing.It can be said to be very different from the cruel and terrifying rumors...

"Master Hua Snake, the three audience members have been brought here."

Fang Ce came to the jade bed and saluted respectfully.

"Taigan Guoshi Xin Yu, here to pay respects to the supreme god, Mr. Hua Snake."

Xin Yu also saluted respectfully.

"Shangwu, Shangle, the holy maiden of the moon, please... meet Mr. Hua Snake..."

The two girls of Shang Wu also gave salutes, and asking them to call out the supreme gods is really hard to say.


Hua Snake lazily looked at Xin Yu: "Master Taigan...the descendant of Master Shengtian...you...are courageous!"

With a sound of falling, her figure moved quickly and rushed towards Xin Yu in an instant!The terrifying coercion erupted and directly filled the entire temple! !
"Master Immortal! Be careful!"

The two girls of Shang Wu were shocked.

Xin Yu was also shocked, and before she had time to react, she was quickly approached by the snake and firmly entangled!
"As a descendant of the Saint Celestial Master, you dare to come to find this deity to help you. Do you think this deity can't do anything to you? Huh?"

The snake wrapped around Xin Yu's body, looking down coldly.

"Don't dare, my lord, Xin Yu came here this time just to express Taigan's highest sincerity."

Xin Yu looked into the snake's eyes and shook her head lightly.

"Oh? Taiqian's highest sincerity? You want to ask me to take action against Nine Disasters, right? One of my conditions is to kill you."

The snake sneered.


Shang Wu and the two girls were shocked.

"Okay, as long as Lord Shenming is willing to take action against Nine Disasters. Xin Yu's life will be handled by Lord Shenming."

Xin Yu responded calmly.

"Huh? It seems that you have already made up your mind? What about you? What do you think about this? The most loyal believer of this deity?"

Snake's eyes looked at Fang Ce who was at the side.

"Uh... this... Now that the fairy has made up her mind, what other people can think? After all, even a god can't bring back a stupid person who is determined to seek death."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly.


The eyes of the two women, Shang Wu, suddenly widened. They never thought that Fang Ce would say such a thing. Instead of stopping, they even made a mockery!This made them really unbelievable. Was it really Fang Ce who contributed to the so-called peaceful situation as King Fu Zun said?

"Oh? In other words, you have no objection, let your fairy die?"

The snake raised its eyebrows.

"This is the fairy's choice, so what can I say?"

Fang Ce sighed and shook his head again.

"Oh! Very good! Since there is no objection, then it is decided. But... to let the deity take action, your little life alone is far from enough."

Hua Snake looked at Xin Yu again. She was sealed by the Saint Celestial Master for 6000 years. She naturally didn't want to make the descendants of the Saint Celestial Master in front of her feel better. However, what she wants now is far from what is in front of her!In particular, Xin Yu's attitude that she was already at the point of death made her lack the pleasure of revenge. If she didn't deprive Xin Yu of anything, she wouldn't just let it go!
"My lord, but it's okay to say, Xin Yu will definitely do my best to make it happen for you."

Xin Yu responded.

"This deity wants to give half of the land to the Kingdom of God in the future, how about it? Promise?"

The Snake spoke softly.

"This... Taiqian is now half of the country? This is not something that Xin Yu can decide, and it is basically difficult to achieve..."

Xin Yu shook his head hesitantly.

"No, then there is no need to discuss this transaction."

The snake sneered.

"Wait a minute, Master Hua Snake, you are the supreme god. What you need should not be foreign things like land, but the respect and followers of the world. Why should you be obsessed with this?"

"Oh, don't put a high hat on this deity, this deity will not accept this kind of trick. Since you want to seek this deity's hand, then you should come up with conditions that will make this deity tempted."

"Xin Yu naturally knows. What Xin Yu wants to say is that since the Kingdom of God can respect Master Hua Snake as the supreme god, Taigan can also enshrine Master Hua Snake as the supreme existence. As long as you are willing to take action, Master Hua Snake, let the world witness With Lord Hua Snake's supernatural power and gifts, he will naturally win the hearts of the world."

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh, do you really think that this deity needs the so-called hearts of the world?"

"The whole power of Taiqian can be your help, Mr. Hua Snake, isn't that enough?"

"The whole power of Taigan? Help? Are you underestimating the deity? Or overestimating Taigan's so-called power?"

The snake's eyes were squinting, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Looking at it now, the entire power of Taiqian may be insignificant to Master Hua Snake. But Xin Yu knows from the stories handed down from his ancestors that it was not only you and the Nine Disasters that were sealed back then, Master Hua Snake. There are also demon dragons, evil apes, nine disasters, and nine infants.

The seal you bear, Mr. Hua Snake, is the most special one. It was expected that you would break the seal.And the rest of the big monsters shouldn't have the chance to break the seal.However, due to the calamity of the ancient gods in the wilderness, the power of the earth veins weakened.Nine disasters have a chance to break the seal.And if the Nine Disasters can break the seal, then do you think it is possible for the other big monsters, Master Hua Snake, to break the seal? "

Xin Yu asked calmly.

"Oh? What do you want to say?"

The snake suddenly narrowed its eyes slightly.

Fang Ce nodded with a strange expression, the fairy really came prepared?He knew that the opening of the lion's mouth at the beginning of the snake transformation was originally a condition for the concession in the subsequent negotiations, and he was not too worried that the snake transformation would really kill Xin Yu.At the same time, he was also a little curious about how Xin Yu would persuade Hua Snake. He didn't believe that Xin Yu would dare to come in person, and would be dealt with by Hua Snake Beauty after just two or three strokes.

What the fairy mentioned now is something he doesn't understand, maybe it can really become a condition for persuading the snake!That way, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"What Xin Yu means is that if these powerful monsters break the seal, they will also have a conflict of interest, my lord. Why don't you make preparations here? Now Taigan has an ancient battle formation that can barely resist the big monster, and there is still power The five auspicious beasts that are recovering. Can these be your help, Master Hua Snake?"

Xin Yu responded that she now knows that the magic dragon can restrain the snake, but back then, the snake seemed to have borrowed the hands of the five auspicious beasts and her ancestors to seal the magic dragon.If the magic dragon is really broken, it is impossible for the snake to not be afraid!However, she can't say these words directly, so as not to anger the snake and make the negotiation unfavorable.

"It sounds like a good proposal, but...does this mean that Taiqian and Wu Ruishou are going to be the deity's helper. The deity can't touch your life yet?"

The snake sneered.

"No, as long as the conditions are negotiated, Xin Yu will convince everyone that these are my choices, and I will let everyone abide by the agreement. No matter how bad it is, Mr. Hua Snake, you can also ask Fang Ce to be a notary."

Xin Yu shook his head.

Fang Ce couldn't help frowning slightly, he knew that Xin Yu was not joking, he really had this plan!

"Hehehe, it seems that you are really enlightened. In this way, I don't want to let you die like this."

The snake couldn't help laughing coquettishly.

At this moment, Xin Yu just looked at the snake calmly.

"The deity wants you to be the most loyal servant of the deity and serve the deity for life. Is it possible for you to do it?"

The snake sneered again.

"It's okay to let Xin Yu become the servant of Master Hua Snake, but... in this way, Xin Yu also has a condition. That is, Xin Yu will not do harm to the people for Master Hua Snake."

Xin Yu frowned in response.

"Well, do you think you have a choice?"

The snake's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ahem, Mr. Snake, pay attention to your image. You are the supreme god, don't lose your composure because of an ordinary person."

Fang Ce couldn't help coughing lightly.Hua Snake himself had an agreement with him that he could not do harm to the world, so the condition he negotiated with Xin Yu was basically untenable.It was necessary for him to remind, and of course he also reminded Xin Yu by the way.

"you shut up!"

Hua Snake glared at Fang Ce with her beautiful eyes.

"Uh...Master Hua Snake, as your emissary, I have an obligation to maintain your majesty... This is for your own good."

Fang Ce clasped his fists helplessly.

"Get out! Get out of here now!"

Hua Snake was even more angry, she couldn't see what Fang Ce was thinking at this moment.

"All right……"

Fang Ce shrugged helplessly, turned around and left, he had probably guessed the mind of the witch, as he mentioned before, the core was still to enhance the power of the power, that is, the power of the Kingdom of God.In addition to the other big monsters that the fairy mentioned just now were broken, it is obvious that there is something to be afraid of turning into a snake!So he has nothing to worry about now, and then he can just hand it over to the fairy...

"This damn dog thing!"

Hua Snake couldn't help gnashing her teeth and cursing inwardly, being disturbed by Fang Ce like this made her lose her mood all of a sudden.

The two Shang Wu girls on the side were a little stunned, only feeling that the relationship between Fang Ce and Hua Snake was a bit weird...

"Dear Master Hua Snake, can you really not give in? Xin Yu is indeed sincere. Xin Yu is willing to bear the past grievances, but she doesn't want to harm others."

Xin Yu's respectful voice sounded.

"Hmph, I will let you take this step."

Hua Snake snorted coldly, she is not in the mood to continue entangled with this matter now, anyway, even if Xin Yu is forced to agree, she really can't let Xin Yu do something that violates the agreement with Fang Ce.And she originally just wanted to torment Xin Yu more, so as not to make Xin Yu feel better.

"Thank you, Master Hua Snake, for agreeing!"

Xin Yu responded immediately.

"Don't be too happy, the condition of the deity is not over yet."

The Snake spoke softly.

"Huh? Master Hua Snake, please tell me."

Xin Yu was startled.

"Except for the condition that you have to be loyal to the deity. The second condition is that the deity must earn a hundred years of spiritual fruit income after being too dry."

"This... Xin Yu can't make the decision, but can convey it to Taigan Shengshang."

"I know that you can't make the decision. The third condition is that I want Wu Ruishou and the five evil beasts to come and ask me to take action in person, and they must be low-browed and pleasing to the eye. If this makes me unhappy, you should understand."


Xin Yu was even more astonished, this snake was just taking the opportunity to vent its anger...

The two girls, Shang Wu, were also stunned.

"The deity knows this and you can't make the decision, just pass it on. Then, the last condition, the deity doesn't want any Lunar people to appear in the future. That's all."

Hua Snake spoke softly, then let go of Xin Yu, and returned to the jade bed.

Xin Yu was taken aback again.

And Shang Wu's two girls' expressions changed drastically in an instant, and their eyes widened!

(End of this chapter)

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