Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 323 Surprised by the snake, only promise ears

Chapter 323 Surprised by the snake, only promise ears

Rumble boom!

A terrible loud noise came out!
With a groan!

Nine Disasters were directly smashed until blood spurted from the mouth and sunk into the ground, cracking a large area of ​​the surrounding ground!
"Evil Ape!!! What do you mean!? Could it be that you have turned to humans too!?"

Nine disasters were immediately enraged.

"Hmph! Is it your turn, little hairy snake, to question this deity!"

Xie Yuan's face darkened, he raised his fist, and mercilessly smashed it down again!This dog-skinned snake really doesn't open any pot, so he will be even more impolite!
"You!! Withdraw! Emperor Li! Withdraw quickly!"

Jiu Huo let out a roar, and fled to the side in a panic, it was impossible to fight at all!Wannian Daoxing's Fang Ce, Evil Ape, and Snake at the side, how could they possibly defeat this combination! ?


There was another grunt.

Seeing that Nine Misfortunes couldn't be avoided, he was smashed and staggered and rolled out. Then he hurriedly stabilized his figure and continued to run away.

Hearing this, Emperor Li hastily ordered a detour to withdraw his troops.

"Hmph, let's go?"

Fang Ce raised his eyebrows, and with a movement of his figure, the immeasurable sword art unceremoniously blasted at Nine Disasters!Before dealing with the Nine Disasters, the sword intent was exhausted, and it had recovered a little, but it was also consumed when he arrived just now, so now he can only deal with the Nine Disasters with the Boundless Sword Art.Although the Great Infinite Sword Art is far from being comparable to Sword Intent, with his current strength, it is not difficult to eliminate the Nine Calamities, but it will take some time.

At this moment, Qilin also took action immediately, arousing mountains and mountains to block Jiu Huo's escape route.

The evil ape also continued to attack Nine Disasters.

"Fang Ce! Just because you want to deal with this deity!!"

Nine Woes roared, and the black flood spewed towards Fang Ce, but it was directly disintegrated by the Da Wuliang Sword Art!However, the remaining power of the immeasurable sword art fell on Jiu Huo, but it didn't cause any harm!Because Jiu Woe's black dye body protection at this moment is very strong in terms of strength and defense, it is naturally difficult for the canceled Dawuliang sword art to break through his defense!
However, at this moment, the evil ape's offensive has also fallen!
Boom!There was a bang!
Jiu Huo was directly blasted with a howl of pain, was thrown into the air, and then fell to the ground hard!
When Fang Ce saw this, he was naturally ready to continue to attack, but at this moment he sensed an attack and looked away, but it was Emperor Li who was driving the ancient battle formation to attack him!He couldn't help frowning, and blasted the immeasurable sword formula at Emperor Li with his backhand!

The terrifying sword energy easily disintegrated Emperor Li's offensive, and then landed on his ancient battle formation!It made the ancient battle formation tremble, but it did not pose a very obvious threat.The defensive ability of this desolate ancient battle formation is still too strong, and the power of Fang Ce's boundless sword art alone cannot be as effective as the sword intent after all!

After Emperor Li, the snake girl Jiaxie and the three generals of Li Ren also controlled the ancient battle formation to attack each other one after another!The reason why they didn't attack the evil ape was because the aura of the evil ape was too terrifying!And it looks like it is obviously very rough and thick, I am afraid it will be difficult to break the defense.And Fang Ce is powerful, and in terms of defensive ability, they are obviously able to break it!
Their judgment is indeed correct, if they attack the evil ape now, they will not be able to please them at all, and they will suffer a big loss instead!And Fang Ce is their breakthrough now!
At this moment, Fang Ce himself could see the current situation, so he could only attack again and again to defend against the attacks of Emperor Li, leaving the evil ape and Qilin to deal with the nine disasters.Anyway, these two are enough to solve the Nine Disasters, as long as the Nine Disasters are dealt with, it will not be too late for Emperor Li to spend some time in these difficult ancient battle formations.

For a while, the two sides restrained each other while chasing and fleeing, and gradually moved away from Hukou Pass.

Hua Snake just looked at it with changing expression, thinking about the future changes, because her consumption during this period is not small, even if she catches up, she won't be able to fight for a long time.But now, she is more worried about how Fang Ce is going to treat her than eliminating Jiu Huo and Li Di!Because there is no need for Fang Ce to be more polite to her now, so he can handle her as he wants to handle her!This can't help her not to worry!After all, if she was standing in Fang Ce's current position, she wouldn't be more polite!

On Fang Ce's side, he, the evil ape, and the unicorn beat Jiu Huo all the way, causing Jiu Huo to cry out in pain, terrified in his heart.

"Evil ape! What benefits did humans give you! You want to work for them!? You know, when the deity is destroyed, you will be the next target to be eliminated by humans!!"

Jiu Huo shouted in panic, he could already see that in this round, Fang Ce and Xie Yuan were bound to destroy him first!So I had to negotiate with the evil ape again, trying to save the situation!
Xie Yuan's expression turned ugly immediately, and at the same time, he couldn't help but suspect Fang Ce's motives. After all, there was a possibility that Fang Ce was going to use him to clean up the Nine Disasters and the Great Desolation Ancient God!
"Hmph, Nine Disasters, Lord Evil Ape is just acting out of righteousness. If you hadn't recovered the power you spent cleaning up Nine Disasters before, you would die now. You don't need to bother Lord Evil Ape at all, so don't sow discord here. .”

Fang Ce spoke flatly.

"You!? The Nine Plagues!? The Nine Plagues are also broken!? So before, you ran to deal with the Nine Plagues!?"

Nine disasters surprised.

"That's right, otherwise there will be a chance for you to go crazy?"

Fang policy responded.

"Hmph! It must be the Nine Calamities that Xie Yuan helped you clean up! Don't think that this deity can't see it! Xie Yuan, you must not let this cunning guy be fooled!"

Nine Disasters hastily opened his mouth again. According to his estimation, the strategy alone should not be able to deal with Nine Disasters. In all likelihood, it was the Evil Ape who helped!

"Ha, to deal with the Nine Disasters, I need the help of Lord Evil Ape? Are you underestimating me, or Lord Evil Ape?"

Fang Ce smiled lightly, it was in his liking that Nine Disasters stepped on the spot like this, because not only would it not be able to persuade the evil ape, it would be counterproductive!

"Stop yelling at me! Just accept death!"

The evil ape gave a cold cry, and once again slammed his giant fist at Nine Woes!After all, he knew that the Nine Calamities were beaten by Fang Ce and fled, so he had to help him break the seal and come out to help!In the end, unexpectedly, he was directly defeated by Fang Ce...


Another scream!
Jiu Huo was smashed and rolled forward, he hurriedly got up, and continued to run for his life, and couldn't help crying in his heart, if this continues, he will be finished sooner or later!

Qilin, who kept blocking Jiu Huo from escaping, frowned. If Jiu Huo's vitality was not too tenacious, he would have been able to deal with it a long time ago, and now he has to make more troubles.

However, before this chase comes to fruition.

An uncomfortable breath came!

"Huh? This is? The Nine Plagues!?"

Fang Ce was stunned, and looked up, only to see a dense army of evil things rolling in from a distance!Among them, the huge body of the Nine Calamities is clearly visible!

"Nine plagues!?"

Evil Ape and Qilin were also taken aback.

"Nine disasters!? Nine disasters, you are not dead yet!? This deity is Nine disasters! Save this deity! Hurry up! Join forces with this deity, and we can compete with Fang Ce!"

Nine disasters shouted quickly.

"Fang Ce!? And you, Evil Ape!?"

When the Nine Disasters arrived, he looked at Xie Yuan with a look of surprise and uncertainty.She originally fled here, but seeing the huge body of the evil ape here seems to be competing with someone, she thought that the evil ape was not defeated by Fang Ce, but came all the way here!Unexpectedly, the current situation seems a bit wrong!The idea of ​​running immediately came into my mind again!

"This guy, Evil Ape, has taken refuge in humans! Don't count on him anymore! You and I will join forces and deal with Fang Ce with all our strength! We will definitely be able to kill him! You now have three ghost dragonriders! These can be used to restrain Evil Ape!!"

But Nine Calamities stared excitedly at the three ghost dragonriders behind Nine Calamities!Because he knew very well that the Nether Dragon Knight was a terrifying existence both offensively and defensively!Although the defense power cannot be compared with the Evil Ape, although the Evil Ape's defense ability is terrifying, its attack power is relatively inferior, anyway, it can't break the Nether Dragon Knight's defense!Therefore, when the Nether Dragonrider meets the Evil Ape, it's an iron tortoise meeting an iron tortoise, and there's nothing they can do!
"Oh? Good! You and I will try together!"

Nine Calamities' eyes lit up immediately after hearing the words, because the feasibility is indeed not small. After all, she and Nine Calamities both have tenacious vitality, and Nine Calamities are not inferior to her in terms of strength, and their defense ability is much stronger than her!The combination of the two monsters may not be able to defeat Fang Ce!
"Evil Ape, let's retreat first. It won't be too late to deal with these guys when I recover my strength."

Fang Ce said softly, "Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters want to destroy him, it is impossible, because no one can keep him if he leaves!"However, in the current situation, if you fight hard, it is indeed not good for him.Because his strength is far from recovered!Not to mention that there are five ancient battle formations of Emperor Li on the side!After this war of attrition, there is no advantage at all.

And he was still a little worried that if the evil ape suddenly turned against him at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.Although in his opinion, with Xie Yuan's previous performance, it shouldn't be like this.But after all, there are ulterior motives in people's hearts, and Fang defeated the allies he met, so he still can't be too big-hearted...

"it is good!"

Xie Yuan responded, and immediately retreated with Fang Ce.

"Hmph! You guys run fast!"

Jiu Huo immediately snorted coldly in disdain. Of course, he was just talking on stage, because he knew that with their current strength, they really couldn't keep Fang Ce and Xie Yuan.In the case of sticking to it, there is only a chance of winning.If they go after Hukou Pass, there are still those guys like Hua Snake and King Fu Zun, then it will be another big change.

"Nine disasters, what the hell is going on?"

Nine Calamities couldn't help asking.

"Hey, it's a long story, let's listen to the deity's narration..."

Nine Disasters began to speak slowly.

On the other side, the three of Fang Ce were on their way back.

"Fang Venerable, what happened to those guys just now? Those bastards have not passed the first level of catastrophe, but they can resist the attack of the deity!? The deity is talking about those guys with the blood of the dragon?"

Xie Yuan had a look of surprise on his face. During the chase just now, he saw that Fang Ce was held back by Li Di and his fellows, so he was puzzled and tried to attack Li Di's ancient battle formation, but found that even his attack , can resist!
"Oh, that's the Ancient Battle Formation, which was brought down from the heaven by the Great Desolate Ancient God. The principle is a bit like binding countless bamboos together to spread the pressure evenly, making it difficult to break. It's just that this battle formation has specialized this ability It was such an amazing effect.”

Fang Ce responded that he also knew the cultivation methods of the two ancient battle formations, and naturally he had figured out the principle.It is similar to the principle that one chopstick is easy to break, but hundreds or thousands of chopsticks are hard to break.Although general battle formations have similar effects, the ancient battle formations are truly broken into wholes, and the effect is far from being comparable to ordinary formations...

And just now in the first battle, their gains are actually not small. Although they didn't clean up the Nine Disasters along the way, they also wiped out hundreds of combatants in Emperor Li's Desolate Ancient War!One must know that now that his sword intent is exhausted, it is not a small amount to be able to deal with such a large number of ancient battle formations.

"The Ancient Desolation Battle Formation... Sigh... This Great Desolation Ancient God is really not easy. With these battle formations, it will not be easy for us to deal with the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters' alliance, right?"

The evil ape frowned.

"Ha, it's all right. I've recovered my strength by staying here. It's not a big problem to find the beauty of the snake, and King Fu Zun and the others to deal with the nine disasters and the nine disasters."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"King Fu Zun?"

Xie Yuan was puzzled. After all, Fang Ce was able to mention him, so he must not be a simple person.

"Oh, King Fu Zun is the king of Taiqian today, and he and several other generals who are Taiqian have also mastered the ancient battle formation. Therefore, they can help a lot."

Fang policy responded.

"So that's the case... that's good, that's good..."

Xie Yuan nodded in surprise, since the ancient battle formation is not unique to the opponent, then his feeling will be much better.

"By the way, the snake is also with you now?"

The evil ape was puzzled again.

"Well, yes. The snake beauty is now the supreme god of mankind."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"The supreme god? You also recruited Venerable Fang?"

The evil ape was surprised.

"Uh... this is more complicated, so let's put it this way. Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's go back first."

Fang Ce responded, and then speeded up.

Evil Ape and Qilin also followed quickly.

After a while, return to Hukou Pass.

"Respected Master Hua Snake, Fang Ce's late arrival has surprised you."

Fang Ce came to Hua Snake and bowed respectfully as always.


Hua Snake, on the other hand, looked at Fang Ce with a fluctuating expression. Apart from being completely stronger, his attitude towards her seemed to be the same as before?For a moment, she was a little uncertain. Could it be that Fang Ce really kept his promise and abided by the agreement with her! ?
"Respected Snake Master? Venerable Fang, are you... are you a subordinate of Snake Transformation?"

The evil ape was stunned for a moment. Originally, he thought that the snake would become a human god, and it should be the same as him, who was defeated by Fang Ce and won over.But now this situation seems obviously wrong!After all, Fang Ce's attitude towards him is completely different from his attitude towards Hua Snake!To him, treat each other more as equals like friends.As for the snake, it is an obvious respect!

"What? Do you have an opinion, Evil Ape?"

The snake couldn't help raising its eyebrows to look at the evil ape.

"Snake you! Venerable Fang, with your strength, there is no reason to obey this snake! I don't believe that snakes can do anything to get you!"

Xie Yuan couldn't help being furious, it's fine with Fang Ce, a strong man who defeated him face to face, but transforming into a snake?At most, it is an existence on the same level as him!How could he take this tone! ?
In addition, he did not believe that Fang Ce would be no match for the snake!After all, the Nine Disasters, the Nine Disasters, and even him, were obviously suppressed by Fang Ce to beat them!With such strength, how could he be afraid of snakes! ?This is simply impossible!And he also has an understanding of snake transformation, there is no possibility of restraint!At most, Fang Ce can do nothing about it!
"Evil Ape! What do you want to say!?"

Hua Snake's expression also darkened. Now she is very worried about Fang Ce's matter, and Evil Ape's repeated attacks are obviously a provocation to her!

"Uh...Master Hua Snake, don't be angry, Lord Evil Ape is also our partner now, there is no need for conflicts."

Fang Ce couldn't help feeling a headache, and then he said to Xie Yuan: "Master Xie Yuan, when I was still weak, Master Hua Snake was kind to me in nurturing me, otherwise it would be difficult to get to where I am today. She deserves her respect."

"Hmph! Did you hear me?"

The snake immediately snorted proudly, and looked at the evil ape with provocative eyes.But she couldn't help feeling strange in her heart, because now, she found that Fang Ce really didn't seem to deceive her?Is it really purely keeping the promise to her?After all, Fang Ce's current strength is completely capable of breaking the contract, and she is still unable to compete with that!So...if it wasn't for keeping the agreement, why would Fang Ce do this?

"This... unexpectedly there are such things..."

Xie Yuan frowned, he was still very displeased with the attitude towards the snake.However, Fang Ce couldn't help but feel relieved a lot, because he knew that Fang Ce was a true promise-keeper!After all, there is no need for such a peak powerhouse to humble himself to Hua Snake!Only heavy promises can explain it!

(End of this chapter)

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