Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 324 Rest and recuperate, 9 disasters become leeks

Chapter 324 Rest and recuperate, nine disasters become leeks
"Boy Fang Ce."

Kirin's voice sounded.

"Huh? Senior Qilin, what orders do you have?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

I saw that Qilin gave a respectful salute.

"This? Senior Qilin?"

Fang Ce was stunned.

"It's nothing, let's solve the problem of the Nine Calamities and the Nine Calamities as soon as possible."

Qilin responded that until now, how could he not know that Fang Ce had misunderstood all the time before, so he expressed it with Fang Shili.


Fang Ce nodded.

King Fu Zun on the side was also quite touched.

Then everyone came to the meeting hall.

Fang Ce will plan to tell.

"After you recover, will you directly attack the Li country? Very good! It's exactly what I want!"

Hua Snake sneered, she had suffered enough anger during this time, how could she not let go if she didn't take revenge?

"Wait, my lord envoy, I want to ask how is Taiqian doing now?"

King Fu Zun couldn't help but speak.

The Emperor Taigan beside him also showed concern.

"This...the loss is serious. As far as I know, from Huogu Pass all the way to the south, all of them are in ruins. I'm afraid the capital area is also..."

Fang Ce hesitated to respond, and now Taigan can be said to have been wiped out.It's just that the main forces of King Fu Zun are still here at Hukou Pass.Of course, the Kingdom of God is not much better...


The Taigan Emperor's face suddenly became horrified, and his whole body trembled.

"Is this... so serious... If so, I'm afraid it's too dry to continue sending troops to attack Li country..."

King Fu Zun gritted his teeth, but finally closed his eyes slowly.

"Huh? What? Now that you have been harmed by the Nine Disasters, don't you intend to take revenge?"

The Snake Raised His Eyebrows.

"Master Huihua Snake, it's not that we don't intend to take revenge, but that we really can't send troops to take revenge. Now the food and grass here at Hukou Pass are in short supply, and Taigan has fallen. I don't know how the state of the Kingdom of God is now, whether it can sustain it pay for this food and grass expenses."

King Fu Zun responded.


Hua Snake couldn't help looking at Fang Ce.

"So that's the case. According to King Fu Zun's wishes, I'm afraid it's really impossible to send troops. Because the Kingdom of God is also suffering serious losses, and the troops have also lost a lot..."

Fang Ce frowned.

"What? Can't fight anymore?"

The snake was immediately displeased.

"Master Hua Snake, in the current situation, the use of military force will only lead to the complete destruction of Taigan, and the Kingdom of God may also suffer. At that time, we can only rely on Master Hua Snake and God's Envoy to fight against Li Kingdom. And nine disasters, nine disasters. I wonder if you are sure you can bear it?"

King Fu Zun responded.


Hua Snake's eyes turned to Fang Ce again. She can protect herself absolutely, but whether this situation can defeat Li Guo and the Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters is unknown, because it depends on how sure Fang Ce is.

"Hmm... Although it is possible to fight... But the price is that the entire Taiqian and the Kingdom of God will fall, so this is meaningless."

Fang Ce frowned slightly, because he, Hua Snake and Evil Ape wanted to go in and out of the Li Kingdom, and no one could keep them.The Li country will not be destroyed for a while, but with constant consumption, the Li country will collapse sooner or later.

"My current thinking is, Mr. Hua Snake, Mr. God Envoy, and this Great Evil Ape, you are the main guards for the time being. Wait for Taigan and the Kingdom of God to recuperate and restore their national strength. It will not be too late to deal with the Kingdom of Li From my current point of view, the three of you, Mr. Hua Snake, Mr. God Envoy, and Mr. Evil Ape, are completely enough to deter Li Guo, Nine Disasters, and Nine Disasters.

However, the land and resources of the Etherland and the Kingdom of God, after recuperating for tens of hundreds of years, the national strength is enough to recover and even far surpasses the country of Li.In the future, as long as Li Guo cannot find the power to absolutely reverse the situation.It will only be thrown farther and farther away by Taiqian and the Kingdom of God.At that time, even if we are too interfering with the Kingdom of God and do not attack Li Country, Li Country will look at our faces with trepidation.

Nine disasters and nine disasters and other disasters, the resources that can be obtained in Li country are far inferior to ours, and they are destined to be unable to compare with you, Master Hua Snake. "

King Fu Zun said slowly.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help thinking.


The Snake and Willow frowned lightly, weighing the pros and cons.

"I think King Fu Zun's proposal is good. With our current strength, there is really no need to be so aggressive against the Li country. After all, it is far from the same level, and it is no longer an opponent we should care about. We should Rehabilitation and development is the priority, and then in the best condition, easily handle them."

Fang Ce nodded. With his current strength, even if the Great Desolation Ancient God came, he would not be afraid.Coupled with the top combat powers such as Snake Transformation, Evil Ape, Master Good and Evil Taoist, Tianyan Martial Saint, and Wurui Beast, it can be said that there is no power that can shake it.

"In addition, there is another point. If we are still too persistent in dealing with Li Guo, especially if the three of you, Lord Hua Snake, leave the Hukou Pass, I am afraid that Li Guo will send dark soldiers to take advantage of the gap to attack the Kingdom of God and Taigan. .

Because in the Li country, there are obviously some high-ranking people in charge.Nine disasters destroyed Taigan, and now he defected to Li country.Regarding the current situation of Taigan and the Kingdom of God, it must also bring news.So they must also be able to see that the food on our side is no longer enough to supply large-scale war consumption. "

King Fu Zun spoke again.

"Indeed, since the situation is not tense now, it's better to rest and recuperate first. After all, it's not a solution for the people to live in dire straits."

Qilin couldn't help but speak.

At this time, Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce with his eyes.

Xie Yuan also looked at Fang Ce, he didn't understand these at all, he only felt that what King Fu Zun said was very reasonable.After all, 6000 years ago, he was a big monster who dominated one side, so there was no need to toss about soldiers, food and so on.

"The beauty of the snake, King Fu Zun's analysis is indeed good. I also suggest that the army be suspended for the time being, and recuperation is the first priority. The Li country and the nine disasters, and the nine disasters are no longer a concern. It is not worth our effort to fight resolutely."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Just let them go like this? This deity is a little unwilling..."

Hua Snake frowned, but the bad breath in her heart has not disappeared.

"Ha, of course I won't let them go so easily. I have a plan now, and I won't make it too easy for them."

"Huh? What's the plan?"

The snake was puzzled.

"It's inconvenient to elaborate on this. It's basically because you, the Snake Beauty, are guarding here. You will go to Li Country from time to time to toss and harvest leeks."

Fang Ce responded with a smile again.

"Harvesting leeks? What do you mean?"

The snake raised its eyebrows.

"Specifically, you don't need to ask more about the beauty of the snake. In short, it will let you see the benefits. In a short period of time, the troops consumed by the Kingdom of God will be restored as soon as possible. Make sure you are satisfied with the beauty of the snake. , how are you?"

Fang policy responded.

"Mysterious, hmph, so be it."

Hua Snake responded in displeasure, since Fang Ce had mentioned this point, she naturally couldn't pursue it further, after all, it was impossible for her to get Fang Ce now.

"Ha, thank you, Beauty of the Snake, for agreeing."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Master Hua Snake."

King Fu Zun also clasped his fists.

Xie Yuan curled his lips, feeling quite jealous.

"King Fu Zun, send someone to Kowloon City to inform the fairies and the Yueren clan to come to Hukou Pass. By the way... and Daoist Qianxue."

Fang Ce looked at King Fu Zun.


King Fu Zun nodded slightly in surprise.

"Let the Moon Clan come here? Didn't you say you want to recuperate? What are you calling those guys over for?"

The snake is doubtful.

"We'll know when the time comes."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.


The snake immediately pouted.

A day later, Fang Ce recovered.

"Snake beauty, I'm going to visit Li country now, please take care of me here."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Hmph, get out, just don't die."

"Ha, thank you for your concern, Snake Beauty."

Fang Ce responded and left directly.

Out of the Hukou Pass.

Fang Ce flew straight to Li country.

With his current strength, he soon saw the border checkpoints of Li Country.

The first thing that caught Fang Ce's eyes was the huge army of evil creatures from the Nine Calamities! ! !
"very good!"

Fang Ce couldn't help showing a smile, and immediately speeded up to the border of Li Country, and landed calmly.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

Li Guo's officers and soldiers on the city wall quickly discovered Fang Ce's arrival and immediately sounded the alarm.

However, Fang Ce didn't pay much attention to it. The sword intent surged on his body. In an instant, thousands of gods condensed, and then exploded out, directly sweeping away the countless army of evil things in front of him!His current plan is to use these evil creatures produced by the Nine Calamities to restore the strength of the Kingdom of God!That's what he said before harvesting leeks!

Rumble boom!

In an instant, a large area of ​​evil was annihilated by Fang Ce!
After one blow, Fang Ce's sword intent surged again, and the sword intent spring and autumn blasted out again!Another large piece of evil was harvested by Fang Ce!

"Fang Ce!!!"

An angry voice sounded!

I saw the Nine Plagues flying out of the city!
"Fang Ce!? You are so brave! How dare you come here alone!"

There was another sound of anger, and I saw Jiu Huo swimming out from nowhere!
"What? Do you two have any opinions on this subordinate?"

Fang Ce smiled lightly, and the sword will burst out again, ignoring these two guys at all!Anyway, we are also raiding together!
However, Fang Ce ignored the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters, but the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters could not ignore Fang Ce's attack, and they couldn't help resisting them one after another.

Rumble boom!

Two groans of pain sounded!

The Nine Calamities and the Nine Calamities were blown away one after another, blood splattering!

With the strength of these two guys, how could they be able to withstand Fang Ce's Sword Intent Spring and Autumn?However, both of them have extremely tenacious vitality, and the impact of this level of damage is not too great.

And Fang Ce didn't have time to pay attention to the Nine Calamities and the Nine Calamities, and then the Sword Intent Spring and Autumn burst out again!

Rumble boom!

Rumble boom!

The Sword Intent Spring and Autumn, which swept out again and again, easily harvested a large number of evil things!
At this moment, Emperor Li, who was following behind and came out from the ancient battle formation, was even more shocked. Now Fang Ce's strength is really superior to all the big monsters, and he stands at the pinnacle of existence!I'm afraid that even if his master Demon Dragon comes out, he may not be able to match him!
After a while, Fang Ce's sword intent had been exhausted.

"Hahahaha! I will come to visit again tomorrow, and I will leave. Of course, you are welcome to return the gift at any time."

Fang Ce laughed out loud and flew away.

"You! Fang Ce!!!"

Nine Calamities immediately roared angrily. After all, what Fang Ce wiped out was her army of evil creatures, and it was completely humiliating her!However, anger was anger, but she didn't dare to pursue Fang Ce.Because she alone is definitely not Fang Ce's opponent.

Of course, if there are guys like Jiu Huo and Li Di leading the ancient battle formation to assist, they can still deal with Fang Ce.The problem is, Nine Woes can't leave the ground, otherwise the combat power will drop drastically!And Emperor Li's ancient battle formation also couldn't leave the ground, because the entire battle formation didn't have the ability to fly, and even the marching speed on the ground was far behind.

Therefore, if Fang Ce wanted to leave, there was really nothing they could do.It would be unrealistic for them to counterattack all the way, after all, there are still snakes, evil apes, and five auspicious beasts on the human side!These alone are enough to make them drink a pot!Not to mention there are other big and small combat forces...

"Hmph, this guy came alone. It seems that the power of the country is really empty now. I don't dare to fight easily. This guy is probably just here to harass and harass, trying to vent his anger."

A flat voice sounded.

I saw the phantom of the Great Desolate Ancient God emerge!
"Your Excellency, what do you mean we don't have to worry about Fang Ce and Hua Snake coming to attack?"

Jiufu turned around and looked in surprise.

"Yes, judging from the news brought by the Nine Calamities Venerable. Human beings no longer have the resources to wage large-scale wars. For a long time, it is estimated that they will stick to their defenses. If guys like Snake, Evil Ape, and Fang Ce really Dare to attack with all our strength. We just need to send a dark soldier to cooperate with the Nether Dragon Rider of the Nine Calamities Venerable, take the opportunity to capture Taigan, and sweep inside. At that time, I am afraid that the entire human country will directly collapse."

The ancient gods of the Great Desolation whispered.

"That's fine...that's fine..."

Jiufu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, there will be enough time for Lord Demon Dragon to break the seal!"

Emperor Li couldn't help but his eyes flickering.

"Magic Dragon Breaking Seal... Are you sure that Demon Dragon Breaking Seal can cope with the current strategy? Even the deity in full state is not sure that it can handle it."

The Ancient God of the Wilderness couldn't help but frown.

"Fang Ce... Lord Demon Dragon can overcome snakes in the sky, and he is not afraid of evil apes. At that time, Lord Demon Dragon and Lord Nine Calamities' three ghost dragon riders will restrain the evil apes and snakes together. Then let Nine Disasters and Lord Nine Calamities Lord Nine Disasters join forces to deal with Fang Ce. The problem should not be big."

Emperor Li responded.

"Where is the five auspicious beasts? And where is Fang Ce's master?"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God spoke again.


Emperor Li was speechless for a moment. Thinking about it now, there are indeed too many high-end combat powers on the human side, and their Li country really can't gain much advantage.

"This ancient god of the wilderness, how can you restore your full state? With your capabilities, it must be easy to deal with the five auspicious beasts."

Nine Calamities couldn't help but speak.

"It's not that easy to restore the deity to a complete state. You have to wait for ten thousand years, or there are enough sacrifices. Now this Li country can't afford the consumption, and there is also a lack of conditions for the deity to fully recover."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God shook his head.In fact, if possible, he would like to swallow the Nine Calamities and Nine Calamities.In this case, even if it fails to restore its full state, it can still possess terrifying power.The problem is that the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters are obviously not so easy to be fooled.Therefore, he can only show sincerity for the time being.

"So troublesome?"

The Nine Disasters had a bad face.

"Don't worry too much. This deity still has a backup, now let's wait for the magic dragon to break the seal. For the time being, Li Guo's side is also safe. At most, he will be harassed by Fang Ce from time to time."

The Great Wilderness Ancient God spoke softly.

"Hmph, let's go ahead."

Nine Disasters responded unhappily.

On Fang Ce's side, he has already returned to Kowloon City.

"Come back so soon? What the hell are you doing this trip?"

Hua Snake looked at Fang Ce suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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