Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 325 Melancholy Liang Xue, the Nine Disasters of Thunderbolt

Chapter 325 Melancholy Liang Xue, Nine Disasters

"Ha, these are the harvest."

Fang Ce waved his hand, and a large piece of spiritual fruit appeared in front of him.

"Spiritual fruit!? You went to Li country to harvest spiritual fruit!? There are so many? How did you get it? Does Li country have so many spiritual fruits?"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked stunned, because this was Fang Ce's harvest, not accumulated over the years, unless Fang Ce lied to make her happy!
"Oh, fortunately, there are quite a lot of stocks over there. I went down for a stroll and searched for so many and came back. You also know that there is no shortage of spiritual fruits, the beauty of the snake, because you have an extraordinary ability to detect spiritual fruits. .”

Fang Ce responded with a smile. He naturally knew such nonsense, and the snake would definitely not believe it easily, but it didn't matter, it was just a prevarication reason anyway.

"The ability to detect spirit fruit? But..."

The snake suddenly showed suspicion.

"Snake beauty, don't care about these details. You just need to know that it is enough for me to build all the members of the Moonman tribe into the soldiers of the ancient battle formation. These moonmen are born with the ability to master the invisibility, and the formation of the ancient battle formation is very effective. One can imagine how big it is. And even if it is not used in the ancient battle formation, ordinary investigation and spying can accomplish a lot."

Fang Ce smiled again.

"Hmph, do the Yueren have a suitable general now?"

Hua Snake snorted softly, she couldn't see that Fang Ceming was perfunctory to her.

"Uh... this... I don't know for the time being. However, the main general does not necessarily need to be a moonman. The rest of the people who have mastered the invisibility ability are also possible."

Fang policy responded.

"Then there is someone to choose?"

The snake is asking again.

"This... There should be candidates, but... Forget it, this is not urgent. There are thousands of people in the month, and there will always be such a suitable general. When the fairy comes, let the fairy see it and you will know. She You can tell at a glance who is the right fit.”

Fang Ce thought of one, and that was Wuzun Tianshi. However, now that Wuzun Shi has no body, it seems that he can't practice into the ancient battle formation, and he is recuperating with his beloved wife Shenlan.He didn't intend to bother too much.

"Xiao Yu? Good."

Hua Snake nodded, remembering that Fang Ce had sent Xin Yu and the Yueren Tribe here.

A day passed.

After Fang Ce recovered, he went to Li Country to harvest the army of evil creatures from the Nine Plagues and condense the spiritual fruits.

Of course, the result was still an easy back and forth, and Nine Calamities trembled with anger...

And at dusk that day, Xin Yu and the Yueren also hurried to Hukou Pass.

"Hahaha, welcome to the fairy."

Fang Ce greeted him directly at the gate of the city with respectful salutes.

"National Division."

On the side, King Fu Zun also clasped his fists. After all, with Fang Ce's status and strength, he respected Xin Yu so much. Naturally, he was not good at maintaining his status. Although no one would mind, he also avoided being criticized.

"How's the situation here? Do you need help?"

Xin Yu was worried about speaking, but she was quite helpless in her heart. How could she be entitled to such courteous treatment?But Fang Ce was always like this, and she couldn't help it.After all, Fang Ce was her feng shui apprentice from the beginning, and she couldn't refute this reason.

Liang Xue who was beside Xin Yu was silent.

The two girls Shang Wu and Shang Le glanced at each other, and they couldn't help but envy Xin Yu, who is Fang Ce?That is an absolute powerhouse above the big monster, what an honor it is to be treated so courteously by such a person.

"The situation here has stabilized. Now Master Hua Snake means to let the people rest and recuperate. As for letting the fairies come, it is mainly for you to train soldiers."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Is that so? Do you want to train soldiers? Okay..."

Xin Yu nodded in a daze, military training or something, it was fine for her.The key is that the situation mentioned above by Fang Ce is stable, and the people are recuperating, which undoubtedly makes her breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's go down and see Mr. Hua Snake first."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.

With the self-restraint of the snake, it is naturally impossible to come out to meet Xin Yu's people.After all, Xin Yu, Shang Wu, and Shang Le are now slaves of snakes...

Come to Hukou Pass, in the meeting hall.

I saw Hua Snake sitting on the main seat indifferently, and Evil Ape was on the left first.

"Master Hua Snake, the Fairy and the Moonman Tribe have arrived."

Fang Ce smiled and saluted.

"Meet Lord Hua Snake."

Xin Yu and the others immediately saluted respectfully.


Hua Snake waved his hand as a gesture of excuse.

"Master Hua Snake."

Xin Yu and the others responded.

"The main purpose of letting you come here this time is to train all members of the Moonman Tribe to become qualified soldiers of the ancient battle formation."

The Snake spoke softly.

Xin Yu, Shang Wu and Shang Le couldn't help but glance at each other, both of them were surprised.Doubting what kind of cultivation method the snake said is the cultivation method?However, they did not dare to ask more questions.

"Fang Ce will go to Li Country to search for spiritual fruits to supply the Moonman tribe to improve their abilities. You arrange the distribution of spiritual fruits and the training of the ancient battle formation. Let all the Moonmen meet the standard as soon as possible."

The snake spoke again.

"This? Searching for spiritual fruit?"

The two women, Shang Wu and Shang Le, were stunned. Now there are only 700 people left in the entire Yueren tribe, of which 400 people have less than 40 years of cultivation, and they have an average of 8 years of Taoism.In order for all these people to reach a hundred years of Taoism and meet the standards of forming a desolate ancient battle formation, at least a total of [-] to [-] years of Taoism is required!How long will it take to achieve this goal?
The annual output of spirit fruit in the entire Li country is not known to be [-], and it is not a rich and rich place like Taiqian.What's more, Fang Ce went to search alone?Compete with Li Guo?

"Master Hua Snake will make this arrangement. Naturally, there is a sense of propriety. You can just follow orders. You should distribute these spiritual fruits first. They should be enough for 100 people."

Fang Ce smiled, and with a wave of his hand, a large pile of spiritual fruits landed in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Shang Wu and Shang Le opened their mouths and looked stunned.

The evil ape on the side was also stunned for a moment. It's not that he has never seen such a large number of spiritual fruits, but it's the first time he has seen them just like this for these insignificant ants.Even if it is him, rewarding the next follower, at most dozens of them at a time, is already a great gift.

"Thank you, Lord God Envoy!"

Shang Wu and Shang Le hurriedly saluted.

"Cough cough."

Fang Ce suddenly coughed lightly.

"Thank you, Master Hua Snake!"

Shang Wu and Shang Le reacted instantly, and quickly saluted the snake again.

Hua Snake glanced at Fang Ce, but didn't say much, but looked at Xin Yu: "Xiao Yu, can you tell who can lead the ancient battle formation? Are there any suitable candidates in God's country now? Especially Moon tribe."

"Master Huihua Snake, my subordinates can indeed tell. Now in the kingdom of God, the moon-born saintess Shang Le can master the ancient battlefield heroes. In addition, the moon-born Tantaili and Shangqing Li Junxuan all have the ability to command, so it should be. Can master the ancient battle formation, but the two ancient battle formations we know so far can be mastered by those who are good at thunder and fire."

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh? Can Shang Le master the Ancient Battle Formation? Very good."

Hua Snake looked at Shang Wu and Shang Le with his eyes, and nodded in satisfaction, as long as one of the Yueren can master it.What's more, Shang Le, who survived the first level of catastrophe, would be even better!

"Senior Qilin, is there anything else in this ancient battle formation besides what we know now?"

Fang Ce couldn't help looking at Qilin in doubt. According to his guess, since there are thunder and fire, there should be other things too.

"This... When I was young, I heard from Shangxian that there are quite a few. The abilities of each ancient battle formation are different, and some of them are particularly powerful, and there is no specific way to master them at all."

Qilin frowned in response.


Fang Ce was surprised.

"The fairy who once raised the old husband and the other four auspicious beasts has gone to a higher plane."

Kirin responded.

"A higher plane? Is it the Nine Heavens? How to get there?"

Fang Ce was even more surprised.

"Now I don't know, I only know that there was a passage to the high plane before."

Qilin shook his head.

"Oh fine……"

Fang Ce nodded. He was just curious about the existence of this higher plane, and he didn't intend to go there. After all, he didn't understand the spirit world now.And there's still a bunch of things that need to be sorted out.

"In this case, let's do this first. Go and rest first."

The snake opened his mouth flatly.

"Master Hua Snake."

Everyone in Xin Yu responded and then retreated.

The next day, Fang Ce went to Li Country alone to harvest evil things and condense spiritual fruits.

Waiting to hand over the harvest to Shang Wu and Shang Le once again left the two girls dumbfounded.

This situation lasted for a month, and all the moonmen have reached 100 years of Taoism, and can be formally trained as soldiers in the ancient battle formation!
In a pleasant garden environment.

"Hmm... Not bad, at this rate, can you raise all Lunarians to nearly 1000 years?"

The snake wrapped tightly around Fang Ce's body, with a look of joy on his face.

"Well... If there are no accidents, it should be possible..."

Fang Ce nodded. In a month, he didn't know how many evils the Nine Calamities had eliminated, but there were still a terrifying number of them.Nine Calamities tried to hide these evil things, but there was no way, and he could always find them easily.It can only hide the more powerful evil things.

"Then you will continue to work hard for the deity. Go, walk around with the deity, and stay here every day, it's really boring."

Hua Snake let go of Fang Ce, and swam out leisurely, looking very happy.

Fang Tactic shrugged and followed.

Another day passed.

West City Wall.

Liang Xue gazed into the distance, she knew that Fang Ce was making trouble in Li Country.Up to now, she still doesn't know what she was called here for, maybe it was just Fang Ce's habit of calling her over by the way.In fact, she didn't know what to do when she came here, after all, she basically couldn't help now.It can only be said that it is barely a combat power, right?

Time gradually passed.

High in the sky in the distance, I saw a figure approaching quickly.

"Fang policy..."

Liang Xue recognized the figure in an instant. Just because of the interaction between her and Fang Ce, even if she didn't look at it, she would know that Fang Ce had rushed back.

a while.

"Huh? Miss Liang?"

A voice of doubt.

Fang Ce fell to the top of the wall.

"You're back."

Liang Xue whispered.

"Well, what? So free to watch the scenery here?"

Fang Ce smiled. During this period of time, Liang Xue's mood was not right, and he naturally sensed it, but he didn't want to ask more about the girl's family's concerns.Now it happens that I can also chat and explore.

"Well...it's quite free, and there's nothing to do anyway."

Liang Xue responded.

"Don't practice to improve your strength?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Cultivation...my talent is limited, no matter how much I cultivate, it will be about the same, and it won't be of much help anyway."

Liang Xue shook her head lightly.

"Ha, there's no need to worry too much, just relax your mind. Maybe you suddenly have an epiphany?"

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, he couldn't help guessing that Liang Xue was distressed because of a bottleneck in her cultivation?

Liang Xue responded lightly again, her sullen mood remained unchanged.

"By the way, I have gained a lot this time. Give these to you."

Fang Ce flipped through it casually, and a bunch of spiritual fruits were in front of Liang Xue's eyes.


Liang Xue was taken aback for a moment, and a surge of joy suddenly surged in her heart.

Fang Ce laughed secretly, this little girl...

However, only for a short moment.

"Thank you, but you don't need it, give me a...waste. It's more important to upgrade the Moonman Desolate Ancient Battle Formation."

Liang Xue shook her head lightly, and the joy she felt quickly dissipated.The reason why she was happy was purely because of the surprise of Fang Ce's move, but when she thought of herself, she soon woke up. It really doesn't make much sense to use these spiritual fruits on her. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a waste. Her ability can't afford this treatment...

"This... how can it be wasted? Miss Liang..."

"It's really unnecessary... I have something to do, so I'm leaving first..."

Liang Xue didn't wait for Fang Ce to finish speaking, she took a step back in a panic, saluted, then hurriedly turned and left.


Fang Ce was even more stunned: "What's the matter with this girl? Inferiority? Sigh..."

In just a moment, he vaguely sensed Liang Xue's emotions, it seemed to be the same thing.This is also the reason for his panic at the end, because he knew that he could detect the change in his heart, and was eager to cover up and leave.In this way, he could vaguely guess the reason for Liang Xue's depression.Because before I knew it, the distance between the two was already too far...

As his fairy puppet, Liang Xue could no longer bring any help. Although he would neither dislike nor mind, for Liang Xue herself, it would be very difficult not to care...

"have no choice……"

Fang Ce sighed softly again, he can only find opportunities to enlighten him slowly in the future.If she is too eager to help now, it will only make Liang Xue feel more embarrassed.After all, many times, poor people don't want to be pitied, because it will hurt their hearts.

At this moment, Li domestic.

"Damn! Damn!"

Nine Calamities and Nine Heads roared to the sky, their eyes were red, and they looked extremely angry.

During this period of time, Fang Ce has been tossing her army of evil things without caring about anything else. Isn't this a deliberate provocation against her?Although it is not uncommon for Fang Ce to be tossed about as an enemy, the problem is that this kind of differential treatment makes her feel extremely unbalanced.Obviously she has hidden the army of evil things behind her.Fang Ce came to Li country, but he didn't care about anything, just wanted to find her army of evil things to harvest!Wasn't this bullying her on purpose, or what?Can you not be angry?
"Lord Nine Disasters, don't get angry, Lord Molong will break the seal soon. At that time, if you use this strategy again, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

Emperor Li couldn't help comforting him, because he was worried that the Nine Calamities would lose his mind, so he led Fang Ce to the place where the dragon broke the seal, and their plan was discovered.

The Ancient God of the Great Desolation frowned, because he felt that Fang Ce's behavior was a bit abnormal, why did he target the evil army of Nine Disasters?Is it really as simple as intentionally bullying Nine Calamities?
"how much longer!"

Nine Calamities' eyes were bloodshot with anger.

"Within half a month!"

Emperor Li responded in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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