Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 326 The disaster of nine babies, the magic dragon breaks the seal!

Chapter 326 The disaster of the nine babies, the dragon broke the seal!
The next day, at the moment when Fang Ce was about to continue to Li Country to toss the Nine Calamities.

"Fang Ce, Master Hua Snake, there is an emergency."

Xin Yu came to the courtyard where Fang Ce and Hua Snake lived.

"Huh? Fairy? What happened?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

The snake is also doubtful.

"There is news from Taigan that there is another big monster causing trouble. It is a powerful nine-headed dragon that controls the power of water and fire. It should be Jiuying."

Xin Yu responded.

"Another big demon broke the seal?"

Fang Ce was startled.

"The power of water and fire, the nine-headed dragon, it should be the nine infants."

The snake frowned lightly.

"Now everyone is waiting for the two to discuss in the chamber."

Xin Yu spoke again.

"Well, let's go."

The snake nodded flatly.

Fang Zhizhi glanced at Hua Snake, and his heart was calm. Because of the look of Hua Snake, this Jiuying should not be too troublesome.Otherwise, it wouldn't be so bland.

After a while, several people came to the meeting hall.

"Master Hua Snake, Lord Envoy. An urgent call for help came from Taigan, and a powerful monster appeared in the north, choosing to devour it. It is a nine-headed dragon that has controlled the power of water and fire."

King Fu Zun's expression was heavy.


Turn into a snake and lightly touch the head of the gnat.

"Does Master Hua Snake have any good strategies?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"No, because of you."

The snake responded calmly.

"Uh...thank you, Master Hua Snake, for your consideration. Does it mean that I can just let you take care of these nine infants?"

Fang Ce froze, this demon girl likes to order him now...

"Almost, but you'd better bring some helpers. Those who are good at water and land, five auspicious beasts, black turtles and unicorns can do it. Of course, it is best if you have someone who is good at ice. Because Jiuying's water power is more useful. special."

The snake responded.

"The Iceman?"

Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, and instantly thought of Master, the good and evil Taoist.

"Why is it so troublesome? This deity alone can deal with the nine infants."

The evil ape's disdainful voice suddenly sounded.

"Hmph, it's as if this deity can't deal with Jiuying. Can you promise to defeat Jiuying?"

The snake is also disdainful.


Xie Yuan was stunned, Jiuying's ability is also very special, he can confront him head-on, although he has the upper hand, but he will probably push Jiuying back, it is still impossible to kill Jiuying.

"Master Hua Snake, what are the characteristics of this Nine Babies?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Jiuying is the same as Jiubai, possessing the ability of regeneration and the ability of the nine heads. The difference is that Jiuying also has the dragon energy of the second level and the bloodthirsty of the third level. The other one is similar to the black dyeing ability of the Jiuying. The ability of water and fire possession. "

"Water and fire possession?"

"This ability can attach several layers of water and fire spells to itself, allowing Nine Woes to directly possess powerful melee destructive power and defensive power. This blessing effect is much higher than Nine Woes' black dye ability. However, this ability has Quite a disadvantage.

Because the magic power attached to itself is too strong, it will form a burden on Jiuying itself.If the power of water lasts too long, Jiuying will overcool himself.If the power of fire lasts too long, it will overheat.Therefore, the water and fire power of Jiuying is used alternately to achieve balance. "

"Oh, what Master Hua Snake said about bringing good water, is that when Jiuying's water power reaches its full capacity and is ready to transform his fire power, he uses water to attack to counteract the transformation of his fire power?"

Policy inquiry.

"Yes, in this way, this guy can be weakened for a period of time."

The snake responded.

"And those who are good at ice can restrain Jiuying's water power, and at the same time counteract the conversion of fire power. Has considerable restraint against Jiuying?"

Fang Ce asked again.

"Well, it will be much easier for someone who is good at ice to deal with Jiuying. In addition, because Jiuying has bloodthirsty in three realms, once she sees blood, she will go crazy and her speed will increase sharply, so don't be careless. Of course, falling into Crazy, not much sense. As long as you are not almost exhausted, it will be difficult to calm down, and you will not escape easily. This is also the right time to kill."

"Okay, I understand. The next person can go back. Senior Qilin, you should stay here and guard, just in case."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists. Naturally, he decided to go back and find his master, the good and evil Taoist, and go to clean up Jiuying together.


Qilin nodded.

Hua Snake waved his hand in disgust.

Fang Ce immediately turned around and left Hukou Pass quickly.

He quickly rushed to Kowloon City, found the good and evil Taoist, and went north to look for Jiuying.

On the road.

"What's the situation at the border?"

The good and evil Taoists speak.

"Return to Master, everything is going well and safe."

"Now you have surrendered both the snake and the evil ape?"

"Uh... It can't be said to be surrender, persuasion and persuasion."

Fang policy responded.

"Well, the teacher knows. In this way, it can be peaceful."

The Taoist good and evil nodded.


Fang Tactics sighed.

At this moment, in the west of Li Country, surrounded by a black rock mountain range.

I saw five desolate ancient battle formations surrounding five points, continuously absorbing strands of power from the mountains.

There have been many fractures in the Black Rock Mountain Range.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura surged out!

Rumble boom!

An earth-shattering explosion!The colossal dark power soared into the sky, destroying the entire mountain range in an instant!
In the darkness, a blue-black dragon shadow lingering with evil aura gradually emerged!
Go back to the north of Taigan.

Looking around, it is a barren land with few people.

Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoists passed through many cities, almost all of which were dead cities.

After a series of disasters, before the disaster of the ancient gods in the Great Desolation, the north had not recovered much, and then encountered the chaos of the Nine Disasters, and it hadn't recovered in the future. Naturally, it is impossible for there to be many people in this area.Now that the Nine Infants are causing disaster again, it is even worse...

The two flew for a while.



The voice for help sounded.

I saw a man who looked like a famous soldier running away on the ground.

"Master, there is a situation!"

Fang Ce immediately fell to the ground with the good and evil Taoists.

"what happened?"

Fang Ce directly stopped a dozen men.

"There are monsters! There are monsters attacking the city! Run! Don't be here!"

The leading man looked anxious.

"Is it a nine-headed monster with water and fire abilities?"

Fang Ce hurriedly asked.

"That's right! Let's go! Don't stop me! That monster may have ten thousand years of power! If you don't leave, you're doomed!"

The man spoke hastily again.

"That's fine, you guys leave first. I and Master will deal with that monster. Is it in the front city? There... is Hongcheng?"

Fang thought strategically, and instantly recognized where he was now.

"Yes! It's Hongcheng! You were sent by the Holy One to deal with that monster!? We are the militia to rebuild Hongcheng!"

The man looked surprised.

"Well, let's leave first. I and Master are going to Hongcheng now."

Fang Ce responded, and got up with the good and evil Taoists and flew to Hongcheng.


All the men responded and left in a hurry.

Gradually came to Hongcheng.

There was a loud bang!

There were also panicked cries for help.

I saw a nine-headed beast preying on a lot of people in the city!This ferocious beast is five feet tall and ten feet long!Nine dragon-like heads, the body is covered with huge scales, with thick limbs and claws, and the tail is like a dragon's tail!

"Naughty beast! Don't do evil!"

A cold hum.

Fang Ce directly unleashed the boundless sword art!


Jiuying let out a deep female voice, and quickly spit out water and fire to resist.


A cry of pain!
Jiuying's huge body was blown back by tens of feet!

"Hey! Dare to sneak attack on this deity! How courageous! Report your name!!"

Jiuying roared angrily, staring at Fang Ce and Taoist Good and Evil.

"Dying demon, there is no need to know that much."

Fang Ce responded calmly.

"Everyone in the city, leave immediately."

Fang Ce then spoke again, and his voice quickly spread throughout the city.

"Arrogant people who overestimate their capabilities! You are looking for your own death!"

Jiuying's complexion sank, the nine heads opened their mouths wide, and the terrifying water was condensed, but it was not Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoist, but sprayed at himself!

Countless water vapor quickly lingered and condensed on Jiuying's huge body, forming a special blue energy layer.

In an instant, the aura on Jiuying's body soared instantly!Exudes a terrifying coercion!

Is this the water and fire possession ability?

Fang Ce watched calmly.

"Ants! Die!"

Jiuying's huge figure suddenly moved, and directly killed Fang Ce and the other two!
Fang Ce's face was still calm, and the power of the holy evil burst out suddenly, and then he unleashed the immeasurable sword art again!

"Holy and evil spirits!?"

Jiuying was startled suddenly.

"Hmph! That's all!"

A sound of disdain.

Jiuying's nine heads and one big mouth were biting at the incoming Dawuliang sword formula, but they easily blocked it!Continue to bite Fang Ce without slowing down!

Fang Shiji was surprised, he used the Great Infinite Sword Art again and again, and at the same time his figure quickly retreated.The strength of the monster in front of him as a big monster is still very strong, and it can be sure that its strength is above the Nine Disasters!If he hadn't reached ten thousand years of Taoism now, he really couldn't provoke this monster!

Rumble boom!

I saw Fang Ce retreating backwards while fighting against Jiuying repeatedly.

"Ant, just like this, do you dare to talk big in front of this deity? Why don't you ask your companions to take a look?"

Jiuying kept approaching Fang Ce aggressively, without being affected by Fang Ce's attack at all!

"Ha, when the master makes a move, you will be finished."

Fang Ce smiled lightly, and now he no longer hides his clumsiness anymore, and the sword intent erupted violently in an instant!

"This is!?"

Jiuying was startled suddenly.

Then there were repeated explosions and muffled groans!

I saw that Jiuying was directly blown back by Fang Ce!

Fang Ce frowned slightly. The monster's defense was indeed very strong, and it was far better than the nine disasters!Although his sword intent could hurt it, it obviously couldn't do much damage!Coupled with the regeneration ability of this monster's nine heads, frankly speaking, it's not very easy to fight alone, it will take a lot of time to consume, and it must be ensured that the monster does not run away.

"Can you actually hurt this deity? Among the ants, you are also the first!"

Jiuying couldn't help squinting at Fang Ce, she really sensed Fang Ce's threat and became alert.

"Ha, it's more than an injury? It can kill you."

Fang Ce smiled lightly.


Jiuying snorted coldly, didn't say any more, and went to kill Fang Ce again.She didn't believe that Fang Ce would be able to kill her!With her ability to regenerate the nine heads, coupled with the possession of water and fire, it is simply whimsical to want to kill her!

Fang Ce's power exploded again, but he used the boundless sword formula to fight against Jiuying again!Because the power of Jiuying's water is now possessed, although his sword intent can hurt, the damage caused is not too great, and it is not suitable for continuous reckless fighting.The best time to use it is naturally to delay until the moment when Jiuying's body reaches the load of water power!
Rumble boom!

The two sides continued to compete again.

At this moment, I saw that Jiuying would spit water vapor on his body from time to time to maintain the attachment of the power of water.

The good and evil Taoist watched the battle calmly from the sidelines. He didn't make a move now, he was preparing to catch him by surprise at the most suitable time, and help Fang Ce kill Jiuying in one fell swoop!

"Regeneration ability!?"

Jiuying's voice of surprise could not help but sound out. She had hurt Fang Ce several times, but Fang Ce was fine. Obviously, she also has the ability to regenerate!

"Why? Are you afraid?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile, and continued to use the Dawuliang Sword Art again and again, fighting against Jiuying.

"Hmph! Insufficient!"

Jiuying disdainful, the nine heads quickly bit at Fang Ce, and the offensive continued unabated!She has the regeneration ability of the Nine Heads, so she would put the regenerative ability of mere ants in her eyes?
Another moment of fierce fighting.

I saw that Jiuying suddenly stopped the attack with some trembling, and then there was a flame brewing in the nine big mouths!

Fang Ce couldn't help but smile, this guy has already reached his capacity!
at the same time!

A roar sounded!
I saw the good and evil Taoist on the side directly turned into an ice blue dragon, and the terrifying coercion radiated out. With a huge mouth, the terrifying torrent of ice blasted towards Jiuying!

"What!? You!?"

Jiuying was suddenly horrified.

In an instant, click!

Layers of ice quickly condensed on Jiuying's body! !

Jiuying trembled in fright, spewing out terrifying flames from his mouth, trying to dissipate the power of water and ice on his body.However, the effect is obviously not ideal.

At this moment, Fang Ce just watched with a smile, waiting for the best time to make a move, so as to kill Jiuying in one fell swoop!

"Yes... yes... Saint Heaven Immortal Master and Wu Rui Beast asked you to come!?"

Jiuying trembled in surprise, and the unprecedented fear in his heart couldn't help but rise.Originally, she didn't pay much attention to Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoists, because she didn't see the Wurui Beast and the Saint Heavenly Master, she thought it was impossible for humans to get her.In the current situation, these two guys were obviously arranged especially for her!And the only ones who will make such an arrangement are the Saint Heaven Immortal Master and the Five Auspicious Beasts!

In other words, even if these two guys failed to do anything to her now, the Saint Heaven Immortal Master and Wu Rui Beast are probably already hiding in some unknown place, ready to attack at any time!
"Oh, that's not true, Mr. Hua Snake specially asked me to come down to deal with you."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Snake!? Are you a snake!?"

Jiuying was shocked immediately.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Why! Why did the Snake deal with the deity!!!"

Jiuying was furious.

"Because it's Lord Hua Snake's world now, she won't allow a disaster like you to add to her troubles."

"Now is the world of snakes!? How is it possible!!! Damn!!!"

Jiuying was even more frightened and furious, spewing flames frantically, trying to eliminate the negative state on his body with all his strength.

Gradually, the power of water on Jiuying's body gradually dissipated, but under the torrent of ice from the good and evil Taoists, the coldness in his body still could not be dissipated, and the power of fire naturally couldn't attach.

"It's almost done, monster, let's stop here."

Fang Ce spoke flatly, with a terrifying sword intent brewing on his body!
"You! What are you trying to do!?"

Jiuying was suddenly horrified.

At this moment, Fang Ce didn't say much, and the surging sword intent burst out!

(End of this chapter)

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