Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 327: Nine infants are defeated, and the magic dragon strikes!

Chapter 327 Nine infants are defeated, and the dragon strikes!
Blood splattered!

The piercing sword intent slashed across Jiuying's huge body again and again, bringing out streaks of blood!

Without the power of water attached to him, Jiuying's defensive ability was greatly reduced, and he returned to his normal state directly. Facing Fang Ce's powerful sword intent, he was naturally unable to resist it!Get scratched easily!If it weren't for his strong vitality, Fang Ce's random sword intent would be enough to directly take Jiuying's life!

With the blood staining, Jiuyingjiu's eyes quickly filled with blood red!
"Damn! Damn!!!"

The roar of anger sounded!
Jiuying quickly entered a state of madness, and the speed of the flame condensing and jetting in his mouth accelerated several times!
For a time, the ice offensive of Taoists Good and Evil was already hard to resist!


At this moment, Fang Ce has also shot with all his strength, and the crazy sword intent exploded at a faster speed!Cooperating with the cold ice of the good and evil Taoists, it continuously disintegrates the flames of Jiuying, making it impossible to complete the possession of the power of fire!

Jiuying couldn't help fighting madly with anger, and at the same time tried to counterattack Fang Ce, but with the joint efforts of Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoists, it was difficult to succeed!

A moment of madness.

With a howl!
As the blood gushed out, all nine heads of Jiuying were cut off and fell to the ground. Finally, with a loud bang, his huge body collapsed to the ground, motionless and lifeless!But he was killed abruptly by Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoists!
"It's such a tenacious vitality."

The good and evil Taoist looked at Jiuying's body calmly. He naturally knew how terrifying Fang Ce's sword intent was. Being able to hold on for such a long time showed that Jiuying's vitality was strong. This monster!After all, if the shooting speed can't keep up, Jiuying will quickly complete the attachment of the power of fire, and then it will be as difficult to deal with as copper skin and iron bone!

"Hmm... this is the first big monster to be exterminated..."

Fang Ce fell to the ground, came up to Jiuying's body, and looked up.

"The body of the great demon... This is the top grade material... Disciple, you need it. If you don't need it, I will take this body away as a master."

Taoist Good and Evil also landed in front of Jiuying's body, sizing him up with satisfaction.

"Oh, I don't need to..."

Fang Ce shook his head, but suddenly thought of something, he couldn't help but said again: "Wait, maybe this body of nine babies is useful to this disciple."


The Taoist good and evil nodded.

"Master, you go back to Kowloon City first, and the apprentice will start to deal with the body of the nine infants. If you need it, use it. If you don't need it... I will bring it back to you, Master."

Fang Ce smiled.


The good and evil Taoists responded and left.

Fang Ce looked at Jiuying's body, and then formed seals with his hands, and evil spirits gushed out of his body!The palm print came out, and a series of strange runes were printed on Jiuying's body and severed head!

Dusk, night falls.

In a forest not far from Hongcheng.

The bonfire swayed.

Fang Ce sat beside the bonfire and warmed his hands comfortably. Given his current cultivation base, he is naturally not afraid of the cold, but taking advantage of the warmth makes him feel comfortable.

Behind him at this moment is Jiuying's huge body, with strange runes shining darkly on it.

After a while.

"Well... the little beauty is here."

Fang Ce raised his head with a smile, and looked at the sky that was not yet completely dark, only to see a delicate figure flying towards him, and that person was Liang Xue.

"Fang... Fang Ce, do you need my help? Jiuying? You have already killed him? This is it?"

Liang Xueluo stood in front of Fang Ce, and looked at the body of the nine infants behind Fang Ce in a daze.

"It's nothing, it's just a battle with this monster, and I'm a little tired. Ask the beautiful and charming Miss Liang to accompany you."

Fang Ce smiled and stood up.

"Fang Ce, you...don't be kidding. What are you asking me to do?"

Liang Xue's face turned red, and she couldn't help taking a step back.She knew that Fang Ce would not call her here for no reason, but after thinking about it, she couldn't figure out what else she could do to help Fang Ce.

"Miss Liang, you have been following me for a long time. During this period of time, I found that I haven't nourished you well for so many years. So, tonight, I suddenly had a bold idea."

Fang Ce looked at Liang Xue's figure playfully.

"Fang policy you..."

Liang Xue couldn't help but froze, and looked at Fang Ce with a complicated expression, but finally closed her eyes, tears fell down, and she undressed tremblingly.Indeed, besides this, what value can she have now...

"This!? Miss Liang!? I'm just joking, don't take it seriously!"

Fang Ce was taken aback, and quickly stepped forward to hold Liang Xue's little hand. He was just joking to annoy this little girl and make her a little angry, but he didn't expect to be so negative, and he couldn't help feeling regretful.

Liang Xue was taken aback for a moment, and opened her eyes, but her eyes turned redder: "You...what do you want..."

Being teased by Fang Ce made her even more embarrassed.

"Miss Liang, don't be angry. I don't have any malicious intentions. I was just joking. In fact, I called you here to strengthen and strengthen you. After all, you, as a fairy puppet, have never helped you to refine and strengthen you. Somewhat negligent of duty. This is what I just said below... what I said... nourishing... sorry..."

Fang Ce responded awkwardly.

"This...sacrifice strengthens me? How are you going to..."

Liang Xue was taken aback again, and calmed down a little.

"Re-sacrifice the body for you..."

Fang policy responded.

"Re-sacrifice the body?"

"Sacrifice, Miss Liang Xue, to become the Great Demon Nine Infants, merge with the Great Demon Nine Infants, and obtain all the power of the Great Demon Nine Infants. That is, the body behind you. I have already done the preliminary work, and I just wait Miss Liang, you. I don’t know what you want, Miss Liang?”

"This... sacrifices me to become the Great Demon Nine Infants? It means that I will become the Great Demon Nine Infants? How will that affect me now?"

Liang Xue asked in a daze, she faintly felt that this was not simply to strengthen her strength...

"Uh... It's almost like you changed your body again, of course it's not a change, it's melted into Jiuying's body. Because Jiuying itself is too powerful, your body can't hold its strength, you can only do it against it. Do as you say. But don’t worry, I will ensure that Miss Liang’s soul will not be damaged. In addition, I will help you absorb the remnant soul of Jiuying and master all its power.

You don't have to worry about being backlashed, because with the presence of the contract master, Jiuying's remnant soul can't compete with you.I will suppress it for you.After a long time, the remnant soul of the nine infants will be completely absorbed by you for your own use.This is the bold idea I mentioned before. "

Fang Ce explained in detail.

"That is to say... my current body will disappear in the future, and what remains is me who controls the body of Jiuying?"

Liang Xue pursed her jade lips lightly.

"Well... almost, but not quite. Miss Liang, there's no need to worry so much. Anyway, they are all fairy puppets. Wouldn't it be better to evolve into a more powerful fairy puppet? This is the great demon nine infants Ah. Don’t be afraid to say it bluntly, the strength of the Nine Infants is not inferior to the Nine Calamities, the Evil Ape, and the Snake Beauty. After obtaining this power, Miss Liang, you will also be the top existence and one of the most powerful masters in this world. It depends on your face."

Fang Ce started persuading him, and he naturally understood that if a person suddenly gave up his body and became another person, or even not a person, he would definitely feel conflicted in his heart.

"Just let me become... a monster for the sake of power..."

Liang Xue couldn't help biting her lip, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, because Fang Ce's actions obviously believed that she was really useless now...

"Uh...no, Miss Liang, don't think too much. Look at Mrs. Hua Snake, will she be regarded as a monster by everyone now? She is already a god now. After you control the body of the Nine Infant, you can manipulate it a bit. It can also be a god that is admired by all. And... isn't it possible to transform? This nine infants has transformed, maybe it is also a peerless beauty."

Fang Ce quickly responded again.

"Peerless beauty? Is this Jiuying also a girl?"

Liang Xue was taken aback, and looked at Jiuying's rather mighty body.

"Uh...it should be, no, it is indeed a woman. Because that voice is a woman."

Fang policy responded.

"Really...it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, my life and death are up to you, so you can do whatever you want..."

Liang Xue made a faint sound, she is Fang Ce's property, why should she think so much...

"This...Miss Liang, don't be like this, I don't mean anything else, if you really..."

Fang Ce could naturally feel Liang Xue's negative emotions, and couldn't help but feel helpless. If this little girl really didn't want it, he couldn't force it.However, before he finished speaking...

Liang Xue had already put her arms around Fang Ce's neck, her gentle pair sealed the rest of his words...

Miss Liang! ?

Fang Ce couldn't help staring at the pretty face in front of him with wide eyes, and then wanted to pull Liang Xue away, because Liang Xue's mood was obviously not right at the moment!
"Before that, don't make me regret it..."

Liang Xue's hoarse voice sounded.

Fang Ce had already seen a line of faint tears on the pretty face of the beautiful woman in front of him, and in a daze, he was overwhelmed by tenderness...

Overnight, Hukou Pass.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The urgent horn sounded!

There was an instant commotion in the city.

"Enemy attack!? How dare you take the initiative to fight back!?"

In the yard, Hua Snake and Liu frowned, feeling something was wrong, because Li Guo would not easily commit an offense, and now Fang Ce has not yet returned from dealing with Jiuying!
Soon, everyone came to the city wall and looked away.

I saw a raging army slowly approaching in the distance!Ancient battle formations and endless evils!At the same time, there were three terrifying figures, including two Hydra, a Hydra, a Hydra, and a...


The snake's pupils shrank.

"It's a magic dragon!!"

Evil Ape's face darkened as well.

"The magic dragon is also broken!?"

Qilin looked solemn.

The terrifying army gradually came to a stop three miles outside Hukou Pass.

King Fu Zun, Daoist Kuanglei, and Commander Yang Yang Qixing have led the ancient battle formation outside the city to meet the enemy!


A terrifying roar!
I saw the evil ape's hundreds of feet of real body also appeared outside the city, directly blocking a large area!

"Oh? Evil ape? You really have surrendered to humans? What a shame."

A disdainful voice sounded.

The blue-black giant dragon with a body length of tens of feet and entangled in evil spirit flew out slowly, reaching the height of the evil ape's head, and then its body quickly grew to hundreds of feet.This is the ability of the giant spirit, because the demon dragon's body is relatively large and slender, and with the ability of the giant spirit, its length is about the same as the height of the evil ape.However, on the whole, it is still far less huge than the evil ape.Just like the length of a snake is the same as the height of a human, but its body size is far from comparable to that of a human.

"Hmph, it's not that the deity has surrendered to humans. It's that humans believe in the deity as a god, and the deity gives proper protection."

The evil ape immediately disdained to respond, he naturally couldn't admit it, and couldn't think that he was submitting to humans.

"Oh? Do you think this deity will believe this?"

The dragon's tone was flat, still disdainful.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. This deity doesn't need to talk to you. Just tell me, what are you doing here? If you want to fight, this deity will accompany you to the end!"

The evil ape snorted coldly.

"Hahahaha! Do you dare to challenge this deity? Who gave you the courage? The rumored human Fang Ce? Did you lose to him?"

The dragon laughed.

"It's none of your business! Stop talking so much nonsense!"

Xie Yuan was furious, this was his sore spot.

"Demon Dragon, I advise you to retreat quickly, this is not a place where you can run wild."

A cold voice sounded.

I saw the snake flying out slowly.

"Oh? It's you... cheap snake!!!"

The magic dragon's eyes turned cold, and without saying a word, it opened its mouth wide, and the terrifying torrent of dark ice directly sprayed towards the snake! !
If he had been sealed for so many years, who would he hate the most? It must be this cheap snake in front of him!If it wasn't for the hole dug by this cheap snake, how could he be easily taken advantage of by the Saint Heavenly Immortal Master! !

Therefore, the moment he saw the snake transforming into a snake, he was immediately furious!


Hua Snake's pupils shrank, but he didn't expect that the Demon Dragon would attack her directly, and hurriedly used a huge flood to try to resist.

However, Ka Ka Ka! !

The terrible dark ice easily sealed the flood of the snake, and continued to blast towards the snake with undiminished power!

A miserable howl!
The snake's body was instantly covered in ice slag, and it was directly blasted to the ground, creating a huge ice pit!The terrifying ice caused her to be severely injured in an instant, and her immortality quickly recovered!If she didn't have this immortal body, that blow just now would have killed her!

"Demon Dragon! Your opponent is the deity!!"

With a roar, the evil ape swung its huge fist and attacked the dragon!He also knew that the magic dragon Tianke restrained the snake, if the magic dragon continued to attack the snake, the snake would be wiped out sooner or later!

"Hmph! The devil dragon is not in your turn to be your opponent!"

A sound of disdain sounded, it was the voice of the Nine Disasters.

Then three roars sounded.

I saw three Nether Dragon Riders directly blocking the Evil Ape, and head-to-head with it!
Rumble boom!

The power of terror is surging!
The two sides are evenly matched, evenly matched, and they are unscathed anyway!

"Nine plagues!!!"

The evil ape was furious immediately, the Nether Dragon Rider was both offensive and defensive and terrifying!It can be said that to a certain extent, the strength of the Nether Dragonrider itself is far higher than its summoner, the Nine Calamities!Because the Nine Calamities itself can't break through the defense of the Nether Dragonrider, and its strength is far inferior to the Nether Dragonrider!Just the two advantages of Nine Heads and Immortal Body!

"Hmph! Attack this deity! Destroy this ruined city today! Snake, let's see how this deity kills you today!"

The magic dragon's cold gaze has already turned to the recovered snake on the ground!
Hearing the words, the snake could not help but shudder all over, and immediately thought of running away!This is a terrifying coercion from natural enemies!However, this fear was quickly suppressed by the snake!Because she still has strategies!She bet that Fang Ce will be back soon!
"Hmph! Snake! And those ants in the city! Today is your day of death! Attack!"

Nine Disasters also let out a cold snort, and attacked Hukou Pass together with Emperor Li and Snake Girl Jiaxie in the ancient battle formation!

(End of this chapter)

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