Chapter 331 Li Guo seeks peace, ten years of recuperation

"Evil Emperor? It really is you... Where is your master?"

Fang Ce looked at the evil emperor calmly, and was basically sure that the previous vision of the catastrophe was this evil emperor, after all, the time coincided very well.

"Isn't it already destroyed by you?"

The evil emperor also responded flatly.


Fang Ce raised his eyebrows, naturally he would not easily believe the evil emperor's words, the ancient gods of the Great Desolation were very cunning and cautious, so it is not impossible to avoid him now.

"I heard that you are now the strongest in the world, invincible in the world?"

The evil emperor spoke again.

"Is there any other matter? I don't know about it. Why did you come to the door? Could it be that you want to avenge your master?"

Fang Ce responded calmly.

At this moment, the evil emperor looked at Fang Ce indifferently, but did not respond, but then his eyes were fixed, and his body burst out with a turbulent aura!Evil flamboyance!
"Evil Qi of the Five Realms!?"

Fang Ce was surprised, this has already met the standard conditions for being replaced by the Great Wilderness Ancient God!Could it be that this guy in front of him is actually the Ancient God of the Great Desolation! ?

Don't wait for him to think about it.

The strange flames have covered the sky!Immediately, a series of terrifying sky fires crazily poured down on Fang Ce!

Fire Tribulation Sky?

Fang Ce's face was calm, the long sword was drawn out, the shadow of thunder and lightning lingered on his body, and the holy and evil aura erupted!The immeasurable sword art is quickly cast!
This guy in front of him should not be the Ancient God of the Great Desolation, or the Evil Emperor, because if the Ancient God of the Great Desolation is casting it now, it is not the sky of fire, but the world of hell! !
I saw that under Fang Ce's immeasurable sword art, the evil emperor's terrifying sky fire attack was easily disintegrated without any threat!

After all, Fang Ce also has the evil spirit of the five realms, and he also has the holy spirit of the three realms to restrain the evil spirit!Coupled with his magical skills at this level of cultivation, the power is even stronger than that of the Fire Tribulation Sky!That's why Hell Heaven and Earth can hold it back!

However, although Fang Ce crushed the evil emperor in terms of strength, he couldn't do anything to win the evil emperor!

Because at this moment, the Evil Emperor's figure was erratic, shifting positions at an extremely fast speed, making it impossible for Fang Ce's immeasurable sword formula to lock and hit at all!

So fast! ?
Fang Ce was surprised, this was the first time he saw such a fast speed!And it doesn't rely on any spells or magical skills, it's purely its own speed! !
"It seems that you are really powerful. I really didn't expect you to have such strength."

The evil emperor's erratic voice sounded, and his figure flickered around Fang Ce very quickly!At the same time, the Fire Tribulation Sky is still in use!

It can be said that if Fang Ce's strength is only as good as it is now, he will definitely be consumed to the point of defeat!

"Interesting, but that's about it."

Fang Ce said indifferently, and the piercing sword intent suddenly erupted on his body!


call out!call out!call out!
"Sword Intent!!"

The evil emperor's complexion changed, he hurriedly backed away, and tried to block it with the sky of fire!The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness had already told him about Fang Ce's general strength, so he was naturally prepared!However……

The evil emperor was barely able to catch Fang Ce's sword intent, and suffered repeated injuries!Fortunately, he has the ability to regenerate, but there is no danger of his life.He immediately fled away in a hurry: "Fang Ce, how did you get this emperor?"

"Regeneration ability..."

Fang Zhizhi frowned slightly, and quickly chased after him as soon as his figure moved.With his speed, he obviously couldn't catch up with the evil emperor, so the evil emperor quickly got out of his attack range!
However, the evil emperor seemed to hang Fang Ce on purpose, keeping a distance not too far or too close.

After chasing for a while, Fang Ce stopped suddenly.

Because there are already three figures appearing around and behind Fang Ce, Nine Calamities, Nine Calamities, and Demon Dragon!
At the same time, there are hundreds of thousands of cultivators on the ground in front of them, all of whom have 900 years of cultivation, quickly coming under the evil emperor!
And the figure of the evil emperor quickly landed, and the red energy spread on his body covered hundreds of thousands of cultivators, and quickly responded with resonance, forming a square formation, the ancient battle formation!

Fang Ce looked at it expressionlessly. In this situation, these guys should have been waiting for his arrival, and he was not surprised. After all, it is normal for the other party to be prepared for the harvest of leeks.It's just that what I didn't expect was that the evil emperor appeared and formed the ancient battle formation in the state of a second-level catastrophe!
"Fang Ce, do you still dare to fight this emperor?"

The evil emperor spoke softly.

"Hahahaha! Thousands of helpers have been recruited to form the ancient battle formation, and you still have the face to speak out here? With this shame alone, I have no choice but to bow down."

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, with the blessing of the ancient battle formation, it is naturally impossible for him to fight the evil emperor head-on, and even if his sword intent is exhausted, he won't be able to kill many soldiers of the ancient battle formation!These ancient battle formation soldiers are all fierce fighters who have cultivated for nearly a thousand years!
"If you are not convinced, you can also ask thousands of people to help you."

The evil emperor spoke softly again.

"What? Do you think that I can't control the ancient battle formation?"

Fang Ce smiled. To be honest, if he really wanted to practice the ancient battle formation, it would not be difficult for him!Just to see if it's necessary.

"I don't doubt your ability, but what level of ancient battle formation can you form?"

The evil emperor smiled lightly.

"Oh, that's right, Your Excellency is indeed superior in this regard. I admit it, but that's all."

Fang Ce nodded with a smile. Whether it is Taigan or the Kingdom of God, even the soldiers with a cultivation level of [-] are exhausted, let alone the fighters with a cultivation level of nearly a thousand years.So even if he formed the ancient battle formation to come, I'm afraid he wouldn't have much advantage.However, that's all, the ancient battle formation is also suitable for siege of cities and territories, and it is impossible to do anything to him based on this alone.

The evil emperor can only use this ancient battle formation to protect himself. He can't face it head-on, and it's easy to leave. What can he do?After all, after forming the Desolate Ancient Battle Formation, the evil emperor's terrifying speed advantage was completely restricted, so could he still be stopped?
"Fang Ce! Don't be too conceited! You came here alone, do you really think that the deities can't do anything to you!"

The gloomy voice of the magic dragon sounded, and he, Nine Calamities, and Nine Calamities directly blocked Fang Ce's retreat, and Fang Ce still talked with the Evil Emperor like no one else, he simply didn't take them seriously!Although he has no chance of winning alone, but with the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters, it is still unbelievable that he can't figure out a strategy!

"Naihe can do it, but there must be a chance for you to do it, right?"

Fang Ce responded indifferently, and then his eyes were fixed, and a terrifying sword intent was brewing in his body instantly!I saw thousands of gods gathering around me!

"This is!?"

The face of the magic dragon changed.


Nine Calamities couldn't help but speak in a deep voice.

Several big demons quickly used their extreme moves to deal with it!
At this moment, Fang Ce's terrifying sword intent has been swept out!

Suddenly, rumble!

I saw that the magic dragon, the nine infants, and the nine disasters were forced to retreat one after another!

Fang Ce's figure flashed, and he quickly fled away!

"Damn! This guy!!"

Molong looked at Fang Ce's disappearing figure with an even more uncertain expression.

"This hateful guy! I really can't keep it..."

Nine Disasters complexion is also extremely bad.

"There is no need to bother, unless the deity returns to its full state and joins forces with you with the power of the Juyuan Talisman of the Fire Tribulation Sky. Otherwise, it is impossible to get this guy."

A calm voice sounded.

The figure of the Great Desolate Ancient God emerged.

"See my lord."

The evil emperor immediately got out of the ancient battle formation, came to the front and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"What now?"

Nine disasters couldn't help but speak.

"The problem is not too big. With our current strength, if we want to go dormant, I think the strategy will not refuse."

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness responded calmly.


The Demon Dragons all showed doubts.


Not long after, at Hukou Pass, Fang Ce has returned.

In the conference hall.

"How? What can I gain this time?"

The snake asked.

Everyone looked at Fang Ce.

"Well... roughly the situation is like this..."

According to Fang's strategy, he detailed the results of this investigation.

"Evil Emperor? Another Great Desolation Ancient God..."

Snake Willow frowned.

"The Evil Emperor of the Huns... Unexpectedly, the ancient gods of the Great Desolation would still keep such a hand. The second-level Heavenly Tribulation is leading the ancient battle formations, and they are all close to a thousand years of cultivation. This is very tricky..."

King Fu Zun frowned.

"Well, top combat power, although we have a slight advantage, we can't completely make up for the huge gap in national strength."

Fang Ce nodded slightly.

"Forget it, you are here, Lord God Envoy, and now there is Lord Jiuying joining, even if there is an extra evil emperor in Li Kingdom. We can continue to rest and recuperate with peace of mind."

Fu Zun Wangdao.

"Go to Li Country if you have free time."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.Although it's very tricky for the guys like Demon Dragon to get together.But now on the side of the Kingdom of God, it is not a big problem for the evil ape, the nine infants, and the snakes to stick to it.What's more, there are five auspicious beasts, good and evil Taoists, Tianyan Wusheng, these top combat powers!

three days later.

A powerful breath came to Hukou Pass.

"Evil Emperor?"

Fang Ce went outside first, looking at the visitor in surprise.

Immediately, Hua Snake, Liang Xue, and Evil Ape all flew out one after another, frowning at the Evil Emperor.

"The emperor came here this time, and he has no intention of hostility, but just came to negotiate."

The evil emperor spoke flatly.

"Oh? Negotiation? What are you talking about? Are you going to surrender?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Surrender? Let's talk about this when you can really defeat us. The emperor came here this time to seek peace."

The evil emperor responded.

"Begging for peace?"

"Yes, this emperor admits that the Li country is indeed at a disadvantage now. However, if you stick to it, the problem is not a big problem. If you really choose to attack by force, it will be a situation where you will consume each other and hurt both sides. Therefore, Li country Here, I hope that we can develop peacefully in the future and not interfere with each other.”

"Mutual non-intrusion..."

Fang Ce couldn't help pondering, with his strength, it's not a big problem to go to Li Guo for a while without incident.If you don't interfere with each other...

"Fang Ce, this emperor knows your abilities. However, you should also know what this emperor can do. Even if this emperor loses to you, it doesn't mean that he will be afraid of all of you. If you fight each other, you may not be able to occupy How cheap."

The evil emperor looked at Fang Ce calmly. Although he was no match for those big monsters, but at his speed, except for Fang Ce, almost no one could beat him!And Fang Ce can't always prevent him from getting too involved!
"Hmm... I appreciate your rebellious appearance very much. Anyway, if you really want to ask for peace, I may not be unhappy. I don't know what Master Hua Snake thinks?"

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Hua Snake. In fact, in the current situation, if the two sides can really truce and not interfere, he would not bother to bother.After all, being in a tense state of preparation for battle has been a burden to everyone.

"Hmph, the deity will give you a chance. As long as you stay safe and don't cause trouble, the Kingdom of God will not care about you. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Hua Snake snorted coldly, and she naturally knew the current situation, and it would be of no benefit to both sides to continue to consume.And if Shenguo and Taigan recover from recuperation, their advantage will definitely be much higher than that of Liguo!Since there is nothing they can do now, there is nothing wrong with being able to completely stop the war and recuperate.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hua Snake, we can still understand the situation here."

The evil emperor cupped his fists respectfully at Hua Snake, and then left.


Come to the meeting hall.

"How? What do you guys think about Li Guo's request for peace?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Judging from the current situation, it should not be a fake. But, we can't relax our vigilance too much."

King Fu Zun responded.

"Indeed, however, the Li Council decisively made such a decision, and there must be quite a follow-up plan. After all, there is no reason for the ancient gods to not know what impact this decision will bring in the future."

Fang Ce is thoughtful, the only variable now is that he doesn't know if the ancient gods of the Great Wilderness will have any backup.

"Huh, what do you think about so much. Go all out to develop, and when the national strength recovers, you can directly wipe out the Li country."

The evil ape snorted disdainfully.

Hua Snake, however, glanced at Evil Ape with disdain, and then said again: "Let's talk about how we plan to deploy first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"If the sincerity of Li State's truce is confirmed, I am ready to devote myself to the reconstruction of Taigan. However, Li State has to defend after all, and Hukou Pass still needs to have enough combat power to guard. Taigan can let Kuanglei Daoist Master and Commander Yang led the Huanggu Battle Formation to stay here. I don’t know how the Kingdom of God is going to arrange it? After all, the Kingdom of God now has Lord Hua Snake, Lord Xie Yuan, and Lord Jiuying, and you three are sitting in command.”

King Fu Zun spoke.

"Xie Yuan, your defensive ability is unmatched, so how about you guarding the Hukou Pass? I have to go back to Kowloon City to take care of the development and planning of the Kingdom of God. There are many trivial things. Or, are you interested in this?" ?”

The snake turned to look at the evil ape.

"No, the deity is here to guard the Hukou Pass. I'm not interested in those trivial matters."

Xie Yuan quickly waved his hand.


Hua Snake looked like she knew it all, and looked at Liang Xue again: "Jiu Ying, what do you think?"


Liang Xue frowned suddenly.

"How about this, Mr. Jiuying will go to the south to guard the city of Luocheng, so as not to attack the Li Kingdom. In this way, the three gods will guard one side separately, and there will be no conflicts."

Fang Ce opened his mouth.


Liang Xue nodded immediately, and couldn't help but cast a glance at Xin Yu.In fact, she also wanted to go back to Kowloon City, but with her current status, it was obviously not suitable to go back to Kowloon City, because there was no reason for her to stay there with her current status...

"Okay, let's do it then."

Turn into a snake and lightly touch the head of the gnat.

After everything was properly arranged, everyone stayed at Hukou Pass for another three months, just in case, until it was completely confirmed that Molong and the others really planned to cease fighting and seek peace, and then they left Hukou Pass.

When Fang Ce returned to Kowloon City, he went directly to closed door training.Because the opponent is the ancient god of the Great Desolation, he can't take it lightly. He really thinks that all problems can be solved when Taiqian interferes with the power of the kingdom of God.He must have more hole cards!Only in this way can we be sure of winning!

And Hua Snake, Xin Yu, Diao Wang, Wu Rui Beast, and Jiao Long are all working hard to improve themselves and develop their national strength.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

inside the yard.

Fang Ce slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand to look, his eyes were calm and easy-going, everything was calm and calm.After ten years of epiphany, he has stepped into a higher artistic conception and reached another level of sword intent...

(End of this chapter)

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