Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 332 Feng Shui battle, the beginning of a new era!

Chapter 332 Feng Shui battle, the beginning of a new era!
"Without self and ruthlessness, the sword of heaven and earth..."

Fang Ce's sword fingers slowly condensed, and his figure gradually began to dissipate!Between the heaven and the earth, there is a ruthless coldness gradually lingering!
But this time!
A mysterious aura suddenly spread!

"Huh? This is?"

Fang Ce was stunned, and his figure returned to normal in an instant, but at this moment, he sensed a subtle connection between his body and the surrounding environment, which made his strength inexplicably increased!According to his estimation, it is about 400 years of improvement in strength!This is not a pure improvement in cultivation, but an improvement in strength, physique, and speed, which is equivalent to improving the cultivation base for 400 years!

Surprised in his heart, he quickly flew out of the courtyard and headed for the source of the mysterious aura!While this may not seem like a bad thing, it's worth clarifying.

At this moment, not only Fang Ce, it can be said that the entire Kowloon City was affected by this mysterious aura!For a time, there was commotion everywhere, surprise and surprise!
Fang Ce soon came to the source of the vision, which was located in the Dilong Sculpture Square in the middle of Kowloon City!
The emperor dragon sculpture, which is tens of feet high, is majestic and majestic, but now the emperor dragon sculpture is engraved with mysterious runes in an orderly manner, and its eyes are inlaid with a red and a basket of two huge gems!

And that mysterious aura comes from the Emperor Dragon sculpture, it seems to start with the Emperor Dragon sculpture, and it has a special resonance with the whole city!
At this time, in front of the sculpture of Emperor Dragon, there was a fairy standing looking up, surrounded by famous soldiers guarding it.


Fang Ce flew down quickly, guessing in his heart that this vision might be caused by Xin Yu!

"Fang Ce? Are you out of customs? It seems that your strength has improved a lot?"

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce in doubt, and felt that Fang Ce's aura was too detached, as if he was not human, which made her feel a little confused.

"I have seen the fairy, but I haven't seen it for many years, and the fairy is even more fairy-like, which is admirable."

Fang's strategy was fine-tuned, he restrained his breath, smiled and saluted.He suddenly found that his mood seemed to be a bit out of tune with the world, so he adjusted it.

"Hmm... still glib."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly, as if Fang Ce was a naughty child.

"Fairy, what is going on here? You made this vision?"

Fang Ce looked at the Dilong sculpture in doubt.

"Yes. Over the years, I have been studying how to restore the power of the earth's veins as soon as possible, but I accidentally discovered this feng shui formation."

Xin Yu also looked at the Dilong sculpture calmly.

"Feng Shui formation? What is this? Formation?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"It should be regarded as a formation method, but the power of feng shui that was originally scattered in an orderly manner, so that people living in this side of the water and soil can better borrow the power of local feng shui, so as to exert a stronger power. the power of."

Xin Yu responded calmly.

"The power of Feng Shui is running in an orderly manner?"

Fang Ce mused, this seemingly understatement of the principle, but it means a leap in understanding of today's Feng Shui theory, and to put it into practice, it is obviously far from as simple as Xin Yu said!
A breath came quickly.

What I saw was the good and evil Taoist, Diao Wang, Jiaolong, Banjiao and other guys.In addition, there is also a snake that appears as Shui Ling'er.Obviously they were all shocked.

"What the hell happened?"

The snake came frowning, with a look of surprise on his face.Then his eyes fell on Fang Ce: "You guys are out of customs?"

"Ah, it's Ling'er. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much. And Master, Your Majesty the Queen."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists at everyone.

"What happened?"

Taoist Good and Evil looked at the Dilong sculpture with an inquiring look on his face.

"Oh, this is the feng shui formation developed by the fairy. It should be used to better protect the people, right?"

Fang policy responded.

"Huh? Did you make it?"

Hua Snake looked at Xin Yu in surprise.

"Well, there are occasional epiphanies. As long as the creatures who were originally in this feng shui formation can get a considerable increase in power, and outsiders, because they have not been accommodated by the feng shui formation, their power will be suppressed equally. At least they need to go through It takes about half a month for outsiders to be compatible with the feng shui formation. Therefore, the people in the city will indeed be able to get better shelter in the future."

Xin Yu responded.


Fang Ce was shocked. According to the meaning of Xin Yu's words, it means that as long as there is such a feng shui formation, foreign enemies will be the first to open up the gap of almost 800 years of cultivation!This is a very extraordinary thing!Because this means that in the battle, this Kowloon City is already invincible!
Although the 800-year difference in cultivation level is not particularly big for an existence like him who has nearly ten thousand years of Taoism.But for the existence of a layer of Heavenly Tribulation, it is already a crushing advantage.And for the existence that has not yet crossed the catastrophe, this is an even more devastating gap!After all, those who have not crossed the catastrophe will not be able to do it for at most 1000 years!Now that the gap of 800 years of cultivation has been opened, is it okay?

And in the battle, more than [-]% of the troops are unsurpassed catastrophe!This almost directly abolished the combat capability!Even the most powerful desolate ancient battle formation at present will inevitably suffer a terrifying impact!It can be said that the emergence of Xin Yu's feng shui formation is definitely the beginning of a new era!
At this moment, Diao Wang and the Taoists of Good and Evil couldn't help showing expressions of shock and disbelief, obviously they also understood the key point of this!
"You...follow me."

Hua Snake's complexion changed and he gave Xin Yu a look, then turned and left.

Xin Yu didn't say much, and followed lightly.

"Master, everyone."

Fang Ce clasped his fists to Taoist Good and Evil and Diao Wang, and also followed the two women. Naturally, he knew that Hua Snake wanted to ask Xin Yu about the feng shui formation in private, after all, this matter was no small matter.


Taoist Good and Evil nodded slightly, and didn't say much. He had some vague guesses about Shui Ling'er's identity.And now that he is worshiped as a national teacher by the Kingdom of God, Shui Ling'er also treats him quite face-saving.

Jiaolong and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Now in their eyes, this Shui Linger was no different from the master of Kowloon City, and they didn't dare to provoke him at all. After all, Fang Ce was standing behind Shui Linger. a bit?
Following the pace of snake transformation, Fang Ce and Xin Yu gradually walked out of Kowloon City, and then came to the temple of snake transformation in Nine Dragon Mountain.

"Master Transformation Snake."

The two women Shang Wu and Shang Le guarding the temple immediately saluted respectfully.

Transforming the snake into its original shape, she went straight to the jade bed and sat down, looking at Xin Yu gently: "Explain this Fengshui formation clearly to the deity, what are the restrictions, and how is it arranged? Except for Kowloon City, other Can the place also be arranged? For example, this Nine Dragon Mountain?"

"Yes, respectable snake-lord."

Xin Yu gave a respectful salute, and then said: "The Feng Shui formation is arranged according to the Feng Shui terrain, and the restrictions are naturally related to the terrain. What does Feng Shui mean as we often say? In essence, it contains the five basic elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth." Where the elements are suitable for living.

As long as the five basic survival elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth meet the standards, you can use them to arrange Feng Shui formations.And the better the geomantic omen, the better the geomantic omen that can be arranged.As for the layout method, it involves a wide range of knowledge, such as climate, terrain, and astronomical phenomena, which require a fairly basic knowledge of Feng Shui, and it is not easy to master.Xin Yu couldn't make it clear for a while.

Apart from Kowloon City, Fengshui formations can naturally be arranged in other places. After all, the place we choose to live is determined by the fengshui and the survival elements.It's just that the terrain has strengths and weaknesses.

As for Nine Dragons Mountain, it is also possible to arrange a feng shui formation, but compared to Nine Dragon City, the feng shui formation arranged is one level lower.According to the feng shui terrain that Xin Yu has mastered and divided, the Jiulong Mountain belongs to the eighth-class terrain, and the Jiulong City belongs to the seventh-class terrain. "

"Eighth rank? Seventh rank? How many ranks does this geomantic terrain have?"

The snake was surprised.

"There are ten grades in total, the highest one and the lowest ten."

"Hmm... So, the geomantic terrain of Nine Dragon City and Nine Dragon Mountain is almost at the bottom?"

The snake frowned.

"It shouldn't be. Judging from my feng shui knowledge, Kowloon City's feng shui terrain should be regarded as top-notch, and it's not as good as Taiqian's capital. If Kowloon City is only ranked seventh, then isn't Taigan's capital only ranked sixth?" Wait?"

Fang Ce looked surprised. To be able to be positioned as the capital of the capital by Taigan, Fengshui must be the most superior place in the entire territory of Taigan. Even if it is not the top, it will not be much worse.And Kowloon City, as an important place, naturally has excellent Fengshui, so it's only ranked seventh?

"Master Hua Snake, that's not what you said. What the Envoy of God said is also true. Because from a conventional point of view, the geomantic omen of Kowloon City is already very good. The capital is naturally top-notch."

Xin Yu shook her head lightly.

"Oh? If that's the case, then why is Kowloon City only ranked seventh? Is there anything special about higher-level geomantic omens?"

The snake was even more surprised.

Fang Ce was also puzzled.

"From a conventional point of view, the highest geomantic terrain that exists naturally now can only reach the sixth grade. No matter how advanced the geomantic geomantic terrain is, it needs special techniques. The conditions are quite harsh, much more difficult than ordinary Feng Shui changes."

Xin Yu responded.

"Changing Fengshui... so how harsh is the higher-level Fengshui layout? What are the conditions? Can it be changed now?"

Hua Snake was puzzled. She didn't dabble in Feng Shui much, so she only knew a little about it.

"Well... Let's take the Feng Shui layout of the fifth-class terrain as an example. This requires the collection of the five-element attribute auspicious animal-level blood essence, a large amount of white jade, cloud silk wood or emerald, sapphire or black jade, ruby, and topaz. Or precious things such as Juntu, a city of the size of Kowloon City, white jade alone requires two parts of more than 40 catties, and it is a whole piece of 40 catties of white jade, which is not scattered. This level of jade is also Is it easy to find it?"

"Hiss...a whole 40-jin piece of precious jade!?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but gasped, not to mention a whole piece of 40-jin precious jade, even a whole piece of 40-jin ordinary jade with impurities would be hard to find!I don't know if there is any!After all, precious jade and jade are naturally formed, unlike glass, which can be fired.

"A whole 40-jin piece of precious jade?"

Hua Snake also had a look of astonishment. She naturally had a good understanding of these rare objects, and she was very clear about what this meant. She had lived for so long, and it seemed that she had never seen many pieces of precious jade of this size. Extremely rare!
"Well, for this level of precious jade, I'm afraid it's too dry to find a few pieces. And when it is mined, it will inevitably be damaged for various reasons."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"40 catties of precious jade... blood essence of the auspicious beast level... is it just the blood essence of those five auspicious beasts?"

The snake has a thoughtful look on its face.

"Yes, Master Snake."

"Then do you think it is possible to arrange a fifth-class Fengshui terrain?"

"This possibility is still there."

"Okay... what about the more advanced Feng Shui terrain?"

"Fourth-class Fengshui terrain requires the blood essence of the big monster level. At present, this condition cannot be achieved. Because the existing big monsters cannot gather the attributes of the five elements. And the treasure materials that need to be used are even more demanding. A whole block of 40 jin of various kinds of jadeite. It is still unknown whether there is such a level of jadeite.”

Xin Yu responded.

"Oh? It means that the essence and blood of the deity can be used to arrange the fourth-class Fengshui terrain?"

"No, Master Hua Snake's essence and blood can be used to arrange third-class Feng Shui terrain."

"Huh? Why?"

The snake was taken aback.

"Because Master Hua Snake is the ultimate water spirit, he is actually different from the great demon."

"Hehehe, it means that this deity is higher than those guys like Demon Dragon?"

The snake couldn't help laughing happily.

"Well... you can also say that."

Xin Yu pondered and responded.

"That's good, that's... what about the higher, second-class Feng Shui terrain?"

"Second-class feng shui terrain requires the blood of holy beasts. For example, the beasts of the Nine Palaces are among the holy beasts."

"Holy beast level... Nine Palace Divine Beast? Hiss... I remember that there is some Nine Divine Artifact in the hands of human beings, right? What is the connection between this Nine Divine Artifact and Nine Palace Divine Beast?"

The snake frowned.


Xin Yu couldn't help hesitating.


Turning into a snake and raising her eyebrows, she instantly saw that Xin Yu didn't want to say anything!

"Master Huihua Snake... This Nine Divine Artifact is forged from the blood essence of the Nine Palaces Divine Beast and a ray of Soul Yuan, using first-class natural materials and earthly treasures. It itself...it can be directly used to arrange second-class Fengshui formations. Only However...there are only two pieces of the Nine Divine Artifacts left, and the remaining seven pieces were damaged when dealing with the Great Desolation Ancient God, and their whereabouts are unknown..."

Xin Yu hesitated to respond. She had seen the Qinglong Sword and Xunfengqin used by Master Tianji and Lin Yuhun before, and with the ability of true knowledge, she naturally discerned the essence of the Nine Divine Artifacts.In fact, she didn't want to mention this to the snake. The problem is that she has promised to be loyal to the snake. As long as the snake doesn't violate the agreement, she can't violate her heart.

"Oh? The Nine Artifacts can directly arrange a second-class Fengshui formation?"

The snake's eyes flickered suddenly.

Fang Ce was also taken aback, he didn't expect the Nine Artifacts to have such an effect!In terms of his current strength, the power of the Nine Artifacts is actually not enough.Even big monsters like snakes don't take it seriously!But now when it comes to the second-class feng shui formation, it is quite different!

"Okay... not bad... then what is the first-class Fengshui array? The second-class is already at the level of the Jiugong beast. Is this first-class better than the Jiugong beast?"

"The first-class feng shui formation is naturally the blood essence that exists above the beasts of the nine palaces. At present, the only ones I know are the candle dragon, the sun candle light, and the shadowy shadow. As for whether I can achieve the first-class feng shui formation, I am not sure yet. The first-class Feng Shui formation can only be said to exist in theory at present."

Xin Yu responded.

"Understood, in other words, the second-class feng shui formation composed of nine artifacts is currently the strongest?"

There is already a strange color in the snake's eyes.

"This...you can put it this way..."

Xin Yu nodded lightly.

"Very good! This deity wants to get these nine artifacts!"

The serpent's light gaze fell on Fang Ce.

(End of this chapter)

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