Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 333 Unintentional world, but already king

Chapter 333 Unintentional world, but already king

"Huh? Master Hua Snake, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"What are you doing? This deity wants you to get me back the Nine Artifacts, why are you pretending to be stupid!"

The snake immediately stared beautifully.

"This...Master Hua Snake, this is a bit against the rules..."

"What's wrong with the rules? I didn't ask you to grab it. With your current status, is it difficult to get back the Nine Divine Artifacts? Don't you have a share in the benefits of bringing back the Nine Divine Artifacts!"

Hua Snake's beautiful eyes widened, as if she wanted to eat people, and now with her relationship with Fang Ce, if the Nine Artifacts were brought back, wouldn't they be shared by both parties?It was as if she was the only one taking advantage!It made her very angry.

"Master Hua Snake, this thing is really hard to say. Besides, seven pieces of the Nine Divine Artifacts have been damaged, and the remaining two pieces, even if I can really get them back, it won't be of much use, right?"

Fang Ce spread his hands helplessly.

"I'll take care of you, get it back first and then talk about it. Find a solution for the remaining seven items."

Snake is not happy, since I know that these nine artifacts are very useful, no matter what, I must get them back, maybe I won’t need them now, who knows what will happen in the future?Moreover, it will not be a loss to collect it.

"Well... do your best..."

"What the hell! I want you to..."

"Master Hua Snake, I think that the most important thing is to promote this feng shui formation. Think about it, if all cities have feng shui formations, especially the border towns, then you can live forever without worry."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists. This little lady really hasn't changed at all, and she wants to take advantage of everything.

"Indeed, Xin Yu is also planning to let Shenguo and Taigan spread out the Fengshui formation. This is a guarantee and a great benefit for both Lord Huashe and the common people."

Xin Yu bowed her body and clasped her fists. Although she was aware of the power of the Nine Divine Artifacts, she knew that the ordinary feng shui formation was the most practical for the world.

"No! I don't allow you to spread this feng shui formation!"

The snake immediately refused.


Xin Yu was taken aback for a moment.

Fang Ce also has a headache, is this little lady going to monopolize her?
"This kind of sharp weapon, naturally, the fewer people can master it, the better. Only our Kingdom of God can have it."

The Snake spoke softly.

"But...Taigan has a feng shui formation to defend it, which is also beneficial to the Kingdom of God. After all, the Kingdom of God and Taigan are closely related now, and now Taigan has many believers for the three gods, Mr. Hua Snake. Could it be Isn't Master Hua Snake planning to respond to these believers?"

Xin Yu looked hesitant.

"Hmm...I'll think about this later, you're going to toss about the Nine Divine Artifacts for me first."

The snake pondered and responded.

"Nine Artifacts...Master Huihua Snake, this second-class feng shui terrain cannot be arranged with Xin Yu's current strength, because it needs at least 5000 years of Taoism to set the situation. Therefore, it is true now. After finding all the nine artifacts, Xin Yu is of no avail."

Xin Yu clasped her fists and said.

Fang Ce was not in a good mood, how could he fail to see what this little girl was thinking, because he was afraid that he and Xin Yu would not put the matter of collecting the Nine Artifacts first, and use this to intimidate them...

"If you can't do it, then let the deity come. You just need to tell the deity how to arrange this feng shui formation."

The snake's eyes squinted lightly.

"This...Master Hua Snake wants to master it, Xin Yu can tell it, but you may not be able to master it, Mr. Hua Snake. Because this Feng Shui set is not simple, not only you need to master a lot of Feng Shui knowledge, but you also need to master it yourself. You need to cultivate enough power. For this second-class feng shui formation, at least you have to master the momentum that keeps pace with the Nine Sages. Or, it is an aura that can be recognized by the Nine Sages..."

Xin Yu hesitated to respond.

"You mean the deity can't do it?"

The snake immediately raised an eyebrow in displeasure.

"This...Xin Yu dare not say Master Hua Snake can't do it, I can only say it's not that easy..."

Xin Yu bowed his head in response.

Hearing the words, Hua Snake became even more uncertain, but then glanced at Fang Ce: "What about this guy? Can he do it? Wasn't he the Feng Shui apprentice who followed you before? Feng Shui , should have reached the standard, right?"


Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the little lady to turn her mind on him again, and suddenly felt a headache.

"Fang Ce...he...should be very likely, but Xin Yu is not sure."

Xin Yu glanced at Fang Ce.

"Okay, since it is very possible, then this guy must be fine. You can teach this guy the skills of Feng Shui formation. When the time comes, let this guy do the tossing."

Hua Snake glanced sideways at Fang Ce. Now, in her view, Fang Ce is a complete monster. Since Xin Yu said that it is possible, it is basically impossible to escape.And Xin Yu's evaluation of her before, although the words were tactful, she could still perceive that it implied that there were many more possibilities that she could not do it.

"Snake beauty, you don't want me to be idle for a day? How about this, you want the Nine Artifacts, right? I will satisfy you. But it will take time to master this feng shui formation. How about setting up the Nine Divine Artifacts by the way?"

Fang Ce responded angrily.

"Well... that's fine, then let Xiaoyu deploy Fengshui formations for various places in the Kingdom of God first, and you follow along to learn. As for being too dry, we will talk about it later. By the way, there are fifth-class Fengshui formations. Didn't Xiaoyu mean the five auspicious beasts?" Can it be done? Let’s start deploying it by the way, anyway, the Nine Artifacts aren’t that fast.”

The snake pondered and responded.


Fang Ce nodded helplessly.

"Have you made a breakthrough in your strength after you came out of retreat this time?"

Hua Snake spoke again, now he was curious about what level Fang Ce had reached now.

"Breakthrough... that's not the case, anyway, it's still stuck in the second layer of Heavenly Tribulation, and you won't get anywhere if you break through."

Fang Ce shrugged.

Hua Snake curled his lips, naturally he didn't believe Fang Ce's nonsense, since he had made a breakthrough, his strength must have improved a lot, and it must be far superior to before.

"Master Hua Snake, has anyone survived the third heavenly tribulation?"

Fang Ce spoke again. Over the years, he had tried the contact of the third level of heavenly tribulation, but he was still unable to reach it. It seemed that he was restricted by some kind of restriction. No matter how he eats the spiritual fruit or cultivates, he is only close to the ten-thousand-year Taoism, and cannot reach it at all. Wannian Dao Xing!

"I don't know, I haven't been able to touch it. It seems to be bound by the rules of this world. Perhaps, you have to step into the so-called higher plane to touch this level?"

The snake frowned lightly.

"All right……"

Fang Ce nodded.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, let's go for a walk in the city with me. Xiaoyu, you can also start the arrangement of the Fengshui formation, and remember to let this guy master your Fengshui formation arrangement as soon as possible. If he doesn't study hard, the deity Only you are asking."

Turning into a snake, he stood up, turned into a human form, and walked out with his jade hands behind his back.

"It's... Master Hua Snake..."

Xin Yu saluted respectfully.

Fang Ce was even annoyed, this little lady was full of bad things, she knew she had nothing to do with her now, so she used Xin Yu to make things difficult for him...

After accompanying the snake for a day.

in the palace.

"Fang Ce, you are finally out."

Diao Wang looked at Fang Ce with a look of admiration.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. I wonder how the state of the Kingdom of God is now?"

Fang Ce smiled and saluted.

"Everything is recovering steadily, the population has recovered a lot, and the military strength has also recovered a lot. Among them, the population of Lunarians has increased by nearly half, and the number of Lunarian warriors who have cultivated for 300 years has recovered to a thousand."

Diao Wang responded.

"Well... not bad..."

Fang Ce nodded. In ten years, this progress is indeed quite good, because after the repeated losses in those years, there are only about 300 moon warriors with [-] years of cultivation left!It took ten years to recover to the level of one thousand, which is quite fast!

In addition, in the past ten years, although he has been retreating and enlightening, the spiritual fruit rewards of Fengshui painting scrolls have continued to flow, which seems to be because of the connection between the Kingdom of God and him.He has now accumulated a terrifying amount of spiritual fruit, enough to directly cultivate a thousand-year-old ancient battle formation!In this regard, he has no intention of using up these spirit fruits for the time being, and keeps them just in case.

"Today's meeting, what is Master Hua Snake's intention?"

Diao Wang asked again.

"Yes, Master Hua Snake wants to rebuild the city. It needs a lot of materials, and the Kingdom of God alone may not be able to get them, so I am going to ask Your Majesty the Queen to negotiate with Taiqian."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Oh? Rebuild the city? What materials do you want, and you need to negotiate with Taigan?"

Diao Wang was even more surprised. As for the reason for rebuilding the city, she didn't ask any more questions.Anyway, she can only follow Master Hua Snake's will.

Fang Ce looked at Xin Yu.

"Your Majesty, here is the list of materials."

Xin Yu gently handed out an envelope.

Diao Wang nodded and took it, opened it and looked at it, and then his beautiful eyes widened: "Hiss!! Two parts of a 40-jin piece of white jade!? Two pieces of Baizhang cloud silk wood or a 40-jin piece of emerald !? And 40 catties of whole red jade...these...these...what are you going to do!? Can you really get them?"

She already had a look of shock and astonishment on her face, these materials are simply exaggerated to the point of outrageous!If you can find one or two of them, that would be great!
"Haha, no, it's just rebuilding the city. You can just be Master Hua Snake and prepare to be a luxurious and depraved god."

Fang Ce smiled.

Hearing the words, the Snake Transformation stared at Fang Ce with beautiful eyes.

"Uh...this...since Master Hua Snake needs it, Xiao Diao will do it..."

Diao Wang nodded in astonishment. Naturally, she did not dare to respond casually to Fang Ce's statement. After all, Fang Ce can tease Mr. Hua Snake, but it doesn't mean she can...

"Well, and next, I will follow the fairy to arrange Fengshui formations in various towns in the Kingdom of God. For the sake of convenience, I hope Her Majesty the Queen will give the fairy a pass and a special position."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Oh, yes, a small matter."

Diao Wang lightly tapped his head.

Afterwards, Fang Ce and Xin Yu left the palace after reminiscing with Diao Wang for a few moments.And the snake also left, wandering around.

Soon after, we came to the west gate of Kowloon City.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu walked out slowly.

"Hey, this demon girl is really tormenting people, and she wants me to be a little apprentice again."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly. At this time, he had changed into a Taoist robe of a feng shui apprentice and followed Xin Yu.Because Xin Yu went to various places in the Kingdom of God to set up Fengshui formations, and he had to learn from the sidelines, it was not good to make a big splash and be too ostentatious.

"Toss? Now you are the uncrowned king, and the whole world is yours. Isn't this also for yourself?"

Xin Yu smiled slightly, now the three gods of Hua Snake, Jiuying, and Evil Ape are all under Fang Ce's control, and with Fang Ce's own capabilities, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the only supreme existence in this world.The relationship between Snake Transformation and Fang Ce is ambiguous. Although she doesn't know what happened, she can see that Snake Transformation has absolute dependence and love on Fang Ce!And Jiuying Liangxue, let alone.As for the evil ape, Fang Ce was obviously in awe...

It can be said that as long as Fang Ce thinks about it now, he can really do whatever he wants...

"Uh... this... Fairy was joking. There is no such thing as an uncrowned king. I just want to get away with it. It's just that I have a lot of debts and I can't get rid of it. I just work hard. What kind of king is it?"

Fang Ce smiled helplessly.

"Perhaps... Anyway, even though you have no intention of going to the world, you are already king."

Xin Yu smiled again, she felt more at ease in the current situation, after all, the whole world is in the hands of an absolute existence with no ambitions, which is better than anything else.At least you don't have to worry about chaos.

"Well, maybe..."

Fang Ce sighed lightly, he naturally understood Xin Yu's meaning.

The two walked away for a while.

"Junior Brother! Fairy!"

A delicate shout sounded from behind.

Fang Ce and Xin Yu looked back, only to see Sun Taimei flying over quickly.

"Sister Sun? What's the matter?"

Fang Ce suddenly looked weird, and had some bad premonitions.

"Hey, Master asked me to come out with you to practice and study hard."

Sun Taimei had a smug look on her face.


Fang Ce suddenly had a headache. Sure enough, as he expected, this little demon girl came to cause trouble...

"What! Brother, what do you mean? Are you going to reject Master's request?"

Sun Taimei embraced her immediately.

"No, just don't cause trouble for me."

Fang Ce shook his head angrily.

"Hmph, you're the one causing trouble. Sister Fairy, if you need anything, just tell me."

Taimei Sun snorted softly, but warmly approached Xin Yu and hugged her arm affectionately.

"Miss Sun is too polite."

Xin Yu smiled.

"Sister Fairy, where are we going now?"

"Heliang City."


Taimei Sun opened her mouth.

Heliang City is about [-] kilometers away from Kowloon City, and with three cultivation bases, it won't take long for them to arrive.

However, the three of them were not in a hurry to enter the city, but led by Xin Yu to the nearby forest.

"Huh? Sister Fairy, aren't we going to Heliang City?"

Taimei Sun was puzzled.

"Yes, but first look at the surrounding Fengshui terrain."

Xin Yu responded lightly.


Taimei Sun nodded.

The three of them came to the forest in the north first.

Walking all the way on the mountain range, I saw a lot of jungles all over the place. When I came to the side of the mountain, Xin Yu calmly looked at Heliang City not far away.

"How? The geomantic omen of Heliang City is good, right? The mountain range should be above the silver, and the lush jungle resists the cold air from the north, so the climate seems to be suitable. It's not much worse than Kowloon City, maybe it can reach the seventh class?"

Fang Ce pondered and asked, he also mastered a lot of Fengshui knowledge back then, and he made up for it yesterday. Although Xin Yu hadn't started teaching him the layout of Fengshui formations, he didn't know how to do it before class. Will be sloppy.

(End of this chapter)

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